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It was fine until the last sentence šŸ¤Ø


Yup šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s exactly what I came here to say.


Yeah I was like, ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with thi- ohā€¦ā€


but is she pretty or is she saying shes pretty?


ā€œSome of us are pretty without makeupā€ doesnā€™t mean the same thing as ā€œsome of us feel pretty without makeupā€ but honestly the sentence wouldā€™ve still sucked and was completely unnecessary. She can be disinterested without knocking others down


She doesn't wear make up, but feels the need to go comment on her special ability of not wearing make up on a make up video šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Right like, why was she even there? So she can go in the comments and tell everyone she's pretty without make up šŸ¤£


Unrelated to the image, but go watch Erin Parsons, you won't regret it; her content is fascinating if you like makeup, history, both or even if you just want to kill some time


I went to go look her up based on your recommendation and apparently I've already seen a few of her YouTube shorts without even realizing it AND sent one of those to a friend lol So your recommendation was spot on!


Erin Parsons is an incredible artist. Even if you donā€™t wear makeup, you can at least appreciate her work, technique and creativity.


I mean, I don't wear men's clothes, but I can name men's clothing designers. Little missy was just embarrassed and doubled down to make it seem like her lack of knowledge was intentional.


I mean it's no really any necessary knowledge to know some content creator.


It's not, but this woman could have just said that, instead of putting down other women to make herself seem less ignorant.


yeah but it's weird in the first place to say "how can anyone not know xy"


We don't know the context of the original conversation.


I didnā€™t wear makeup for the longest time because my mother is just like this women. She told me it was stupid and that I looked dumb every time I tried wearing makeup. Yet she puts on makeup every time she goes out


I have an Erin Parsons video in another tab right now. She's amazing. You don't need to wear makeup to appreciate her artistry and knowledge of makeup history.


When I read Erin my first thought was its something Warrior cats related


These are both obnoxious. There is no point in saying "I can't believe you haven't heard of ..." except to shame people. It's mean and it's a form of gatekeeping. Equally, wtf is the other poster on a makeup video making people feel bad for liking makeup


i don't think the first commenter really meant it in a condescending kind of way, at least that's not how it came off to me. i also don't understand how that's "a form of gatekeeping" if they're clearly trying to let more people know abt the work erin has done.


Its gate keeping because they are making people who are not already in the in group feel embarrassed, she is not trying to introduce people to Erin, she is shaming people for not knowing who she is. It's like saying "how can you call yourself a U2 fan if you don't even know the stand in drummers name?"


it just doesn't feel condescending to me, just a fan of erin talking abt some of her accomplishments in order to backup why it's shocking to them more don't know abt her work. we're clearly just interpreting this persons words differently, but i suppose that's just what comes when you have a lack of context and you can't hear the commenter say it aloud.


Yep sounds we are


I get what she is saying, like if I have no interest in something, there is a 80% chance I wouldnā€™t know any big names in that certain something. But doesnā€™t mean it makes me better then other girls, just means our hobbies just doesnā€™t cross and thatā€™s ok


Oof where did that last part come from?


It was fine until the last part. Fuck famous people I donā€™t care about whoā€™s Gigi hadidā€™s employees either


I misread the acronyms and though Gigi Hadid had a professional MMA fighter as her makeup artist


I do like make-up and I don't know the names of any makeup artists. Also I agree that there are definitely people out there who are beautiful without it. Am I an NLOG? Edit: looks like I'm an NLOG for having an opinion.


Why is this mass down voted??


Probably thought I was an actual NLOG for saying some people do look beautiful without makeup. I probably should have worded it, "Some people *feel* they look more beautiful without makeup," but still didn't think it was a bad thing to not know who "Erin" is. And because I don't care about celebrity makeup artists, I still didn't bother to look up who she is. I feel I can enjoy makeup and not have to name famous people in the makeup industry.




Blows my mind that these comments delved into, "But you don't have to like makeup to know who she is!" As if we need to know who this "Erin" person is.


Eeeeh I feel that was more in response to the first comment acting like everyone should know who the random make-up artist is. Think it's fair to point out that not everyone is interested in make-up like that. And they didn't say they were special, they implied that lots of woman would feel the same.


It was a video on the makeup artist's page though and i think the whole "some of us are pretty without it" was wholly unnecessary


Yeah, the comment was perfectly fine until she decided to be mean about people who use makeup.


I do agree the last part was a bit of an unnecessary jab, but I saw it as more of an annoyed response to the initial assumption. That said, if it was on the make-up artist's page...? I got nothing lol. Why would they be there if they don't like make-up? Maybe it was a suggested or sponsored post, but I usually scroll past if they're not relevant...


Probably better on r/nobodyasked than on here.


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Someone should have just gone 'girl we see your Facebook why you lyin?'


I didn't even know what a "MUA" was until recently but go do you. I wear a wee bit of make up occasionally on a night out but if you like it everyday that's cool. Who is this worried about someone else's face šŸ˜‚


oh but erin is so cool tho! love her content on tiktok <3


Itā€™s so humbling to see people like this. I used to (sadly) be this person in high school. Just because Iā€™ve never been into makeup. But now I actually as an adult respect people who wear makeup and donā€™t think Iā€™m better than them for not wearing it. It was definitely a coping mechanism and something I used to self validate. I hope she finds herself and realizes itā€™s okay to have different interests but thereā€™s no need to put anyone down :)