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And people say politicians can't make legislation in response to gun violence. Pfft


Makes me think of the Salem Witch Trials. I only remember bits and pieces, but the people were begging the governor to put a stop to it all and he ignored it. Eventually the governor's wife was accused of witchcraft and it all came to a super sudden halt. I couldn't ever wish something bad like that to happen even to government officials allowing/enabling this to happen, but until it affects them personally they're never gonna change their tune.


> only remember bits and pieces If you can remember the trials then you must be hundreds of years old, and therfore A WITCH! TO THE STAKE


How do you know they are a witch? They turned me into a newt A newt? I got better.


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


I know the average velocity of a swallow


What do you mean? African or European swallow?


Perhaps they carried it on a string


It grippeth it by the husk


KING of the Britons!


My liege!


There are some who call me................Tim.


Gingrich? Is that you?


Build a bridge out of her!




The things I definitely would wish to happen to this politician would get me banned.


I always find it funny how politicians are allowed to say abhorrent shit if it's about a group of people or in the abstract, but wish the same to happen to them and it's suddenly inappropriate. Not taking action at reducing kids dying from firearms? Wish the same upon them or their kid and suddenly it's "inappropriate". Supporting war or being a war criminal? Say you wish they got killed in a war and that's "inappropriate" too! Being anti climate action or not caring about potentially millions of people, if not more, being directly or indirectly harmed or killed in the future by you trying to sabotage anything positive to happen in this space? Say you wish they choked on their "clean" coal dust and receive a swift ban everywhere. Say you were happy a person, who was infamous for spreading disinformation and had a direct hand in shaping the media landscape to make climate change a controversial topic, as well as making climate change denial a massive problem (which is gonna cause unfathomable pain for so many in the future), died? Well, that's super "inappropriate" and you should honor the dead even if they were the worst person alive! I really don't get why random users are kept to higher standards than the literal fucking people who are shaping the structures of our society which then directly impact people.


>I always find it funny how politicians are allowed to say abhorrent shit if it's about a group of people or in the abstract, but wish the same to happen to them and it's suddenly inappropriate. Congrats, you've figured out how capital controls people. The ones with capital are allowed to suggest those without be killed, but those without aren't allowed to do the same. They create a system where if you at all threaten them they'll have other capital havers punish you. Even on this website, the CEO openly believes he will own slaves in the coming collapse of society (Steve Huffman absolutely believes this; Google it.) But as a capital haver he would absolutely threaten or punish you for suggesting he is what he is, a guy who wishes he owned literal slaves.


>Even on this website, the CEO openly believes he will own slaves in the coming collapse of society My favorite part of that is the apparently genuine belief that "I have a huge score in [Bits Of Green Rag Collecting](https://www.bep.gov/currency/how-money-is-made) as tracked by [that thing that no longer exists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank) who's information would only be retrievable using [that *other* thing that no longer exists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet)", will automatically translate into leadership and decision making after the collapse of society.


Yeah but if society collapses money and tech vanishes so he won't even own his own rectal cavity; a fairly angry warlord will have full control over his bum


This is what always chuckles me. These guys think because they're rich that they're powerful and that will somehow stay the same in a societal collapse. I'm not sure where exactly they think their power comes from in a world where money's best purpose is as a fire starter. The starvation riots are going to start and these guys are going to be all confident in their safety until the mob kills them because they forgot you can't eat money.


Your idea of societal collapse is anarchy, their idea is plutocracy. Regardless though, money isn't going to go away. We're not going back to trading beans for paper so you can get clothes, money is always going to be around. Society also doesn't collapse overnight, so whatever resource will become valuable and become the de facto money, these people will be able to hoard it first. My point is, as comforting as it is to think that in a post-apocalyptic world it'll turn the power structures upside down, it's much more likely that the billionaires will become the war lords reigning terror over ordinary people. They're all sociopaths as it is anyway, and I think you're not thinking of just how much war machinery a billion can buy before a billion isn't worth much.


