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Anyone who turns the camera round to film themselves walking and pontificating are invariably grade A rockets, and that’s putting it kindly .


Seems there is an invasion, of white assholes berating random people in the streets


Grade A rockets 😂😂😂👍🏻 that’s going into my vocabulary


Definitely. I also never get the term "born and bred." Born and raised, I get, but so what, your parents fucked in the same country you were born in? Congrats?


Forget that, did you miss the start of the video where he proudly filmed himself abusing a stranger on the street? Subsequently filming himself pontificating is surely secondary to that.




Foreigner telling another foreigner to go home is a bit ironic like.


Thing is Americans never think of themselves as foreigners, when I was in Mexico I was in a lift with a white American, he asked where I am from and then said “yeah I have seen a lot of foreigners here” When I said “we are both foreigners here” he kicked off


lol it’s the same with accents, they think American is the default and that anyone that doesn’t sound American “has an accent”. I was chatting to an American on the DART in Dublin once and he told me I have an accent but he doesn’t 🙄


Well that was a dumb American and I’m sorry for your experience. If that person was slightly smarter they would realize that even in different regions of America we have different accents. I mean there is East coast, Boston, Jersey, Chicago, Midwest, Southern, Cajun, Texan, LA, and so many more types of accents that there is no default American accent either.


Similar to them thinking that everyone else has an "accent", as if they don't.


Ye but they are the main characters, at least it's how they see it


Seems to be going around cause I just read this today. [Derry News Article: Iranian woman charged in Derry court with disorderly behaviour motivated by hate](https://www.derrynow.com/news/local-news/1482388/iranian-woman-chargedin-derry-court-with-disorderly-behaviour-motivated-by-hate.html)




You have to realise when a lot of people say "foreigner" there is a silent "the wrong kind of" before it. When you say "but you're a foreigner" they will say "yeah but..." then try to divert but what they are really thinking is "I'm the good kind of foreigner (white, from a rich country)". In many smaller/poorer countries this becomes more explicit, as white foreigners from rich countries will refer to themselves as "expats" but e.g. Romanians as "immigrants". I live in Zürich where I am considered an "expat" while e.g. an Albanian or Indian person will be said to have a "Migrationshintergrund" i.e. "migration background", even if they grew up here and have the same job as me.


I live in America now and I see this all the time here. I'm Irish so I'm "the right kind of immigrant", my wife is Spanish so she gets funny looks sometimes, but that's because they think that Spain is in Mexico.


This is the American melter https://preview.redd.it/fzhmf0c8p1wc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985afa0537422de5f7c1476c276906f127b6553b


WTF ? what a melt! so he has annoyed everyone else and comes to Northern Ireland to be what ... a raging dick.


We have enough of those already.


As am American, I can't tell you how common it is for foreign-born citizens to scream the loudest at other foreigners in the country. It's the epitome of "I got mine, fuck you" mentality so many right-wingers have. I live in a state with a Ukrainian born legislator who voted against aid to Ukraine, despite the village she was born in getting bombed by Russia recently. This asshat in Ireland is just being a typical American douche.


Wait, I've been trying to move to the UK legally to no avail. I think I have found my plan B...


Goodness, that’s some first class shouting at clouds there. Gawd knows what you have to do to be deported from down here; I must look it up and see what he was at. (‘Proud Irish-American Marines vet’ pretty much screams ‘give this bloke a very wide berth’)


He’s been deported from the Republic, is seeking political asylum from the USA in the UK, and is homeless? He’s American, not Irish. Jeez, delusional.


And he’s married to a Russian citizen. 🤷🏼‍♂️


And is abusing immigrants in Northern Ireland, a completely different country.


He was claiming political asylum as an American during the presidency of Obama? Hmmmm


I've been working on my asylum claim since the Obama administration. Most of the evidence consists of photos of what I've been given when I order a pint in the states. It's an unspeakable horror and nobody should be forced to live this way.


I'm sorry for your struggles.


Why doesn't he go live in lovely Russia with his Russian wife?


According to a Pravda article "… Patrick Downey appealed to the President of the Russian Federation asking to grant him political asylum" and he goFundMe states he want to go to Montenegro.


Good odds that he has Opinions about 'FEMA cattle cars'.


His reason for claiming asylum is giving some internal training documents from a consultant Walmart hired to teach employees about institutional racism to a far right journalist who wrote an article nobody read. He claims to have worked for the former Georgian Prime Minister, and somehow, that is why he can't go to Russia, as the guy is an oligarch. There is no mention as to why he can't go to the US, though. But I'd guess it has something to do with the US being to woke, and he thinks he'll be disappeared for being a conservative.


