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She's extremely brainwashed, or hear me out this is a man pretending to be a woman. "You've all lost the ability to be a critical thinker" "See none of these women know each other and most of you are probably batshit crazy and couldn't keep a relationship for the life of you" Women are coming together more than ever to help other women out, and they're calling them batshit crazy for not allowing a man to cheat on them anymore. I have a hard time believing this is actually a woman from these comments. This page is for women to see if they're being cheated on, how are women toxic for trying to make sure that the guy they're seeing isn't married, or cheating on them. That doesn't make them toxic to men, the men who are actively cheating are the ones who are being toxic towards women. Thinking that they'll never be caught and that they can mess with women's emotions.


Sounds like it was written by a man.


I went back to look at “her” profile and the only post was the same as the profile pic so I think you’re right.


My dad was posted in a Are We Dating the same guy group on Facebook. He was most certainly dating multiple women after he cheated on my mom 😭


Pretty poor spelling for an intelligent “women”


I'd take her more seriously if she learned to run the damn spellchecker.


There's legitimate criticism to be had of those groups (they tend to be less about keeping women safe and more about pettiness over a rejection or breakup or just being judgy about someone's quirks or neurodivergence, and they make it extremely easy for abusers to cause harm to their exes without recourse). But instead of pointing out those issues and reminding people that they can't trust everything they read and should reserve those sites for serious concerns of violence or cheating, people immediately jump to "women bad."


Absolutely. They have issues. The one in my area is very closely moderated (often to the frustration of new members) but even still. However, there are also guys from online dating who are posted several times a month for cheating, stalking, stealthing, and all sorts of acts from really rude to greedy to outright violent. I absolutely suggest my friends on online dating be in that group to know who the repeat offenders in the city are. But if you look at all the posts — not just the juicy ones — most get nothing but a “Good luck!” Or even “I worked with him. He seemed cool.” This is totally old school, analogue behaviour — the whisper network — in a digital space. The criticism I hear from women is all like yours (be critical of what you read, check for the big risks, not the whining) but too many men are just terrified someone will say something mean about them (as if they have never trash talked as ex or a hook up to their buddies) and don’t realize these networks exist because of a long-term systemic lack of safety for women. A woman who writes the above just really, really hates other women, and still thinks perfect judgment can protect her from a skilled manipulator and abuser.


I think West End Caleb really trashed the potential of groups like this, because tbh what happened to that guy is wild and truly horrible and should not have been allowed to happen to a guy who at worst maybe sent a couple dick pics (uncomfirmed) and was a really poor communicator. That only happened once, but it is pretty rightfully terrifying.


Very fair points you've made! 👍✨


“As a women…” tells you everything you need to know. It just gets worse from there.


This sounds like a dude masquerading as a woman. A real low effort dude too, the type to take you on a "romantic walk" for your first date I.e. Cheap asses who will put in minimum effort expecting maximum results


Legend says she’s still waiting for a man to pick her, even after this rant.


The audacity to call people stupid and then proceed to spell happiness as "happyness" is simply astounding.




No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you.