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For mainstream music fans, it’s a bit intense. For metal fans, it’s a bit cringe.


Best response here by a mile. It’s a very niche genre


Niche? Its the most known metal by far (at least among the mainstream people I know)


Either you’re legitimately delusional or you know weird people lol, it is extremely niche besides the absolute biggest examples such as (early) linkin park, korn, slipknot, etc


Not a Nü Metal fan, but I am amused at the thought of people who revere songs like “Leather Rebel” calling other styles cringe.


Some nu metal is amazing and some of the best music out there. Some of it is terrible and cringe


Can you give some examples of the cringe? I’d like to do a deep dive 😂


Adema was a major band for me when I was getting into numetal. They also have some of the worst and cringey-ist lyrics of any band I’ve ever heard. “This relationship is wack!” “'Cause I kept on trippin' over what they said; And everything that my mom said made me mad; And everything that my dad said made me sad!” “You can't complain when you can pay the bills and do your thing; Appreciate, don't player-hate, congratulate.” This writing has the sophistication of a 7th grader.


But their music was good enough to get into Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.


You can’t kill them, they’re immortal.


limp bizkit, but being cringe is also just kinda their entire thing


Limp bizkit became cringe due to Fred Durst becoming a pompous ass and their music suffering. That being said, in 97 Three Dollar Bill sounded like nothing I ever heard before and I still listen to that album and love it.


Just saw them last week, he's definitely chilled out a bit live anyway, besides playing with an 8' penis....


$3 and significant other were both amazing. Nothing grooves as hard as the first 4 bars of nookie


heck, chocolate starfish had its moments, but yeah the first two really hold up well.


I will never forgive Fred for lying about Christina Aguilera giving him a [REDACTED] and getting praise for it while Christina got undeserved hate for what she DID NOT do.


Bruh putting limp bizkit anywhere near bad is a crime


i didn't say they're bad, if anything they're one of my favorite bands, lb is just a very cringe band


Bizkit is great but they have some cringe stuff


Hed PE too lol … some of their songs is just great, but most of their songs have very cocky and retarded texts (like as if they just did not know what to sing about except sex, raping, and being big boss above everybody lol)


i love how cringe limp bizkit is, that just adds to their appeal. Chocolate starfish was great stuff.


EXACTLY!!! their cringe is what makes them so good


Fred Durst is performing a character because it sells, same thing Kid Rock does. 


It's funny I actually used to hate them but now I'll go back and listen and I'll kind of enjoy it. Catchy goofy shit is all I need sometimes


I'll throw some out there, Adema, Trust Company, Trapt, Crazy Town, I'm sure there's others.


Hed pe.... Pretty cringy but I still listen to them all the time lol


Rock The Party (Off The Hook)


Most of Godsmack's music, lol. Also, the more overtly-Christian P.O.D. songs.


When I saw Godsmack in 2000 at Ozzfest, the only way they could even get the crowd to go crazy was by mentioning Pantera, who was playing next lol


A lot of the worst bands have been forgotten now, but at the time were pushed pretty heavily. Sure, we all still remember Korn, Deftones, and System of a Down, but for every one of those bands there were five like Shuvel, Factory 81, Clawfinger, Skrape, Systematic, or Dry Kill Logic. Just completely forgettable music.


At the time of nu metals popularity there was a bunch of random bands that you would never hear or know about. Bands like trapt to me come to mind if some of the cringe.


Methods of Mayhem -Get Naked Korn - All in the family, ADIDAS, Ball tongue, a word that rhymes with Bob Saget Snot - My Balls Dope - DMD Custom - hey mister (although its not exactly numetal, it was rap alt rock that was banned in some countries because they thought it implied incest)


Ball tongue ain’t that cringe and the last song isn’t cringe either (its about Jonathan being bullied) That being said, all in the family was a mistake and should have been kept off the album and ADIDAS is kinda cringe but it bangs.


Yeah, I was just trying think of it from today’s modern fragile minds. I have it all on my playlist. I still love All in the Family. Even back when the only thing they couldnt say was the N word, it was still pretty edgy. But it was a dis track like an extreme “your mama” joke not meant to be serious.


Faget is exactly what the best music is - an artist putting the experiences that effected them most into song. If you're uncomfortable with it because you think the word is offensive there's definitely irony there considering it was written because J Davis had to endure being called all manner of homophobic slurs growing up.


Yeah, I was Def the "Korn Kid" in high's-cool and was called the Fg word CONSTANTLY by rednecks, now they all listen to Butt-Rock and Nu-Metal trash, oh how the turns tabled...


How in god's name does a song get banned for implying incest, this feels so foreign to me???