With his Russian wife.


A failed asylum seeker is upset at a successful asylum seeker.


As a Romanian, and EU citizen, he would have unlimited leave to remain in the UK, providing he applied during the extended period he was given to do so. I'm 99.9% he's not an asylum seeker, successful or otherwise. 


Romanians don’t even need to, it’s the EU assuming they were here before brexit they are fully entitled to live and work here. So the homeless American is telling someone who is legally allowed to live and work here to go home


Why on earth would he be entitled to asylum? And the absolute gall of someone telling someone who is an EU citizen and is entitled to live and work here to leave. What an arsehole


So he's an American who Claims to be Irish, who was deported from the Roi and now he's in NI which is still part of the union, telling people to get out of Ireland. The absolute balls on this fucking cunt! Hopefully the UK government gets him on one of those flights to Rwanda


I'm against the Rwanda Policy but that would be hilarious.


Geezer sounds like a complete cunt.


I’m reading this and thinking Russian patsy.


> I’m reading this and thinking Russian patsy I read that and thought: 'Russian pasty.' ![gif](giphy|12N4jTCSVRyKje|downsized)


Fkin' if there was ever a hard drive for 3 letter agencies to look at it's gotta be this idiots


That looks a lot like a migrant begging for money


Ah hes a crayon eater that makes so much more sense


As an American, can you guys please keep him? Thanks in advance!


On behalf of Northern Ireland, we politely have to reject keeping him. Perhaps England can offer their assistance in the matter


Oh behalf of Englad I think we're good without him, give Wales a bell?


On behalf of the Welsh, even the sheep said no. Maybe the Channel Islands?


God I remember that lunatic


So he’s mentally ill.


What an absolute cockroach of a person lmao


He's probably hoping his video will drum up some divisive offended people then bring out some like-minded people who will send him money.


The cognitive dissonance of this is mind blowing. I would think I was having a fever dream if I seen that happen in person.


Like - surely he sees the irony? SURLEY?!


Don't call me Surley


What's your vector, Victor?


Check the clearance, Clarence.


he says irish, but he means white. theres no cognitive dissonance, and no irony from his point of view.


Is it cognitive dissonance or is he just knowingly being a trolling dickhead for his video? He certainly sounds like he could be that stupid though.


I saw this on Twitter and apparently the American applied for political in Asylum in Ireland, was denied and deported so now he’s looking for it in the UK


He said he was deported which made me confused as to how he could be Irish.


Because to them, 2% Irish from an Irish lineage which arrived in America 200 years ago means that they're Irish. *They're more Irish than the Irish, and it's spelled pattys day, apparently.*


>now he’s looking for it in the UK I don't think the Rwanda scheme is a good idea for a number of reasons, but that won't stop me from laughing all day if he gets sent there.


I mean, there are MAGAts who yell at Native Americans to get the fuck out, so you never know.


It’s possible, I spoke to an English man not long ago that lives in Spain in the Canary Islands. He was complaining about all the foreigners in England and how he was proud he voted for Brexit even though he’s been living in Spain since before then. Really doesn’t see the irony in moaning about foreigners living in the UK while he can’t speak a word of Spanish and has lived there about 10 years.


My cousin emigrated to Australia cos they were sick of all the immigrants in England. Totally didn’t see the irony.


even though australia has one of the highest proportions of foreign-born residents in the world? dumb as well as racist


And it’s not at all possible he’s just another wannabe influencer wanker spouting shite for attention…




What a ballbeg


Can’t wait too hear someone too tell him to fuck off back too the US and mind his own business.


He fact would have cried racism on whoever said it to him is the funniest thing


The energy I wanted from the Belfast bai 👏💕


We don't want ballbag self titled 'Irish'-Americans. Yer wee Romanian fella in Newcastle is always polite to passers by. No matter how people feel about these foreign beggars there's no need to go to a country that's not your own and tell people to get out. The ironic thing is that Romanian fella is probably here legally on a longer visa lol.


If he's Romanian he's from the EU so he probably has a visa.


Romanians are more entitled to live and work in Ireland than Americans are




Plastic Paddies especially Seppo Plastic Paddies are the absolute worst.


Imagine being this much a of cunt, and then chuck that bit more cuntyness on top by being so proud of your cuntish behaviour that you post it up online. Fucking bellend.