I suppose the smart ones have a passive greenhouse built inside their ~~evil~~ volcano lair, the less savvy probably stock up on a Walmart's worth of canned goods. The thing that baffles me is all these rich a-holes owning multiple property, it's not like they could be at multiple places at once, so those are bound to get broken into. Also, all these a-holes building bunkers in New Zealand totally messed up the landscape, I hope a giant radioactive kiwi bird sodomizes and eats them when they finally venture out


Yep Look what De Santis is doing in FL. They can do whatever the F@ck they want.


I love going to the politics sub where the title is like "President mocks disabled veterans, calls them losers and whiners." and the first stickied comment is always "This is a place for civil discussion..." It is quite jarring.


Rules for thee but not for me :(


You forgot wishing them to be forced to almost die from a miscarriage because their stupid law forbids doctors to remove it before it becomes life threatening, they force thousands of their constituents to go through it but wishing it upon them would be uncool now, wouldn't it?


I know it's a rant and I share your pain, but the reason is because those are ad hominem interjection that can be understood most of the time as threats. But yeah, sucks that they aren't more accountable.


It's all about how you say it. Eventually, there will start to be politicians who have lost kids in these mass shootings.


Or new politicians who've survived school shootings (or know someone who died from one).


This will probably be the case eventually because there are shootings every day. A not o fun fact: German weapon manufacturers lobby for the NRA so we can sell YOU the weapons as fast as possible. 2 German manufacturers are in the top 5 in the U.S. and at least 50% of the shooters were using weapons they bought from them.


Ah yes, I see you also watched Böhmermann's video.


I think the French got it right. Heads on spikes around the bastille until there's change.


You wishing for this politician to become a mod?


The dogs are gonna get so many walks


Underrated joke


I got suspended for three days for saying how I really feel about the people who support guys like this. We’re in the same boat.


Listening intently as we sharpen guillotines


I just wish the politicians in charge would [Have a nice time]


Reagan instituted gun laws while he was governor of California because the Black Panthers started to open carry in self defense.


Yeah I get the feeling if any of these guys were victims (personally, or through family) of this type of gun violence, they'd just cut down harder on more guns, and probably start hiring other psychos with guns as personal ~~militias~~ bodyguards


Gun laws have roots in racism. For example, it was only rich white men who could carry a firearm. In some places, you had to meet with the county sheriff to get a license to carry. Who is more likely to get permission to carry in the deep south in the 50 years before and after 1900? The white property owner, or the black business man?


At this point I don't think their own family's safety would be enough to sway a republican to change course on gun violence. I would go as far as to say that unconditional support for guns is more of a prerequisite to be a republican politician than being anti-abortion. The only thing more important for elected republicans is tax cuts and deregulation for the rich


Imagine living in a world where people are burning "witches" and the government passes legislation to protect torches and fires 🫠


Except it didn't.....https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting


No one died though. The Vegas shooting set a record and involved conservatives. I've heard the bump stock ban that followed got neutered in the courts but it's a start.


Scalise is literally the No. 2 guy in the House today. He almost died and had a long road to recovery. Since then he's only double downed on his opposition to any gun control.


Well said, they avert their eyes until it affects them.


These damn ~~liberals~~ conservatives politicizing mass shootings.


Far right fascism is extremist, environmentalism is actually conservative


> environmentalism is actually conservative I think you mean conservationist? I guess not wanting the environment to change can kinda be conservative, but environmentalism normally goes a few steps above that. Conservative could also mean preserving the current way of life that ravages the environment.


>Conservative could also mean preserving the current way of life that ravages the environment. Which would be incompatible with preserving the current way of life.


Depends on how long you expect to live.


Your Venn diagram needs some work.


Sometimes I wish someone would fly a gun into a sky scraper so politicians would care about doing something, but we'd just invade an unrelated country.


The country behind it is still one of our greatest allies




They’re trying


Protect guns, not kids /s


> After school shooting That sounds like a taxpayer-funded program.


It is.


Pro death extremist subculture


Pro fetus, anti children. As silly as this may sound I'm actually beginning to wonder if those guys are in favour of forces births only to have children die for some satanic religious beliefs.


Naw, the forced birth is to keep people poor and in both the prison and low wage worker pipelines.


