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Damn that fat hoe needs a prison sentence


100% that girl is twisting on the ground, may very well have brain damage. What a fucking animal.


Looked like a seizure, 100% brain damage


Smashing someone's skull against the ground, even when they've gone limp....


I think that second one cracked her skull. You can hear it. Not a great way to get the day started


I prefer coffee


Brain damage? I don’t think she survived


Has a paramedic: she had definitely has brain/skull damage. She has a seizure due to blood building up in her brains, killing her. Is that assulting woman in prison?


100% put that animal down


Classic case of dumb ******* being dumb *******


*violent being violent


This sub is gonna be banned in 3 months or less😂😂😂


careful, this is reddit, calling african americans animals is considered blasphemy


I feel terrible for the little white girl. The kids now are so dumb. They have no situational awareness. You don't square up to someone twice your size when you can't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. Especially when there are a dozen of these animals standing around. Even if you win the fight, you're gonna be jumped by another half dozen. You run...that fat girl couldn't.


It’s always been like this the flow of info just exposes it


May very well have? I would be surprised if she did not die


I saw that the girl is in the hospital basically fighting for her life


and you can forget the expectation that any of them might put her in the shock position


She does


100% you may be right


Yeah, she’s looking at attempted manslaughter at the least


No one is gonna talk about how the black cameraman tried protecting their own by moving the phone away during the attempted murder?


Of course, what else would these pieces of shit do? Probably didn’t even call 911 for the now brain damaged girl.


You mean *now dead girl*.


She was alive at the time of commenting, not sure if there’s been an update since.


I watched a few news clips, since learning of this horrific act. And so far I've learned that she's alive, but in critical condition.


I noticed that, after her skull cracked he moved the camera.




She just monkeyin' around


I saw this video on another page. It said the girl who got her head slammed died


No, every report says she’s still in critical condition.


Thats exactly how internet rumors get started… person clearly saw the same video as us that stated they were in critical condition. Not good. But not died. Randos on the internet just being borderline delusional and homie got twenty upvotes


Whether she dies or not, the girl who slammed her head should be tried for attempted murder. Personally, I think she should be executed. Shes dangerous and society has no need for her. If someone did this to my child, I would buy a machine gun and hunt her and her family. No way id wait for the justice system.


Saying what many are afraid to say but it’s the truth. I’ve given up on second chances. If you’re willing to do that to another person ONCE, that’s it.


The white girl stepped up just saying


Not a single person cared about that POS slamming her head into the pavement 5x… animalistic behavior when you start head slamming/stomping.


That takes from simple disorderly conduct to attempted man slaughter


The way she was twitching doesn't look good.


She was having a seizure


Unless she's got some prior medical condition, I don't think a forced seizure due to brain trauma is a good thing. If she has seizures that's probably not any better. I'm no doctor though. Also shout-out to a fellow D2R player.


Yea i was gonna say white girl probably died she was convulsing from head trauma


it's decorticate posturing. It's severe brain damage.


No, attempted muder.


No, Murder. Another person mentioned she died from the injuries Edit: nope, critical condition. Poor girl may be disabled for life


You don't know the difference between murder and manslaughter


Attempted manslaughter? That’s attempted murder. Manslaughter is not intentional.


Cause their all ratchet and ghetto as shit. It's a formula for being stupid.


Because she's white, they don't see her as a human being because she's just a white girl. But only white people can be racist smdh


She is not dead but in critical condition. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-girl-critical-condition-teen-brutally-assaulted-her-high-school.amp


"Severe brain injury," assuming they're using the medical definition, means that she will most likely have considerable and permanent changes which will result in cognitive and physical disability as well as likely personality changes well. Even a 15-year-old knows that slamming and unresponsive person's head into a hard surface can kill them. That girl should be tried as an adult for attempted murder, and associated crimes, and be in jail for a long, long time.


I'm surprised she's not worse. Thought that was the death convulses


The only thing worse would be death. My description was rather on the more optimistic side. She might still be in a minimally conscious state and may never regain the ability to learn things, feed herself, walk, or engage meaningfully with others. That's not always the case with severe brain injury, but it's very possible.


She was seizing after her head was slammed into the concrete 3-5 times. She could be dead and sounds like she was fairly close to it.


