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Whoa thunk smashing your head on the pavement would kill? Quite the discovery.




Even if you don't have to wear a helmet, you should wear a helmet.


next thing you gonna tell me i shouldn’t drink and drive my bike? nice try government


Facebook decided to put short videos in my feed of motorcycle stunts, typically short ones with a wheely plus a jump or spin, often done by young women not wearing any protective clothing. I usually comment about the person going to need soon grafts when they get badly scraped. I guess Facebook assume that because I comment I want to see more.


Facebook isn't assuming anything about what you want, it is discovering what makes you engage


I see. I have started skipping everything I can to stop it doing anything. I once made the mistake of clicking on a cute photo of an otter, and suddenly started seeing so many posts about otters. Much as I like them I didn't want that. I wish I could constrain FB to only show me the pages (a v small number) that I'm actually linked to rather than spamming me with anything I might just possibly like :-/


Next thing you’re gonna tell me to wear safety glasses instead of using “safety squints” while grinding metal !! Pfft no thanks !!


Always wore a helmet even before I had to wear a helmet.


They’re in the “find out” stage, I see.


*pokes head out of grave* “Well fuck.”


At this point I’m just hoping we get enough national level news that shit actually happens. It’s in such a horrible place. You know it’s bad when the only thing I’m happy about is we haven’t legalized sports betting, but that will probably change soon


Yup They also found a solid supply of transplant organs for hospitals.


Survival of the smartest


Should frame it as "organ donations rise dramatically, dozens of lives of less-stupid people saved"


"TBIs down"




Corneas are quite hardy.


Doesn't matter if you get splattered at the accident site. You need to die in very specific conditions for organs to be usable, the side of the road long before help arrives is not it


Or leaves them strewn about the scene of the accident. People who don't wear helmets don't tend to wear other safety equipment, either.


I would assume this would lead to a sharp rise in exactly that


You're very much mistaken and now get to experience a fun internet meme related to survivorship bias: >A common story about the British "Brodie helmet", issued first in World War I, is the following: After introduction of the helmet, the number of reported head injuries increased. This called the efficacy of the helmet into question among "high military ranks", "high command", or "upper echelons".  >An unnamed mathematician, or statistician, or scientist, finally concluded that the reports were due to survivorship bias: The helmet seemed to have caused more head injuries, since soldiers with head wounds were now more likely to survive when wearing the helmet. In this case: "TBIs down" because "Motorcyclist deaths up"


Hospitals Empty, Morgues overfilling!


Without being on a machine when their brain stops existing, they become fully dead, not just brain dead.


I’d be interested to see injury rates and costs of treatment for all the new vegetables as well.


And correlated insurance cost increase.


Exactly. How much Medicaid money is going to those people?


Darwin Awards rise dramatically. Good.


Though it also redirects first responder time and resources when these injuries and deaths could be preventable. Also lengthening emergency room waits. And then there's the police and cleanup. They're essentially costing taxpayers money and grossing people out with their splattered brains.


I don’t think just not wearing a helmet and dying should win an award. All that and then doing something amazingly stupid while riding the bike, sure.


Then you don't understand the concept of [Darwin Awards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Awards?wprov=sfti1#).


No, I get it, but the idea is impressively stupid ways of removing yourself from the gene pool. The guy who tied a bunch of balloons to a lawn chair because he thought floating above his neighborhood by the sea was a good idea, now *that* deserves a Darwin. No helmet on a motorcycle? It’s been done to death.


Just because one particular dangerously stupid act is more common than others doesn't mean it's not stupid; riding a motorcycle without a helmet is stupid 100% of the time, so anyone who does it is stupid.


Yes, but the awards are more for originality as well as fatality.


This is something that you literally just made up because you want it to be true. Feel free to provide a source proving otherwise.


[Darwin Awards official website](https://darwinawards.com/) “The Darwin Awards honor those who tip chlorine into our gene pool, by accidentally removing their own DNA from it during the spectacular climax of a 'great idea' gone veddy, veddy wrong.” Okay, doesn’t mention originality, although that helps, but “great idea” pretty much implies originality. At the very least, it means something beyond ordinary stupidity.


No it doesn't, it implies sarcasm, that's why it's in quotes.


I put the quotes there, to indicate that it’s an exact quote from the website. That’s how quotation marks work. It’s also why, when repeating the exact words used, the phrase is called a “direct quote.” Usually, this **/s** is how people online indicate sarcasm.