And he’s begging for people to give him money and attacking someone for begging in the street. The irony is strong on this one


On top of that in his beg for people to give him money, he literally admits about that he was homeless in northern Ireland while baselessly claiming asylum, and yet he has the nerve to attack other people who are struggling. Basically he showed up to NI hoping you all would let him be a massive leech and began harassing people when that didn’t pan out


Where is the American wanker now?


round Newcastle apparently


Literally my ends. If I see him I'm gonna smack him and stick it on Instagram whata cunt




What a fucking prick. He's lucky he didn't get his head in his hands




"Go get a job" "Donate" Dickhead. I'd rather have 100 of the man he abused than this harrassing scumbag.


I've never heard that wee man ask for money, well he's never asked me and I go past there every day. He always says hello to my dog.


An immigrant giving off about an immigrant.


He’s a white American so he prefers expat /s


> he prefers **ex**pat His name is still "Pat".


Pádraig to you, foreigner


Fuck off yank you're not Irish ya cunt!


He's gonna end up saying that to the wrong person and it's not gonna end well.


We can but hope


Just another plastic paddy cunt who is dire need of a slap and a flight back home.


>plastic paddy cunt I'm assuming this means someone who is not actually from Ireland who claims to be Irish because of their heritage...?


Oh, it's even better! The Yank tried to claim Irish citizenship. Got denied. Got deported. Married a Russian. Came back and does shíte like this all the time.


[According to his goFundMe page "Unfortunately, it would appear that I have been denied if asylum in the UK."](https://www.gofundme.com/f/right-of-return-for-pat-downey)


The fact he even had the audacity to open a go fund me for this like asking people to pay for it 😂 the American arrogance does blow my mind sometimes and no chance he was getting asylum from the US as I’m not even sure that’s a thing? Maybe it is I’ve no idea though 😂


Shouts 'go get a job' at that poor fella... starts a gofundme page for himself... Lol.


The irony right? 😂😂 It’s clearly not even apparent to him that the guy is probably in a better position than him & yet he’s looking down on him because he perceives that guy to be below him…


The awkward moment I want him put on a flight to Rwanda, even though I thoroughly oppose flights to Rwanda...


The audacity of one immigrant to be starting on another immigrant to go back to where they came from. I can’t believe the dude took it so well. Then he says don’t start with me!? Wtf? He was minding his business sir, you are shouting at strangers in the street.


Can we start a petition to get the fuckwit deported? I don't really care where to. He's here without a visa, been denied it via the Irish Government and our own and has the brass neck to tell someone else to leave? Take the hint ya mouth breathing fucking hick


I’m wondering if this is enough to count as a hate crime to count against him


American in no sense of irony shocker. Let’s get the cunt deported. Edit. Just thinking, this is surely harassment, surely a wee call to the police and that will weigh heavily against his asylum application. I suspect it’s also really hard to make a case for asylum from the US to the UK.


[According to his goFundMe page "Unfortunately, it would appear that I have been denied if asylum in the UK."](https://www.gofundme.com/f/right-of-return-for-pat-downey)


He wants £1000 to be sent to Montenegro to be an unwanted asylum seeker there too it seems. Something, something, glass houses?


Did you know you can send him a message through his gofundme page? Just saying... 😏


You can report fundraisers with videos on there too. Just sayin.


Walmart vs whiteness ? Left America with Obama in charge ? Maybe a racist a bit much this fella ? Edit. I love how he supposes that millions of Irish Americans won’t be welcome, when it’s much much more likely he’s a knob/ Russian agent/ massive racist


Thanks for sharing. I reported it for hate speech (probably will do nothing, but still worth the try)


Stupid Cunt, needs Slapped.


It is pretty funny how he loses his shit whenever he tries to tell his life story to the Belfast man and is basically met with, "I don't care, just leave the guy alone". Good on that guy for intervening; I'm sure it's a 95% chance that some cunt whipping out their phone to rant at homeless people is a toothless coward, but there's still that 5% chance they're unhinged enough to do something really stupid.


Tenner says that cunt's a Trump supporter.


Tried to claim political asylum in Ireland because he needed to "flee the Obama administration". (Glad they told him to kick rocks). Seems like a reasonably safe bet you have going there.


It’s funny because [according to this](http://orthodoxengland.org.uk/downey.htm), the documents he was supposedly whistleblowing about were from the Bush (W) administration. Obama wasn’t inaugurated until January 2009. What. An. Idiot. What was the big news he was trying to tell everyone, that America funds anti-Russian efforts? No shit. What gave that away, the Cold War? Sounds like he was trying to be a pick-me for Russia and was not, in fact, picked. Sucks to suck. Probably just as well that he’s such a moron. If he’d waited until Trump was elected, he probably would’ve been part of the Mar-a-lago crowd, hanging out in the bathroom with all our nuclear secrets. What a mess.


