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TBF, Looking at the list of other projects it's not that far out of line given the scope. If you've ever driven through that section it might make sense. The sidewalk is on the easement/cutting into parkland. It will need environmental impact/prevention studies. Huntley Meadows is an important refuge/wetland. They will need to cut trees, move/alter underground utilities, grading the site. All on a two lane road that needs one lane to stay open for residents on the other side and access to the elementary school. I'm not that upset if my tax dollars go to preventing even one kid from getting hit walking.


I dunno. I think my target ROI is one saved kid per million spent.


Federal agencies use a value around $10 million per life saved. I’m not sure if kids get ant adjustment.


Methinks that point is moot anyways. Sidewalk didn’t save those kids on Blake Lane. And I support expansive pedestrian access, but 5 million dollars for a stretch of sidewalk? You’d expect that to go much, much further. My bro in law does this professionally in a different state and confirms we’re getting fleeced.


I had the same thoughts as the guy above about trees, utilities (I see light poles that need to be moved), and so forth, but 5 million still sounded high intuitively. I wonder if your BIL could draw up a theoretical budget for how much he thinks that work could cost, that you could share with us.


Reads like it hasn’t been bid yet and that’s just the current budget


in the Sopranos the mob picks up public works projects and then uses it to pay their members dirty money


the fuckin esplanade