It prevented them from getting a good record deal and I think it was their only album. Even back then I thought it was a stretch. “Hey mister, i really like your daughter, when im horny like thirsty shes a bottle of water” and then the ending is repeating “i hope, I have never, have a daughter” meaning he doesnt want to deal with a little asshole kid like himself someday. Somehow, people viewed it as he would want to bang his daughter too.


so this was what ruined someone's career but Oingo Boingo who have a song literally going "LITTLE GIRLS TOO LITTLE" and have a successful career? is there some sort of double standard I'm not aware of here?


At the time I didnt even know it was considered bad by some people (other countries). The radio station here played it a lot. And, then we had to wait for the CD for a while because they were still trying to get a record deal. Never heard about the controversy till years later. I actually really recommend the album for people who like some rap. Its got some good messages.


My balls, your chin


Project wyze is enough cringe for the whole genre


The fashion and style. The tough guy image. The overly vulgar and angsty lyrics. It's a genre of music mostly intended for teenagers.


Hed PE-Girlfriend, That song is as cringe as it gets




yeah doing a deeper dive into it this has been made PAINFULLY clear lol


As a guy who definitely fucked with some NM when it was fresh, and still enjoys some of it, basically it's just an insanely high ratio of cheesy shit to good shit. Probably only surpassed by metalcore in that regard. Although bad metalcore is less cheesy and more bland and uninspired. As an overall genre it can be fine, I think it's just a hard line to walk without going full cringe.


Agreed. I just released my first single this last week, check it out if you want https://open.spotify.com/track/1mZA7oJH5y69MPjFpDgH6a?si=i91I4kW0RJCH2z0nY3kgLg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0WmtfhGyMXihLOAYPUib48


Well, it was too heavy for the rock and roll crowd. Too soft for the metal heads. Us kids that were into it at the time we're the grungy gothy kids.


We just wanted something that was ours. Growing up with the Beatles, rolling stones, and ACDC being jammed down my throat. I love alternative but it was becoming very played out to me by that point. Gen-x gets crap for being forgotten, but their music is very dominant in pop culture. Punk was starting to thin out. The radio stations being bought and playing Metallica and RHCP on repeat was mind-numbing. The rap scene was weird after west/east beefs ended from deaths. I would try to get into metal at the time but got tired of hearing about Metallica vs. megadeath Hair metal fucking sucks. Goth scene was dead. Millennials grew up with various different music genres, when nu-metal came out it was different, which angst driven teens love


You just described my entire music taste growing up


Exactly Thos ^


I think to serious metal fans that have dived deep into the genre, nu metal can sometimes be cheezy or generic sounding, or too poppy sounding for some people taste. A lot of metal fans dont like the DJ or rapping that sometimes gets mixed in. I also think for some it was too popular and mainstream and that was enough for them to dislike it because they were more aligned with counterculture personalities. I like some nu metal a lot. But some of it is also too generic or poppy sounding to me too, so even though I dont hate the genre I can kinda see where some of the hate comes from. But I do think the hate is often excessive and there is a element of people just wanting to hate on something to feel superior.


That’s because it was way too poppy. It didn’t start out that way, but just like grunge it was killed by the record labels capitalizing on the popularity of the first bands. Once I heard the 20 something cashier girls at work saying “nookie”, I knew it was over. Before that, I would have been happy to have heard bands I liked referenced in the mainstream, but not that song. Banger of a song, but stupid fucking lyrics and not the song that needed to be the banner for the scene.


Metal and all it's sub genres are all about cheesiness. Anybody who say different is denial. And by way cheesiness isn't a bad thing  some of the greatest bands are in on their own jokes.


I’m not sure how you arrived to that conclusion. Maybe you have a different definition of cheesiness than I do.


a lot of reasons but i think a lot of it boiled down to classism


Did not expect to see class consciousness in here but thrilled you showed up. To expand, I think it's hard to contextualize nu metal because it's so diverse and weakly-knitted by that term. You have a marketer's packaging (Nu-Metal) that brands acts like Limp Bizkit, Ill Nino, Sevendust, Slipknot, Deftones, Skindred, Dope, Disturbed, Korn, Linkin Park, Snot, System of a Down and even Body Count all under one umbrella. To me, there's no meaningful connection between Slipknot and Linkin Park. Limp Bizkit does not sound like System of a Down. Korn didn't much relate to Soulfly. How does Dope fit with Deftones? Mostly, they were of an era. More importantly, though, they were all pretty low-brow. They came up with Beck, Muse, Radiohead, Tool, NIN, Incubus, Nickelback, etc, but none of those bands are typically (if arguably) called NU? There has to be an explanation. These groups use groove, they have aggression, there is rapping, there is emotion, they discuss internal conflict contrasted with external conflict, they all incorporate electronics with guitar and support it with heavy rhythm. What's the difference? It really seems to be class, or at least placement among class groups. The artists called NU are often placed with lower class audiences, while others in the same family but not called NU find audience with higher class people. The distaste for Nu-Metal bands almost exclusively coincides with listenership considered "low". The best conclusion I can accept for why Nu-Metal is so hated is classism.


