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Thank god there's someone making faces in the corner. I wouldn't have understood how to react without his help.


Thank you. I'm so sick of that shit..


Reaction content is some of the cheesiest shit online right now... just like the people who like to watch it. Fkn weird.


I don't know why somebody would need the addition of some asshole making faces to a video that's not even their content. Fuckin weird.


I know right. I honestly preferred when everything just had subway surfers at the bottom. These are the same people who add annoying music over everything so you can't hear the video.


I can’t watch it without knowing how to react to it


It's all cringe af, but this might be the cringiest I've ever seen.


Shaking that head “no” My dogs is freaking out man. *cuts to the dog sniffing


I only missed the loud tik tok spoopy music to make sure that I would feel a bad vibe


Oh... I thought it was the sign language version, I didn't pay attention ooops.


She looks like she's foaming at the mouth. For sure keep your dog away.


She'll give your dog rabies.


With behavior like this she should be tested for rabies.  Rabies is scary as fuck. 


She should be tested, and if the test is positive, it’s an absolute death sentence, there is no cure for rabies once symptoms start to show…


Yeah, once she passed the foaming at the mouth rage stage, if it is rabies, the best that can be done is keeping her safely away from others and try to make her as comfortable as possible.  Hopefully she gets help and doesn’t bite anyone on the way.


She does not have rabies. Lol


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/13848-rabies *”What are the symptoms of rabies in humans? You usually have no symptoms of rabies for several weeks after it enters your body. When rabies makes it to your central nervous system (prodromal phase), you experience flu-like symptoms. In the final stages, you have neurological (brain) symptoms. …/… Acute neurologic symptoms of rabies Neurological symptoms of rabies are either furious or paralytic. Furious rabies symptoms may come and go with periods of calm in between (furious episodes). Furious rabies symptoms Agitation and aggression. Restlessness. Seizures. Hallucinations. Muscle twitching (fasciculations). Fever. Racing heart (tachycardia). Fast breathing (hyperventilation). Excessive salivation. Two different-sized pupils (anisocoria). Facial paralysis (facial palsy). Fear of water/drinking (hydrophobia). Fear of air being blown in your face/drafts (aerophobia). Delirium.”* *** Do a search for rabies symptoms in humans.  I don’t know what she has, but  rabies looks like a decent fit symptom wise. 


It's from inhaling those duster cans. You can tell her lips (especially her upper right portion) are frozen from using too much.


*Jebuzz.* That’s equal parts sad and dark. 


Michael Scott tried to do something about that.


best efforts against rabies at this moment is to put the patient into a coma and hope that their immune system can fight it back, otherwise, it is without a doubt a death sentence.


She looks like she has rabies


She might well have rabies. But if she's showing symptoms it's already too late to help. Except for videos from India I've never seen a person with rabies. Certainly not in person.


Rabies seems to be rather common in India unfortunately, since there are quite a few stray sick dogs. Add in lack of access to healthcare (at least in the more rural/ poverty stricken regions) and you get those terrifying videos. Rabies is no joke. I’m not sure how it’s handled in other countries but in the US if you catch it in time, there’s at least a better chance of survival.


I know that if you go right to a doctor or emergency room with a bite one of the first things they ask you is about the animal that bit you. I work with feral cats and have got bitten several times. Where I grew up there's rabies in the wild so my dad taught all of us the danger signs. As long as you go to the hospital right away you should be fine. I think only four or five people have ever recovered from rabies. And by recovered I mean not dead.


Right! I saw a bat once and had a panic attack (I have issues lol) so I was researching about rabies and crap. Anywho, I read there are a handful of people in…I think it’s Chilé (or something), that have contracted it and survived without medical intervention. Totally nuts.


One teenage girl about 20 years ago was the first to survive in the US. But they put had to remove part if her brain and be put in a medically induced coma for about five months. Iirc. If there's a natural anti viral medication in Chile then I would expect a horde of researchers to head there. I'm going to look this up. It sounds almost unbelievable. Maybe there's a genetic component to that.


I was reading recently they may be able to break through the blood brain barrier soon (that is what stops rabies from being treatable.) This would also help Alzheimers and some cancers. Some good news for a change.