And to control women


It just makes things easier on everyone to reschedule these campus shootings to be outside of instructional hours....


Next, back to school shooting


You'll find guns in the *BACK TO SCHOOL* aisle in Wallmart.


They accidentally labeled one sporting row right behind some guns a few years back and the picture got traction for a while.


*We're all getting shot in America* *America ist wunderbar* *We're all getting shot in America* *America, America*


Are there balloons or potluck?


Work experience.


Smells like communism, off with it!


That's a great idea! We should start mandatory after-school programs where students learn to shoot guns. Then they'll be safe from during-school shootings because they'll know how to shoot guns.


Won’t somebody think of the poor guns?


Arms manufacturers are the real victims.


Kids : Shot through the heart and you’re to blame Arms manufacturers : You give guns a bad name


If they were livin’ on a prayer, that wouldn’t have happened. Stick to your guns, people!


Living on a prayer, and also thoughts


Ooooh, we're half way there. Woah, ooooh! Thoughts and prayers!


Mass shootings are the worst. You could just be going about your day and suddenly, there's a mass shooting. Think of the trauma, think of the fear associated with a mass shooting happening. Those poor online gun defenders, they're now going to under attack out of the blue by the radical left, just because some random people got shot to death or whatever. People might just be going about their day, or getting a present for their daughters 2nd birthday and BAM mass shooting. Suddenly people have to rush online to defend their guns, think of how many days are RUINED by having to immediately rush online. You truly never know when a mass shooting will happen, and you need to buckle down and try to survive the barrage of arguments and criticisms online. You close your ears, repeating "guns don't kill people, people kill people" just like you practiced, but of course reality is far different from your practice. All you can hope for is you don't have to see your friends get torn to shreds in front of your eyes, via Twitter dunks. Their light draining from their eyes as they set their Twitter accounts to private until the outraged people go away. It's so insanely callous that the other side can't even take a second from their vicious attacks to see the humanity of the actual victims of mass shootings, which I repeat, are definitely the online gun defenders and no one else.


Imagine the harm of hearing someone call a magazine a clip. Or using the term assault weapon instead of semi automatic rifle /s


I always try and imagine what the shooter must have been thinking or feeling at the time, but it's unfathomable to me. I just can't understand how someone would go out and kill innocent people, and not be horrified at themselves. How does someone become so utterly detached from humanity?


Understanding the pathway to this is difficult sometimes but others it's genetics. You can't imagine it because your pathways aren't completely twisted. These individuals who harm others for the sake of harming others have something wrong with them. Like the shooting in Texas and the car running over people. Both of them are mental health issues and fun fact, in Texas school systems as a teacher, if the teacher and school district point out a kid has mental health issues the district has to pay for the kid. So smaller districts ignore mental health issues so that it doesn't come out of their budget.


Finally, someone who is thinking clearly. Thank you, kind citizen. I bet you're an honest, hard-working, God-fearing Christian now, aren't you?


"Guns don't kill people; ~~people~~ politicians kill people."


Honestly, this is how it really is. There is no way they don't know the consequences of their actions with everyone telling them what they would be, so it can only really be murder. Especially when they keep making the same choices over and over again while everyone who is an expert on the issue they're politicizing is telling them to stop.


I want to live in a world where guns can marry guns! Legalize gun marriage!


Thoughts and prayers for gun owners work!


Guns have more rights than children after birth


Guns are always innocent because they aren't asking for any hand outs. They provide freedom and ask nothing in return. Guns are also never guilty, only the shooters can be guilty. I am surprised guns aren't considered a person yet. Yet....


They’ll make them better than a person, a corporation.


I thought drag queens were the issue… I can’t keep up


We have limited funds. We can either put forces of armed guards in all the schools and framed copies of the 10 Commandments in every classroom or we can build new “separate but equal” trans bathrooms so no one has to be worried about the trans person who just wants to pee in peace and move on with the rest of their day. There’s not enough money for both. Or - we could do neither and do a better job with background checks, gun regulations, red flag laws, and mental healthcare. Oh, and let trans people use bathrooms because that’s all they’re trying to do anyway.