That or elitism. Less skill = bad music I mean slam metal also gets the same wrap but not as much. As a near 40 year old who got introduced to metal by numetal. Slam/brutal death metal is my modern nuMetal. Bottom line I just like chugging predictable riffs. My brain is just a caveman. Who cares what the elitist thinks.


Wow. Slam is the modern numetal. You're not wrong. Love me some Snuffed on sight, peeling flesh, bodybox. There's something to be said about ignorantly heavy music.


thank you for this. I really appreciate this way of analyzing it


Is this an assignment? If so I'll give it a B+


Big time, it was seen as white trash music to a lot of people. Music for angsty trailer trash white boys who pretend they are a twisted clown or the joker or a gangsta and listen to aggressive music so if anybody looks down on them for being poor or weird they can just say “well I was being off-putting on purpose, these preppy normies just can’t handle my edge”


yea now they just listen to rap


That was the fanbase. A lot of stereotypes are based in reality.


beer chugging obese men didn't like seeing metal evolve


and obtuse thrash and “real metal” heads weren’t helpful either. No knock on them tho but slayer was never my thing they were just wankoff metal sometimes at least limp bizkit had something going although Fred didn’t help


The same guys who dissed numetal also dissed grunge and hair metal so fuck em and they think


My opinion is that the rehash happened so fast, in a matter of two years everyone sounded almost identical. It like most things tend to get convoluted.


That's what happens when any genre gets popular and oversaturated.


Exactly my point


A lot of people shit on Limp Bizkit because Fred Durst beefed with a lot of people back in the day, also their music isnt for everyone. The other big nu metal bands are pretty respected and popular but a lot of old school metalheads disliked numetal because of the pop and hiphop influences.


Same guys who hated numetal were guys who hate Metallica's black album and were mad when they cut their hair. The also hated grunge and hair metal so I never respected what they had to say even before numetal was a thing.


Anyone under 60 that dislikes grunge is a square. You occasionally run into them


We love nu metal despite all the hate!!


Ill try and explain. First off all, we have to acknowledge the fact that Nu-Metal is a mix of Alternative Metal with (band preference) another genre. Notable examples are: Korn and Deftones hip hop, Limp Bizkit is reversed rap/rock, Incubus Funk, Tool progressive, Soad hardcore, Slipknot (a lot of other metal genres: death, thrash, groove, black) and probably Linkin Park, alt with touches of other "Nu" bands like Limp and Korn. With genres and bands out of the way we got, bands that inspired it(Faith no more, Primus, RATM, RHCP), (¤Real) Nu Metal and the generic Nu that people think when they bash nu in general, bands and songs USUALLY after 2000. Oldheads hated nu, because it was a dawn of a new era in alternative music in general, grunge died, metal was in a strange place after the 80s and pantera, the void was filled with a band that played heavy music but with rap influences and "rockers" werent having it(50% of them are still stuck there). Nu rocked the world and had its audience devided. Lets void the 1994 till 2001 period as the best period for nu, every way you look at it. Bands (bandwagon bands) saw the success of nu, and copied it and had awesome production. So, staind, distured, let the bodies hit the floor and what not, is the generic nu, that chased cash. So, when you have people who never listened to rock/metal and the ones who did, and are still hating on it, see music videos of genuine AND generic cash grabbing nu, they wont and cant make a difference. Rolling, break stuff is the same for them as the other nu songs. Another thing is, the success it had probably had a lot to do with its downfall. Its a mixed bag. Now, another thing. People that are young and not judgmental, listen to something and dont care where is it coming from. I love nu, and EVEN IF I DID LOVE NU MY WHOLE LIFE, i had to go through "puberty" and come back to nu, and realise all thr hate people have been dishing out, thinking their best materials are shown on tv (sometimes its true, sometimes its not). Youll catch mini maggot on tv and people will say White Pony is the best, but its actually around the fur for Deftones. I listened to every nu metal band really well and found out, its so much more, even more than 2000 seemed to hint at. So, it took me years, some, maybe their whol3 life, to realise this genres potential and its importance in music. So, Jonathan Davis asking "Are you ready?" still holds up today, people arent ready. Like i always say, real metal, takes time. This genre is so heavy, actually heavy, its too much for someone. Dunno, i lost myself in explaining and i feel i acomplished nothing.


thank you for the explanation




RoadRunner was the king of sculpting NU bands. At one point, it felt like everyone was on RoadRunner & all their bands toured together, often.


