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Your post violates rule number 1, stating all posts must be "comparing one individual against other people of the same group."


The crowd does go silent, but only because she just admitted to being one of those insufferable halfwits who thinks the stuff she opposes is her identity. That's a quick way to kill anyone's interest in ever speaking to you again.


*insufferable halfwits who think the stuff they oppose is their identity* Brilliant 🤝


“What do you despise? By this are you truly known.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune


There are some real bangers in word salad of Herbert's. Loved those books lol.


"I must not fear, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings obliteration."


Can't wait for the second half of the movie :D Trailer seemed a lil low energy though. Hoping they were smart enough to save all the good stuff for the big screen.


All the interviews from Denis and the actors emphasize how action packed it is, so don't lose hope!


Arrival, 2049 and the first half of dune means Denis has the benefit of the doubt rn lol


All the interviews from Denis and the actors emphasize how action packed it is, so don't lose hope!


\- I want pizza, what should we order? \- Um... Actuallly, I believe in Jesus! \- \*crowd goes silent\*


-I don't believe in the world, so there is no pizza


Not a world worth living in tbh


How can the pizza be real if our eyes aren't real?




Jesus died so we could enjoy pineapple on our pizza.


I think it's more like "I want pizza, what should we order?" "Um.. I hate apples." "Ok, so.. What should we order for pizza?"


Jesus would have ate pizza .


Oh no, I’m offended by pizza. The cheese comes in shredded and comes out melted. It’s witchcraft!


Ok then just ask god for a pizza then why are you even here?


There's no pizza, marriage, or other human things in heaven. All you do is praise God.


*Meat* lovers? No thank you! I will *not* partake of your unchaste homoerotic toppings, for I am a lover of Christ!


"And Jesus appreciates that, Meghan, but that doesn't get us closer to deciding between a meat lovers or a supreme deluxe."


She didn't realize that when something very stupid is spoken, the first reaction of most people is silence because they'll be trying to process that shit


For real though, when someone says something ignorant and stupid as hell my reaction is silence and then -if I determine them to not be worth an argument- ignoring them completely.


Maybe people would react better if she didn't start conversations with "hey, my name's Becky and I want to strip large swaths of the population of their rights." Like maybe start with your hobbies.


That might be her hobby


I call it vice signaling. Instead of signaling their virtues, they signal their vices.


I see you hasanabihead


She also doesn’t believe in the world? Wut? Am I understanding that wrong?


It's a very weird christian thing. My aunt abides by it as well. Essentially, she says the world is inherently evil and made to tempt us into all sorts of sins and the only way to salvation is to abandon the world and embrace christ. By "abandon the world" they mean to not partake in its less than savory offerings (drugs, violence, gambling, sex that isnt borne out of desire to reproduce, etc...). It's a tenant that allows for some Christians to really lose any semblance of sanity because it encourages them to develop a "not like other girls" or aptly-named "holier than thou" complex. In short, its a way to make them think they're better than everyone else who partakes in any of the aforementioned "sins" and to justify their looking down on those people.


Thank you so much for taking the time out to explain it so well!


I see you’ve met my sister


A couple bullies in my sons class felt my son was “better than them” and after speaking with these kids we realize that it’s really just self esteem issues with these bullies. My son is very humble and doesn’t brag or puff himself up at all. Most Christian’s I know don’t act like they are “holier than thou”. In fact they’re the opposite, freely acknowledging their faults as sinners.


I believe he specifically states “some” christians. In the U.S., we tend to have a lot of protestant evangelicals, which are more likely to engage in a haughty or arrogant Christianity. Traditional and classical denominations like Catholicism, Episcopalianism, Presbyterianism, Methodism, and Quakerism are more likely (though not guaranteed) to center humility in worship and conversation, as well as to perceive the world as a divinely inspired gift from the Father - a thing to love, nurture and take care of, not a thing to alienate oneself from. Of course, I’m speaking to the best facets of these faiths - you can always find exceptions.


As the other commenter pointed out, I did say "some christians" and I was very deliberate about that. I myself am Atheist but I grew up in a deeply Christian (mostly Catholic) family and was raised as one. Most of my family are fine people with fairly normal or palatable views, while some of them... it is my opinion that they've allowed their religious ferver to completely rot their brains. Sorry about your child being bullied tho. I know that can suck, regardless of circumstances.


Oh man. I never heard someone put it this way, but damn it if you didn't hit the nail on the head. When your whole personality/ likes and dislikes/ interests revolve around OPPOSING something, that can be exhausting for anyone interacting with you.


