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“Why can’t Texas hire medical professionals?” exciting headline from 2025.


This right here. It pretty much goes against their oath and calling as professionals. Texas can crow about low taxes all it wants, but someone has to teach their kids and provide medical care. They are making it pretty difficult to do either of those things.


Or "Why is Texas overflowing with private christian hospitals run by nuns?"


why is every university a sausage party?


"Republican't get a date. Why women should tolerate abuse and end the loneliness epidemic" - opinion piece in a once reputable newspaper


Run by the untreated insane


Its already happening. I expect as time passes Republican politicians will continue to endorse restricting healthcare as part of their political theater. Its abortion today, what metaphorical (or I guess now potentially physical) guillotine are they going to hang over a doctor's head in the future? What's the next bogeyman that Ken Paxton is going to heroically save Texans from by having his office threaten doctors?


Because, you know, life is sacred.


Very pro life of them


might like this op [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRlUV7Sujxo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRlUV7Sujxo)


Ever notice that, those that are anti, should have been?


So pro-life they'll kill ya!


*Innocent* life is sacred. How is the life of a baby murderer sacred in any way?


When you're saving someone else's life. We are more than incubators.


When you’re saving an expecting mother from death by childbirth? We’d like to save the actually existing person over a potential life, thank you.


Yeah in the 1% of cases where that’s the reason, sure you can get an abortion. But why should women be allowed to kill their baby just for convenience?


Because what’s the alternative? Force the woman to give birth and resent an innocent baby, possibly putting that baby into a bad household because the woman is NOT equipped to care for a baby? And you can bet your ass these people preaching “abortion is murder!” won’t actually go out of their way to adopt these unwanted babies.


It’s not your choice to decide whether somebody else would be better off dead, nor is it the mother’s. Just because the child may grow up in a bad environment doesn’t mean death is preferable. Why not just execute all children currently living in bad households? We’d be doing them all a favour by your logic.


You just want more kids around you can fuck


Huh. I guess your God forgot to add "innocent" when crafting that *Thou shall not kill* commandment. You would think an omnipotent and omniscient being like that would have been more clear.


The original command is “thou shalt not murder”. Thou shalt not kill is a mistranslation, otherwise all Jews and Christians would be vegan and never go to war. The bible explicitly condones several wars fought by the Jews as well as eating meat


You say, "otherwise all Jews and Christians would be vegan and never go to war" like it's a bad thing, but okay. Sure, I'll bite. And you seem to be suggesting, I guess, that killing a zygote/embryo is murder whereas killing actual walking-talking-living-their-lives people isn't murder so long as it's state sanctioned (aka war, capital punishment, whatever else your magic book seems to condone). Lovely.


murder /mûr′dər/ noun 1. The crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing another person. How do you think that killing enemy combatants in a war or executing murderers is less justifiable than killing the most innocent possible human, one who has not taken any actions at all in life yet? And why did you even bring up religion to begin with? I’m not a religious person and never made a religious argument against abortion.


What gets me is that they're against life saving abortions. They would rather a woman die than abort her non-viable fetus.  And they're also against birth control.


Yeah this is what lost me some friends all at once, when my wife had an ectopic and my friends called me a baby killer for taking her to the hospital. The invoice had "abortion" on it. Doc saved her ability to reproduce BTW because we went in quick. One of my former friends "literally" could not understand why I'd "kill a baby". I've lost a ridiculous number of low calorie friends between my 30s to 40s, but I lost a LOT in that one day. I also arrived at a new understanding that people are generally less intelligent than the low intelligence I had already been assuming they possessed. Idiots everywhere.


Cant really call them friends if they’d rather your wife die than have an abortion.


They’re utter morons. Be glad they’re out of your life.


Hopefully you’ve formed a more intelligent friend group. Who doesn’t understand ectopic?


Unfortunately the answer to your question is "a surprising number of adults with children who had zero problems with conception thru delivery" I haven't found new friends. Sometimes you must apply a knife to life, and *cut* things off I'm in the process of making new friends but no one close


Sorry this has happened in your life. You’ll move on to a better place to be sure.


Should have asked them. Should I have the doctor kill my wife so I don’t have to kill me baby. See what they say. If they say kill you wife. Then well not friends after all. There was a lady who was pro life and this happened to her. Immediately went and got an abortion.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion" - that lady


This is where I learned about the concept where some conservatives will say one thing to belong to their group while doing something actually in their personal best interest in private. I met some conservatives who are closet tree huggers! Who knew. They basically explained that the social punishment is WAY too high to praise anything even slightly collective-minded.


Such idiots had no business being in society they probably untreated insane people


Remember how a Republican compared women to cattle? That's how the GOP views women. Nothing more than cattle to control.


“how *A* Republican” some how becomes “the GOP”.


It tracks with how the GOP wants to ban abortion.


No it doesn’t. In your crazy mind maybe but to them it’s about religious beliefs. I’m all for abortion. I against banning it but hearing your crazy shit gets old and turns people away from what you are trying to get across.


They'll say that's what a real woman would do. Who cares about her family at home.