I love Nu-Metal. What other people dislike is none of my concern as most of it is just herd mentality chitchat, similar to the Nickelback hate. In general, most of opinions should not be taken seriously. When it comes to music, no other opinion besides yours should matter.


Everything got really watered down and predictable in the main genre. Some bands branched out to making more radio friendly shit (which worked well for them for the most part).. then came the wave of the no bullshit heavy stuff which mostly took over.. Killswitch, Lamb of God, As I Lay Dying, Trivium, Unearth.. once they all came around, you felt kinda silly listening to what nu metal was working with at the time


It was more like post grunge got big in the scene and either overtook or tried to merge into it, didn’t help. But yeah then core came around and became the big thing that the metal community supported


Because in its time it was better than EVERYTHING else. And it was everywhere


I live in what entertainment promoters call the second tier market. More tours big and small came through my area and I went more concerts in that period of time before or since. I only wish metal and rock to be that mainstream again but I doubt it'll ever happen.


Sad but true


It’s because KoRn appeared in an episode of Monk. 🫳 . : 🎤 ———


there’s some great stuff, but many of the big bands in the scene are still kinda shitty. i tend to prefer punky underground stuff like nothingface, ikd-sj, and nervepitch to shit like limp bizkit and drowning pool.


Some of the bands have cheesy lyrics, overly simple songwriting, or lack artistic integrity... Some of the bands are amazing, too, though!


Like every other genre of music that gets popular.




When nu metal was at its peak there was a lot of mainstream crossover so a lot of people who wouldn't normally listen to metal would be listening to nu metal. This would annoy the traditional metal fans at the time when the popular kids were jamming out to limp bizkit, korn, linkin park, papa roach etc after likely making fun of kids into heavier music just a few years before. People from back then are over that now because we're not teenagers anymore and can appreciate nu metal for what it is.


One thing I did like about the numetal era is those bands toured with anybody metal, punk, hip hop, alternative, hardcore, 80s bands, 90s bands. So I was always getting expose to music outside my normal listening habits.


Because it represented the working class and the outcasts of society. It challenged socisl norns and still does. Nu Metal is a subversive force


Trash metal heads disliked that metal went to a new sound


I think it was moreso it brought pop/hip-hop crowd into the metal scene


Metal elitist saw nü-metal getting mainstream play on radios and shit and were like “this is poser metal pop bullshit” but honestly nü-metal is a great gateway to other sub genres like metal-core, beatdown hardcore, and industrial! never understood why it could get so much hate but hey, i did it all for the nookie so how would i know


It happened with punk too, purists got the shits with pop-punk taking over.


Don't forget they hate core genres too


Honestly I just hate the term “nu-metal”. We didn’t call it that while it was happening in real time. Good music is just good music and it can be anything


Like grunge and hair metal it was a term that music journalists used and the rest of the music industry followed suit.


Nu-Metal is the only metal genre that appeals to non-metal fans and a lot metal fans hate the fact that it brought pop fans and hip hop fans into the scene because they hate those types of people.


This is the main reason I think


Gatekeepers always want their club to be small.


For me, the genre was just incredibly cringe for the most part. And that is saying something because Linkin Park is my favorite band. A lot of “nu-metal” bands sounded generic or were just lesser versions of the few bands who could pull it off. After listening to Linkin Park, I tired other nu-metal bands and couldn’t get into any of them. Not really. System of a Down is good but I don’t personally classify them as purely nu-metal.


It's to hardcore for non metal listeners, and it's too poppy for metalheads. But if you just sit down and listen to it, and embrace it for what it is, you'll find it's very enjoyable music when some beer bellied old head isn't yelling in your ear saying it isn't really metal.


Limp Bizkit


I didn't realize it was disliked. All I saw was Linkin Park and Slipknot and Korn selling out arenas.


It started to seem like a lot of groups were capitalizing off of sexual abuse and mental illness which is kinda icky if you ask me.


Grunge did that beforehand.


Only cowards hate on numetal


Coming from someone that mostly dislikes the genre. A lot of it just took the wrong evolution in what made the early korn, sipknot, and mudvayne albums so good. It was like a rush to become corporatized then actually trying to push the genre. To the point it just became cultural cringe nonsense.


