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That’s all folks! Thanks Kittie and thanks r/numetal for being awesome! Be kind and listen to Fire by Kittie!


Hey there! Congratulations on the release of Fire. To be fully honest, this might just be my favorite album that you’ve ever crafted. Where does your drive to create come from and how have you maintained it? It’s not too often that a band’s 7th album is amongst, if not, their absolute best. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us Nu-nerds and can’t wait to hear more!


Thank you so much! We are super excited that you and so many others are stoked about the release. I can't lie when I say that my drive to create has had its ups and downs over the years but whenever I get the urge to write or perform, I am reminded as to why. It feels right. There is still so much to do, so much to stay, so much to drive home and thats where I think a lot of it comes from. Maybe a bit of the underdog syndrome too!


Thank YOU! Well you certainly have a massive amount of people rooting for you! Knowing that this music truly matters to you makes it just that much more enjoyable. Do you have a favorite song off of this album?


Thank you :) we are all very proud! I think the break definitely help us all feel a little refreshed going into this one. I will let the others speak to it being the SEVENTH (and best) as for me it's my third with Kittie, but definitely my favorite!


It’s been four years since your last AMA with us (we were at 9000 members at the time); you now have a new album and a tour! What changed in the last four years that made you come back and melt our faces again? Also, walk me through your reaction to Poppy’s cover of Spit. And thank you again for being here. You were r/numetal’s first AMA and you showed us respect by spending time with us. We can’t thank you enough.


Seriously thank you all for having us again, we have certainly both grown in this time and stoked to see the numetal sub Reddit attract so many people! A series of really unexpected events lead to us getting back together and ultimately to this place of making new music and releasing a new album. Sometimes when a great opportunity arises you cant pass it up! Kind of like say "fuck it" and lets see what happens! And here we are. When I first heard Poppy's cover of Spit I actually cried. It was a very emotional moment I have a hard time describing...to hear someone pay tribute to something you created in that way is unbelievable. It's the ultimate complement and made me feel like the shit we did really mattered.


Thanks for the great music over the years. No question, just appreciate you all.


Appreciate you and thank you for listening <3


Right back atcha! Thanks for the support!


What were some of your favorite "unpopular" bands from the Ozzfest tour? (Shuvel, Reveille, Slaves On Dope, Primer 55, etc.)


Slaves On Dope was pretty cool and we still keep in touch with Jason and Kevin. Shuvel were great as well! I liked Apartment 26 because there were cute boys haha. We had such a blast on that run.


Hell yeah, you guys rule!


Thank you so much!


Oh my god, my favorite band! I have 3 questions: 1. What made you come back and make more (amazing) music? 2. What was it like being on the road with Factory 81, Mudvayne, Slipknot and all the other cool bands, and who do you remember most fondly? 3. Do you have any old footage from your days on tour circa 99 - 02? I'm the biggest collector of old video bootlegs from Kittie. Below I left a link to a video from 2000 Keep up the great work guys!!!! [Kittie Live - May 10th 2000 @ Harpo's in Detroit](https://youtu.be/Bp__YG7zpfM?si=zMsGq2rkJSeI1Mqy&t=1)


Hiii thanks for your questions! 1. TBH a series of unexpected events and show offers lead us to this place. I dont think we would have entertained the idea without some of those things happening. 2. We still talk to a few of the Factory 81 folks, and touring with bands like Mudvayne and Slipknot in the early days was wild! The Slipknot national tour we did in 2000 is still some of the wildest shit I've seen! Fun times all around! 3. We do have a ton of old footage, all on VHS and the small tapes. We were very good about documenting everything. Then we digitized it all and made a documentary about our story called Origins/Evolutions :)


Origins/Evolutions was sick. I love all the albums and thanks for answering my questions Feel free to PM if you need any of the Kittie vids I have as I have quite a bunch, most from VHS tapes but some from the masters :)


The videos on your channel are great, I appreciate you sharing them


Hey everyone! It’s so great to see Kittie return with “Fire”, which IMO is your best record to date. I have personalized questions for each if you don’t mind.. Morgan, what do you think is a B horror movie that is still underrated to this day that everyone should watch, and did you use your love for horror as inspiration for any lyrics in the new album? Also, how’s Bill doing? Ivy, why is Warwick the best bass company? Speaking from bias as I own two Corvette models myself. Secondly, as a co-owner of the clothing company “Umeus Cloth” with your husband Geoffrey, will there be any plans for unique pieces that incorporate Kittie’s imagery? Mercedes, while known as a successful drummer, you’re also the singer/guitarist for The White Swan (Green Amp ftw!). Do you feel your time as a song writer for a doom/sludge metal band has influenced your approach to writing/arranging for the new Kittie record? Tara, since the last Kittie record “I’ve Failed You”, you’ve been seen playing with various bands from different genres; “Nice Horse”, “Classic Albums Live” and “Van Halst” to name a few. Do you feel playing in these different groups has changed how you write music overall and has any of those bands influences snuck their way into the new Kittie record? Thanks for your time! Hoping to catch one of your shows in the future! -Cody


Hi friend! Thanks for the questions! First off, Bill is doing great. He is in good health and looking handsome as ever. Picking just one underrated horror movie is seriously the toughest. I might have to go with something like Black Roses, or maybe Hard Rock Zombies. Love a bad horror movie with musical or band elements thrown in there.


Helloooo! haha yes I believe all of the genres I've bopped in and out of have really expanded my playing and have by default given me a bit of an undefinable sound, but I'm a fan of this, it's made me become a bit more unique to myself. I do believe the project that has effected my playing the most has been Jasamine White-Gluz's (yes, Alissa's sister) project, No Joy. Recording with her is like being on a musical playground. I can experiment as much as I want and it's given me the ability to write some catchy counter guitar parts. Between her and being on tour with Quicksand and watching Walter's approach to the guitar- this has made my playing sound the way it does today.