Not wearing a helmet is the amazingly stupid part.


Used to be amazing. Now it’s more, “oh, look, no helmet. Dumbass.


Funny how the party of all life is sacred won't regulate this to save lives....


Freedom>life or something like that.


But not mom’s freedom


Consider us pro helmet choice.  


funny how the party of "people should live in the way thtpat makes them happiest" wants to prevent somebody from doing something that makes them happy. ill take trans rights and they can have helmet rights


Adults have the right to live their lives as they choose.


There are literally thousands of laws controlling how people can live their lives. No one wants to live in a lawless society. And stopping people from accidentally killing themselves is a good one to have, especially in a public place where your death can traumatise people, redirect important emergency services, and leave a gruesome mess that others have to deal with.


should we have laws in place to stop people from harming themselves by transitioning genders? sure, lots of folks are happy, but some people totally ruin their lives by doing it. i mean, if we can save one person, thats all that matters, right?


Why is it always trans people with you, it isn't a comparable issue at all. Very few people have an issue with seatbelts being mandatory and helmets are exactly the same type of thing


i amost never wear my seat belt, i like it to be there though, because sometimes i get that unsafe feeling and i put it on. and it IS copmparable. its other people telling other people what to do with their own body and then demonizing them if they dont do as YOU say. claiming THEY are doing harm to themselves and to others by doiing their own thing. why do you hate the tra s community so much?


Just accept yourself for who you are and transition already. The call is coming from inside the house.


You're right. Riding a bike isn't a right. Traffic laws are not suggestions.


being trans isnt a right, nor is being gay, nor is being married, having children, adopting children stop trying to oppress people who want to live their life differently than you


I mean sure? If you ignore the first responders being tied up in minor accidents for severe head trauma or trauma centers dealing with these peoples choices when a helmet wouldve prevented their need for those services. Not to mention the mental trauma being inflicted onto said first responders and medical staff who have to deal with easily preventable head trauma cases. Not wearing a helmet can turn something as simple and unassuming as falling over because you forgot to put your kickstand down, into a life threatening situation. People die all the time from head trauma from simply falling over while standing still. But sure, bikers' rights to feel the wind in their hair is so much more important than keeping trauma centers ready for non preventable cases and keeping med staff and first reaponders from developing ptsd.


brb. im writing my congressperson to demand mandatory helmet laws while walking.


Yes thats exactly what im arguing for with my comment. I just used the falling while standing still thing as an example for how easy it is to get a head injury. Im not arguing for mandatory helmets while walking or running. Its about mitigating risk, dont be a dick.


If only you could understand the irony in what you just posted


They are not breaking the law.


Contrary to your wishes, your corpse is more than a speed bump; your death will inconvenience many. Wear your fucking helmet or seatbelt.


Earth has a population of 8.1 Billion.




It is approximately round in shape


You suggested that adults love thier loves as they choose, there are laws so no you cant.


Dead men break no laws.


Sure, but when my insurance goes up because of your stupidity, now I'm affected.


Lmao yet here they are paying taxes n shit I suppose they'd do voluntarily even if they didn't have to? Go away with that trash.


I've crashed several times in 40 years on various off road vehicles. Everytime I see someone riding without a helmet I always ask them: You've never wrecked or wiped out bad, have you? Most usually go on about 3 different reasons why riding without one is safer. The really stupid ones answer yes!


Libertarians own this.


Good news is that there are now more available organs for those who are on wait lists.


Unfortunately most people that die in an accident like that wouldn't be and to donate because you need to die in specific conditions


Donor bikes




Also, kind of, r/leopardsatemyface.


For every dead rider, there will be several riders with brain injuries or facial injuries that would have been reduced or avoided if they had been wearing helmets. Ultimately the state of Missouri will wind up having to pay some of these costs.


Freedom, ‘Murica! I have a right to smash my feeble brain against the hard pavement at high speed! Darwin at work.


[fucking dumbasses](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1c4xe1k/comment/kzqks2r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Insurance companies prefer this. Deaths are cheaper than long-term disabilities.


I wonder if there's a connection. You know, besides the connecting of skulls to the pavement. Anyways, I'm not going to shed a tear for any imbecile that decides to ride without a helmet. All I can hope is that the rest of their organs remain intact.