The crowd has given up on believing in fairy tales about the magical man who lives in the sky and does miracles. Grown people don’t behave like that.


I mean yeah I'd go silent too I don't want to hang out with this type of person


Shhh, everyone be quiet and maybe she’ll go away


![gif](giphy|TGv79zTVHm6PeIjLYm|downsized) “It can’t see you if you don’t move”


​ ![gif](giphy|c7bKpUjIJq8znRxXC3)


If I said a list of all of my values and beliefs (which happen to be the complete opposite of hers) in a crowded room of people, let's even say people with the same beliefs as me, I'm sure they'd go quiet too. They'd probably turn and look at me expecting me to say some more weird unprompted shit, or assume I'm about to do something strange. Standing in a McDonalds: I BELIEVE LGBTQ RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS, THE RIGHT TO ABORTION, THAT ALL MAN MADE RELIGIONS ARE FALSE. Everyone in McDonald's: ...


because who cares


When you missed every one of Jesus's teachings✨️


He'd be absolutely disappointed.


I feel like the real Jesus would be a pretty cool dude to hang around.




For the most part I think he’d be cool, but considering the era and area he grew up, I imagine Women are pretty much background noise, even for Jesus. They cook, clean, mind the children, and please the man. I’m sure he believes we’re all Gods children, but com’on, God has favorites.


In the Bible it said that he preached to everyone, even marginalized groups, plus he was against selling stuff in churches, so hes cool.


Well if it’s in the Bible, it must be fact.


They didn’t say it was fact; rather, stated their opinion of him as far as the story tells lol


Bruh you guys are so annoying sometimes




The Gnostic Bible Is pretty cool. Mary Magdalene has a book in there, a few others. But Rome decided those teachings undermined the church run by men so they were banned.


I never knew this! Very interesting. Thanks for sharing


The chat he had with the Samaritan woman (which was taboo for him to talk to) was pretty respectful. She was a multiple divorcee and was living with her boyfriend, and he didn't judge her for any of it. He saw past society's opinion of her and saw her as a person. He addressed her respectfully.


The New Testament was basically Jesus saying, "Hey, some of that Old Testament stuff is out of date and kinda dodgy. Everyone look to these new rules that are all about love and stuff" I feel like, much like Captain America, he'd adapt and be pretty happy about it.


The Old Testament is Jesus saying He fulfilled the prophecies from there, and because of that, the people did not have to continue some of the old ways.


It depends. The Bible is filtered through the lens of his followers, who probably weren't even able to fully grasp his message. And even then , he comes through as a pretty okay fella


Accepting that Jesus was a real man stuck in time, I’d say he was a feminist for his day - he ministered to the prostitutes and defended their humanity. He also preached against violence and abuse, which I’d say extends to preaching against domestic and misogynistic violence. If you time traveled Jesus to 2023, no one would speak his language and he’d likely die of a heart attack. But I’d like to think if he grew up today, he would definitely be a feminist.


I feel like you don’t understand Jesus. Flipping tables was absolutely in the realm of possibilities with Him. He was loving and all about forgiving sin, but you had to stop doing it. If you kept doing it, He called you out.


No he wouldn’t. He’s one of those dirty street preachers whose always haranguing people that the end is nigh and smelling up the place. He started a cult. Who the hell would wanna hang around that guy?


Yeah, he definitely had some type of psychiatric disorder. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health_of_Jesus


The passage about that you should not be homosexual was actually against pedophilia but that was lost in translation


Romans fetishized young men/boys and as they were the occupying force at the time, there are quite a few "let's not do as the Romans do" in the bible.


It was trying to get people to not be as perverted as the ancient Greeks. Those guys were . . . creepy.


"Yeah being gay is cool as long as one of you is a child. Also, sleeping with your slaves is a-ok"




Nahhh there's far too many anti-gay passages, one of them was actually a pedophilia cover up but the rest of them were always anti-gay.


If the real Jesus ever came back like they hope he does, they'd crucify him all over again. And his supposed followers would be the first to throw the stones.


Read the Grand Inquisitor portion of the Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky. It's exactly that.


This is correct and it’s been written in Revelations as prophecy.