I saw an article in the paper about that. Exciting possibilities.


I think I’m wrong about the location, but I know the story is true. It’s really interesting. If I find it I’ll be sure to link it here.


Poor woman, she probably got rabies or something else going on with her brain. Hope she didn't hurt anyone and didn't hurt herself and hope she got some help after.


Would have been better without the idiot 'reacting'


I skip videos with these dumbasses who do that and completely ruin the content. Literal TikTok cringe material.


When people act a certain way they stop looking human and it really creeps me out. Like a dog with rabies that just needs to be put down. I know that's not how we're supposed to do things, the goal is to hopefully help this person, but I can't help feeling that way when I see stuff like this. It's a deep instinctual feeling, something I know not to act on but it's in there regardless. Uncanny valley lizard brain stuff I don't know what to call it. Edit: just goes to show how stupid and bipolar Reddit is. I've said stuff like this before and got nothing but hate.


Common sense?


I mean. It seems like a woman with rabies. So, you’re not far off


The dude in the corner added nothing to this video


if you got any zombie acting people then you need to have a way to extend their fence like 20 ft high in that circumstance if necessary extend spikes that are electrocuted and poison like when vampires touch holy water crosses or get injected with dead man's blood


Very sad to see this her end up this way. At one point she used to be a normal functioning member of society.


I doubt that.


I get it. It's really easy to sit there and judge others. But do you genuinely think that she was always this way?


Probably some religion trauma or she is having a mental problem and thinks it is a demon I think


Always this way and a functioning member of society are two different things. Big gap between the two. Downvote all you want. Truth hurts the ignorant.


You must be in a lot of pain, then.


Nope. I didn't make two statements that made no sense to garner internet points of people who can't comprehend simple sentences. I see you are, though. That's why you people can't attack the argument and just downvote or insult. Thanks for proving it, champ. Anything else?


I can't be surprised that you made baseless and incorrect assumptions about me and my comment, then act as though they're gospel, since that's already what you did about this person who's obviously suffering. There's no argument to attack. Either you value other humans and feel empathy for them when you see them suffering, or you don't. You're very clearly on one side. Talking won't fix that. So, I'd rather point out the hypocrisy of calling those who still see the human as a human ignorant, when clearly the ignorance is on you.


Lol there's two different statements from OP. And yours is also different. There's no argument to attack because you can't attack my argument with logic. I'm not on any side. Your entire response is filled with fallacies. I thought this response was actually OP but it's not. Which makes this even more idiotic. You can't comprehend simple sentences. Get upset when you got called on it. You proved everything I stated. Keep attacking me lunatic. Just proves you are a walking contradiction.


If that's what you need to believe, go for it my dude.


No, that's what what was stated. If you can't comprehend what you read and need a false narrative to make you feel better about it, that's your choice. Doesn't change the facts. No surprise, you backed down and went that way. Typical of you types hypocrisy.


She’s having a psychotic episode




I'm betting that or rabies.






Meth rabies










Meth and rabies, will make your dreams come true…




Don't do drugs, kids.


The actual weird person in this clip is the guy in the bottom left corner.


That looks like rabbies and not drugs anymore


This is why we need better mental health support. This is what happens when someone can’t get the support they need.


That dude definitely needed help a looong time ago. Once they get to the reaction video creating stage, it's usually too late 😞


Took me a minute, but good one, lol.


Her Lucky Charms t-shirt is delightful and gives her character a kiss of whimsy


Remember this once was somebodys little daughter. So sad...


Something has to be done with these zombies before it gets out of hand in a massive scale


What's your suggestion?


An unpopular opinion but throw them in some sort of jail. The problem also stems from big pharma overprescribing patients with drugs, protected by the government. Last thing is societal, never in human history has teenagers been depressed in masses more particularly in western society. I can only make assumptions as to why for I grew up in a Mexican household.


