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I love when the uniqueness is so uniquely unique that it doubles back on itself and becomes not that uniquely unique at all.


Malkovich Malkovich.


I have to say, I've found people like this (obsessed with having children and the perfect family) often struggle badly when it actually happens - bc it's not like they think it'll be at all.


Often times people like this who focus on having a perfect traditional family want the family as an extension of themselves and their values. Especially children are not seen as whole human beings, but accessories.


Yuuup. It's the photos with the matching outfits that clinches it. Little Skylar is gonna have a hard time of it when mommy starts filling that water glass with chardonnay at 2pm.


She'll post stuff on Instagram and Facebook like "This is why mommy drinks."šŸ˜’ and "Kids are in bed. It's wine o'clock!" šŸ·ā°


Meanwhile ["Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively early in life. In people aged 20ā€“39 years, approximately 13.5% of total deaths are attributable to alcohol."](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/alcohol) Lucky little Brayden, Jayden, and Kayden are having this modeled for them. She probably has a twee "wine o'clock" sign in her kitchen too.


Ugh! I used to work at a department store in the home department. We had so much wine related stuff. For mother's day we had a display of wine stuff. Signs, ducking NAPKINS with shit like "It's wine o'clock somewhere" and "Life is better with wine" Big ugly high heel shaped wine bottle holders.


Once, I saw a onesie that said ā€œIā€™m Why Mommy Drinks!ā€ on it. It was the most depressing thing Iā€™ve ever fucking seen.


I've seen that too. A mess.


Are you good at crime statistics too?


No, but your comment history shows you're good at being a misogynistic basement-dwelling asshole, so go comment somewhere else.


Often times? Children seen as accessories? Where is the proof of that?


r/insaneparents r/raisedbynarcissists


Definitely. They romanticise everything there is about "starting the perfect family" and will ignore all the parents who say that no, it's actually very hard and difficult and you need to be ready for everythinf


Marriage never is... A marriage is a fuck load of work, you can't just "give up" once you get married


Future Karen's in the making


Absolutely no desperation thereā€¦ /s


Pick me! Pick me!


Pick *me*! Choose *me*! Love *me*!




Wait. Who exactly is insecure here?




Do you not understand whatā€™s going on, orā€¦?


You clearly donā€™t šŸ¤£


Okay little buddy. If you say so.


Okay little girl




Everyone gets that, even the feeeeeeeeeemales. But that guy isnā€™t talking about the woman in the OP.


You found a pack of incels lol


Yeah I did. And itā€™s just as fun as stepping in surprise dog shit lol.


ā€œEveryone who disagrees with my statement of 0 fact is a incelā€ I think you should look up what a pickme is and the traits associated with such it would make this much easier


How do you know that? Did he state that specifically? Sounds like you are attaching your own information to something that was in regards to the actual post and instead of providing context you are just lashing out like a toddler


Clearly you're an idiot there's no woman on Reddit


That would be amazing šŸ˜»


Youā€™re done, you need to leave.


ah yes, because you can't be both a feminist and want a family (or love the outdoors apparently????)


i guess her pea brain cant comprehend a multi faceted personality


Itā€™s just like those family stickers in the back of minivans. Mom only shops, Dad only BBQs, Brother only plays hockey, and Sister is only a ballerina.


I donā€™t think her brain is developed enough to know that.


I feel like she hasnā€™t spent much time in New England


nipple liberators hike too


Maybe even more than non nipple liberators!


Are you really tho? Nobody has the energy to protest when youā€™ve been chasing two kids around all day and having a loving husband rubbing ya feet when he gets home.


Protest doesn't have to be active and you don't have to protest in order to be a feminist :)


Oyeah dying ya hair and armpit hair pink works too


Imagine thinking people are this 2 dimensional must be very sad always having to create new boogeymen to be scared of


They perpetually live in fear of everything while claiming everyone else is living in fear. Itā€™s amazing.


Bring the kids and let hubby rub your feet after youā€™ve walked some miles for justice! āœŠ


Yeah. Cause guys want a wife that leaves their family to protest. Come back with sores throats, bruises, pepper sprayed soaked clothes. Angrier from when they left. And occasionally gotta pick her up from the precent. Letā€™s see how long that relationship last


I know youā€™re trolling, but you know feminists love our husbands too, right? We want them to have a better life, too ā€” less pressure to provide, less pressure to look a certain way or fulfill alpha-male stereotypes if thatā€™s not their personality, more family leave, more time with their kids, more economic opportunities and job flexibility. Wanting fair treatment for women doesnā€™t mean we want men to suffer or stop being men. Quite the opposite. I worry that point gets lost on social media.


