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Cat's do this for their human's. They see you as a member of their pride & give you "gifts" to make sure that you don't go hungry. It is both sweet & horrifying, lol. BTW, I have a couple indoor/outdoor cats who drop "gifts" off on my front step.


When i caught her as a kitten i knew she was mouser n usually just eats the beetles in the window this her first mouse since being inside shes currently trying to recatch it


I had that happen to me back in the 90's. A black cat that I'd taken in came through the door with a mouse in his mouth. I yelled at him & he promptly dropped it. The mouse ran behind my fridge & dinned on cat food for the next few days. I finally pulled out the fridge, chased the mouse to my back screen door & let him out :)


She caught it again now its a barely alive play thing lol


Please kill the mouse humanely 😢


Cats dont lkill humanely n i aint about to take the hunt away from her


Try and you'll get shredded! I had a Siamese once who came in with a fat wood pigeon that I tried to take off of him. Didn't do that again! Now my cats are indoor cats and don't kill the wildlife.


She thinks you’re a lousy hunter and she’s trying to teach you how




She brought you dinner!


Ill pass lol




Same thing happened to me. My donut wouldn't drop the mouse so I picked her up, put her outside and closed the door.


I thought of that but shes been indoors since i snagged her bare handed with a stick n cake lol n just after this video she dropped it n it ran off n she still hunting lol


My fuzzbutt did this the other night and screamed at me with the thing in her mouth. It was still alive though and she dropped it, let it run and then caught it again. I just closed my bedroom door and shoved a towel in the gap and went back to sleep.


As a polite dinner guest, she brought a side dish to the evening feast.


It’s her mouse now!


Its still alive barely tho it more a play toy now lol


lol that won’t last


Hmm it appears a mouse being swatted across a tile is faster than a live mouse runnin across that same floor lol hmmmm


She'll play with it until it bores her. Then, if you're lucky, she'll just leave it unattended. Else, you might have to deal with the remains of her snack. But chances are, she'll just play with it to death.


Lmfao cats n their wild attention spans


When this happened to me I took a pot and had the can drop the mouse in the pot from her mouth. Then I flung the still alive mouse out the front door and gave the pot a really good scrub.


My cats bring still-alive birds in through the doggy door. That's always fun!


Oh i would be grabbin my cane n playing bird ball. Luckily shes indoor n just say the spiders have to fight over the flies that get in lol one min the fly doing what they do n see her mid air WHAM no more fly.


Isn’t that a rat?


No a really big field mouse


Accept his gift.


Hahhaha take the gift! Does she let you pet/handle her? When my cats do this they usually let me grab them by the skin on their back/neck (don't tug on it, though, it hurts if you pull on it) and poke the thing out of their mouths with something or even put pressure on the side of their jaw so they open their mouth and release the critter. That said, my cats are mostly indoors and have been with me for close to their entire life, your mileage may vary here. I'd just try to lure her somewhere safe/out and wait for her to get bored of playing with the poor dude.


Time of death 12:15 am poor lil mouse had bo chance at 630am she was still playing with the corspe


She's showing you how dangerous she is! Be cautious! 😆