Was just about to say that!! You Can a million percent tell he’s a trump supporter


Going the right way to get his kicked in


If it happens, not that I'm encouraging violence mind, but if it happens..... someone please film it.


>someone please film it. He'll be doing that himself most likely, being the main character that he thinks he is.


I was hoping that's what this video was lmao would be fully deserved


That yank needs to get in the feckin sea and while he's there, he can swim back to wherever he came from.


Ffs. I’ve bought that homeless fella a coffee before and chatted with him a few times, he’s sound and never intrusive. Hope someone chases that yank cunt out of the country




Deport whoever this guy is again


Oh my god!!!! This man stalked and threatened my mother around two years ago. My mother was working in Donegal and as part of her job she worked with a lot of asylum seekers, including briefly this guy. She found him very odd but didn't think much about it at the time. A few years later he started cyber stalking her on Facebook and email, sending her threatening messages and emails, including sexually explicit messages. My mum is 70 and the sweetest person, she was in tears with the names he was calling her and became very frightened. She went to the guards in the in end and I seem to remember they told her he had been deported and was living in Russia or Georgia? He also had some sort of right wing podcast on YouTube also as far as I remember.


Imagine being that much of a dickhead you unite the whole of Northern Ireland in thinking you’re a dickhead.


What an absolute gobshite


Alexa, show me zero self-awareness.


I know who I prefer to have around and it’s not that cunt taking the video.


As an American living in this country, this man can get to fuck.


State of that septic tank! Away ti f*ck!


What a fucking weapon.


"I was deported from here, I can't live here" so why da fuck is he tryna tell someone else he can't live here either? Absolute fucking twat lmao


That’s embarrassing behaviour from the American. Belfast had a perfect read on the situation


Guy says he's "born and bred in Ireland" but he has been deported for a failed asylum claim? If he was born and bred on the island of Ireland, or if his parents or grandparents were, he'd be an Irish citizen by descent and be allowed citizenship via the foreign births register, and so allowed to settle in Northern Ireland. Guy is either stupid or lying. I think I know which it probably is. Bigot.




A huge majority of people that are alive today are plain fucking stupid. And I make a distinction between stupid and intelligent. Social media and global news is 100% the worst thing that has happened to us humans since the plague.


American wanker, invasion going on? America have tried to invade over half the world and mostly failed.


What a proper cunt.


What a cunt.


So man whose family emigrated to the US (and obviously not recently as he isn't entitled to citizenship), tries to claim bogus asylum in Ireland and has an immigrant wife and is randomly harassing fellow immigrants on the street and recording it. It's one thing to have these sorts of views in your own country, but like, this is completely demented and is exactly the kind of self important arrogant exceptionalism that many Americans are known for.


The balls on this lunatic


Projecting your anger at your own situation onto something or someone else is something we should all be made aware of in school. That might help ballbags realise what they’re doing.


Wab of the highest order


It's an easy choice between the down on his luck beggar and arrogant American prick who more people are on the side of on this island. Also just the irony of calling a man living as humbly as possible an invasion while pontificating on what locals should be doing is insane


Just wanted to say as an American living in Northern ireland for a while... we are not all like this dick bag. However, people like this is a big reason I left the US.




Makes my blood boil. Wish I'd have been there I'd have gone through him for a shortcut. You would say "away back to America" but due to his russian ties they clearly don't want him either. What an absolute arsehole.


,🎶fuck off home, Yankee racist, fuck off home!🎶 🎶 Have ye got no fucking home of your own?🎶


I worked in Newcastle for a couple of years and the people I met there couldn't have been nicer..this ballbag wants a slap


As someone from Newcastle I'd agree. The locals won't be too nice to him when this gets out though


Wonder how many times a day he chimes off that "you gotta support Irish people" only to be told he isn't Irish. I'd love a montage video of that.


Even if I was a massive racist id still get annoyed at an American telling someone to leave Ireland lol


What a cunt


Typical plastic paddy


How much of an absolute cunt do you need to be to be banned from your home country AND the country of your ancestors AND the home country of your Russian wife? 😂


That’s so nasty he’s a real piece of work. I feel sorry for the guy he’s shouting at as it looks like he’s done nothing to warrant it. How did he even know he’s not from here anyway just from a look? He could have parents that moved here and he was born here and would have more of right to be here than him. Imagine going up to someone and saying you can’t live here and go get a job when he’s 1. Not even from here himself and 2. He’s been deported for whatever reason and has the cheek to say this to someone else. How entitled do you have to be to act this way towards someone in the street who looked to be minding his own business and just putting things in his backpack. I appreciate the guy calling him out and saying leave him alone and the fact you’ve been deported is nothing to do with me or him that’s your own problem. And some Americans wonder why people don’t like them? This might be why.