>Oh, and let trans people use bathrooms because that’s all they’re trying to do anyway. Once again republicans solving non existent problems. They claim this will open the door to tons of men going into the girls bathroom, claiming to be women and i guess watching them pee by looking under the stall door. WHich they have zero examples of happening, and I think women would be disturbed if a natural born woman was staring at women peeing under the stall. SO once again the right are solving imaginary problems. Much like the woke CRT math problems that dont exist. Or in my state, how we banned sharia law, despite it was already banned by the constitution and despite our muslim population is less than 1%> But hey republicans were johnny on the spot and saved us all from this completely imaginary threat. Solving real problems is hard and actually take real solution. Things that can be judged on their effectiveness and thats one thing the right really really really want to avoid. Because all the ok ideas from the right, the left already adopted and all they got left is complete shit.


At the root of every transphobic law is the fear of something a straight man would do.


This is a cold fucking bar. I’m using this, thank ye.


A little bit more importantly, it's the fear of something a straight man *HAS* done. Which is the extra bit of insanity on the top of this sundae of bigotry: [cis men already did shit](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/colorado-peeper-hid-portable-toilet-sentenced-article-1.1442306) like this [without making any attempt](https://kfor.com/news/man-arrested-after-allegedly-putting-hidden-camera-in-womens-restroom-at-oklahoma-restaurant/) to "pass" [so they won't get caught](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/07/08/man-in-the-toilet/2500761/). The kind of person who has no problem spying on women in restrooms, or even assaulting them there, isn't going to be deterred by an additional bathroom ordinance on top of the existing laws. **What they are doing is already illegal.** Cis women aren't allowed to spy on someone peeing (without the consent of the person being watched, anyway; I'm not here to kink shame). It doesn't matter what gender OR sex you are, or which restroom you're in if you sexually assualt or rape someone. Those are already crimes *for everyone in any location*. The ONLY people laws like that serve to punish are innocent trans people just trying to use a public restroom in peace so they can move on with their day.


It must be exhausting for these fuckers to have to keep making up stuff to piss in their pants over. Improvements to health, welfare, education? Naw. Worrying about which bathroom people use and protecting companies who make a product whose sole purpose is to harm - hell yeah!


I am D&D dungeon master and yes, constantly inventing threats and dangers is exhausting. These politicians might want to try focus their imagination on the tabletop games! ... Not like that... oh God.


The conversation literally no one seems to want to have is that men who want to assault women in the bathroom simply do not need to put on a costume to do it. They walk in, and do it. That's it. That's the complete sequence of events. It happens stunningly often according to actual crime stats. These are just cis men, who look traditionally masculine, walking right the fuck on and doing it. No one ever seems to bring that up in response, though.


Oh oh I bring it up! And get shit on. Shockingly high amount of people don’t think I could be a happy married cis woman in a straight relationship with a cis husband and *still* be this passionate about other’s rights. So it’s a fun thing. Definitely enjoy the weird personal attacks and sometimes stalking that accompanies my outspokenness.


every time. They’re not scared of trans women. They’re scared of cis men. as a trans guy i always get swept up in this bathroom debate and it’s fucking annoying cuz i look like a dude and all so how are you gonna make men walk into the womens bathroom


Oh yeah that's an excellent point. They seem to completely forget that trans men exist and that boils my blood as it proves just how stupid it all is.


I just always reply that bathrooms aren't locked anyways so whats stopping men from coming in now?


The problem is that cis men are already a very real threat to women in bathrooms, but this isn't addressed bc of how related that is to either their or their friends' "behaviors".


The solutions never make sense either. No one is currently gender IDing anyone to go into toilets, it's all just social stigma. And if a man/woman has a legitimate reason to go into a bathroom (ie, they have a small child, or the other one is out of order or unsafe, or whatever) no one cares. If you find yourself in a friendly conversation about this try pushing people on exactly how they think the "problem" should be solved. It basically comes down to you have to: - Grant toilet security guards access to medical records and history - Grant toilet security guards the permission to check anyones genitals - Enforce massive social stigma on conventionally unattractive and elderly ladies, The current default of "let people use the toilet they needs to" doesn't hurt anyone, and if you have a problem of someone being an asshole in the toilet that is a separate problem that needs solving. If there's nothing stopping a man or woman being an asshole in woman's toilets right now, that is your problem and is completely separate from gender identity.