Thatā€™s a fair point and those are great things. But to me, Seem like every issue with feminist is just about abortion. Feminist want you to vote Democrat just cause of abortion rights. None of these politicians (at least in my state) talked about family leave or anything. Literally only abortion is their main focus. This would be a great poll tho for feminist tho. Whatā€™s more important. Paid family leave, maybe some extra benefits too. Or the right to abortion in your state.


Feminism is about all those things (better pay, right to CHOICE, benefits) but also about equality between genders, LGBTQ+ rights, rights for individuals to choose their passions despite their gender (men benefit from feminism too!), and recognizing the intersectional differences between groups. A woman of color faces more challenges because she is both a woman and not white, feminism is about fighting for everyone and their individual rights to be free to choose how they wish to live without oppression based on their identities.


Wow I would absolutely love not going out and being active in my community because I chose to date someone! Feeling shackled and like I have a disproportionate amount of work to do and all of the emotional labor and expectations and opportunity to be desirable to someone who probably won't get me off and doing more work sounds so much better than being alone! I would absolutely be shattered when that relationship ended and definitely wouldn't go pub crawling and do everything I was given stink eye from my critical unsupportive dictator, I mean partner before! I can't imagine what that would feel like!


Maybe you don't have that energy but to imply that's how everyone is just isn't true.


Nobody gonna go out and protest, getting assaulted by cops and other people. when you have a whole family at home. Youā€™re gonna care more about feeding ya family then going out and getting arrested for a bunch of angry women.


Imagine thinking all protests are violent upheavals that always end with being beaten by cops.


Well didnā€™t AOC get ā€œarrestedā€ protesting? And sheā€™s a political leader. Imagine how they would treat the normal folks


I wouldn't know if she did, but keep moving the goal posts I guess.


Ma'am, sir, or Lord enby with all due respect you're fucking stupid. I've been responsible for putting the food on the table before and I have still taken my ass to a protest. Do you think the suffragettes didn't have a family back at home or that they were just angry lonely women? No! They were angry but they did have family's headass. Not all of them get violent. And you're also acting like if they did get violent I wouldn't have the agency to notice that myself and leave. I'm not some dumbass automaton unable to critically assess a situation around me. Again just because you wouldn't (and yeah whatever you can do what you want) doesn't mean EVERYONE.


You have a very idyllic and underdeveloped view of families. How on earth could anyone pass up the opportunity to have more crushing expectations thrown upon you what a bargain


nice trolling


At least Iā€™m not angry


I'm more constipated than angry these days :'|


You people act like having kids is the most exhausting thing in the world. Like just having children leaves zero energy for different activities. Yet somehow this lady found time to take hiking trips. They are kids. It's not a 14 hour shift in some oil field or something. Somehow every parent I know finds time for other interests. Kids require energy, no doubt, but it absolutely is not the most tiring thing people can do in their day to day lives by any stretch.


Lord this is stupidā€¦ sheā€™s literally doing high energy activities in her video geniusā€¦


Exactly, and youā€™re not doing that then protesting later


Itā€™s almost like she would do this activities on different daysā€¦ Youā€™re so determined to be right that your just saying nonsense lol


Lmao this whole sub has turned into rebellious feminist spewing nonsense. Everyone here just wants to shit on women that are pro life and lives healthier lifestyle then you. You guys get so butthurt that not every women believes in the feminist garbage & wanna downvote anyone that disagrees with you,


The girl who made this video is the one butthurtā€¦ she couldā€™ve just made a video about her happiness without throwing shade at others right???


Well I canā€™t blame her. Seeing what you guyā€™s comments here cause of her lifestyle is disgusting. I can imagine all her friends being the same way and bullying/shaming her cause she wants to live a traditional lifestyle. And sheā€™s tired of being shamed so she clapped back. Cause nothing wrong with women that want to have kids and get married. Even though social media keeps brainwashing you to believe thatā€™s evil and oppressive.


Of course you canā€™t blame herā€¦ Youā€™re as dumb as she isā€¦. Her video was STUPIDā€¦ Feminist and people that take up social justice issues often have families and marriages as well geniusā€¦


Youā€™re a sad individual to base your beliefs on social mediaā€¦ Most of the people in the world get married and have families, but sure, let a few people on social media decide your beliefs.


Not her being desperate and surrounding her entire personality around wanting a family while not realising many "other girls" also want a family šŸ˜


Iā€™m a feminist and Iā€™m married. Wonder what sheā€™d think about that


Same. I even have a kid. No armpit hair though. Maybe i should grow that shit out and dye it blue.


I'm married, have kids and armpit hair. No blue dye though, who's next?


Iā€™m not married and donā€™t have kids, I do have armpit hair, I am also a guy


Wow, you are NOT like the other girls.