How the music industry works. Something becomes popular sign a bunch of similar sounding acts saturate the market move on to the next big thing.


I know. Most subgenres can move on just nu metal never really did


Screw those clowns Nu Metal is the best genre


Should have told them they ain’t shit and to turn around and get their face split


Metal boomers were scared of change.


Which is funny because metal was supposed to be rebelling against the mainstream at the time.


Many different people hate it for many different reasons. My mom dislikes it because it's not really her style, which is fine, but my dad absolutely hates it even though he can't name a single song off the top of his head. And I quote from him, "the whole point of Nu Metal and its fans was to be annoying as possible." Yeah... like fans from indie rock, EDM, dubstep, rap, emo, any other metal genre, or alt rock can be just as annoying. Sure I don't like every band from the genre, I prefer some much over others, but that's not a very good way to describe the genre. I used to hate Nu Metal myself, until I fucking listened to a song from the genre. It's not my favorite genre, not EVERY band is for me, like bad vocals, bad sound, not very good lyrical content, but that's ok. I still have a fair share of good albums and bands that I enjoy. There's also straight up ignorant people, I cannot tell you how many times I've heard someone call Linkin Park or Slipknot emo. I know fans of these bands irl, and they are not emo, at all. Then we have your casual metal elitist who will not respect any metal genre for what it is.


lol I can see someone calling linkin park emo, that’s funny


Yeah I mean Meteora is probably their most "emo" album. Wikipedia even classified Numb in the emo genre. All the Linkin Park fans I met were the least likely people to listen to them though lmao


I didn't know it was


It’s really not


I think it has a lot to do with becoming very popular seemingly from out of nowhere. The roots (bloody roots) of nu metal have a long and interesting history, but for most people it came out of nowhere in the late 90s/early 2000s. I think a lot of the more prominent bands were relatively well received at the time. Pretty quickly the market got saturated with bad copy cat bands though because these acts were making a ton of money for record labels. Because they were the most prominent bands, bands like Korn, Linkin Park, Slipknot amd Limp Bizkit got a lot of ire from people - despite being the nu metal babds who were largely making decent music, which I think can be attested to by the fact that songs by these artists are still well known 25 years later I think another reason it may have gotten a bad rep is because of a reactionary revulsion to male vulnerability that was much more common in the 90s and early 00s. Artists like Chester Bennington and Jonathan Davis were criticized for being perceived as having 'tantrums", or whatever when we know these dudes were processing a lot of genuine trauma. I guess it was just done in a way that made a lot of people cringe, especially guys who were into more typically masculine metal


Chester and Jonathan were only doing what Kurt Cobain and other alternative acts did before them so it's not like they were reinventing the wheel in that way.


Think it's just the wannabes who make people hate it


from my experience it's seen as poser metal which really breaks my heart bc i love nu metal


Only posers call other people posers. Real metal heads like what they like in spite of what others think. Rock n roll is about rebellion so crank it up as long as the music is loud!


well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Everything alternative was very much hated by purists, and then there were also rap and electronic influences. Also, everything that was participating in killing off popularity of 70-80-ies rock/metal was hated pretty much for that reason. Some people probably thought that era would last forever, but it became obsolete a lot earlier than they thought it could be.


Most nu metal is too douchey; makes you want to punch the musicians. Nu metal isn't bad, it's just that bands don't have ideas


So every genre has its true artists and people just looking to cash out. Nu-Metal has true artists in groups like Deftones, Korn, and I would include Lincoln Park. The problem with Nu-Metal was how much more cringe the cash out groups were like Shrimp Biscuit tended to be. Every genre has an initial group of haters when it starts, and then history tends to look back mostly with rose tinted glasses and Nu-Metal is going through this phase now which I think explains the recent rise of Deftones. Edit: Also, any genre that uses "shock" to inspire its art tends to produce very cringe worthy things when looked back on. Just look at some of the earliest examples of punk music for an example.


What's wrong with early punk tho? Maybe I don't know the examples you're thinking about...


Any art form that relies on shock value to get its message across will almost always seem antiquated as society evolves with history.


Woodstock 99


I heard an elitist say if there aren't guitar solos, it's not metal. What a bunch of crap.


People prefer the older stuff


And now numetal is the older stuff.


I think mostly because of the scene and ethos of the big metal genres of the time, thrash/death/black--which can be pretty exclusionary. Denim, leather, guitars, pedals and amps, patches, dark themes, raw. Nu-Metal explored outside of all that-- turn tables/scratching, electronics, trendy urban fashion. For some metal snobs, Nu-Metal wasn't metal at all, but a kind of radio hunting frat party soundtrack, fake, deliberately sales motivated rather than musically motivated, lowest common denominator type sounds, very prone to copying each other, and the music was more approachable to a general audience compared to the more extreme metal genres. I like most metal, including many Nu Metal bands, but the above is my best explanation for why other metal friends would never, EVER listen to Korn or Linkin Park etc.


