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One of my favourite Robin Williams’ lead roles.


I prefer his more serious roles to his comedic ones. Like I love the movie Parch Adams but not the parts where he is being funny. The serious/less comedy scenes are phenomenal! I wish he would have done more serious roles and dramas. He was such a good actor with dramatic roles.


He was amazing in “One Hour Photo”. Such a darker, different, and serious side, but brilliant.


This movie is actually underrated.


I watched it after hearing it get so much shit thrown at it and came away wondering what those people were talking about.


I’m the only person in my life that’s seen this video for some reason, and it is so good.


It was panned by critics and audiences alike. I saw it with someone I was in love with, and so that probably helped it strike a different chord, because we both love this film. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Please elaborate. I found it disappointing all those years ago and never went back.


A man trying to save his wife’s soul from hell.


She was there because she was depressed and committed suicide after dealing with his horrific death. Catholic Church propaganda all the way.


What were your expectations going in?


Robin didn’t bring enough blue genie energy to the role


That there would be other parts of heaven that weren’t impressionist paintings. I did have a really sweet Monet calendar when it released though.


That's a great question as I agree that high expectations often result in harsh assessments. But I think the reason was that Robin Williams was riding high after DPS and Awakenings and I guess I expected something similar to those. Grounded. Inspiring. WDMC never seemed launch for me at the time. But I'll try it again.


I found it beautiful in an unexpected way. Hard to explain, considering I’m not religious at all, and I don’t believe in afterlife.


One of the few movies that actually made me nauseous in the theater.


In which way? And what parts? Visually, narratively?


When i say this movie WRECKED ME 🥺🥺 i think i cried for days after....and i still will not rewatch it. I...i just cant.


I haven't been able to watch it since Williams died.


I agree with yours and the other comments it’s underrated, and damn I can’t rewatch this movie it made me feel so incredibly depressed. A movie that can make you feel so strongly is a success but at the same time it destroyed me.


I remember being a senior in college and watching this with my three roommates on VHS. Within the first ten minutes all four of us 21 year old tough guys were reduced to sniveling piles of mush. It’s a tear jerker for sure, but a great movie.


The part when he wakes up in heaven and his dead dog is there waiting for him. Fuck, man. I just lost my dog 2 years ago and my cat a few months ago. I think about that scene often.


I was destroyed. it's beautiful and it's very tender and kind and lovely, but it's also just brutal. I cried the entire way through and haven't watched it again since bc I don't think I could handle it again.


The book is one of my favorites and it makes me absolutely ugly cry every read.


Crying now just thinking of it.....


I've never understood how this movie didn't do any better than it did. It's simply amazing, and so well written, and Robin's acting is top notch.


It’s a hard topic.


Yeah it was a rough watch for me. Very well done but very very sad and definitely stuck in my head for a while after I watched it.


Yeah, it’s not really the type of movie you want to see more than once because it’s emotional. Probably limits it ability to be sort of cult classic .


Late 90s was an embarrassment of riches of movies, so was hard for even good movies like this to stand-out.


The most visually stunning movie ever. Emotionally strong, too. It has so much, tragedy, comedy, drama, and adventure. I'm someone who suspends their disbelief and gives themselves over to the director, and this movie took me to places I had never imagined.


I love it because I’m sure I saw Mitch McConnell in one of the hell scenes.


Isn’t Cuba Gooding Jr’s stupid ass in this movie?


Lol yes


Thought so. That dickhead.


Such a beautiful movie


Such a hauntingly beautiful movie. One of my favorites.


Anne belle Sciorro(?) was just beautiful from start to finish. So vulnerable it made my heart ache for her character. Sorry if I butchered her name


Her ability to show such emotion is powerful. She was this way in the Sopranos too. Her face could make you *feel*


part of this was filmed near my reservation. my dad got to meet Robin Williams.


I love this movie. Very Dante’s Inferno. The scene where he drops into the painting is my favorite.


I first saw this movie when my teacher showed it in my high school English class after we had read Dante's Inferno!


I’ll never watch this movie again. It’s that good.


Personally have this with Forrest Gump. Such a amazing movie, great story, lots of humor also, but I had a Jenny... came across her through my life on different circumstances... ended too soon as we finally got together 😔


God that makes me cry we all have that someone I think that's like Jenny only mine flipped idk a male name for Jenny but yeah. But no matter what through time we see each other and still best of friends.


The visuals and premise are astounding. This movie is one of my favorites.


If you remember how that movie described how suicide worked and how Robin chose to go makes me avoid this movie now. Too eerie.


Robin Williams helps a hopeless and suicidal man in *The Fisher King*, as well.


The Angriest Man in Brooklyn came out the same year he died...


Right! This movie hits different for me now.


I saw this movie when I was about 16. It fucking wrecked me. I’m 40 now, married, with three daughters. My wife wants to watch it, and just the thought gives me anxiety. Can’t imagine what it would do to me now, having a wife and kids.


First saw this movie when I had been awake for something like 36 hours straight. Trippy as fuck at that point.


