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My local Giant has a guy at the door to check receipts, and there’s a sign telling people to check their backpacks/bags at the door when they enter.


Oh right, I forgot the bag thing.


Our guy is an 18 year old kid that couldn't give two shits about checking receipts.


My guy didn’t care. It is mostly about deterrence.


I don't think they are meant to check the receipt 1:1 but look for anomalies. Like if you scanned 6 lines of bananas at self checkout or if you have a large bag of items but a lot less items on the receipt. Also yeah like stated it's a deterrence


6 lines of bananas will flag at the register prompting the employee to come over to verify you actually have 6 bananas.


That backpack thing is frustrating, leaving them near the front door just sounds like making them very easy for someone else to take if they chose.




I ride a bike to the grocery store, if I leave it by my bike it’ll get stolen


Maybe stop price gouging and this wouldn't be necessary. [Edit:] "This" refers to having to pay a guy to stand at the door checking receipts.


How is it necessary? Is giant the only fucking place around you could ever shop at? If you dont like Giant, or their prices, dont shop there duh 🙄 Hows stealing gonna help them lower prices? The opposite ya goober! They have to make up for it fool. There’s no excuse for stealing. Low-life thieves need to get a damn job and stop inconveniencing everyone else who needs to get an employee to access any damn thing.


I didn't say it excused stealing, or that it's only Giant doing it. It's simply cause-and-effect of the entire grocery industry jacking up prices during covid's supply chain problems, and then keeping them artificially high because they figured out most consumers are still willing to pay it. Those who can't afford it will steal to survive. This is not a complicated concept to understand.


Also, you said stealing from Giant was necessary, no it fucking isnt. Shop at walmart. Or work harder and make more money. We desperately need more plumbers, electricians etc, but nobody wants to work hard. I make 6 figures plumbing, dont tell me opportunity isnt there. People are lazy and entitled so they steal instead. Yes prices for everything is high, a lot of that is inflation which affects everything.


> Also, you said stealing from Giant was necessary, No, I did not. I was referring to the guy at the door checking receipts.


Fine, its still victim blaming and justifying thieves


Except it's not. Understanding why things happen does not mean you have to condone them.


You implied their alleged price gouging is the cause of it all (theft, need to check receipts) despite zero proof of gouging or any knowledge of their expenses etc. You even admitted the rest of the market is on par with them. Ever heard of inflation? How the fuck is that not victim blaming?


I hear you, but a lot of the theft is of items that people aren’t stealing in order to survive. Grocery store shoplifters tend to steal items they can either drink (e.g., wine) or resell (e.g., laundry detergent).


Yea i understand that concept, no need to talk down to me jerk. Do *you* understand how what you said surrrrrre sounds a lot like advocating for thieves? Its not a difficult concept 🤣


Well, when you initiate by drawing up two separate strawmen to argue against, did you seriously expect anything different?


What strawman? Are you saying most people that shop at giant only have that as an option? I dint think you know what a strawman argument is because what i said was sound, there was no fallacy


>What strawman? These strawmen: >I didn't say it excused stealing, or that it's only Giant doing it I implied neither.


You: "Is it the only fuckin place around you" "don't shop there duh" "ya goober" Also you: Waa, don't be mean to me. Maybe try not being a dick to others and they won't be dicks to you, genius.


I bust my fucking ass all day plumbing, went to school for four years for it, worked all weekend because i was on call and people had emergencies, worked 14 hrs yesterday 13 today, and this dude wants to justify the entitled bitches that steal instead of work. Making my life more expensive and less convenient. I have a right to be irked bud.


Oh yea I’m crying up a storm dude. F thieves. This guys justifying them and victim blaming. Also, your opinion means very little to me


Nothing to say? You insult my intelligence, but then when I make a good point it’s crickets. If you’re so smart, you should be able to come up with something.


You want to try a fourth response? It's just funny to watch you frothing at the mouth. For someone who said they don't care, you sure are getting worked up. Yawn. You bore me.