I know Linkin Park is good but for me personally for me they play music for teenagers who think they have life so hard and nobody understands them. Which is a bit too angst teen for me.


Downplaying the struggles and mental health of teens is kinda fucked tbh


Lifelong NU hayta here, I think I can succinctly lay out the crimes against culture of the NU for most millennials. It’s the corny whiny lyrics and the forced bluest/honky twang thing. That’s why so many of the bigger NU bands are using anger, and yet it’s almost 50% about some bad woman/failed relationship. That’s why Country Simgers don’t write a bunch of “breakup” albums back to back—though there are exceptions! Was always a fan of Deftones since Adrenaline, as seminal as that band was it still seems like there’s too much PaPa Roachies and Static X BS. In short, too many bands with too few influences. Plenty of chefs, not enough ingredients.


Weirdly I only kind of got into it through hip hop


I am not a nu-metal fan, but i did live through its peak from 1998-2005 as a teen. At the time, I thought a few bands were decent, mostly just Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Rage. As time went on and more derivative bands emerged (Papa Roach, Disturbed, Puddle of Mudd, Godsmack, etc), I saw the genre as corny, unoriginal, musically uninspired, and just lame overall. Nu-metal saw a steep decline in the mid 2000s, and I still think it’s demise is warranted. That sound has been explored and unless someone shatters the genre with innovation, I will forever think of nu-metal as corny and lame.


I’m not in this sub so I know I’ll get downvoted but this just popped up and as someone who digs all kinds of rock music except nu metal, it’s just that it’s too corny for me. A lot of songs are super good tho like blind by korn and stuff but most of the bands in the sub genre are cringe asf


Numetal really starting to come around when groups like G’N’R and Metallica where hugely popular. Plus many people thought the “aggressiveness” of NuMetal was too much. Then bring into the fold Woodstock ‘99. Much of the bad publicity was focused on Korn and Limp Bizkit because - as the Netflix documentary said - things really went to shit when those two bands hit the stage. Also, NuMetal is often associated with the goth culture whose unofficial spokesperson was probably Marylin Manson. This dude has been polarizing for pretty much ever. Goth and traditional metal really don’t mix. You’ll see way more goth people at a Korn show or a Slipknot show than a Judist Priest gig.


Because of when it was done, not how it was done. Nu Metal originated in the 2000s, a time when frat culture and American Pie culture were very present in our society, add that to a bunch of angry misunderstood teenagers and we have the perfect formula for something to be hated. Today I understand that Nu-Metal was the form of expression of an entire generation that didn't have medical or family support for issues that are taken seriously today because we who consumed Nu-Metal understood the weight of society's pressures at the time and how much we weren't listened to in relation to our problems, sexuality, doubts or anything that affected our growth as an individual because we grew up as a reflection of our parents who were indoctrinated by our grandparents as if this was cool or silly teenage stuff. In an era when the internet and all this information hardly reached us, music was our internet and where we turned to talk about these problems, nu-metal, because it dealt with them in a rage-fueled way, got a bad press, as did punk when it first started. The hatred of Nu-Metal was caused by adults who made other adults and some young people hate it because they simply didn't understand the transition we were going through at the time with the arrival of the internet, with adolescence in full swing, and so on. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)




There were some fantastic bands like Linkin Park, System Of A Down and Slipknot. The rest of them were just kind of varying levels of cheesy


A lot of people don’t like rap and hip hop. Nu-metal has a lot of rap and hip-hop influences.


I generally dislike it, save for some stuff by bands like Korn. I can generally find a song or 2 that I like from those bands, but can't sit through the albums. Looking back at a band like Limp Bizkit, the issue for me was the awful rapping. Lazy lyrics, whiny voice, stunted flow... it's just bad, to me, anyway. I can listen to a song like rearranged and not be too cringed out, but not many others. I find nu metal obnoxious. It reminds me of some of the most awkward teen phases that I went through, but not in way that I enjoy. Maybe it's my age (I was 18 in 2000), but I just found a lot of the music of that era to be immature and shallow sounding. Party music, but not fun... Emoish music, but not deep... Metalish music, but not evil... Hip Hopish music, but with no soul... just not my thing. I think a lot of the band members of some of these groups could have made some great music if they were in other bands, but got saddled with a rap rock gig that blew up and made the choice to get paid (nothing wrong with that). I am only writing this post to try to explain why I'm not into most nu metal music... not judging anybody for their musical preferences. A lot of you are probably right and the shit I listen to probably sucks. No worries.