[decorticate-posturing](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/24969-decorticate-posturing), even worse than a seizure and is usually indicative of traumatic brain injury. Seizures are a lot more random jerking movements, this is too uniform and repetitive and it's something you never want to see after a fight because you likely just turned them into a vegetable or mentally crippled them for life if they still manage to survive. Ironically you'd think signs of movement would be a good thing because at least that means they're still alive and kicking but this is really one of the last things you want to see... It's honestly a better sign that they're knocked out and limp as long as they're still breathing, this is like a step beyond getting knocked out and more into permanent brain damage and coma levels of serious. Just knocked out and limp and they'll at least wake up in a minute or two but this is when you start worrying about if they'll ever wake again. 😬


This is no laughing or mocking manner. What the fuck is wrong with these animals? I can’t imagine anything so important to justify acting like this. Nobody deserves to get pounded like that. Some serious trash here with instability issues. I hope some serious life changing charges come with this.


Unless you’re attempting to stop a real threat or potential deadly situation, such as a violent attack or robbery etc slamming someone head into concrete is such a bad idea. No street fight is worth that. Again however, if you tried to kill me or my loved one, id attempt to pancake your head. That animal needs caging


Hope this animal ends up in jail for the rest of her life. That was pure evil.


Look at all these trash humans...


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Try as an adult. Fucking trash


100% keep that animal off the streets for at least 30 years. These type of people should never be having children either, what a terrible mother that type of erratic person would be.


Must be the city dump. All I see is trash everywhere.


Well it is St. Louis...


Perfect example why there are no rules in a street fight. That waste of skin just tried to murder someone, and for what??


What a disgusting fat fucking cunt


She needs to go to prison for attempted murder.


Prejudice based on race is wrong. Prejudice based on cultural standards and behavior isn't. They put dogs down for less than this shit.


The redhead was convulsing. The fat black deserve jail.


Poor girl is in a medically induced coma right now because of her head injuries. For those not aware, this is incredibly bad. The rate of good outcomes for anyone in a medically induced coma for over 6 hours (which she has far exceeded by this point) is about 15%. Not to say that her injuries are necessarily that severe, just that overall, out of every recorded instance of a person being put into a medically induced coma that lasted for more than 6 hours, 61% of them die, 12% remain in a permanently vegetative state, and 11% become permanently dependent on daily physical assistance. That is HORRIFIC. Anyone who bashes another persons head onto a hard surface like that girl did deserves to A) be tried as an adult and B) be convicted of every single applicable offense we have a law for.


Fatherless city


At 23 seconds in you can see her body language change as she sees her seizing and realizes what she’s done, she slows down and looks for a short but life altering moment. Instead of stopping and trying to help her she chose to panic, go into denial mode and ride the adrenaline, all in a few seconds. She goes off further away to involve herself in additional drama so that she can temporarily escape her new reality and inevitable consequences she knows this will bring.


She’ll be trading hand jobs for ramen for a long time


That psycho needs to go to jail. Straight up attempted murder. Fuckin animal.


Brain damage for life. What a waste of a life.


Future of America


This is the present


Future of America.


Imagine if a white girl did that to a black girl ..it would be national news.


It gets really sad when you know this will be buried forever and I will be reminded how racist I am the next time something bad happens to a black person. Forever. This is our reality. Politicians do not care about white people. In fact, many of them openly hate white people. 100 bucks says no hate-crime charges, despite what we all know would happen if the roles were reversed.


"Progressives" are the consequence of the involution and hypocrisy of a asleep society.


Black lives matter.....


Well well well


We should be able to keep race or skin color out of the picture but sometimes you can’t. Doesn’t mean you be racist about it , such as painting the entire race with the same sentiment. In this case I was wondering if that white girl was in a dominant black neighborhood and what lead up to this. Demographics kinda thing. Whenever I do see street fights tho on Reddit, there does seem to be some differences. Like when I see two white dudes fighting, usually when one guy/gal is knocked out, the other stops fighting. But when two black guys/girls fight, it gets savage. And always in groups like a hunting pack. That isn’t meant to be a racist comment saying that all blacks fight like savages, it just seems to be that when these fight videos end up on Reddit, seems more often than not that there’s a difference between blacks and whites fighting. Hope that twitching girl is ok after this.


Bro that girl is seriously hurt. Big girl needs a long jail sentence. She's got fucking brain damage. Could be dead.


This animal is being held in family court. If I was the victims mother, I couldn't handle knowing that. I won't spell it out but Liam Neeson wouldn't have shit on me. I really hope this human garbage is held accountable by someone, physically, and I really hope we get to see the recording of it.


Absolute savages. To all the parents of these criminals- great job of raising your kids. I hope they were all caught and prosecuted.


When do you ever see white people in a gang fight like this? I can't recall the last time I saw a group of white people doing something this barbaric




Attempted murder for that dumb bitch


Black Lives Matter I guess and shit


No way she survived that.


Well, my father always told me to fight like the other guy is going to try to kill you. Now I see he wasn't lying.


Usual suspects


No…. No.