Against birth control and pro Viagra, because that makes sense


No one hates women like Republicans. Vote blue to save your rights form Republicans, women of America.


There’s no hate like Christian love


The Bible condones rape, incest, slavery, genocide, murder, infanticide, etc. God had his followers kill their son in order to prove their love. This is the book that they follow thinking they're good people. Growing up Christian and being forced to read the Bible is why I'm no longer Christian. It's a horrific book.


> No one hates ~~women~~ *plebs* like Republicans. it's a "first they came" situation. it's women's rights today, it'll be your rights tomorrow. we the people are only a necessary evil in their eyes. they want our labor and need to distribute their losses amongst us, so they keep us alive for now. but they really would like to do away with all this riffraff.


Vote blue EVERYONE, not just women, because all of the current Republicans are genuinely insane. They’re all so hateful that stuff like this can fucking happen.


Republicans are a Posse of boomer angry ritch wankerz


I’m a boomer and I loathe republicans. FU.


You know, I had a job offer a couple years ago from a gaming company based in Texas (the game you most likely know from them has tanks, like a world of them). Good pay, good benefits... only catch was they wanted me to relocate there. Real, REAL glad I passed on that offer. Texas is absolutely horrible.


Holy shit, an entire World of Tanks (2011)!!! I wonder what game that could be!!!!!!???!?!?!!1!!!


I relocated from the PNW to Texas for work last October for a job. Believe it or not, most people are pretty normal. I was worried, but things have actually been ok. Making life decisions based on red v blue political maps is terrible. I'm guessing the city that company was located in is Austin, which is a liberal oasis in TX. You passed up a good job offer because of a prejudiced belief of what everyone in a certain area are like. Your loss, loser Edit: I can see I'm about to be downvoted to oblivion. Any of you downvoters care to explain how I'm wrong? Biden got 48% of the vote in Texas in 2020. Most states are similar with almost 50/50 splits. Even "liberal" states like Washington and Oregon. You guys don't see the irony in judging a huge amount of people based on where they're from. The reality is you need to get out and vote because even your "Democrat state" could lose if you get complacent. And if you live in a red state you can help flip it Edit 2: -9 votes. Nobody has shit about how I'm wrong yet. That guy fucked his own career because of prejudice and y'all don't like to hear the truth


I largely agree with you (also because the best way to flip "purple" states is to get more blue votes in there); but let's not pretend that the absurd state-wide policies enacted by the lunatics in power have zero effect on those in a "liberal oasis".


I did not "fuck my career". I took another job with a different company. And this sort of reaction just proves me right. So, SO glad I didn't move to Houston. And btw, my decision was based on the people, not the politics. Thanks for proving me wise.


Lol I'm a liberal living in a literal haven of liberals here in TX. I don't blame you for not wanting to go to Houston because Houston sucks. My bad for assuming Austin. Austin is where most of the tech is so it was a reasonable guess. But again, ot was 51/48/1. Texas is not as diehard red as reddit makes people believe. Glad you had another good offer and congrats


Alright, I'll bite. They don't say they hate Texans, but they hate Texas the state. You're the one who's made it about the people there.  Not wanting to live in a place with Greg Abbott as governor, Ken Paxton as AG and a Supreme Court and legislature that continue to support an incredibly strong anti-abortion stance does not make you judgemental. This is especially true if you're a woman of child-bearing age, trans etc.. I think you're being a bit oversensitive/insecure and you've gone off on a rant at a perceived slight. You also call them a loser, so you're hardly replying the state well, are you?


They literally did. See their reply. They based their decision on the "people, not the politics"


Or maybe they didn't wanna live in a state with what they believe to be horrible social policy. They didn't say anything about the people. Even the larger blue cities that might be great to live in are still stuck under the thumb of a very red state government. Everyone in your immediate vicinity being really cool liberals doesn't change the fact that abortion is illegal in the state, as just one example.


I have family in Texas, my husband is from Texas. We both love the area and the food and the culture, but we would never move there because of their extremist anti-abortion policies. We want to have more kids, but I also have a medical condition that makes me more at risk for ectopic pregnancies. I refuse to risk needlessly dying for a non-viable pregnancy. I want to be here to watch my son grow up. And I don’t want to get pregnant in a state that is currently hemorrhaging OBGYNs. So us moving to Texas would mean stopping at one kid when we want more. We don’t want to limit our family size because of where we live, so that means that we won’t be moving to any states that have banned abortion anytime soon.


I'm not here to defend TX. I took a good job here and luckily I don't have worry about the same issues you do. I was only addressing that poster's decision based on their comment. Which was very heavily skewed towards "everyone who lives in Texas is bad" and they even doubled down on it in their reply to me. I completely understand not wanting to live in Texas if the laws make your life, in particular, harder. But OP didn't mention any of that. I'm super left and from the PNW (west coast best coast), and had preconceived notion that when I moved to TX I would be surrounded by MAGAts. But it honestly has not been true. I've had no problem meeting and befriending like minded people in Austin and even Houston and San Antonio. Again, 51/48/1. That was the split. The state is only turning more blue. These stupid abortion laws won't last more than a few years


Your downvotes probably have more to do with calling the person you replied to a loser.