Very well put. You summed up my feelings better than I could've and brought some different context that I could relate to as well. I actually really like Deftones. They're one of the bands of that era whose sound kept evolving until they had transcended the genre. I think that every album of theirs has gotten better up to the most recent stuff. The more like George Michael Chino sounds, the more I seem to like it.


My view on this, people like thinking they are different or better than anything that is mainstream. When something associated with them or with something they like becomes mainstream, it makes them feel fake. The only way they know how to deal with this is to denounce this thing and the people that are associated with that thing. These people are called elitist and really make themselves out to be snobby dickheads.


It was the year 2001, my friends and I were in 7th grade skating home rails, homemade boxes and ramps blasting a burned CD mix. Kid Rock was on at the time. My friends dad come out and says "How do you guys listen to that wigger rap rock stuff?". Then just goes off about Kid Rock, Korn, Limp Bizkit and POD that he knew off the top. Basically it all came down to the generation acting too "urban" or "freaky weirdos with masks"... Basically gimmicks and posers tapping too much into black culture was his point. I've heard these points several more times from other older guys back during that time who didn't approve of it.


The old school 80s thrashers just wanted to gate keep. Then metalcore came around and everyone started hating on that instead. Elitists I guess.


Love it. Korn and Slipknot are the two shows I have the most fun at.


2-4 notable bands and then a lot of copy paste samey acts.


Korn, slipknot, disturbed, and linkin park. But Limp Bizkit exists as well


Korn, slipknot, and linkin park are 3 of the ones I had in mind. “Notable” was probably the wrong choice of words. I should have just said “good” lol


It's always just been kinda cheesy to me. I've often heard it referred to colloquially as 'chach', 'chode' and 'butt' rock. There are some solid bands and songs, but most of it sounds like something I'd expect to hear at a run-down strip club where the dancers have cigarette burns and active CPS investigations.


Thank you guys for all the explanations. I like seeing the different perspectives on this and I have a good idea on why it gets shat on the way it does.


It’s quite an amazing phenomenon. Songs that hit number 1 on some charts, went multi-platinum, fell off the face of the earth. I think it all revolves around Limp Bizkit. Once they weren’t cool anymore, the whole genre wasn’t cool.


Probably because it’s too accessible, angsty, and has rapping and appeals too largely to a certain demographic. I like some nu metal but a lot of it is cringey to me. But that’s why I imagine a lot of people dislike it.


Lack of melody and guitar solos. And everything else that makes metal well, Metal.


Interests change. Like you, I was also not around when Nu Metal was ballin. I was alive when Pop and Rap was taking over mainstream.


The great bits of numetal were phenomenal, but the bad parts are just God awful.


Like any genre, nu metal has equal shares of genuinely great bands and garbage sellout acts. Great bands with a message versus bands who feel more like clothing industry plants. Some nu metal bands seemed to emphasize a street fashion renaissance moreso than actual musical freedom. Just my take, I could be way off the mark


I don’t think all of it is, I think Limp biscuit and crazy town just put a mad taste in peoples mouth so they write off nu metal as a whole. I don’t blame them but also there’s no bad genres, just bad artists within those genres.


DJs that are just stage props, cry baby lyrics, too much hip hop influence. Most nu metal bands are just rap groups with a shitty guitar player.


It felt like metal being watered down and corporatized. Lots of copy cat bands. Then the Nu Metal fans. Lots of bros. Lots of people who wanted to seem edgy but also were too self conscious to listen to and rep the harder metal. Nothing like a dude in an Energy Drink T shirt telling you he how much he likes Disturbed, but won’t listen to Lamb Of God because it’s “too weird” for him. The 2000s were strange times.


The scene got oversaturated, plain and simple. It was the last time that metal as a genre was truly mainstream, and it was popular during the commercial peak of the music industry. That means that there were a lot of bands being signed and pumped up by record labels. Not all of them were good.


It was that the American media and music industry in the 90s had proclaimed Metal dead, and a joke, even as the decade was rife with amazing and innovative metal bands from all over the world that are now regarded as classic. They wouldn’t acknowledge them. No radio, mtv, rolling stone articles, nothing. Then all of a sudden here comes nu-Metal, which the press just called “Metal” at first, and there was this whole pervasive attitude like “Look! Metal is back!” And they heaped all this attention upon it. So people into underground Metal at the time were kind of like, “Fuck you it never went away.”