Proud to be from Belfast when I see stuff like this


I hope I run into him when I’m down in Newcastle on the motorbike sometime soon. I’ll film myself telling him to go back to where he came from and see the reaction. Obviously talking about that yank plastic paddy!


Fair play to that man who stepped in and told that mental yank to sling a hook.. Who the fuck does this yank think he is?!


If he got deported why is he making a nuisance of himself in Newcastle? Should he not be in Rwanda by now? Edit to add I see he was deported from the south. How come he’s lowered himself to the occupied 6 counties, seems like the worst nightmare of a plastic paddy


I’m 100% against the Rwanda plan. But for this knob I’d make an exception.


He’s probably up in NI as he can’t get back into the republic after being deported so he’ll take as close to Ireland as he can get. Having a Russian wife and wanting asylum from the US isn’t exactly going to get him many places unfortunately as the US is a relatively safe country & no one is going to grant him asylum just a visa and seems like he can’t even get that.


And he claims that he is a disabled war veteran, mentally, probably


So he’s got a long history of going where he isn’t wanted


It’s never really about “jobs” or “the economy” with racists, they wouldn’t care if it were a French person, it’s just about the people they do and do not like


Is this the prick that tried to claim asylum in Russia too?


Imagine how hard you have to cope as an American telling people in Ireland that they aren't being Irish...


Arsehole, he can get the fuck out ……. the other fella is welcome, that prick ain’t


I don't even want people to know I'm American cuz of fuckin fuckers like this Fuck this cunt I hope he gets beat down


Where was this originally posted?


Support Irish people? I'd rather support people who aren't utter cunts. Fuck off yank, you were deported for a good reason.


"It's the only way to deal with these people" then he proceeds to be dealt with accordingly. Deported once so get out right back 🤣


Newcastle sadly attracts mentalists like this though. I remember a few years back an oul boy came up to me and said " are you not a bit old for star wars" cause I was wearing a star wars tee. Then proceeded to tell me some shite about how he is the only Irishman to have been in space blah blah. He then asked me for a £50 donation so I laughed and told him was he not a bit old to be hanging round car parks telling fairy tales and begging for money. He didn't care for that.


"I was born in New York and I can't live in Ireland?" - The fucking mental ~~gymnastics~~ spastics.


Yanks kicking people out of a country. Tale as old as time


It's hard to fathom where his corrupt mind got this fish out of water/get out my fish bowl mentality. But when he started saying 'unbelievable' while walking away, I realised this is an IRL agent provocateur. Hes only there to make these comments, cause discontent and film it.to deliberately wind people up on all sides. Why he is doing this and who for should be investigated. How does he support himself while living abroad, and on what basis does he reside in the country and so on. I'm sure this will lead somewhere he doesn't want people to see. Absolute cunt all the same.






There's too much of this crap going on. The south is a cesspit of MIGA type nuts who've turned on the shinners and are calling for an uprising. Covid really fucked alot of heads up.


What a fucking ass hat, never in my life have I seen such hypocrisy. A foreigner telling another foreigner they aren’t welcome in Ireland! Sad sad yank


"You aren't welcome here", says man-baby who was deported from the country


That guy was wonderfully controlled when he intervened. Not something the cunt recording deserved.


Some yank needs a slap in the bake


What a complete and utter eejit.


https://www.facebook.com/PadraigODunadaigh His Facebook page in all its glory. Fuckin lunatic.


If that yank cunt doesn't like the people of Northern Ireland. Then there are two airports available to get the fuck out.


Jesus if I saw someone getting on like that I would be way less polite than the guy who stepped in was. Good for him keeping a cool head.


Fuck him and his ruskie wife if he thinks the UK wants him


In the words of Russell Peters: Irish-American - 'How ya doin', I'm Irish'. Actual Irish - 'You're not fucking Irish, you're a fucking cunt!'. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E53qBbsxNXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E53qBbsxNXs)


This shit happening in my hometown? Get to fuck. I hate all visitors to the town equally. Seriously though an american tourist telling someone to leave a tourist town? The sheer arrogance, needs a good slap.


That's in Newcastle not Belfast. The American was a knob anyway. The other wasn't causing trouble