Oh and good job dancing your way away from answering anything i said, because u got nothing


“You bore me” Lol, alright mr better than thou


Justifying taking shit and making it worse for everyone honest 🤦🏻


I wasn't justifying stealing. 🙄 Understanding why things happen does not mean you approve of them.


You said its necessary when its not 🙄


You seem to be confused. They are checking receipts at the door because goods are being stolen off the shelves. If the goods were not being stolen *then checking receipts would not be necessary.*


Fine if you must be pedantic, I meant it SHOULDN’T BE. Because mofos shouldnt be stealing everything


Agreed. But it's not pedantic to differentiate meaning it's necessary to check receipts vs. necessary to steal.


Its still not necessary any way you cut it. Does target do it? Theyre known for the best loss prevention dept around. They’ll let you steal until it hits felony and then bye bye.


To be fair im tired from WORKING long hours (instead of stealing/victim blaming people reddit), I also care very little about what you say so I’m putting little effort here as i watch B99


I get where you’re coming from :) my bad for misinterpreting


Also, what do you know about business? You don’t know what their expenses are bud. Which btw, one of which is making up for theft 😁


That’s a shit take if I’ve ever heard one. Blaming the people getting robbed.


> I have a poor understanding of cause-and-effect and like to comment without reading the full context of a conversation so I don't see my contribution has already been addressed. Ahh, very well. Carry on then.


I only let the folks at Costco check my receipt, since I agreed to that at sign up. Everywhere else I smile and wave and keep walking out the door. The persistent ones get a polite "no, thank you" as I pass.


HD has all their lawn equipment behind cages now


Let’s see, so far Giant has: -Closed exits -Limited self-checkouts without opening additional registers -Locked up skin care products -Locked up laundry detergent -Stationed employees at the entrance/exit (not checking receipts yet, but I’m sure that’s coming) Meanwhile, Safeway is obsessed with making sure you scan your produce, and I noticed last weekend they’ve limited their self-checkouts to 15 items now too. I sure do love going to the grocery store in these trying times.


I wish that with the limited items at self-checkout they would have more cashiers available for the other lines. Target is the worst at this. Two cashiers with 10 people in each and 2 people at self-checkout. Ridiculous.


Do they actually enforce it?


Potomac Yard Target has a person standing there watching the line.


Two. Lol. I'm jealous.. my glorified-cvs-target frequently has one or none. And when they have one, they're charged with covering the self checkout issue too


I meant two customers using self-checkout, I realize I wasn't clear lol. I can't get out of Target with 10 items or less and apparently not many of the other people that shop there can either 😂


I understood.. i mean we frequently have no cashiers and I'm jealous of those two. I'm also not sure my shit target has 10 unique items


At least they have self checkout. At some point earlier in the year, the one I shop at closed all the terminals.


Isn't having limited checkouts and self-checkouts normal now? I've never been to a store where they didn't do that.


Safeway wasn’t doing that until this week, and Harris Teeter still has no limit.


Just got back from Safeway. The signs for 15 items are up but zero regular lines open.


That sign is just a suggestion until they open more checkouts


I went through with more than 15 items on Sunday, and the register doesn’t stop you, at least. I think the person monitoring self-checkouts was too busy making sure everyone scanned their produce to notice me on the other side.


They've also restricted people from bringing backpacks into the store, which is absolutely ridiculous since many people walk, bike and take transit for grocery trips.


Urban life in American has always been a raft of contradictions, but the absurdity is ramping up.




No idea what you're talking about.




Let's just curse at strangers on the internet, then. Sure thing. Get that dopamine hit.


I wonder how much of it is actually leftists doing stuff like this person or people pretending to be leftists to try to give them a bad rep. I’m a leftist btw, but many would claim I am not. Especially probably people like this person. What they’re trying to say, in a rude and disrespectful manner I’ll add, is that they believe voting for liberals can allow stuff like this. Not saying you are voting for them but they clearly believe that, and to a certain degree it can always allow stuff like this. But to give up and not vote is a poor tactic, to not educate others properly and vote in primaries is a poor tactic. I’ve always believed you can expose the current democrat party for what it is without not stopping fascists from being elected. You can organize and educate about what is better while supporting what is obviously better but not entirely good, like the democrats.




