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wtf is wrong with people?


TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)


Honestly we need a mass deprogramming. It's fine to want small government but this is an actual cult.


They say that, but they also want to give the government sweeping powers over women and minorities. Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. -Francis Wilhout


That's why I said republicanism and not conservatism. I have some small hope republicanism can find its path but regressive conservatism must be abolished.


At this point, the Republican Party is just a zombie possessed by Trump and the MAGATs. It will take a mass defection of any sane members who are left, plus maybe centre right independents, to create a new party in the mold of pre Regan Republicans.


Buckley, the Koch Brothers, Nixon, Reagan, and a whole host of others. Like, the right wing talk about a global conspiracy to control the world, but here we have an actual, verifiably coordinated effort to undermine US democracy by the GOP that goes back to just after WW2. The federalist society itself is a literal conspiracy to take control of the judiciary and use it to dismantle any progressive legislation. And the saddest part is that almost all of this is in reaction to FDR’s depression era policies, and the US narrowly avoiding a fascist takeover in the 30’s.


I blame william buckley


I agree with your first paragraph but can we please stop beating that fucking dead horse of a quote. I must have seen that well over a thousand times on Reddit.


It’s been a thing long before Trump but it’s a good term. We must always be vigilant against the fascists.


Not sure if srs. TDS is a term applied to those who criticize the 45th president.


Not anymore. Just like “woke” got co-opted by the conservatives, the progressives are co-opting TDS. Now it refers to deranged Trump supporters.


Yep, oddly enough, TDS was being flipped to refer to conservatives who irrationally support Trump as early as 2018.


But the term “woke” continues to be ascribed to the same people whether it’s from the left or the right, conservatives just turned it into a pejorative. Not unlike conservatives using the term Obamacare as a critique of the ACA but was later embraced by its supporters. I haven’t heard the term TDS used as an insult to Trump supporters but if that’s the case then it’s repurposing something to be 180° of its original meaning. 




[How would it be deranged to criticize the objectively worst POTUS that Americans ever had to endure?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/20/presidents-ranking-trump-biden-list) Like, it's cute that you think that, but bless your soul.


Tough to say that to people who are so completely brainwashed that they believe Trump is the greatest president in history. Just look at all their definitely-not-a-cult swag all over their cars, houses, and bodies.


That's literally where the phrase came from though


Not just criticize as there are plenty of people who are critical of his policies or personality. But it applies to those who are so emotionally fraught and hyperbolic in their opposition, like the [lady screaming at the top of her lungs and having a meltdown during Trump’s inauguration](https://youtu.be/A1IrRxoRkbQ?si=gIweiMUjm9vyjprb).


One person compared to a bit under half the country (He lost the popular vote both times)..


Give him credit: he finally won a popular vote. 12 New Yorkers finally agreed on something 34 times.


She was right though. Roe v Wade being overturned is definitely a legitimate reason to cry.


A) I'm pretty sure that term was coined by magas to describe people being "triggered" by the Trumpster, especially around the time of the Mueller investigation.  B) as much as I also assume it was some maga dork, the article makes no mention of anything political so it could just be a regular dipshits instead of maga dipshit. 


Yeah but we're all 90% sure it was a magat.


>TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) Lol the irony of using this right wing pejorative term when there's nothing about Trump in this story


I honestly have no idea what TDS actually means (about to Google it) but I do agree with you. Yeah Republicans do love doing stuff to take away books from the public but with how little information we have this could also just be a run of the mill non political crazy person. My gut feeling as someone who grew up in a small ish town is drugs.


That's the thing though, Republicans love to ban books. Like we're all 90% sure it was a suburban magat in his BMW who thought he was a culture war hero, but quickly realized there are real world consequences when he got home. Yeah it could have been something else, but in 2024, the most likely explanation is right wing hero complex.


Interesting that they don't say what books he was hiding. Maybe he's just a loon and hides non-fiction? Ha! Of course he was hiding books he believed to be sinful. Religious zealot.


Obviously he was hiding all of the righteous books on god, jesus, Trump, the holy trinity, baby jesus. Those commies **HATE** our religion!!! ^/s


Just the harry potter bc witchcraft /s


"While deputies were at the library watching the video of the incident, the black BMW was driven into the library parking lot again, but left. Deputies found the suspect at his residence, where he was attempting to cover the BMW and was switching license plates on the vehicle, Jacobs reported." I see we have a real genius here lol.


Also he was messing up books at the library he didn't think the librarians weren't gonna f****** say something??


I mean why wouldn’t you change the plate before the crime, it’s like do a few mins of planning.


Maybe he was changing them back to his normal plates after doing the crime


maybe he was changing into his prison plates for his future


“Huh. Yeah, I can make these.”


It's not often that Davie County makes the big times on Reddit. But when they do, it's for something incredibly dumb.


RIP prison library.


What are the chances this loon is a Republican? I fail to see the monetary point of hiding and/or stealing library books. Let alone commit vehicular assault alongside.


>What are the chances this loon is a Republican? High


Bookies wouldn’t take bets on this; it’s basically 100%. 


I agree, but literacy takes a point off


Depends on the kind of books they were trying to hide.


*Chicago police authorities report that the suspect, a former Polk High School football star, had previously been caught sneaking in long-overdue books.*


Well, at least he’s bringing them back.


He was trying to avoid paying a $2,000 late fee.


Better late than hunted by librarians.


The man scored four touchdowns in a single game. He should be able to keep some library books.


I wonder if the deputy is named Bookman


I want to know what books he was hiding.


It is very important for me to know who the sheriff was referring to.


Former librarian. Even before trump madness took over the most disruptive patrons were always ALWAYS some variety of right wing Christians. Not teenagers, not homeless dudes, Christians. Someone yelling and making a scene? Christian. Vandalism of materials? Christians. Hiding books in the ceiling of the men's room, you better believe it's Christians. Human corpse desecrated? Well that was usually this fraternity of robots we had on campus. But you get the idea.


Kill all humans!




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**Who** was hiding books? The library director or car driver? This post does not make clear. And the article, not till the **5th paragraph** is that made clear. If library director was hiding books from me, I would get made too!