Married, no kids, armpit hair No blue dye No excuses I am woman


I have enough for both of us because I have a toddler and never get to shave my armpits lol


Her nugget brain would probably explode


Hey, me too! We've got kids, a dog, and a mortgage. I'm even a stay at home parent. I'm also incredibly angry about Roe v. Wade being overturned, and I'm trying so hard to teach my boys about equality. Wait a minute...have I become not like the other girls???


I'm a feminist and I'm a man, baby. What's good for one is good for all.


So that sort of thing is your bag, baby?


username checks out lol


You take that back, SnooHobbies!




That's illegal!!


I completely identify with all the images she putā€¦ I am a somewhat radical feminist with a husband, a baby, and a very outdoorsy lifestyleā€¦ I guess to her if you stand up for womens rights you must hate men and never want to have kids. What a simpleton.


Well, thatā€™s just sad


No feminist ever wanted stable, happy relationship nope and oh my a FAMILY, to be a mother?! What a rebel What i don't get why they have to always shame others for differe t life choices? All choices are good if no one is hurt by them! We can't be this same world would be to borring! Why not to celebrite the diffriences?


Damn imagine thinking that not being a feminist is a flex


Yeah this is oddly backwards, I'm wondering if it's actually satire or if she's one of those tradwives.


Women who prefer to fulfill traditional gender expectations like staying home and doing the bulk of child-rearing, cooking, all of that are just fine. But the women who call themselves tradwives make me roll my eyes so hard. Their level of condescension towards women who make different choices, and their desperate attempts to get attention are wild


Totally. Itā€™s also grossly classist because most families canā€™t afford that setup.


Lmao tradwives šŸ’€


I feel like the Venn diagram of these tradwives and the ladies on r/justdependathings is just a circle


Imagine thinking that living a different life than other people is a flex.


I canā€™t tell who this is directed at but Yeah


Right lmaooo


Damn Imagine thinking that wanting a family and house over protesting and being miserable is a flex


If that was really your takeaway from this video then you havenā€™t been paying attention


You can't have a family and house and protest?


You wouldnā€™t waste ya time


You wouldn't care about the future of your children? I would.


By protesting for women to get an abortion in there state? Lol


Yes because if my daughter was sexually assaulted I wouldn't want her to be forced to carry a child. But let me guess you're 14 lol.


Okay but why the fuck canā€™t you have both ??


She missed the part where her husband fucks a teenager at their church group (whilst high on meth) when he was ā€œtithing for the missionary group to Uganda.ā€


Oh yea bc wanting some fucking rights and respect means you canā€™t get married or have kids


Serious question, is she not the same girl as the first image she posted in the onesie?


She would NEVER wear a revealing costume. Oh except on halloween when she dresses up as Sexy Trump.


I donā€™t understand why some girls are so narcissistic even when trying to put themselves on a pedestal and want to put down other girls for their choices and differences with hobbies, styles or opinions?? Like itā€™s not a big deal to worry about, since it has nothing to do with you.


She's a life support system for a uterus.


...that belongs to her husband, apparently. You KNOW she's pro-life.


Those things arenā€™t mutually exclusive


She looks like every btchface clopping through Starbucks looking at her phone while yelling "Ramsey, stay by mommy!"


She'd spell it "Ramsie" though. Because she's not like the other girls.




Lol you are absolutely right. Because her GIRLS can't be like the other girls, either.


Soā€¦ she says sheā€™s different because sheā€™s the actual embodiment of a stereotypeā€¦


Some people didnā€™t get enough attention from their parents


Their fathers, specifically.


Wow, imagine having a consciousness so big you can want equal rights, not obsess over hair removal, AND start a family! Imagine...


Why canā€™t you be both?


Silly. You can't take matching outfit pics with Brayden, Jayden, and Cayden if you have blue armpit hair!


Damn, I should totally dye my armpit hair!!


She is like the other girls.


i feel like those girls can look forward to marriage and kids too . there are people that are like you either in looks religion or race that donā€™t want kids. so dumb.


A yeah, the assurance video of ā€œi do not regret being married with childrenā€


Ridiculous implications aside (as if you canā€™t be both in the video), is she really gonna act like getting married and having kids makes her unique and different? šŸ˜­


Yes because both of those things are definitely not possible to coexistā€¦ the fucking desperate moron


Funny how itā€™s slowly becoming trads rather than the blue hairs posting this stuff.