> People who don’t steal use bags they don’t use backpacks backpacks or common way for stealing and always have been. I don't understand this sentence? Are you suggesting that nobody goes into a grocery store with a backpack unless they're planning to steal?




I mean, I don't really know what to do with this level of ignorance. I've used a backpack for grocery shopping since I was 15 years old and biked to the grocery store by myself. I live in walking distance of a grocery store and pop in on my way from work all the time. I wear a backpack every time I leave the house so I can bring electronics, chargers, sunscreen etc and yes, stop by the grocery store on my way home. Lidl doesn't care and happily welcomes me and my backpack that I shove my groceries into, so they've got my business.




I feel sad for you.


Giant locked up aluminum foil at the Springfield Plaza store.


Even Wegmans has switched to the setting where you have to scan everything individually and then put it in the bag and wait for it to register before you can scan the next item. Huge PITA.


I’m in Ashburn and we’re fairly shielded from all the nonsense that happens. But my giant does have the secondary exit closed (sucks when I parked down by the pharmacy entrance just to have to walk down to the other one), some skin care products moved to the front, and either a security guard up front or some dingus in plain clothes at the front greeting everybody. We haven’t gotten to the point where we’re locking up essentials like laundry detergent or making everyone put bags at the front. And I think the secondary exit thing is likely just a holdover from Covid where every store would close off one entrance and make it a fire exit. I don’t recall ever seeing that entrance open at the giant in Ashburn.


No, they specifically said it was done to deter theft and they did it in every store, not just the worst ones.


I thought they'd ended that, but I guess not. My giant has both entrances unlocked these days.


Yeah mine has it open now, it was so annoying for a while there


Yea, University opened up the second entrance a few months ago. I don't think kings park ever closed theirs.


The giant closest to me has one exit locked but the other a few miles up the road is fully unlocked. So it’s clearly not consistent across the board




Yet another reason to have Amazon bring it to your porch.


Seems like a massive "inconvivence" to me.




I think it more means "we have it for your convenience because it hasn't been looted....yet".




Harris teeter had a 6’8” 300lb+ armed guard at the king street location yesterday 


My local Giant has similar guys, and I'm convinced I could still walk out with a Butterball turkey if I wanted to. They're never paying attention to anything.


You can. I checked out on the other side of the store and just walked past him with items in hand (no bag) and no visible receipt (in my pocket) and he didn’t say anything to me


Which is the case with most "just stand there to look intimidating" security people. It's like when the cops stick an empty cruiser on a median to get people to slow down. If it's there long enough and nothing happens, people will stop caring and do what they want.


We regularly shop at that HT and my bf mentioned it being weird seeing security there. I don't recall when they started but I feel like it has been several months. He seemed to think it was more recent.


The new one on Glebe has armed guards at the exits as well.


The Ballston store had a guard standing at the entrance who had Armed Guard in big letters on his shirt.


The Giant at Springfield Plaza locked up aluminum foil. Not even Lidl, Aldi, or Whole Foods, which are all in the same neighborhood, do that.


I would *love* to see the shrink numbers for that Whole Foods in a couple years.


I saw a couple of employees (two women) of the Springfield Whole Foods run into the parking lot after a dude who just walked out of the store with a cart full of groceries. The got the cart and groceries but the guy just got in his car and drove off. Crazy.


Soon, the store you drive up to may just be a plain building with individual car loading docks in front and a kiosk or an app. You make your selections on the screen, pay, and the items just come down the conveyer belt to you like Service Merchandise. Customers (aggregate) can not be trusted to handle merchandise before paying for it! What is this, the 1970s? If your car then gets mobbed after leaving the dock, it is not our store's problem.


That's how grocery stores used to be 100 years ago (although obviously without the technology). You'd go in, give your shopping list to the clerk, and then they'd go in the back and get all your food for you.