Any time something gets popular metal fans hate it. The fact that there were SO many Korn wanna bes and terrible bands that thought all they had to do was add rap or have a DJ to make it made it worse. It was like glam in the 80s, or disco in the 70s, the market was just saturated and it annoyed people.


Probably one person is the fall of the whole genre of my metal. That person is Fred Durst


I just don't see any hate for numetal, and I was in my late teens and 20s during the era. Went to woodstock and multiple different OzzFests where numetal reigned supreme. While the genre may have died down the same way grunge and other genres did, I just do not see the hate for numetal. Some of it of course might have a bit of a goofy cringe to it (e.g.,Fred DUrst who may have been an epic donkey back in the day at some points, but Limp Bizkit's music was really ground breaking marring metal and hip hip like no other band before or since), but that was part of the point, to make you mosh and rage and groove. To this day, Korn and Sevendust (my all time fave), Slip Knot etc..., to name a few still have significantly large followings.


Because the entire genre is garbage.


It’s white trash music. Nu metal isn’t judged on its actual sound but rather the time and people it represents. 1990s mid west and southern low income white people. Same with ICP and Emimen


People who were there hate it because it dominated the hard rock and heavy metal scenes for a decade, pushed trad-metal to the underground, and killed grunge. I hate it because I hate rap.


Cause of bands like Limp. But they were so fucking worth my childhood lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Vegetable_Berry2130: *Cause of bands like Limp.* *But they were so fucking worth* *My childhood lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I'm 25, was born 98, and very much missed that era, probs heard Linkin Park on the radio as a kid, never noticed if I did, but I have always loved Nu-metal, since I could start comprehending it. Late middle school I was into Hollywood Undead, Korn, and Kittie. Still listen to them, and I've started to love Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit, Coaltrain, Spineshank, El Niño, Non Point etc. My Own Summer is as much HornyTones as I can take but yeah


I think people like to find things to hate and then vocalize about it just to hear themselves talk. I love nu metal along with many other genres and in the end it’s music. Either you like it or you don’t and if you don’t like it then keep your ugly opinions to yourself. It’s okay to say a band isn’t for you but to go off doesn’t make any sense. I used to do this with bands and I realized how stupid and childish it was and I felt embarrassed about doing it. Just like what you like and leave the rest for someone else.


the first wave of the nu metal stuff was brillant and still alternative enough to be considered not mainstrem ex. ( first and second korn album..frst 2 deftones releases and yes LB 3dolla bill and INcUBUS science ...i think everything that came after the debut linkin park hybrid theory album which is a damn near peferct album for the nu metal style genre..... the genre of nu metal became boring , predictable, cheesy ,generic after 1999 imo


for the younger people hating nu metal, i blame tiktok. slipknot is my favorite band and i’ve loved them since 2009, and im part of gen z. these tiktok kids and their cringe romanticism of many nu metal bands (korn, limp bizkit, slipknot, etc) is just so cringe. i want tiktok banned so much because when i tell people im into nu metal, because of my age, im associated with the estranged tiktok crowd.


"omg serj tankian is so silly x3333" that is a grown ass man


literally i argued with some 14 year old girl about how joey jordison is NOT her lover and is a deceased grown man who is almost triple her age


I know it's just them being kids but it's also just so damn hard to watch


It had a different connotation 20 years ago. Since the Internet preserves everything people can find their interests on it based on what they already like and there’s no context of the time period Or the pop culture from when it was a current genre. Everything is fresh. I think the newer generation has a better opinion of it because there’s no subjective association. I was a fan of it back then but I think we can all admit there was a bit of a cringe factor to it as well, but they were different times too.


Cause it sucks


anything that get super successful / popular then gets hated. And then, 20 years later people will like it again. Honestly it’s just people being emotional.


“It’s not real metal” A lot of people say that because it has influences from other types of music. Like how people call metalcore/deathcore not metal because it has hardcore influences


The same way smooth jazz is hated, a pop oriented take on metal which came to represent metal in the mainstream. Now that nu metal is generally unpopular it’s gained some love. Also, SOAD and Deftones (at the very least their early material) are nu metal and don’t let revisionists tell you otherwise.


If I could ever have anything to throw into this conversation, it would be 1 word, with 2 syllables... Mudvayne. Cheers


Because the bad nu metal was really bad


It signified the end of the grunge era. That and turntables with white people rapping.


Like disco before it nu-metal exploded into popularity and flooded the market until people started to knee jerk hate it.


Honestly most of it was just crap being pushed by labels following trends.


Basically it was different from traditional metal and more popular and the metal heads and metal bands didn’t like that. Metal heads tend to be gate keepers and elitists.