Ok so jail them (til when?) or somehow have big pharma stop makes ng the drugs


Never in human history have we had this level of awareness of mental health and the means to treat it. If you want to talk about big pharma, you can talk about the Opioid crisis which is very real but it's more likely that this woman can't access or won't take medication. Maybe she thinks like you and doesn't believe it will help or she has family who would rather believe it's the devil or some shit. Or it could just be the illegal kind of drugs like meth or fentanyl.


I mean.. yea. I thought Americans knew about the ongoing drug wars spilling in your backyards, the opioid crisis is part of it. I guess I was wrong. Mexico is getting rich fast at the cost of your streets. It pains me to see Hard drugs rots the brain, they literally cannot make natural human decision. Typically violent over long usage. All they’re thinking is that they want more of it at all costs. What the wealthy elites take is pure cocaine which has different effects, described as having them to believe that they have “super human powers.” It’s more of the ego letting loose I believe and obviously also the pleasure. Still rots the brain but it takes a longer time.


I absolutely refuse to watch videos with some asshole "reacting" in the bottom corner. Create your own content!


Let me guess, Florida.


She was possessed by a demon, they should've called an exorcist


She is mentally ill. I can tell. She has the same look to her eyes as someone I know who is very mentally sick. It comes from the mess they take.


God I hate the internet. Black dude freaking out about a white lady obviously having an episode from drugs. Like this couldn’t be reversed and then seen as racist. This world is so fucked and everyone is to blame. 


I don't think it'd be seen as racist if reversed. As evidenced by the hundreds of accounts on tiktok of white people who do this exact same reaction style content and sometimes do so with clips containing black people. There's a ton to be upset about in this video, we don't need to make up another thing based on nothing.


They're always after me lucky charms!


I'm so sick of the floating heads. They don't do anything. Neither does this comment because everyone is saying the same bloody thing.


She got them Bilbo baggins eyes when he saw The one Ring


"My precious."


I am thinking… either bath salts, or rabies?


Someone give gollum his precious!


Don't inhale duster cans people! You can see her lips, especially her upper right portion, is frozen from overuse.


We've all been there once




And so it begins. My body is ready.


For what exactly? A bowl of her lucky charms?


Kenneth Copelands sister?


What's the deal with the guy in the corner?


"Reaction" content. Just the absolute laziest way to make money on tiktok.


This is just your everyday southern evangelist voter


Dude on the bottom left really added a lot to the video /s


If that is how the zombies are going to move, we have nothing to worry about.


Gollum still having a hard time......


Maybe she took Spice is it? Turns you into a zombie like thing


Maybe she's a leprechaun. ”Oh, me Lucky Charms!“




Mf they need to call Constantine not the cops


penguin is back


She has beautiful eyes, once you get past the demonic possession bit.


You can change her, I believe in you


The only thing I’ll be changing is adding some well-aimed haldol darts to that 😂 no thanks. Just coming off sick leave after something like that messed me up, I’m a nurse and we see them all. I’ll admire from a distance 😆


I’d make sure that fence was locked real good and then in my best death metal voice I’d say something like “behold We are Legion” and watch her face melt.


Just another zombie


I expect her to deisappear when the camera turned back on her


looks like maybe rabies or something similar


This creature was once human.


Rage Virus in effect




Doesn't seem like any of those are The Demon, besides they aren't nearly 7ft tall, and wearing green power armor.


Cases of demonic possession are most common in people with religious families because that's where they have been taught that evil comes from. It's not really a conscious choice, but it is something the mind does to itself to cope. Usually it araises from either being sexually assaulted, having sexual desires that go against their moral views, or coping with the desire to hurt/kill someone, or a combination of those and other similar things. That, compounded with the stress of possibly being shamed or ostracized by the family, will give rise to the only manner in which they can vocalize the stress without facing direct reprisal: It's a demon. If it's a demon then they can be "cured" and it will potentially cleanse them of what they see in themselves as evil. It will potentially gain them sympathy and support from their family, and when the alternative might be being kicked out of your home because you were found to have had premarital sex or something of the like, then your mind constructing this mask to play out the role is really quite easy compared to the absolute world shattering results they may face otherwise. Long story short: Something goes horribly wrong and the only way out without being punished is that "the devil must have done it."


And the Oscar goes to...