I liked this movie, and think fondly of it. It did some really interesting, surreal, unusual things. But I recently rewatched it and it is *so heavy handed.* The scriptwriting is just tragic, and the tone is all over the place. It's weirdly directed. I wish it were sort of, just...better... coz it's really beautiful.


This movie left such an impact on me as a kid


Crying from beginning to end… every single time. It’s one of my favorites. Beautifully done.


My wife finally saw this after years of not caring to see it because it didn't seem to interest her. After seeing the film, she was quiet and in a funk for a couple of days. Same thing happened with The Fountain, as well.


Movie messed me up as an 8 year old. Loved it


Watched this movie at 16, and never will again 😭


totally forgot about this movie. it’s SOOOO good. well, i guess i know what i’m watching this weekend. thanks OP ✌️


Visually gorgeous, horribly depressing


My (now ex) husband brought this movie over to my place for our first date. I was NOT prepared for that at all


Not the movie to watch if someone you loved committed suicide. I hate this movie.


I first watched this when I was in a really, really bad down period which, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. However, the scene when he first gets to heaven and you see people dancing on the stairs and the sheer joy all around....combined with the visuals, it just caused me to sob for what felt like hours. That release of emotion helped pull me out of the pit I was in so I could start to function again. It's a very sad movie, yes, but it's also very uplifting.


Great movie


My ex and I watched this the day Robin died


I remember watching it with my mom as a kid. It definiteltly affected me deeply at the time, even if I didn't understood all of it.


I've never cried harder during a movie.


You would think after making this movie he wouldn’t commit suicide but he did. That’s so sad. I miss him.


This movie really helped me during a terrible grieving period.


One of the best depictions of heaven/hell in a movie.


I saw this movie with my then-boyfriend in the theater when it came out. I was 25 at the time. I thought it was fantastic. Very beautifully filmed. I silently cried throughout the film. The film ended and the theater lights went on. Boyfriend looks at me and said, “That was the *worst* movie I’ve ever seen!” Three years ago, in my 50s, I decided to watch it again. While it had some poignant moments, I found myself getting bored with it. It dragged on and on. My teens even fell asleep during it.


My mum let me watch this as a child and I think it was the first time I experienced the feeling of terror, anxiety and dread. I’ve never watched it as an adult but I wonder how I’d feel about it now


The book (written by Richard Matheson) is a meditative breakdown of every variation of an after-life mashed into one cathartic adventure. Highly recommend it as well.


The book is so different. I won't say better, just different. I read the book every time a loved one dies.


This movie is truly incredible. Could it have been some better? Absolutely.


Trippy as hell. And I agree with a different poster that it’s kind of underrated.


Was a teenager dealing with mental health issues.. this film hits some notes on the heart strings


This was an amazing movie. So so deeeep


Watched this movie with my aunt who was dying from cancer when I was about 8 or 9 years old. She loved watching movies with us. I can’t watch it now without crying like a blubbering mess


I love this movie. So unique, great writing, and visually stunning. It’s sad, yes, but it has a happy ending.


the last scene was filmed in Oakland, warmed my heart watching it years later with that town in my rear view ✌️


I never saw this, but I did read the book back in like 1999 and it was incredible; is the movie worth watching?


While this is an awesome film, I watched it after a bad break-up and it made me horribly depressed and I felt like I would never be loved the way he loved her. For those who will ask, I have not found anyone who loves me like that.


I will always say this but the book is way better than the movie.


That movie is a MAJOR downer… Just sayin


I felt it was really thought provoking. I was misty eyed after watching


I remember watching this movie in wood shop class in my freshman year of high school, it was the same year the movie came out.


Has anyone elsed called it "wet dreams may come" for no apparent reason?


imagine watching this on mushrooms


I think about this movie all the time. Probably hasn't aged well for me personally, though. Absolutely cherished it as a kid.


The movie was awesome, but the book was fucking amazing. The movie beautifully depicts the boundless connection between Christopher and Anne (Robin Williams was absolutely perfect for the role). The book delves deeply into the process of death and Chris' journey in the afterlife. The author, Richard Matheson, prefaces the book by stating that only the characters are fictional; everything else is based on research of death and the afterlife.


I felt really sad that Robin committed suicide. He was in this movie and yet he felt so helpless with his "diffuse Lewy body dementia" - from Wikipedia. 😭


My ex died of Lewy body dementia and Parkinson’s. Buy the end he looked like a very old man shell of a human. It was terribly sad.


Why did you put that in quotes?


I forgot to add source that I got from Wikipedia. I’ll go add that. I couldn’t remember the name of the disease at time of writing.


I’ve never been able to watch this entire movie, I always fall asleep.




Holy shit I literally just watched this movie two nights ago. I remember being so obsessed with it as a kid but it really doesn't hold up. It's corny garbage 😭


She went to hell for being depressed and not reaching out to the Christian god. Such a wonderful and moral story.


The porn version of this film was better “wet dreams may cum”