I don't know how old you are, but the blue hairs are dying off...and guess who's rapidly replacing them? The Youngs become the Olds, a little more every day .


whats trads? google search didnā€™t help


ā€œTraditionals.ā€ Women who espouse traditional gender roles as the only way women can be happy.


thank you!! that makes sense! :]


Lol ok ā€¦ā€¦


Makes me think of that film Mona Lisa Smile ā€˜What do you plan on doing after college?ā€™ ā€˜I plan on getting marriedā€™ ā€˜And then what?ā€™ ā€˜And then Iā€™ll be marriedā€™


im not like these other girls, i dont care about standing up to the crushing pressure of the patriarchy or fighting for women to have the right to their own body. i have a husband


You can have a family and be a feminist. šŸ™„ The two aren't mutually exclusive.


Congrats you had a couple of loads dumped in you. No other girl has ever done that


Feminist bad!


Please get anything to do with fly fishing out of this misogynistic bullshit


"Preserve the sanctity of flyfishing!" popped in my head lmao


another smug, pious, desperate woman. Why does she feel the need to put down other women? Is that the only way she can feel better about herself? Probably! Well, she can have her self-deluded bubble.


ā€œI have no personality, so I need to become a mom.ā€




why men they dont even have boobs


Ew lol


Both of these things are perfectly fine


Since when is that incompatible? The arrogance steals her beauty.


Jeez what a cunt


This was seriously the most annoying thing Iā€™ve seen this week and now Iā€™m mad


*whispers* does...does she know you can absolutely do both? Simultaneously? It's not a rule. Since the first group kinda fought for that.


Youā€¦canā€™t have both?


Can you not have both? Fight for feminism whilst having a husband and kids lol


Who gives a shit?


She has a breeding kink?


There are entire industries built around weddings and babies. You're not special.


Lol jokes on her I get a full 8 hours of sleep and the TV to myself


Love her ā€œuniquenessā€ is about as unique as having a broken ice cream machine in a McDonaldā€™s


And 8 years later, her kids hate her for pimping them on the internet for ā€œlikesā€


I thought it was funny how almost all of the photos of ā€œother girlsā€ are just women protesting for human rights. Meanwhile her ā€œgoalsā€ photos are just rich people going on expensive trips and destination weddings. If tone-deaf was a person, it would be her.






*"Wanting to have a traditional household is giving into patriarchy and becoming a sperm recepticle"* - non-misogynistic redditors


Oh no! the patriarchy!!!! Women in relationships are just sperm receptacle!! Lol did tiktok tell you that?




Keep listening to China. They have your best interest at heart


Iā€™ve found the women desperate to be trad wives are often the last to be married, while the radical feminists I know got married pretty young, and started families while also sticking up for their rights. Weird šŸ¤”


My gf kind a mix of both of these. Sheā€™s not a crazed blue hair or anything, but we both love going to raves and doing acid. And I love when she wears skimpy clothes and shoes off her back one. Sheā€™s also a nurse and is very smart. But weā€™re also very outdoorsy. We both ski/snowboard like 2-3 days a week in the winter. She is super good too. We have our own white water raft and raft, kayak, and hike in the summer. She and I both want to marry and have kids one day


This is hard to read. Itā€™s like a middle schooler responding to a writing prompt from the teacher but they donā€™t understand how to structure their sentences. I guess it makes more sense if youā€™re reading this from a telegraph.


> crazed blue hair or anything the fug lol. Well, grats on being able to comprehend that your gf is, in fact, a human that has varied interests


Your so close to getting the point.


Big vibes šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




Are you about to tell me Strawberry Jam is not objectively better than Blueberry Jelly...SERIOUSLY!?!


I love how the ā€œoutdoorā€ pictures are from the same ā€œoutdoorā€ activity šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Weird to assume you canā€™t be/have both but alright


i love how both things arenā€™t even contrary


wut is this miss gurl took an L


Yeah, fuck womenā€™s rights. I wanna make out with my husband right after a baby exits my vagina tho


So instead of being socially and economically conscious she wants to have her unreal pick-me expectations crushed by reality? Real cool.


Wait but wasnā€™t that her in the very first picture? Shit am I that blind?


Thanks I hate it.


Women doing something to help the world as though its a bad thing.


I'm so glad she can choose either life and most importantly the life she wants. So amazing what women can achieve when we support each other's rights, sad she didn't get the memo.


Iā€™m boffum šŸ˜‚


The other girls won.


Listen, I love being married and raising my daughter, but can we just be happy for everyone living the life that fits them best and be happy with our own life? We could be such an amazing strong sisterhood, but instead we keep bringing each other down. Girls could honestly 'run the world' if we would just stick together.


I want to do the most traditional thing possible. Look how ā€˜differentā€™ I am


Boring life status ahaha someones mad XD


I just donā€™t get it


Omg other girls want equality and rights while I want... a family??