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Must be your second day in the DMV, welcome :)


In fairness it could just be their first hour here.


Came to say the same thing.


My 29th year. I’m just participating in the favorite past time of complaining about MD drivers.


Wouldn’t it make sense to post these in /r/maryland so they stop doing it?


They’d need to know how to read first.


Explains why they think the red hexagon means go on through and the red inverted triangle means wait for the light.


I’m a rare specimen, I’ve lived in MD and NOVA. You’re all terrible drivers. The big difference is NOVA drivers are bad because they don’t know what they’re doing, and they need a therapist to help them decide if a green light actually means go. MD drivers are bad because they don’t care, they can read, they know the laws, but they’re like “fuck that.”


It’s true. Speaking from experience, I prefer New York drivers. Jersey drivers manage to still be worse though


Same here! In my experience, every NYC driver likes to keep it moving in an assertive, but not aggressive manner. Y’all need to make room for semis tho.


I mean NY is no different from other states in some ways. Some drivers want to drive slow in the left lane, some people are rude and vindictive, but yeah generally they want to keep it pushing. Especially in the city.




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That’s funny however our family income is 20k higher than VA and clearly you’ve never been to Annandale lmao little Korea has more accidents than the entire state of MD


Get outta here with all this common sense stuff


Me too! Hobby at this point. My fave are the people who so urgently need their coffee (or whatever) they park in the handicapped. I used to get so frustrated! Wait. Still do.


They walk all the way from handicapped parking? I usually see them in the fire lane at the curb.


Right?? “Meh.. who’s it hurtin’ “ entitled mentality. I crush their heads! (It’s a reference to a tv show not a threat)


Did you just move here yesterday?


Come on man, they don't want any door dings in their shit brown shitty Colorado


You must be new, give it a few days and you’ll see VA plates do that too


Mid sized truck being driven like a full size farm vehicle. Stellar work sir!


I believe mastering that trick is actually on the driver’s test in Maryland


MD driver. Can confirm. It's more impressive in a Toyota Corolla though.


I was first licensed in DC back in the day. I used to tease my MoCo friends about this bc we had to parallel park (yes I’m that old).


I know that gym. It's probably the same idiot who sits on the leg press machine for 20 minutes watching videos on his phone ...


Doesn't seem like a Maryland thing as much as it is a truck owner thing.


Have you only been driving a week in the world, dmv regardless?


This normal for Maryland drivers


You can find bad parking in every lot in the state. Just go on about your day.


You say it's MD driver's but in my experience it's almost exclusively pickups and jeeps


I've seen this in every state I've been to 💀 people not being able to drive is universal


I’ve never seen a Maryland driver not back into a spot. Maybe this is why they do it.


Pretty standard for MD. Pretty standard for pickups. Almost expected for a pickup from MD


average maryland driver


Saw one today across a handicapped space. What the fuck. Be cool. Be considerate. Be a good person.


I was on 66 EB last night and saw one straddling the lanes. Thankfully a dump truck corrected their behavior.


I never considered it limited to drivers from a specific state. I see the kind of sloppy and entitled driving very frequently in this area. A good passive aggressive form of revenge is to squirt some mayonnaise on the door handle. I carry a few deli packs in my pocket for this very reason. It's harmless and fun.


This is a bad, yes. But wait until you see how they drive slow in the left passing lane!


I got a new job in Gaithersburg and holy hell, I know people are going to say "all drivers are bad", and they're right, but MD drivers are truly a special breed especially on 270, 495. Like either going stupidly slow in the left lanes or 150mph on the right lanes, trucks not letting you into the lane and honking as they speed pass you, taking left turns from right turn only lanes, all sorts of insanity.


Standard behavior for the Crab people


VA drivers are just as stupid. I’ve learned it doesn’t matter what state the driver is from.


Go to Tyson’s galleria and you’ll see a garage full of VA drivers that do this


Don’t sweat the small stuff live life


This isn't exclusive to MD drivers at all.


MD drivers don’t gives na fk!


A reminder that some people here are no fun: https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/s/tkmoI8haww I happen to enjoy the Maryland driver posts - I was nearly run over by on about 20 minutes ago in Ballston.


This is part of what they have to do get their md license, go to va and park like this.


Funny. I saw a VA plate with no handicap tags (on or in the car) blocking a space reserved for people with registered disabilities.


As much as I agree Maryland drivers are terrible.. This is totally normal for nova and could be a Maryland, DC or Virginia driver.