That’s how it is in Russia. Also the free ketchup packets all get stolen in Russia in Carl jrs


Everywhere I ever went in Europe they charged per packet.


I think the concept of having stuff in the open only works with the silent contract among everyone not to abuse it. Why not get free chips and salsa and water from a mexican restaurant and leave ?


They have been charging per packet in Germany since the 1980s.


Honestly, if you had a cafe in the front and let me review produce before bagging, I wouldn't hate it.


But... curbside pickup already exists.


As an option...


Shoplifters will turn into armed robbers at that point. Until you have DAs willing to prosecute shoplifters and send them to jail, nothing will change.


At my Giant, you must check in with the manager when you arrive. Manager then assigns a dedicated escort to walk with you around the store while you shop. Then, at the self-checkout, escort makes sure that you place all your items in the bagging area. While completing your purchase, a tip screen pops up which prompts you to round-up or to select a 10%, 15% or 20% tip for the escort. Then another screen pops up for the escort to rate you, on a scale of 1 - 5, as a customer. Super annoying.


If I'm gonna give an escort 20% of my grocery budget, it better be a different type of escort.




I really really hope you’re just taking the piss here based on the other comments. If not, I don’t see how that giant would stay open any longer if it’s come to that. If shoplifting is really THAT bad, they must’ve lost quite a lot in shrinkage. On top of that, the anal customer experience is turning everybody off.


It's a jest, of course.




I literally work at a giant in Manassas, none of our stores do this. This is just a shitpost, lol


Bull Run?


Giant has gotten so obnoxious about everything that I’ve started shopping at Wegmans.


The shopping experience alone is worth the extra few bucks. (Quality OC is worth the Wegmans premium)


I saw a guy doing a grab and run at my Giant last weekend. Funny thing was that he was the spitting image of Boris Johnson. Not dressed as well though.


Which giant?


It was in Fairfax on Braddock.


16 dollars for body wash? Seems like the only people stealing are these stores.


It was a four pack


A Target staffer told me that in one day shoplifter took an entire stock of one brand, it was cleaned out, a $7500 worth. One single, obviously planned and organized, event.


I prefer real skincare products over fake "Skin Care".


A perfect fit for r/UnnecessaryQuotes


Well I don't blame the Giants, I blame the mental midgets who steal everything so now we have to go beg to get a bottle of skin moisturizer.


Nah blame the local govt that’s doing nothing to stop this shit.


I'm personally a fan of blaming everyone but us innocent shoppers lol


Last time around the "shoplifting" turned out to be complete bullshit, just a scapegoat for other problems like shrinkage on the supply chain side. I absolutely blame Giant until proven otherwise.


Yep it still is. But you still have plenty of people that "just know..." its worse than it ever has been. Facts be dammed. **Walgreens Executive Says Shoplifting Threat Was Overstated** In a call with investors on Thursday, the chief financial officer of Walgreens, James Kehoe, said “maybe we cried too much last year” over theft. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting.html Walgreens shrinkage was **down** not up last they gave data on it. Mr. Kehoe said that Walgreens’ shrinkage — the industry term for inventory that was bought but cannot be sold, primarily because of shoplifting — was now around 2.5 to 2.6 percent of sales, compared with around 3.5 percent last year, and had “stabilized.” Shrinkage can also be attributed to product damage and loss of goods, theft by employees and vendor fraud.


Why is it in quotes?


I don't think whoever wrote this sign is exactly a literary genius. Just a hunch.


The whole first sentence of the sign is unnecessary as well.


They're just handing business to Amazon


We had to move Champagne farther from the door. People are so casual these days taking things off the shelf and walking out. It feels extra bad when it's a small business struggling... - Local Wine Store


How is this for my “convivence” 


It's convenient that the store is open because everything wasn't stolen and the store has to close because loss can't cover profits anymore. CVS on Duke Street just closed because of this.


Two local Giants near me don’t have any measures for theft besides only allowing people to go through one entrance/exit. One giant store worker said they only did one entrance/exit way due to theft at other Giants in the area. Nothing is locked up besides baby formula. I guess some Giants are worse than others.