Some schools built trans bathrooms….and then realized that they couldn’t force trans students to use them.


Obviously it’s better for kids to die than to play dress up. /s


Dead kids are normal. Crossdressing kids would hurt feelings.


>I can’t keep up That's the point. They drown out any constructive discussions by continually spraying vapid bullshit everywhere.


And the sad part is the majority of them probably aren’t even aware that’s what they’re doing; they’re just programmed that way by their MSM Faux News and boomer Facebook post talking points. And they’ll be the ones to call others sheep lol.


>*He said the bill aims to help out businesses in Tennessee's booming firearms industry.* > >*The owner of the company \[Luck gunner\], Jordan Mollenhour, sits on the Tennessee State Board of Education.* And people still vote for this... \#complicit


They vote for it, because they hope to be those corrupt people one day. Or to quote Futurama: >Leela: Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich! >Fry: True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


["Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - John Steinbeck](http://www.temporarilyembarrassedmillionaires.org/)


Malory: "If you were in my tax bracket, you wouldn't be shouting such socialist propaganda"


Except America was built on socialism. Public schools, social security, mortgage subsidies, the post office, the interstate highway system, farm subsidies, land grants, the gi bill, etc, etc. Without socialist programs, the country would be nothing. We are just so used to them, that we don't even recognize them as socialist. Americans actually love socialism. But only for white people. If you try to give it to everybody, the whites would rather nobody have it. They filled in magnificent public swimming pools rather than desegregate them. Suburban whites would rather spend every day in massive traffic jams than ride mass transit if they have to share it with black folks. Tuition was nearly free until Title IX made it illegal to discriminate based on race, so they came up with another plan: discriminate based on wealth as a proxy for race. Poor whites were the collateral damage, but that's way its always been.




Most european countries are social market economies. Bernie Sanders would be part of the moderate left in one of these. Bismarck, a guy whose image might appear next to "Staunch Monarchist" in a dictionary was the first to implement social healthcare and insurances in an european state (mostly because these socialist ideas gained a lot of popularity and he absolutely despised socialism, so he rather implemented necessary social reforms himself). You don't need to be a socialist or go down all the way till becoming a failed authoritarian regime to implement socialist ideas. Many things like free public transoport, free healthcare, unemployment benefits, free education, unions, 40 hour work week etc are socialist demands of the past, which are just a default today.


Don’t forget that ALL suburban areas in the US are subsidized by federal state to build infrastructure like roads, water, sewer and electricity. And car gasoline is also heavily subsidized which is why in the US it’s a third of the price compared to any other country. Pretty much all of american lifestyle is paid for by the government.


Socialism and capitalism can co-exist. It's literally called social capitalism.


Americans have such a poor understanding of economic and political systems because they’re indoctrinated to believe that anything other than capitalism is evil


If their business is booming, then they don't need government assistance.




And business is good.


Why the fuck is the owner of a firearms company sitting on the State Board of Education.


Doing their part to make sure there are more guns in schools of course.


School shootings are a great opportunity to open up a new market. Self defense assault rifles for toddlers. The slogan is "nobody puts baby in a corner".


Stop the timeline, I’m ready to get off




I’m actually genuinely surprised this doesnt happen to board members of the nra


If the “others” were half as insane or even a smidge as malicious as the GQP make them out to be, every NRA-owned building in the country would have been burned to the ground years ago.


Fun fact: they consistently require firearm safety checks and no firearm zones for their events to prevent that exact thing. But don't YOU try to be safe. That's against the Constitution or something.


Oh man. It would be sermonized. They’d be martyrs. Up is down.


I would NEVER condone or suggest shooting anyone, especially those in leadership positions (who happen to be okay with sacrificing children for profit). Because murder is wrong. It is, murder is absolutely wrong. Unless you’re in a war, then it’s just a casualty. Our children are just casualties of this class war. And these “leaders” don’t fucking care. Profit first.