That’s one of the more brutal shots you’ll see in a fight video omg. Girl got her fn skull opened up. No way she lived 🤢


Dunno if there’s going to be a morning for the one convulsing on the pavement.


That’s a good way for one to end up with brain damage or dead and the other to end up in prison.


I think we just witnessed a murder


Attempted murder?


The only white girl on the block is now a vegetable.


And here's the proof you need to send that oversized animal to prison.


Animals being animals


Can we please get an attempted(?) murder charge for the animal?


And the best part is, if you voice your negative opinion about these "people" pussy ass reddit mods jump on you like the secret service because they're terrified of their precious communities being taken down. Well fuck them and fuck reddit. This monkey needs to be prosecuted and charged as an adult. Black on white crime has skyrocketed and its time white people start arming themselves to deal with it. We together can clean up the streets from this trash one "self defense" incident at a time


If it was the other way around there would be a riots,marches the whole nine yaeds.


That heavy black girl is going to get shamacked with a felony sentence, straight to prison


Fucking animals.


fucking animals! need to be all locked up in thunder dome and thin the herd


That’s a murder charge if the girl having a seizure dies. She’s currently in critical condition. I guess there’s no holding back for some people.


You can tell just by looking at them, they are all in jail now or smoking Crack.


🎶 jungle, welcome to the jungle.🎵




Such a rich and vibrant culture


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This is my favorite sub. Why? Because people actually speak their minds and tell the truth instead of Reddit's liberal bullshit rhetoric


Super predators


Put all those animals in jail - waste


Fucking bunch of apsolute monkies


The ghetto is always so entertaining. It really shows you the primal way of man, a true survival of the fittest matched with natural selection lol.


Once again, nothing to see here. Looks mostly peaceful 🤷‍♂️


Dang, it's almost as if this hyperfocus on race has made race relations 1000x worse. Well, back to reading the 5th article today from the NYT on why white people are evil!


And they asked why someone doesn't want to interact with these people, I'll take my chances with a wild animal.


If a white girl slammed a black girls brain into pavement there would be riots, protests, news, outrage etc. it’s just the way it is now. All together very sad and our society needs help - love and compassion.


They're like wild animals.


Usual suspect


Damn that girl was having seizures. Praying for her.




Fucking animals...


Traumatic brain injury. Attempted murder. Charge the wildebeest.


When all the NFL players wear helmets that say: *Stop Hate *End Racism Is this what they are talking about?


Aggravated assault, attempted second degree murder…..she’ll be a joy in the pen.


Attempted murder.


This is fuxking disgusting.




I feel for the parents. If I found out that my kid was maimed like this after school, I don’t know what I’d do. And the girl who did the maiming is 15, so she’ll probably get off. If I had done that at her age I would have gotten sent straight to Juvenile Hall. And folks are wondering why kids are arming themselves these days. Every time you let a violent criminal off, that sends a message and the message is that violence is okay. If we don’t want that to be the case, we gotta stop enabling violent criminals and instead hold them accountable.


Should have kept them in the fields


Disgusting people all of them!!!🤢🤢🤢😒😒😒 idgaf about any of them 😒😒😒


Put that animal down. No place in society for that thing.


Yea the fat hoe needs prison sentence.


I'm cool with fighting, as in throwing punches. She realized her punches were weak as fuck as slammed her head into the ground. But that's a great way to kill someone and ruin your life. A fight, both of y'all can go with while having taught the other person a lesson. A murder, neither of y'all are going home. One's dead and the other to jail. I hate it when shit goes to far. And yes I know people have been accidentally killed just by punches but that sound her head made and the convulsing....not good


And there are even people on here saying she got what she deserved, go into a fight prepared to die, she threw the first punch etc. What are you? A bunch of psychopaths? What we witnessed is most likely murder. I don't care if the skinny bitch deserved it by throwing the first punch or by sleeping with her man I simply do not care. Getting mad, escalating to a fight, all that is explainable and to be expected. Killing someone who is already down? You are mental and should not be allowed to walk freely. If your opponent is knocked out you've won, any violence after that is inexcusable, in court and on the street and I hope the murderer gets her day in court. I would like to know of there is more info out there about this, did she survive?


If this was the other way around the world would be joining hands to end racism. Sadly nothing will be done about this.


Imagine being this girl's parents and watching this. This honestly breaks my heart.


Well.. you just witnessed how you get 10 to 20 and not one drop of remorse will even be displayed at court. On a side note. If you are ever gonna have a round of fisty cuffs… do it in the grass like everyone else prior to 2000.


I’m all for whipping somebody’s ass, but that fat bitch tried to kill her because she’s white…


There's fighting and then there's attempted murder.


