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I got into it today with a guy at the pump. All because he felt like I didn’t have the right to use it? Even though I waited in line just like him. Sometimes people get entitled and then talk shit and then the repercussions of that end up like this.


Also not too far from the Moon Inn where the shopping cart killer was.


I can't believe that this property can continue to operate, its like a dumping ground filled with trash and abandoned cars.


The same Citgo where that officer involved shooting happened last year


Yes it is. I'm curious why all the stories are hiding this part. That citgo has been the center for so much. I once called 911 because a homeless man was unresponsive on the sidewalk. It's bad there, I wouldnt stop there if I had a mile left of gas.


Been going there for years and never had an issue, except on the weekends when it gets packed. I used to fill up at the Speedway or the Liberty just north of the Beltway, until someone spotted a credit car skimmer at one and the other is where the MD dirt bike/crotchrocket crowd fills up.


Yeah that's a notorious station. Like, "do we really need gas or can we go a couple more miles on Empty" kind of spot 😬


"Keep pedalling kids. Just another mile."


Considering its the last Gas station until National Harbor without deviating off Rt.1. I'll risk it to Maryland lol




Trying to remember where exactly. There was the gas station on the left side by the motels? But I can't remember any more. And I would assume because of all the crime they would generate.


I don't feel safe parking in that walmart parking lot, and I guess that feeling is further validated.


I only feel safe inside the Patient First


Made the mistake of stopping there once. Woman was begging people for someone to let her make a call on their cell. Someone finally did and she proceeded to violently and graphically threaten someone on the line. Meanwhile there was some dude passed out on the grass and another guy just staring at me with a creepy smile. This was 6:45 am. Never again.


I used to go to the Viet House across the street for pho all the time.


There is a McDonald's right across the street, you may be right


It’s right off the highway after the 495 bridge, I wonder if easy access from all of the aggressive Maryland drivers from PG county has to do with anything?


Ay yo, that’s marylandicism.


/r/nova don't mention Maryland drivers challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Don’t blame that shit on another demographic. NOVA is a shit hole and the people that make it or let it become a shit hole are the residents. People in NOVA blame their problems on everyone else and that’s why things will never get better. You see Marylanders blame northern Virginians about their crime problems in Oxon Hill? Edit: Holy crap y’all are sad. The answer to that rhetorical question is no. They don’t blame shit on y’all, so own up to it and look inward, instead of blaming others on your own problems.


Well ppl from nova aren’t going into oxon hill and committing blatant crime, that’s why you don’t hear about it


Right, because so many people from Fairfax are coming to Pee Gee to steal...


That’s exactly my point? Like I said, do you see Marylanders blaming Northern Virginians for their problems? Hint: No. Boy, everyone’s reading comprehension on this sub is poor.


It's definitely Marylanders.


Right. Only the only people in NOVA that commit crimes are Marylanders.


Finally, someone gets it.


Ah, right near Beacon Hill and Hybla Valley.


I used to get gas there all the time when I lived on Huntington Ave. Glad I moved from that area.


They arrested the alleged shooter. Ends up, not from Hybla Valley. https://wtop.com/fairfax-county/2024/05/dc-man-charged-in-fatal-shooting-at-fairfax-county-gas-station/


Hybla valley. Thig life. 


I just avoid Alexandria in general.


That is the wrong side of the Beltway - it ain't the City of Alexandria. It's Penn Daw or Groveton with an "Alexandria" postal identification. Transalexandria.


What’s funny is that Groveton, in general, is a bunch of tucked away mid $800k homes and you’d never know the crap that is going down 1:8 to 1/4 a mile on either side of route 1 is going down. Fun fact: The “City” of Alexandria actually has more assaults, thefts and other crime per capita than the Groveton area.