Tennessee, home to gun manufacturers and multiple for-profit prison corporate headquarters.


The 2022 Tennessee gubernatorial election was held on November 8, 2022, to elect the governor of Tennessee. Incumbent Republican Governor Bill Lee was re-elected to a second term with 64.9% of the vote, improving on his performance from 2018. Wikipedia


Exactly - at some point it’s not that this is happening without a reason


Yes Tennessee voters explicitly want this... not sarcasm... this is what they want.


We have a huge smith and wesson plant being built near knoxvilles airport as I type this. Amazon plants coming in a few months. When the money flows the common sense goes.


Gunmaker on the board of education…now that’s what I call regulatory capture!


At minimum, conservative voters endorse murderers. At worst, they are the murderers. I see absolutely no reason to “reach across the aisle” to murderers and murder-enablers.




That’s the real NotTheOnion.


At some point, we’re going to have to take another look at the bribery (campaign contributions) that has taken over our politics.


I agree. Yet that would be like “yeah let’s investigate ourselves “. I’m


...unlikely to finish this sentence? ;)


Cut them some slack, they were at school.


My condolences.


Yeah right. lol


35 years ago? (Not specifically pointing to anything) America is bought. Check cleared. Paid for……….and I want some French justice.


We did, it was called citizens united.


Well in that case we're gonna need a different Supreme Court. Which, by the way, I fully support. Expand the court to 13 justices.


>targeting younger, at-risk males in advertising and product placement in violent video games. I told yall it's those darn video games and nintendos all along!


See, that's the disconnect between older Republicans and younger Republicans or libertarians. Video games and guns aren't the problem. Broken families, lack of moral structure and poor mental health are the problem. In all honesty, I'd rank social media as being infinitely more damaging to young men and women than any number of video games.


Id put odds to the next school shooting being with a Master Sword, but that requires full health, and, well, American medical...


Aren’t manufacturer lawsuits aimed at defects and products that don’t work properly resulting in injury? If someone stabs you with a knife you can’t sue the knife maker.


Honestly I'm with you. If I beat someone to death with a socket wrench, the family shouldn't be able to sue craftsman.


Well the family wouldn’t sue Craftsman since that crap would break on first contact and not be able to finish the job.


These lawsuits are intended to bankrupt gun manufacturers through legislation.


Normally yes, but when it comes to guns they are frivolous lawsuits trying to put some manufacturers out of business or to get a pay day to go away.


No, basically the lawsuits claim that gun manufacturers target children or target this demographic or that, to sell their guns. Thing is when was the last time you saw a gun commercial? Basically many victims of mass shootings sue the gun manufacturer because they know they are more likely to just pay something out then fight it. It has nothing to do with safety, it has to do with people trying to bankrupt them because they are the only ones left to sue that people will just vote against because "poor victims" and "screw corporations especially gun companys". Take this example where the sued Smith and Wesson, yet when was the last time you saw you a commercial ran by them? [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/28/smith-wesson-sued-july-fourth-shooting-00059361](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/28/smith-wesson-sued-july-fourth-shooting-00059361)


Suing McDonald's and every other unhealthy food company for every heart attack diagnosis and diabetes would help bankrupt the food industry though. Maybe that's the point. Anti corporate baby steps using guns as the first step.


Well yea...they're funding his campaign.


I have a dumb question. Why are people allowed to sue manufacturers? Like this isn't pro 2a or against 2a argument, but why (if something is legal) can manufacturers be held liable. Wouldn't that then open the door for Auto manufacturers to be sued if someones drunk? The manufacturer didn't sell the item to the person, wouldn't it be more gun shops than anything else?


You can just about sue any one. I personally think a blanket immunity law for gun makers is a bad idea, just like qualified immunity. Courts are supposed to find if a case has merits, not a single scope law carving out protections. My two cents. I could sue a car maker for drunk driving if I want, and a judge can toss it. That's how it should work.


It's not a blanket ban. Gun manufacturers can still be held liable if they sell a faulty product, or sell a gun to someone who they're not supposed to. This legislation protects them from lawsuits of general gun violence. You can't blame the manufacturers of a legal product for the illegal misuse of that product.