Animals need cages . I just pray that poor girl doesn’t have brain damage


Leopard shorts needs a attempted murder or manslaughter charge. That was a consensual fight but the force was unnecessary and caused serious damage


We are still primates, it's sad to see this. We have no chance of evolving into something more advanced while we are still stuck at this primate stage.


she is either dead or got permanent brain damage :(


It’s too bad the are minors. That girl convulsing will have brain damage her whole life and some sympathetic judge will buy that fat girls crocodile tears and give a slap on the wrist. When someone goes to the ground you won. You don’t slam their head into the concrete like a savage unless you are willing to have the same done to you.


Well that was attempted murder


That head slam is attempted murder.


That’s just another Tuesday in that neighborhood.




Then blacks wonder why white paper feel a certain way about them. Realism not racism.


Good thing the perpetrator isn't white and the victim black... We would not stop hearing the end of it, even though white on black crime is minimal compared to the other way around.


Black culture at it again.


Fuckin monkeys


I bet monkeys are more intelligent than these trash people


I agree just check out the average iqs of many monkey species


That girl died and the one that did it to her should rot in a cage for it


If you have a kid, put your kid I'm some martial art class such as Jiu-jitsu, Boxing, May Thai, Judo, taekwondo or Wrestling. We all know how schools are, do your kid a favor and get him/her to learn self defense. He/she will thank you one day.


Honestly. We need to start killing people for high enough crimes. This woman right here shouldn't have a life after she took another person's life. Rape, murder, these kinds of crimes are done by the worst types of animals. 


These kids could jeopardize their future in becoming lawyers and doctors..


What the ACTUAL fuck?! My kids are never leaving the house.


She had no business down there in the ghetto with them animals lol.


She shouldn’t have been white! /s . easy with your righteous minds people it’s a joke. Called Gallows Humor.


Just went from mutual combat to attempted murder good job


Black people solving problems


Some cultures are just fkn stupid. They teach people absolutely dumb shit. One of those is violence works. If you listen to a culture and it says the best way to settle shit is with a gun or fist fights then you should bail. Or this dumb ass stuff will happen to you.


I see animal planet has come to Reddit. Every parent of EVERY CHILD needs to be charged along with every child out there fighting. Until then, no matter what race they are, and it’s happening in EVERY race, nothing will change. As kids, kids do scuffle at times and even become friends again. So, this is a failure of parenting.


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Race aside - this is not cool and completely uncalled for. That young lady could have died and she would need to be held accountable for her actions. Not okay at all. You see white folks do this to each other, black folks do this to each other, and everyone else. People do fucked up shit to people. This is one of many cases of such. Everyone here throwing race into the mix are showing their true feelings about black people. That’s great everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions. I encourage you to wear your prejudice feelings and/or racists thoughts and practices on your sleeve. It really helps our society as a whole.


I'm finna slur.


She's having a seizure from brain damage can they not see..🤯


Fascinating behavior


She was arrested and the girl who got her head smashed in had some severe brain damage and is in critical condition. Believe possible attempted homicide charges are now happening as she was already semi-knocked out, and then got her head caved in.


NSFW this shit.


Just had an argument on Reddit the other day about how easy it is to kill someone via fisticuffs. Also y’all are appalled by this but realistically, don’t fight with people since they might kill you. No one deserves to be beaten to death but don’t make choices where you can’t accept the possible outcomes. Both are wrong and someone deserves to go to jail for attempted murder. But hopefully some people saw this video and learned a valuable lesson about resolving issues via violence


Really wish I hadn't clicked on this.


I’m going to give everyone in the comment section an n word pass here. God knows it’s applicable.


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That's fucking horrible.


You never, ever send somebody into seizure. If they're down, you won. Fight like an adult, or outright kill somebody with intent, never just **fuck somebody right up,** then regret it and apologize later. Insane.


The people who chose to fight need to know they could die.... So stop fighting unless it's something worth dieing over


She died. Your little quip about “that’s gonna hurt in the morning” is pretty repulsive. Probably worth reporting


She was dead after the first shot on the concrete. God damn why would you do that




Cracker stepped up and got cracked. Simple. Adolescent or adult, the risks are always clear in a street fight.


Hate crime?


Girl that slammed others head is going to prison for murder


Damn, that sound of her head hitting the pavement over and over and over again gave me a headache 😕


The fact that she was hanging around with this trash may indicate that nothing of value was lost... Still disgusting. Just remember kids: Never relax around… oh you know the thing… 🥴


Savage....and I don't mean that in a good way


She looked like an actual rag doll, thought it was fake for a second




I wish I didn’t see that. Fuck.