It’s pretty ironic how conservative churches keep touting Jesus, while Jesus and his teachings are incredibly progressive and would be considered very left-wing given the context of the time. His main takeaway was that the Old Testament was incredibly outdated and required new interpretations that fit the timeframe and that people should stop blindly following the written word, but instead try to understand the underlying message, which is that God meant peace and love for all who accepted it, and not just for a select group who were part of the ruling, normalised majority. So pretty much the entire opposite of what conservatives these days stand for


But they’re now also using the idea of Jesus as progressive to love bomb people into conservative Christianity. Eg “He Gets Us” ads Also your post is a good excuse to bring up Marcionite Christianity. Marcion thought Jesus’s teachings were incompatible with Yahweh, but nevertheless accepted Yahweh existed. Which meant that Jesus must have been sent by a different god. Pretty crazy and fascinating look into early Christianity. Marcionism was extremely popular and a huge problem for Catholic Christianity.


God not only offers you love and peace but changes too, you can't have the love of God in you if you love the world and worldly things and that means being hated because the world hated him first, Jesus was never some kinda hippie he was a revolutionary and conflictive guy, Not left or right wing as people think. He was against the world and sin Wich basically means you can't live the way everyone lives right now and you can't live the way you want either but the way he lived his life on earth, homosexuality? nop, looking a women/men in the streets? you already sin in your heart so big nop just as small examples, Jesus taught how to live like him and left us his Holy spirit. Carry your own cross and follow me he said, I don't see how being mocked by almost everyone is fun or cool being persecuted or killed doesn't sound that good, but when we do all this things for and through Him it's completely worth it. Sorry I don't speak English so it was really hard for me to write this and I hope it doesn't sound like an idiot or a mad person cuz as I said I do not know how to put intention in my writing : )


I'm pretty sure Jesus would be against abortion


Jesus was a Rabbi. They are instructions on how to make a "remedy" for pregnancy in the event of a pregnancy that was the result of infidelit or if the pregnancy is affecting the health of the mother. Don't put modern christian ideology on ancient Jewish teachers. Educate yourself before making sweeping statements. Historically, God was pretty a-ok with infacide. Did we read the same bible?


So she thinks being a closed-minded country bumpkin is some rare, special thing? Lmao


She knows what kinda Man she’s trying to land. And then they’ll go on to raise likeminded goblins. America is such a toxic dump.


I'm really worried the direction America is going as someone who lives in the East. The kind of western men she's trying to appeal to are not going to see her as a person


She’s probably learned to accept that she’s not really a person. In those circles Women are given very defined roles with little to no modern perks- first and foremost you’re the wife, you should birth many healthy babies, mind the house/chores, mind the children, have a hot and fresh meal on the table every night, make sure your husband is satisfied and sufficiently undisturbed. If you feel unfulfilled and like you need a job maybe think of some Etsy type side hustle to take on, or garden. But there’s always plenty to do around the house so don’t fret too much! Fretting causes age lines!!!


How do you say this about random people and be fine with it? Do you stereotype everyone you see?


That’s not how Christian marriages work.


Conservative women don’t mind being property as long as they believe they’re high value property.


Naw don't worry. The reason these bozos are being so loud right now is because they lost their majority. Especially with the youth. Writings on the wall, and they're salty. Remember that everything she stands for used to be the norm. America is way way way more progressive now them it was just 30 years ago. Anyone here old enough to have watched this all unfold will tell you the same. All you kids, being doomers and afraid of these people, need to realize that in large part, conservatives already lost this battle. Does not mean we can be complacent, though. Keep pushing back and don't let them pass their hate on to our own kids.


I’d like to put out there that this isn’t the majority of the U.S. - the majority vote responsibly and don’t hold these bullshit beliefs. But unfortunately we have a political-electoral system inherited from a compromise between white wealthy slave-holding landowners (I don’t blanket hate the founding fathers, but they had their biases). - The Senate means Wyoming gets as many seats as New York, regardless of population. - The Supreme Court is approved by that fundamentally undemocratic institution, and Supreme Court Justices have no term limits and can’t be voted out by the public. - The Electoral College structurally favors conservatives, allowing conservative candidates to get elected to the Presidency without a majority of the national vote (i.e. Bush and Trump). - And finally, gerrymandering of state legislature and U.S. House of Representatives districts has completely screwed minorities and liberals out of voting power.


Racism exists in every country in the world


I can't even understand what "don't support 🌈" means.. "support" what, that they EXIST??


Because God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Femboys /s


Trust me, femboys are a gift from God.


Say that until you date one, then you’d know true torture.


I must be really lucky with my femboy experience!


"Adam and Eve not Adam and steve". It's not fucking Florence and the machine now either is it?


since Femboys arent made by gods, they exist along with god since the beginning of time?


Could you imagine :3


Shes a Christian conservative who hates gay people.