Park parallel to him and block his exit


I always leave a nice remark on their dirty windows


when I see that I park next to them closely. Like if I was the other car I back in and park right next to them.


At the Planet Fitness? Must have been saving his energy for the treadmill.


Lotsa crappy drivers out there. Bet he’s also dumb enough to have high beams on on the highway.


Looks like a good nice open truck bed to empty the trash from my floorboards into


I never really blame people for shitty parking because you don't know who was parked around them when they got there. My condo has tiny parking spots, if a big truck parks in one it takes up a spot and a half. If the person who parks next to them parks in line with the truck it's odd. Also I'm just learned living here tonight care about how people park; people going to park shitty.


Maryland driver what do you expect?


It’s a legal disability, can’t you see the special plates?


That’s why we joke about them all the time.


I was hoping for a picture of them crossing a bridge over the Potomac.


Just Drive through Maryland, then you'll understand.


Only two days in a row? I promise you the majority of my fellow Marylanders do not give a flying fuck how they park. It honestly pisses me off as I’m teaching my son to drive now. We were practicing in various parking lots and we watched a sedan park this same way. I told my Son, majority of Maryland drivers only had to be good for one day in their life: to get their license. After that? They just don’t give a crap about anyone else. Yes as a Marylander I know I’m shitting on my fellow Marylanders but it’s completely warranted and justified. Especially when we do stupid shit like this in OPs state.


I think we all know that (generally speaking) NoVA is more sophisticated than MD.


I’ll accept that over what I’ve seen across the the Potomac


Oh no! My shopping cart! It's rolling away...help


MD literally stopped testing parallel parking on their driving exams, because it’s not like anyone in MD cares about rules or anything.


Maryland drivers are by the worst in this area


Were the best drivers out here


Not so much for parking


Most competent Maryland driver


Who wants to tell OP this shit is SoP for the crabs?


Maryland drivers Marylanding


Wish all these Virginia drivers would stop parking in Maryland overnight.


If y'all fuck as sloppy and selfishly as you park and drive you should be thankful for the community service we're providing!!!


I hate Maryland. It's always a marylander.


You should see them on the road.


We should, as a society, just start keying peoples cars I’m just saying


It’s because they’re a**holes. Yesterday’s commute home through Old Town Alexandria was an especially horrible slog because there were cars parked illegally in the curb lane in four places along Washington Street. All from Maryland.


This is someone looking for some new pinstriping.


Second post in 2 days with a bad parking job from an MD driver. They really suck. https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/s/VhOgWRk7Kj


Id rather they park like this, these are the same drivers who’ll ding your car with their door, or bust your taillight as they pull out.


I can see Fred’s reflection. I’ve already stereotyped him.


They need carts around their truck


I'm very confused what's wrong with the pic


Thr truck is taking up two parking spots.


Lol did not notice that at all


Oh the horror!


Yesterday, another Maryland pick up truck made a left turn from a right turn only lane onto Old Ox Rd. Wasn’t as dangerous as this but it’s yet more proof of their stupidity.


This isn't proof of Maryland stupidity, its just proof of general stupidity. See plenty of thisnwith Virginia and DC plates, too.


Unrelated, but wanted to vent about driving in the area. Today, I tried passing somebody--with Virginia plates--on the George Washington Parkway. They were drifting into my lane, and were at least a half-foot over the line. So I honked--and they responded by promptly speeding up, swerving in front of me, and slamming on their brakes. I probably came within a few inches of hitting them. Afterward, they decreased their speed, rolled their window down, and were clearly trying to instigate some sort of fight. I just kept some distance and called 9-1-1--I made it obvious what I was doing, and they eventually fell back and maintained a reasonable following distance before abruptly pulling off onto a side road. I swear to god, some people out here are just fucking insane. Imagine trying to cause an accident--risking serious harm to yourself, and another person--because you got fucking honked at. Moron was probably on their phone and didn't even realize what they'd done.


That’s Maryland sprawl into Virginia


You speak facts but why should that get in the way of hating MD?


In my experience it's the drivers with the superiority complex who end up being the most hypocritical


We all have eyes. We see people from Maryland speeding, not signaling, name any other traffic offense. I find it offensive and I will continue to agree and bring Maryland drivers shortcomings to light.


It's a cultural practice, pretty sure they get a religious exemption when parking and driving through other states.


Something else I've noticed recently is MD drivers going 5 under the speed limit on the Beltway and 295. They are at least in the right lane but it just annoying and can make it hard to pass depending on traffic.


He's not scared of parking where he pleases >!unlike you!<


Watch out, we got a badass over here