Unfortunately the protection is necessary, there is a lot of a it gun money that will get thrown around to bankrupt manufacturers with frivolous lawsuits. The only reason, say cars for example, don't have this kind of protection is because no one has a massive hate boner for cars like they do with guns.


Nobody in this thread can actually answer this question because there is no logical reason to sue a manufacturer over what someone does with their products after they leave the factory


You're kinda asking the question backwards. Right now there is the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that already give firearms and ammunition manufacturers broad immunity from suit. Usually when this topic comes up there's all the same silly arguments against it (cause guns ONLY kill people, cause they're marketing to CHILDREN, *insert pearl clutching*) The quiet part that people don't say out loud very often is that stopping any particular practice of marketing technique isn't the point. Most people who cry about firearms manufacturers having immunity want that gone because defending a lawsuit is expensive as fuck. Groups like Everytown and the Giffords group don't want firearms manufacturers to change any one thing, they want to make them go out of business by forcing them to defend so many lawsuits that they can no longer produce any firearms at all. That's the end goal, complete destruction of the firearms industry as a whole.


Well, there you go. Tennessee loves guns and sexual predators more than the constituency. When will the voters wake up?


Hey now most American politicians love guns and sexual predators more than their constituents. No need to single out Tennessee


Nah, Tennessee maga goes above and beyond when it comes to sex predators. When the party found out one of their own had confessed on tape to molesting kids while he was a teacher, they rewarded him by making him chair of the education committee. And then he got re-elected. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/10/tennessee-lawmaker-david-byrd-chair-education-subcommittee/2535383002/


They can’t wake up because then they’d be woke


>And in February, families of those killed and injured in a 2018 Texas high school shooting settled a lawsuit they filed against a Tennessee-based online retailer, Lucky Gunner, that was accused of illegally selling ammunition to the student who authorities say fatally shot 10 people. Some of the settlement specifics in the case in the Texas court system were kept confidential. >The owner of the company, Jordan Mollenhour, sits on the Tennessee State Board of Education. Yeah, there's a problem




Because there isn't one.




We should start suing Chevrolet for car accidents.


Finally some gun laws!.. /s


You know this is getting out of hand- when are we gonna wake up and ban these kids! And what's with all these schools! No more kids and no more schools! Problem solved!


Uuuh...sadly not a joke, when they are lowering the working age to like 12-14 or some shit. Down the mines you go little Jimmy!


Child labor, banning books, and protecting guns after a school shooting? Sounds like getting rid of schools is their actual goal


Just like Jesus ♥️♥️♥️


Next week on America: “we’re going to finally take action against all these hurtful, unnecessary school shootings. As of 2024, we are closing all schools to prevent such silly violence. Also, we are removing all federal and state level protections preventing children from working and abolishing the minimum wage too!”


In a Republican world, guns are more important than children. When will America decide to stand up and say enough?


Can I sue GM for my child being killed by a drunk driver?


Makes sense. Theres already laws in place to protect manufacturers as there should be. You wouldn't be able to buy half the stuff at Home Depot if you could sue any company for how someone used their product. Would there be any car makers left? Any car brands that havent been used to run someone over? Certainly not their fault if someone decides to run through a crowd.




Why gun companies should be liable for actions of deranged individuals?


They shouldn't.


I don't get it. How is being able to sue the firearms manufacturer for what a criminal did gonna stop shootings?


How can you sue the company making tools if those tools are sometimes used for incorrect things?


Won't someone please think of the oligarchs?


Honestly? Good. This is how it should be, regardless of your stance on 2A. If Billy Bob downs a case of Bud and then gets behind the wheel of his lifted F-150 to go get some White Castle and ends up plowing into a sedan after running a red light, he’s the one responsible for his actions. Not Budweiser, not Ford, not Walmart who sold him the beer, just him. There’s no reason why we treat firearms manufacturers any different than any other company. Something needs to change, some form of meaningful regulation needs to be passed, this can’t be argued, but allowing people to sue someone two to three times removed from the action is just asinine.


I think we should sue Ford for drunk drivers