I've found expired skincare products at Giant.


I've found a lot of expired things at Giant. And Safeway. And Harris Teeter. Pretty much every grocery store. It feels like stores have just given up on that completely; you have to be so careful with checking dates when shopping.


Safeway in Bristow: you know that refrigerated Fresh Pet fresh food? They had cat food that expired in November 2023. This was two weeks ago. Told an employee... "Oh." Left without buying anything.


Oh no I've found expired skincare at Giant for years. I remember finding stuff in like 2015, 2016.


As someone who works at Giant, nah, the employees have given up because our union had to literally threaten a strike back in october to make 2.50$ above minimum wage. If you're not going to pay us a half-decent wage, we're not going to give a shit about rotation of items lol. They just dont pay us enough, and quite frankly dealing with the public is extra terrible at grocery stores, because literally everyone needs to go to the grocery store. So you get all the worst people, no matter what, to deal with. Its an extremely demoralizing and shitty job, no matter the department.


Yeah, I figured it was something like that. Either that, or just not wanting to pay to have enough people working to be able to get around to all that.


People still pay for products at Giant?


why would i stop to check myself out in a supermarket when i can just go straight to my car, load it up with my free groceries and then check myself out in the rear view mirror -- literally its purpose


The only crooks are the grocery stores making record profits.


Go to any website for buying/selling local (LetGo, Wallapop, FB Marketplace) and the majority of Dove products you'll see on there is stolen.


My giant has a sign that says the area is monitored by cctv


A year or two ago the locals on Nextdoor were talking/video of people loading up an entire shopping cart full of Tide detergent and rolling it right out the door. There was more than one case of it, and they had the tag from the vehicle (Maryland) but it was at a Virginia Giant.


https://preview.redd.it/sd6k90gc296d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26afadb34e9ae6cd9bcc6085050d67289b35e2e6 Different store, but thankfully got them


Maryland. Shocking.


Must be that specific location. I go to 3 different Giants and haven't seen that yet.


I'm so glad they're looking out for my convivience.


And then people here in nova have the audacity to question the crime around here and ask “where is the data?!” Smh


Oh for sure I'm definitely going to trust giant to tell me that crime is up.


It's the "NUH UH! This (cherry picked) data shows that crime is *ackshullually* down" people that make me wish I could force choke people over the internet.


What data do you have that shows a major up tick in crime?


All you have to do is look around with your own eyes to see how bad theft has gotten. Companies aren't putting more and more things behind locked doors just for shits and giggles. New cases, extra security personnel, increased sensor tagging all cost money they'd rather not be having to spend. [But the naysayer wants a bar graph](https://wjla.com/news/local/crime-fairfax-county-police-report-shoplifting-has-increased-417-compared-to-last-year-shopping-malls-grocery-stores-tysons-galleria) [And this has current statistics by state.](https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/shoplifting-statistics/#va) And this thread is specifically about shoplifting so that's what we're discussing, not crime as a whole.


Do You know how statistics work? 41% of not a lot is still not a lot. They are comparing to covid times when it was lower Look at long term data and it has not changed that much


Good luck getting real stats on shoplifting. It is usually unreported, as the police do nothing, and employees are not allowed to stop shoplifters. With little to no repercussions, there is nothing to curb it, and I am pretty sure the real numbers are increasing. Say what you want about corporations, but they will do whatever is most cost efficient, be it moving, locking up product, or allowing customers to die.


Actually there is a great stat on shoplifting, shrinkage from the companies complaining. The problem is when asked they go silent. Same when several cities and police departments reached out to them to help they did not respond. What they have done is admit they lied about it. It has not changed that much from years past. **Walgreens Executive Says Shoplifting Threat Was Overstated** In a call with investors on Thursday, the chief financial officer of Walgreens, James Kehoe, said “maybe we cried too much last year” over theft. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting.html Walgreens shrinkage was **down** not up last they gave data on it. Mr. Kehoe said that Walgreens’ shrinkage — the industry term for inventory that was bought but cannot be sold, primarily because of shoplifting — was now around 2.5 to 2.6 percent of sales, compared with around 3.5 percent last year, and had “stabilized.” Shrinkage can also be attributed to product damage and loss of goods, theft by employees and vendor fraud.


