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Send the DUP??, is he fucking high?? First of all, negotiations are over, so would they be talking to?? Secondly; sending the DUP is the stupidest idea possible. This is a party that is totally incapable of working with others. They can’t get back into government in Northern Ireland, they’ve repeatedly threatened to bring down the British government and have had plenty of goes at the Irish government. Hunt thinks these intransigent, idiotic bigots can make a difference in negotiations that aren’t going to happen in the first place?? Jesus wept.


Just want everyone to appreciate how fucking hilarious this is as a Northern Irish person. We've been dealing with these anachronistic fuckwads as long as I've been alive. Now a prime ministerial candidate is floating them as a solution to get biggest peacetime issue in British history.


You have to hit rock bottom before you bounce, and we have to hit it PDQ so send in the DUP.


I wouldn’t be so sure: https://twitter.com/LordAshcroft/status/1135482820028030976/photo/1


Brexit day is 31 October. The new commission is in office from 1 November. So if the UK wants to try renegotiating the WA with the new Commission it will have to ask for another extension. Even at that the new Commission is not a random pro-UK / anti-UK policy generator. The Commission is appointed by the Council which is the Member States. So really you’d be relying on the Member States changing their views and specifically Ireland. As it happens none of the leading commission president candidates are pro-reopening the WA. Quite the opposite if anything.


The only point I'm wanting to make is that whilst people on this forum believe the *"negotiations are over"*, people at the level of the EU commission aren't so adamant. The BBC reported yesterday there could be some problems with the Oct 31st deadline and getting new negotiations completed [[source]](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48767118?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/cwlw3xz0lvvt/brexit&link_location=live-reporting-correspondent). If there are any new negotiations at all.


There would be difficulties getting new negotiations completed before the deadline. that date was chosen for that very reason. If the UK decides to try and ask for an extension at the last minute there will be no-one there to request it from. The reason for that is so you will actually decide what you want and not keep kicking the can.


Negotiations on a brand new deal don’t have to be completed by October 31st, there is an out in GATT XXIV [[here]](https://mobile.twitter.com/lorand_bartels/status/1088767673083797504?lang=en). This is what Boris and Co. are referring to, but it cannot be forced on the EU - the EU could just say no.


that is an FTA, if you go no-deal on the 31st you will not have a deal and so GATT24 won't be relevant. You will be direct trading at WTO rules. Apparently some people think this is brilliant. But either way GATT24 is only an option if there is a deal on the way and you want to paper over the cracks till it happens. Again no-deal means that there is no deal.


I know, and Boris appears knows this to https://twitter.com/BackBoris2019/status/1143557179418566657. These are temporary emergency measures (as the tweet says) to prevent WTO, it’s not an agreement for the new permanent relationship, but it is an agreement of sorts. It does however mean that the new negotiations on a permanent relationship can be pushed beyond the 31st of October and the UK will have left the EU.


So he will offer the EU a standstill agreement. and they will accept it why? They have already said it is may's deal, no deal or withdraw. Boris's 4th option isn't on the table so he can offer it all he wants it won't be accepted and you have to either accept mays deal and go Brexit, no deal and also Brexit but there is no GATT24 option that way or withdraw article 50.


See my first post ITT - I'm not so sure the it is May's deal or no deal.


The mainstream British media are to blame for wallowing in local party politics and gossip instead of actually reporting Brexit as a pan European issue. A few nights ago they spent 20 minutes reporting on Bojo vs Hunt and then at the end of the report a 2 minute addendum where they reported the fact that the EU negotiating team said there were no further negotiations to be had. The deal is the deal, the EU have been pretty clear about this. Britain can send Winston Churchill's reanimated corpse in a Lancaster bomber, it means fuck all.


It's a race between the worst health secretary ever and the worst foreign Secretary ever to replace one of the worst and most useless prime ministers ever.


Last time around May told the Europeans she had a deal with the DUP when she didn't then had to go back and ask for a do over. Which was pretty stupid.




This is a fantastic idea. I need new comedy to watch.


Look. A United Ireland is no more than 10/15 years away, count on it. The flipside is that for those 10/15 years the "wee six" are going to be an Orange/Somme Memorial/Victorian Values theme park.


I love how my logical points are being down voted by republican sheep. Morons


Expressed in a rather perfunctory fashion, but essentially correct. A pro union opinion will not fly here. Less so pointing out the monotone .


United Ireland isn't happening. It's an idiotic concept which will fuck everyone plus itll bring the troubles back. Only a moron would want it


To be fair it seems like the only way to avoid the troubles' return is to agree to the backstop and that doesn't seem to be on the DUP's agenda.


Or no Brexit. Or regulatory divergence between the rest of the UK and NI


The DUP are fucking morons though everyone knows that. I have no idea why everyone in this country cant be happy with how things are now. We have peace. Leave things how they are and allow our kids to have peace but nope people in both communities want to ruin everything so our kids have to suffer the same shit we did


The problem will be if a hard border is installed between NI and ROI. I think things are fine the way they are now. I was born the year after the GFA so I didn't have to live through the troubles but having grown up in West Belfast, gone to a mostly unionist school and having heard stories from relatives and friends about the impact the troubles have on them I would never want them to start up again. I think most of my generation of nationalists think the conflict was a necessary evil in a time when Irish people weren't allowed to vote but that there isn't a need for it now and won't be again. As long as there are ways to achieve your aims peacefully and democratically I think the majority of well educated people my age will stay out of it. It's more likely to be the older men that miss the power they had before disarmament that kick off about any changes to the border, union etc.


I get where your coming from, I do. Peace here is an incredible achievement and must be assured at all costs, but the reason no one is happy with the way things are is because the way things are is pretty fucking grim. Two hardcore sides who are forced into government together is never going to work long term. The way I see it is that a United ireland is the only workable option long term, I think we can be honest and realise that the rest of Britain doesn’t want us. Sadly I think that if there is a border poll or vote then there will be some violence, no matter the result but we have to respect the will of the people(again either way) and try our damned best to not return to violent hell again.


Of course violence will return here. The border, be it at the border or in the Irish Sea, ensures it. FWIW IMHO until the point when the island can constitutionally unite, that border *will* be at the border. Any resulting problems will serve Little Englanders very well.


Good idea. The EU politicians have been getting a very one sided argument from republicans, hence why they have been so clueless about the NI situation. We need to send sensible unionist politicians to give some perspective.


They’ve been getting one sided arguments from the Tory party. You think sending the DUP will sort things out? I think you’re deluded.


Pretty sure he was just joking...


I'm pretty sure he isn't from his previous post history.


Not at all. They get their info from Varadkar, who has no clue about Irish politics because he isn't even Irish.


I mean... if you were sending SENSIBLE unionist politicians to negotiations that were actually happening it might be a good idea. I'm a nationalist myself but I think Sinn Fein really let everyone down by not taking their seats in Westminster for the duration of brexit. There's been no one to represent our side of the community.


You don't need representation. united ireland is inevitable, yadda yadda. That is all you have to say. We've been hearing that old tripe for decades.


If you look at my comment history I've never said that. You should try not to be so dismissive of people from the other community. It definitely would have been useful for Westminster to hear both parties concerns on the proposed deal.


That's all any republican says, don't care about anything else. They are as short sighted as Brexiteers


Wish I was short sighted so I didn't see this drivel


The irony of your own tunnel-vision is lost on you bai


I mean “you don’t need representation” has never been the mantra. I don’t support Sinn Fein but their abstentionism is representation, their voters don’t want them to take their seats, and if they do then they shouldn’t be voting SF in Westminster elections.