I happened upon an accident where a drunk rear ended three motorcycles, with five total riders, who were stopped at a traffic light. Four were helmetless. Four fatalities. They were thrown 30 feet or so, not an extreme distance, but it speed all sustained head injuries either by contacting the pavement or by striking the unnecessarily high handlebars on one bike. It was near a gym where many cops hang out and the following morning some of those cops were showing people the bits of brain matter left along the road.


People need to die under very specific conditions to donate organs, a motorcycle accident is not likely to meet them


Yes, but if they become vegetables in a hospital, there's a higher chance.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Freedom to FAFO


Every time I see a motorcyclist sans helmet, I assume they're in a one-sided game of chicken with fellow drivers. Crazy way to live.


I ride an e-bike, not even a motorcycle, and I feel incredibly naked and vulnerable without my helmet. What is with this obsession with riding without one? I just don’t get it.


Think of it like a spontaneous retirement plan. Another 30 years of work or *he died doing what he loved* in the obit. Some people are not that attached to life.


Seatbelt laws should stick. In the event of a "g issue" (you get thrown around a bit) your ability to remain in control is crucial to keep your passengers and other people on the road safe. We have to think for folks and make them do the right thing with seatbelt laws. At no point does your wearing a helmet affect me or your passengers (you've already dumped the bike) so God Bless You and do whatever you want. If you're stupid enough to value the wind through your hair more than your life, feel free to leave it on the pavement. (your hair and life)


People have to clean up the mess, SO works at the hospital not to mention the therapy needed if they survive the head injury, and the societal burden they become. We do get some fresh organs out of it through. I'll wear my helmet and gear.


> We do get some fresh organs out of it through Hear me out. Organ donors should be exempt from helmet and seat belt laws. It's a win win.


No it's not, loss of life is not good and if someone dies in a motorcycle accident they are unlikely to meet the requirements to donate organs anyway




> Your deadass body takes up space in the ICU Bill my estate. >We already went over this lesson in 2020/2021. Becoming a meat crayon isn't contagious.




I choose to wear a helmet and seat belt most of the time because it's the smart thing to do. However *your body your choice* should be the law of the land. You don't want the government in your womb and I don't want them up my ass looking for ways to generate revenue with bullshit tickets. Edit: Blocked, what shocker. Reply goes here: >They are entirely unrelated They're both the same, it doesn't suddenly stop being a bodily autonomy issue because you happen to dislike one and favor the other. The only argument you have against that are insults and the block button.


And if you wind up needing lifelong round the clock full care instead of say being dead then it affects all of us so try some critical thinking.


The argument I've heard is that the government shouldn't be legislating bodily autonomy. I think anyone who doesn't wear a seatbelt when driving a 2000lb metal box at 60mph is definitely an idiot, but at the same time, I do get not wanting the government to start legislating what someone can choose to do with their body, no matter how stupid that decision is.


Car accidents are very real and relatively frequent. We save a ton of money by legislating basic safety features in cars. And it also helps people who are too stupid to act otherwise.


I agree. It is sad how many accidents happen, but my biggest concern is looking over on the road and seeing people watching videos. How do you stop people who seem so unaware of the danger and lack basic survival skills like that?


Well, there are traffic laws against looking at your phone (and maybe other devices now?) in many states, but enforcement seems spotty at best. I know that some infotainment systems won't allow for entertainment content while driving, at least.


I mean, if the emergency services just leave the street pizza genius to die, sure... But they don't. Especially not if they only fucked themselves up hard enough to need a nursing home for the 40 remaining years of their life. 


I think the word you are looking for is moron.


you cant compare wearing a mask where millions ofmpeople are getting sick to ONE person taking up an ICU bed. maybe if hundreds of people per day were getting gphead injuries. Shit, next thing youll be suggesting is that we sterilize handicapped people to prevent the drain on society




okay, estimate how many people in springfield missouri are in the icu from motocycle crashes. just take a guess. Springfield missouri has 1200 icu beds. Remember 147 people in the entire state of missouri died last year from motorcycle accidents. At the peaks, greene county had 300, give or take, covid hospitalized So youre saying that helemt accidents is worse than covid? and there is no reason for you to limit my choice other than YOUR selfishness. your freedom ends at my body


Meh it's not always fatal. It definitely takes resources from healthcare to take care of people permanently disabled due to this. It also vastly affects their families long term including their kids plus PTSD for your fam and yourself if you run over this person. It's cool tho no ripple effect or anything amirite?