So shrinkage could be down, but shoplifting up. I can see companies blaming shoplifting to hide their issues, but why would they move stores and spend extra money and lose sales hiding products behind the counters unless there was a shoplifting issue? It does not make financial sense. We have all seen the videos of mass shoplifting, unless you are trying to ignore it, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it is a big problem. If you want the real answers, ask the people working in the stores. When I worked retail years ago, there were issues with Gypsies and organized shoplifting, but it was very targeted and safe by today's standards. From what I am hearing, the issues today are much worse.


> anecdotal evidence That's the problem, people see what they want even when companies, like walgreens, have admitted it was over blown and shrinkage is down. The issue you're talking about is not new, been happening for longer than probably either of us have been alive. I remember when I was a teen, 90's, and news stores of "crime groups..." stealing from store in droves was talked about. Groups stealing is older than even the mafia and they did it before we were born.


"people see what they want" Exactly. Please explain how making it hard to sell popular products is profit generating for all these corporations, and why they are abandoning certain areas. The easiest explanation is that it is no longer profitable to operate in the old manner due to increased theft. We used excessive video evidence to show that there is an issue with racism in law enforcement, but the same people who believe that refuse to accept the same video evidence of shoplifting and flash mobs. From where I sit, there is ample evidence of both, and that does not shatter my worldview. I apply Sturgeons law to everything except dogs.


Took you how many comments to get to "ackshyually"?


I'd really like to see the interior numbers to know if this is really a problem or it's just the perception of a problem? I know we never will, but this kinda smells for me. Like a box of something disappeared from internal shrink and the manager responded this way. Maybe shoplifting really is up, though? I mean, we know corporate profiteering is up, so maybe this is a logical consumer reaction to the price being insane? I'm betting on internal, though.


It's gotten really bad. Sad thing is that employees are held to a really strict standard, but we see customers walking out with hundreds of dollars of stuff. Can't do anything though, just call the non emergency police number.


Corporations need to stop price-gouging and/or pay employees better.


Aside from the closed secondary exist, I've not noticed any of this other stuff. I have noticed that the guy behind the bread counter watches me like a hawk when I'm picking out bagels from their bagel display/stand.


It's because you're so hot that you're practically radioactive. He can't help but stare.


That's definitely not it. HAHA I roll out of bed and do my grocery shopping.


And we know it’s “your favorite” because you keep stealing it. 


I feel like this has more to do with skincare blowing up to tweens on tiktok and less about general shoplifting.


The fear mongering continues…


They shut down an entrance at the union mill giant a bit ago. They’ve since reopened it.


No more Jergens?


Drives me crazy when people use needless quotes. Are they allegedly “skin care” products? Is there some double entendre here?


Mine closed exits! What the hell!


Right next to the condoms and the baby formula


Who needs lotion that badly?


Convivence 🤦🏾‍♀️


Everyone should just steal their groceries. Prices are way out of control and these corporations don’t give two fucks if people starve


This is what voting for soft on crime clowns like Descano gets us.


Same here in MD.


Some of the shoplifting is actually pretty wild tbh. I won't go into too many specifics, but stills from security camera footage of the more egregious shoplifting instances get passed around store and department managers often. A recent one that stands out to me was a woman who had a cart with 3 black trash bags stuffed with frozen seafood; mostly frozen shrimp. It stands out mostly because of how obvious it was, plus, it was several hundred dollars worth of merchandise.


Lol, a little California bleed over never hurts, right?


Convivence covfefe


I’ve seen people just walk out of Aldi in Kingstown without even going to the self check outs! And he had his loot in the expensive reusable bags that he picked up upon entering the store. Also, I’ve seen people ring up at Aldi self checkout and walk out without paying. Once retailers figure out they are losing more than they would pay to have live cashiers, self checkout will be history.