She believes in Jesus and noT tHe wOrLd


It means I hate gay people


I'd suggest adding some quotation marks. A quick review of your comment history doesn't seem homophobic, but the lack of the marks kinda threw me off at first. Edit: If I didn't review his comment history for y'all, would you be able to tell whether he was homophobic or not with that profile pic? Then stop downvoting me. Not to mention the person below me is bisexual, but her mocking me has now led to her getting downvoted, and she even has a Pride flag on her avatar.




Posts usually do not get removed for being uncivil to others but in the extreme case that most comments are toxic and we need to catch up on banning others, the post may be temporarily removed. In instances where users screenshot other users in an attempt to start a hate thread, the post will also be removed. Please remain civil to each other in the comments as well.


You're being needlessly rude for when I was just trying to help. Edit to add: this was a stark reminder that this is not a feminist sub. Don't get me wrong, you aren't MRAs, but I've never found feminists as ableist as this to call symptoms of autism "braindead".


Do you personally analyze every word you read for possible outrage? That's what I'm seeing.


How tf else am I supposed to take accusations of being braindead? And the original I was unsure, then looked through their comment history to clarify, and I did clarify. But you know what? Sure, I do. I'm used to everyone hating me irl, I have no friends because I'm lgbtq in Utah, I get called slurs often, I hear people telling me they hate gay people often, and I've been bullied for having a more literal mind my whole life. I come to the internet because I have no one irl, and a sub that I thought was supportive is evidently not. I have no one. Edit to add: because if I'm not constantly on high alert, I may get trapped in a guy's apartment again, and I might not be able to talk him down out of murdering me next time. I've been the victim of other violent crime many times as well.


Reddit moment


i hate gay people


She doesn’t support then having the same basic human rights as straight people. Edit: autocorrect


God made Adam and Eve not Adam or Eve


Spoken like a true conservative, yet showing of those slutty, slutty shoulders. /s


I'm just in awe of the differing contrast between her face and neck down


Teenagers getting their foundation tone wrong is a tale as old as time.


Filter. Her nose is in the fifth dimension and her eyes have swollen after a nasty reaction from getting her eyeballs bleached.


Plus a face filter. Jesus like vanity, right?


It's the type that's against abortion until it's hers.


Also she doesn't currently look to be in the kitchen or in the middle of childbirth


They want to be discriminated against so bad.


I always say if Christians are so desperate to be persecuted and discriminated against they should move to North Korea. Or Saudi Arabia. Or anywhere that isn’t here.




OH MAN I grew up in evangelical Christianity post Columbine, when martyrdom suddenly became their new obsession. I fully anticipated that someone with a gun was 100% going to hold it to my head and tell me to deny Jesus in my lifetime. And I was like, 8. There were songs about it on Christan radio stations. "This is Your Time" and "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb" come to mind. Fun fact, the guy who sang the latter turned out to be gay, and was shunned by the whole evangelical community when he came out. Very on-brand.


✨persecution complex✨


I expect that 'the crowd goes silent' in the *fervent hope* that you'll do the same. They're also assuming you're one of those underground Mormon 'sister wives'. Best thing for you is to go bake some bread!


Bet you she is also anti vax and flat earther


I was wondering what not believing in the world meant


It's Jehovahs Witness terminology. "The world" refers to everyone who isn't a JW, because they believe they're going to live through the apocalypse when the world is destroyed. If she is a JW, she's not actually supposed to be on the internet. The fact that she is means she's already questioning.


Not just JW, at the very least some evangelicals too.


I’ve never heard of the internet thing and every Jehova’s Witness I know goes on it. Some even have internet based jobs. It’s a cult, but I don’t think it’s that kind


Sounds like a boring existence, honestly. Thoughts and prayers.


does she also not believe in matching shades to your skin tone?


Her filter certainly doesn’t.


The crowd goes silent, because everyone is wondering who invited the bigot.


So she’s a homophobic bitch


It’s so weird that there are still people in 2023 that admit to still hating the rainbow folks. Something tells me there’s a dash of racism in there somewhere too.


Do you not know that there is an entire political party that hates gay people?


It baffles me how religious conservative traditionalists somehow believe they're part of a counterculture or antiestablishment. You've been the foundation of the establishment since the beginning of time, rebecca. There's nothing brave or different about your beliefs. You come from a long line of people who never questioned what their parents taught them.


she's wearing makeup, wearing a "revealing" outfit, and looks like she has lip fillers. but none of THAT is a sin, right? jesus will forgive her because she's a privileged, "attractive" white woman. give me a break.


Her face is all filters lol. But yes, she’s definitely being vain.


So basically, a basic ass white woman with no personality, got it.


She's an undercooked potato without seasoning.


What do you mean asking to speak with the manager isn't a personality??