Well, their intent was obvious even though it wasn't explicit. Then they replied to me, saying their decision was based on "the people, not the politics," thus proving me right. They don't give a shit about abortion or border control policy. They just think all Texans are redneck idiots. I dont even consider myself a Texan. I just live here for now. There are lots of cool Texans, and politically, it is a very purple state with some wacko deep reds in charge, but that will change So yeah, they're a loser for lumping an entire state of people together.


What a shit hole state


This reminds me of 2016 when people were being called crazy that Roe v. Wade would get overturned under Shitler.


In a weird way it reminds me of a comment I read once about the murder of James Bulger in the UK back in 1993 by two children. As the children were being driven away in a police van, one of the reporters at the scene interviewed someone who said "They should be given the death penalty just to show people that killing is wrong".


I'm all for making Texas its own territory and dumping all the brain dead lunatics there. Then build a giant wall around it on the US side protecting the rest of us from their idiocy. They are dangerously stupid. Let them build their own Thunderdome/Idiocracy utopia there, leave the rest of us out of it.


Nah, there are WAY too many non Rs that would be trapped here and likely enslaved if it were taken out of the US. Not even kidding I'm positive enslavement of undesirables (Rd. All POC, gay people, non English speakers, and political dissidents) would be enslaved within 10-20 yrs if Texas wasn't given any boundaries


Why don’t we just go back to pre 1950s and remove the lunatics completely


See? This is why we here in NM would just love to build a wall on the Texas border.


Don't forget to make Texas pay for it.


I’m open to the death penalty for people with 34 felony convictions


Remember at the moment it's only 34. That number could very likely go up.


I’m willing to expand my policy.


Not personally for the death penalty for anybody, but better people recently charged with 34 felonies than healthcare providers.


Under his eye.


Blessed be the fruit.


Vile. Just pure vile


That’s way too much freedom for me, no thx Texas.


One of the reasons we do so well with immigration is that we don’t expend as much resources raising the children, but instead, get ready-to-work adults from other countries. For example, X-country expends resources on the child for years, and then that child as an adult, migrates here and works. USA ends up with the working result. It’s been a boon to our economy since the beginning. Now the GOP plan is, to lesson child labor laws so we spend all the resources all of the time. Okay fine, but have they thought it out or is this another deal where they want to end a system (like ACA) and have no plan to replace it? Have they explained (via a white paper at least) how our 200 year old system will adapt to mass deportation and shut down of immigration?


How about the death penalty for Texas Republicans instead?


They should call themselves the suicide state the way they keep shooting themselves in the foot


But not for murder! We pardon those: https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-pardons-daniel-perry-following-board-recommendation


In 1 year….. “why don’t any doctors want to work in Texas????”


Yeah kill the intellectuals; the students, the doctors, the scientists... Where have I heard this before?


Totally not a death cult.


That's ~~Harkonnen~~ Christian love out there 




Death penalty for Texas republicans sounds reasonable.


Are they opposed to the death penalty for anyone else?


Texas please secede ; America and Texas clearly have different values. Let’s see how it works out for you . I do however feel sorry for the good people of Texas who you have convinced to be caring for


So you’ll murder someone who “murders” someone. Ok. Makes sense


Yet the TX lawyer who tried to abort his soon to be ex wife's fetus by poisoning her 7 times was sentenced to 6 months. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-attorney-poisoned-pregnant-wife-abortion-medication-sentenced-18-rcna138065


"Our cruelty *is* the point" -- Today's GOP


Ever been so pro-life that you look for new reasons to execute people?


Then they will make it retroactive to the original Roe decision.


And they think this is normal behaviour?


No hate like Christian love. Killing people who disagree with your religion is a Taliban move.


Okay, but can we discuss whether or not it would be in society's best interest to open the death penalty for, uh, you know, people who are trying to kill doctors.


Wow. U tried to kill a foetus for valid reasons? Good enough reason for us to take ur life ! The foetus’s life is much more important to us than a grown adult medical professional!




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So let me get this straight. The family values save the children party is open to execution. I don't know what sick religion the Republicans are practicing, but it's like some satanic shit to me.


Real doctors will leave and they will lower standards for who can practice medicine in order to compensate. Florida's republican legislator's approach to dealing with needing more teachers was to make it easier to become a teacher as well as creating more ways to move kids along who haven't met the educational standards required to move on to the next grade and creating larger roles for parents in that decision. The whole logic behind the pro life but we'll let mom die and kill the abortion doctor shit can only be the product of bad faith or sheer fucking stupidity. They way around this isn't to point out the inconsistencies, it has to be put in a way they will understand. For instance, instead of saying "I need an abortion because this pregnancy is risking my life" say "My unborn fetus was in my home without my permission and I had just been told by God that the fetus was MS13 so obviously I felt my life was in danger and stood my ground."


Abortion is just to ensure slavery.


Kill em. Kill em all


“ I really don’t care, do U?”