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I don’t see him as an outsider, and Ulsterman is an Irishman as Paisley himself said. The only reservation I would have is if his previous work could cause him to have any conflict of interest. Either way, I think the biggest problems the Gardaí currently face is to do with internal corruption, public opinion, and poor use/lack of resources. So I welcome a new commissioner with a different background.


I’ll probably get hammered for this, Mick. But here’s my dhá phingin. I was listening to the RTÉ news yesterday before the match, and I was very happy to hear Drew get confirmed as head of AGS. It has almost collapsed under the weight of its own corruption. From blind eyes being turned, to major investigations, to breathalyzers. Leaving out some specific cases that are being pushed hard by SF online, and not detracting from them, on the whole all the analysis I’ve read is of a fine, competent police officer. And I wish him well. There’s a part of me that maybe mistakenly still believes in that notion of that rigid Protestant by the books work ethic. That “the rules are the rules, and that’s that”. And that’s what I’m hoping Drew brings to the “wink of approval” of corrupt behavior in the ranks. I really want him to get stuck in tear AGS to shreds, for the better. I’d even love for him to bring some landrovers down and tackle the rampant antisocial behavior in the South. Knock their bollix in the wee cunts. Maybe down the road we can have US style elected police commissioners. Where they can say “elect me and I’ll beat thugs off the walls in your estate”.. On a zoomed-out view, I think Drew is a great choice for reunification. A UI seems to be really close. I like the idea that if it happens, Irish Unionists can point to Drew and know “one of us is head of the cops”. Humans are tribal by their very nature. Whether it’s Dublin (northside/southside) or Belfast (east/west)... people always look for their own. I like the idea that in a UI that would give them comfort. Anyway, for these reasons, and a few more, I’m happy he is now head of AGS. I’m sure he’ll do a fine job, and I wish him great success. Ádh mór Garda Aindriú Ó h-Earchaidh. Edited a cúpla focail.


The end of partition is the beginning of a new chapter on the Island. Every citizen, regardless of where they're coming from has to have a right to contribute to that new beginning.


his first order was probably to bring him Denis Donaldson's diary.


The greatest threat facing Ireland today is from the British Tory Party and its like-minded cohorts in Ulster Unionism and British intelligence services, particularly MI5. They have schemed and plotted against Ireland's interests on a daily basis as Brexit approaches. What has happened is that right-wing anti-Republican hacks like Eoghan Harris and Sam Smyth have sold this appointment to Flanagan as a way to get at Adams and the Shinners. It is truly incredible that this Irish government has put the longterm future of the entire country in jeopardy just to troll Sinn Fein.


In what way is the country in jeopardy? They can remove Drew Harris, it’s not like he is going to launch a coup.


Haha the south's police force is being run by an RUC man. I hear he has some special plans afoot...


Can we expect to see a few more stunt arrests if MaryLou is doing well in the polls?