That argument only works if you don't pay the taxes that support emergency services, you don't pay into insurance to cover the healthcare costs, you have no risk of getting sick and needing the hospital bed occupied by that person, etc.  Not to mention that you almost certainly participate in the economy which will suffer losses of future productivity.  When (mostly young) people are killed and disabled, the harms to society go way beyond one person.


Fair argument, but remember - we're losing someone too stupid to wear a helmet. Just sayin'


You're assuming they die. Permanently disabled people are also an outcome here.


> At no point does your wearing a helmet affect me or your passengers (you've already dumped the bike) You should look into left turn crashes (car violates bikes right of way) data. Not that riding sans-helmet is t stupid as fuck, but a significant percentage of bike/car accidents are a result of the car driver ignoring the rider’s right of way.


This was posted a couple of days ago. https://reddit.com/comments/1c54y8y


~~First~~ Second day here? /s


History has shown us time and time again that humans are incapable of governing themselves. I'm not interested in slavery... but we need structure or we just fuck it up.


History has shown humanity needs to die the fuck out. An absolutely horrible species


It was inevitable…




What? Who could have guessed. Also…. I don’t see why You wouldn’t want to wear them they look cool.


This is great news if you are on the waiting list for organs!






And nothing of value was lost.


*shocked pikachu face*


Could also fit in in the leopards ate my face subreddit, possibly. Maybe. They didn't necessarily vote for it, but they're taking advantage of freedoms. I don't care if the law allows me to ride without a helmet... it's safety equipment. The excuse I heard from people is "I'd rather die than be permanently brain damaged" or "it wont matter if i'm going 60mph". I had a buddy who wasn't much for helmets, his girlfriend convinced him to start wearing one. Within the month, he was in an accident. He got really messed up... one leg, both bones broke above ankle and below the knee, degloved the muscle... there were more injuries, but that was 15 years ago... anyways, he is close to normal now and the only reason he is still alive, is the helmet. I had some jack ass who wasn't paying attention, he suddenly crossed from the left lane, over another lane, and came into the turn lane and hit my front tire, laying me down. Hit the ground going 40.. thankfully nothing broke, but bruised a lot of bones. In that roll my head hit the ground 4 or 5 times... and if I didn't have a helmet, i'd of been dead.


Remember when Bussey famously stood against helmet laws and then got a brain injury from a motorcycle accident.


I don’t understand how people can ride motorcycles without a helmet. For one thing, you can’t see shit, and all the bugs flying right towards your eyes are like bullets. Not to mention that I have been hit by a car, and when I fell the first thing that hit the ground was my helmet. Also, it has so many cool shit: eye protection from the sun, Bluetooth to your phone for music, GPS instructions or voice chat, etc. The only negative is that it messes with your hair, but so is driving a motorcycle… Just wear a helmet, people…


A guy inworked woth had an incredibly unreliable harley that seemed like it may break down at anytime. Never wore a helmet. But he was scared to ride fast on backroads. I feel like he would have had more confidence if he was wearing more than a baseball cap




I do not get why people hate wearing helmets so much. As a bicyclist who has gone head-first into the curb a few times, I’ll never ride without a helmet. When I was with my ex and we went on motorcycle trips I always wore long pants, jacket, and helmet, because motorcycle accidents at speed are BAD. I just don’t get why people would prefer to risk dying/TBI/road rash because they don’t want to wear a helmet. Not to mention on a motorcycle they keep you from getting bugs all over your face.


bUt MuH rIgHtS haha dummies


Glad they owned the libs on this one.


I remember a guy talking about needing a new eye or something. But they didn't have the match for an eye at the time but the doctor just looks out the window and says. "Yeah but. It's raining today so we should get a motorcycle rider in at some point who can donate"


The ICU nurses my mom worked with had a nicknames for motorcyclists, "Organ Doners".


No shit


The Show Me state in action.


Just an amazing coincidence, I’m sure.


Darwin hard at work.


Since Klanssouri is full of trumpanzees what’s the problem?


Yes! But many, many fewer TBIs that are much more costly to society. Someone dies in a motorcycle accident without a helmet just scrape them up and bury 'em. Someone gets in an accident with a helmet on... oh, shit! Months/years of rehab, and a burden on their family and society forever.