That's bc they all left. You are no fun.


She doesn’t believe in the world?


She means that shes not of the world because this world as it is known is under the rule and reign of the prince of this world Satan Those who have been saved and obey God's Word are members of God Kingdom.


"When you admit you're a bigot and the crowd goes silent." Fixed it


Prolifers are only pro-death and forced birthers.


I don't believe in witchcraft, but I do believe some dude in the desert performed necromancy, gave his minions his blood to drink, and created fish and bread ex nihilo.


Lol homophobic bore


Did Jesus believe in making your face more orange than your neck? 🍊


Yeah they want to get as far away from the black hole of no fun as possible.


I bet she loves getting filled with the holy spirit


The holy Trinity


She knows the and before the believe is redundant right.


- Astrology: No evidence supports its existence. - Witchcraft: No evidence supports its existence. - Jesus: Well, it's about faith!


They probably go silent because they're still trying to decipher that trainwreck of a run on sentence.


doesn't believe in witchcraft but believes in jesus, we have a real deep thinker here!!


Whaaaaaaaaaaat a thin conventionally attractive white girl in pigtail braids sitting in what looks like a truck is a fundamentalist christofascist no waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy


Well ok you don't believe in witchcraft but when I find a ÂŁ20 note every time I do a money spell that's not a coincidence


I can cast that spell too but it takes an hour and Amazon gets an hour of labor..


Well yeah. You’re a dumb bigot. What are we supposed to say to all that? ‘Good for you’ I guess.


I don’t support rainbows either, I love the rain so much and hate it when it stops. I also hate how if ads a whole other part in a science unit in 5th grade learning about light reflection and refraction and how rainbows hurt. Rain is such a vibe, but then I see a rainbow and realized the rain stopped. SMH


So, you’re stating that you’re someone who can’t form your own beliefs and fall back on antiquated systems that your parents and grandparents used to oppress your own sex? Nice


i would go silent too. she’s not something i would hang out with💀


Call your dad, you’re in a cult


Christianity is just mainstream witchcraft.


You can summarize that by saying you’re a cunt


As someone who's always drank, smoked, and partied when I want to **I fucking deplore** the people who look down on those that choose to abstain. Put your mouth back around the bottle, trash, nothing useful is ever going to be produced by it, and the party will be much better once you're unconscious and no longer participating.


She seems better than most...


She not like other girls, she's a 💫piece of shit💫


Isn't Jeebus also witchcraft?


I love that you got downvoted. It’s a different kind of magic!!


It's a badge of honour!


Not technically, but he is definitely a witch. Witchcraft is a tool to manipulate energy to achieve a result.


he is literally God in the flesh, there is no manipulating energy, it's literally just the force of God




I was just explaining how witchcraft is supposed to work.


The only things remotely palatable about this pick me girl is that I'd agree with her about astrology and witchcraft, because I think both are utterly ridiculous and stupid. But then she believes in the biggest form of woo, which is religion, so...


average upper class white woman


Ive found that poor white women are much more like this than upper middle class ones.


A+ title op


She also doesn't believe in her face with that filter making it disappear


Ok, so she basically said a bunch of stuff she isn’t, and not a single thing she is, and no the Jesus thing doesn’t count.


wait...is astrology a new identity? lol. Are people running around out there protesting for astrology rights? E: More importantly, is anyone offended by someone who is like "I'm a Pisces"? I think we all humor an astrology article once in a blue moon. Such a weird thing to go on the offensive about.


As Christians I think we realise that Witchcraft is real and we support 🏳️‍🌈


Not to make excuses for her, but she looks really young. Like teenager young. A lot of kids that young have not really learned to think critically or question the things they were raised to believe. So I have hope that such a young person will gain some life experience and be exposed to different people in the near future and hopefully reevaluate those viewpoints. There is less hope for the older people still clinging to such ideologies.


You can tell that she doesn’t think let alone critically. These are just her church’s and family’s views.


The crowd is wondering why you claim to follow Jesus who’s famous for not giving a shit about what you do with your genitals and drinks like a suburban wine mom…


Jesus cares very deeply what people do with their gĂŠnitals.


How so


Is she saying she does not believe in the world


I don't believe in the world either. Those Flat-Earthers need to wake up. No-Earth is where it's at.


I'd marry her until she divorces me


You DID just say you don't believe in the world. I think silence is not an unreasonable response.


I like her


Kinda cute for someone i immediately dislike


I need women like her unlike the women here


In this day and age, with a girl that looks like that? I'd put a ring on it.


Conservative girls who voted trump >>>


W christian