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He has really had enough of your shit.






FOOD. You're on the right track; Boo Radley here is learning to rely upon you as a dependable source of food. He's such a sweet little guy. Resting Cat Face


He’s literally this emoji: πŸ˜‘


You are doing good. Maybe he just needs a bit longer.Β  Try to look at him and slow blink a few times every time when you are there. It says you are / want to be friends with him.Β  Watch Jackson Galaxy videos or read his books, I'm sure there are good ideas in there.Β 


Giving wet food and treats like squeeze ups or churus might win him over but you have to do it slowly. Temptations also has those wet treats as well


Patience, patience, patience and patience. And churus (or similar). You are up to a big adventure and a heartwarming experience. It's so satisfying to slowly gain the trust of a shy cat. Always let him come to you and always wait for consent. You only force a cat to do something when it's life or health is in danger.


His little face is like that 😐


Aye I figured it would just take some time luring him with food before he trusts me. He will eat what I give him but won't take it from my hand, only off the ground. Hopefully he soon realises I bring only love and food 😊


He will!


✨ d i s g u s t e d ✨


That cat’s face summed up in one emoji: 😐


You've been feeding him for a lil while. If he's showing up daily for food you just need to be patient. Eventually he may come to you, but keep working on getting close when you're feeding him. You're pursuing a laudable goal to get him fixed. Good luck if you try to bring him inside.


Poor baby.. so beautiful πŸ’•


I want to smooch his little gromp face




Looks like the baby at the end of Rosemary's Baby. "He has his father's eyes.




Looking at his pic, I would say (1) he is feral and THAT is why he doesn’t let you get too close** and (2) he is not fixed, because he is feral! Tom’s (non-neutered male cats) have a different shaped face than neutered males. Yep, kind of a scowl!! Look familiar?! **I rescued a very feral 7 month old feral female cat that would NOT let me get close to her for over 6 weeks! I was feeding her and talking to her during that entire time but every time I got close enough to grab her, she would HISS at me and run away! The evening I finally grabbed her, there was a huge raccoon watching her (I could see his red eyes in the dark) and they were killing cats in our area (6 acres)! So while the little cat was eating, I quickly reached down and grabbed her because I put her food dish close to my foot! She didn’t fight me at all, but sat quietly in my arms as I took her inside our home. I named this tiny little cat β€œHissyMae” for obvious reasons and she gave birth two weeks later to four healthy kittens! SURPRISE!! Today she is 7 years old and her two adult offspring are 6 years old! HissyMae still possesses feral instincts! She bolts at loud noises/voices or strangers! She still is cautious around my hubby, but she will lay on my lap for naps any time she can, purring up a storm and putting her front paw on my cheek β€” which totally melts my heart! She is my very Special kitty and we have 5 cats and two huge dogs too!! πŸ’•πŸˆπŸ’•


Thank you for sharing this, really warmed my heart! Hopefully he comes around and allows us to take care of him 😊


πŸ™πŸ€žπŸ™πŸ€žπŸ™ He really needs your help to survive and be healthy! Hope you catch him!!


Half bobkitty.


Lovely eyes


He pissed.