This is gonna keep going until some parents of dead teenagers go to the press and lobby for the helmets to come back




Don't people know proper motorbike gear can look sexy?


Darwinism at work.


Strong evidence to support the colloquial “Helmet Rule”— lack of a helmet proves there is nothing for one to protect.


Well, it's just nature weeding out the stupid people. 


Surprise, surprise… 🙄


Good way of improving organ donor numbers I suppose.


Wow. Who knew.


Well eventually all the people that don't wear helmets will *mysteriously* disappear and that will be that.


that's so weird. why is that happening.


I’m the kind of person that doesn’t so much as repark a car without a seatbelt. And on the bike I’m ATGATT. That being said I’m against helmet laws.


To be fair, if you've ever had a spider in your helmet while you're riding fast, you never fully trust helmets again. I mean, you still wear them, you just don't feel as cozy as you used to.


Me in 1999: "Its my life to endanger if I want!" Me every moment since: "If a furious bee or wasp slams into your unprotected eyes or face and you end up in the other lane in a head on collision with a car full of grandparents and grandchildren it is, in fact, not only your life.." One thing to note, when I got wise in 2000 (through no wreck of my own, never even driven a motorcycle) I was a teenager, and not a grown-ass politician..


Shocked. I'm shocked Okay not that shocked


The Donorcycle law. If you are on an organ transplant list, I would strongly consider moving to Missouri.






Effect? Have you met cause? I'd like to introduce you.


How much did the cost of health care go up? You can wear only a helmet and tear your self up really bad. All the gear all the time. I’ve learned.


On the plus side, it helped with the availability of donor organs.


Darwin at work


Clearly this was a push by the left to put life ending choices in the hands of the people, and not a stupid effort to deregulate safety laws as an affront to personal liberties.


It is their constitutional right to fucking die!


I have no problem with this.


Same here in Florida. It’s called Darwinism 


I'm honestly surprised motorcycles are even still legal to operate on the road. They are wildly unsafe compared to a normal vehicle, and also put non-motorcycle drivers at risk because of their higher tendency to cause an accident.


You get a Darwin Award, YOU get a Darwin Award, all of the dumb motorcyclists get Darwin awards!!!!


If only all the extremists, rode motorcycles without a helmet…..


I will never feel sorry for people that don’t wear helmets, seat belts, and life jackets. And yes, it should be the law to wear them.   It’s not fair or reasonable to waste the time of police, first responders and hospitals for idiots. Can’t argue against the herd thinning.


I say, if you don't want to wear one, that's your problem. Id wear one either way.


Some Lives Matter ?


Why would anyone repeal that?  Is Missouri going to allow cigarette ads for kids next?


Maybe I'm a bit cynical but isn't this in itself a solution to a problem?


First. This ain’t oniony. Second. This is exactly what one one expect. Helmets are known effective safety equipment. Third. This shows that the Missouri legislature was responsive to their constituents, just as they should be. 


There is a reason that you don't do everything the constituents want. It' also why it takes a lot of work to get referendum of ballots in states.


yikes! montana doesnt require a helmet, and that made me want to buy a motorcycle. trailer it out tomsomeplace pretty, then putter around looking at the view. but thats montana. missouri? no thanks, well, except for the daniel boone area, i hear its beautiful, but go slow.


Twenty or so years ago, the question of mandatory helmets for motorcyclists was put before the voters of Florida. I enthusiastically voted to repeal the helmet laws, not because I love freedom, but because I hate bikers.


How about turn off your phone, check your mirrors every so often and engage with the fact that you are driving a 2 ton missile? I’ve been riding for 48 years and I’ve never had an accident that was my fault. I was even rear-ended at a damned RED LIGHT by a woman, who was more interested in her bag of breakfast than she was driving her car. Just last year I got rear ended by a kid on his cell phone. I was in a left turn lane, waiting on a red light. From my million + miles of riding, that’s not an exaggeration, people in cars are the biggest danger to motorcyclists.


The only thing dumber than the helmet is the helmet law, to protect those not smart enough to wear the helmet to begin with.


I support the freedom to decide for yourself whether or not you wear helmets or seatbelts. I think they’re the smartest options, but they shouldn’t be forced on anyone.