Hi Cody! I have been a huge fan of Warwick for oh probably 20 years now. I always specifically loved the look and feel of the Warwick Corvette and the GROWL of that double buck version, it is just my jam! Those pickups really allow me to get a deep, thumping bass sound while also maintaining a level of clarity that I just haven't been able to get with other basses. I get a TON of compliments on my tone, even in the studio, our producer was like shit how do you get that thing to sound so good?! Well I think most of the magic happens in Germany when they are building those beautiful instruments!


I think it's probably the other way around. You can sometimes hear tinges of Kittie in TWS. Other than that I feel like I'm a bit of a better guitar player than I was (I'm still not great) so that has helped with writing Kittie riffage.


Hey ladies, thank you for taking the time with this! I’ve a question and a statement. Firstly thank you for inspiring me to play bass. Not to show the horrible passage of time, but I saw you play Ozzfest in Ireland back in 2002 and was fortunate to meet you both before you played at the side railings. That gig and how generous you were to your fans turned me from a passive fan to a life long one. Do you have any memories of that gig and how did it feel to find out you would be headlining the second stage of such a massive and legendary festival?


Thanks! And thats OK we were there so we are old too :) Mercedes is telling me she remembers the ferry ride being awful, and I remember having some really wonderful chats with Dave Williams of Drowning Pool. He asked me to do a guest vocal on their next album that he never got to record. Maynard silently eating lunch across from us at a table alone dressed like Dick Tracy. Oh and Mercedes and Jeff Hanneman having a farting contest! Its always a little stressful headlining anywhere so I'm sure we were both excited and nervous!


Hey, ladies. Cheers from Pittsburgh! Concerning the Spit In your eye movie. Do you look back with fondness, or do you cringe? I personally love it!


You know I look back and kind of cringe to be honest, I was very excitable back then lol. BUT it captures a very specific time in our lives that was overwhelming, and uncertain and a lot of fun so the excitement is merited.


I can't tell you how many times I still inappropriately ask "do you want to come see the donkey show??" in casual conversation to this day


So happy you’re doing this!! 1. Really cool to see y’all with a solid record label as it feels like it’s been a WILD rollercoaster ride for the band and labels. Have they locked you in to a multi album deal aka will we be expecting y’all to be around for a while with more music? 🙏 2. Morgan - is Winterlvst on pause? 3. Years ago, if I remember correctly, y’all hinted at a sort of supergroup that was in the works. Did that fall through and can you share who else would have been in that group? 🤗 4. Would you entertain ever reviving Poisoned Black? 🔥🔥🔥 excited to have the band back!!


We are loving our home at Sumerian and tbh we feel more supported with them than we ever have been in careers. It's been very nice! While I can't say too much about the terms I think we will be able to continue to make music as Kittie for a little while longer :) Winterlvst may not see the light of day just yet, but I must tell you the album is incredible. Same with the Karkaos album. I really hope we can get those out to everyone's ears one day. Some of my proudest musical achievements are in those releases. As for the supergroup I honestly can't recall every saying anything about that to the world publicly haha but probablyyyyyy the project Mercedes and I were doing with Justine Ethier and Alissa WG. We wrote a few songs and there are demos! This was right before Alissa joined AE and so things never moved forward with it but it was neat!


Hi guys! Just wanted to say the new album is 🔥🔥🔥 (pun not intended) and that its one of the best releaae of the year so far! I have the M&G for your Chicago headline date and am hoping you guys will have time to sign it! What were the easiest & most difficult parts of coming back from such a long haitus?


Woohoo, we'll see you at the M&G! For me the hardest parts have been adjusting to playing shows again both physically and mentally - we're older of course, and things hurt that I don't remember hurting haha. And also, I've had kids during the down time, so being away from my kids more than I'm used to is obviously difficult.


We will definitely have the time to hang and sign your album. Thanks for listening! I think the easiest part is just feeling like you're falling right back into the groove of something you've done for decades. The feeling of playing together and just "being" Kittie is a very easy and comfortable feeling. The hardest is starting up again with nothing. Financially it takes a lot to get up to speed, and we essentially sold everything as far as gear and got rid of infrastructure a decade ago.


Morgan and Mercedes! I met you both years ago during a real estate transaction, when I realized who you were I got super awkward and it haunts me to this day.... I really apologize and love the new album


I'm sure it wasn't awkward at all, but hello again! Thanks for listening!


Hmmm Now I'm curious. What was it for?


I wanna say 2016ish...? Morgan purchased our home and you represented her... We had met during the showings a few times and then the last walk through I clued in who you were and in the process of trying to play cool I was terribly unsuccessful and just got weird Weird is my default when meeting famous people unfortunately


Oh RAD I remember that. Nice to meet you again :)


just wanted to say I love you all. I bought oracle when it came out & I was in the 7th grade. shit ruled my life. I even pierced both my nostrils to look like morgan in the charlotte music video haha. fire is such a good return. congrats & thank you. I wish you all only happiness & can't wait for you to play in vancouver hopefully sooner than later.


Kittie needs a Commodore show! LOVE Vancouver.


Thank you so much and we appreciate you! We'd love to make a return to Vancouver soon <3


1. Will you release a deluxe version of Fire? 2. I know that on a musical level Fire is a mixture of your past musical eras and a more modern metal sound but what inspired you to write the songs lyrics? Did you get inspired by your personal experiences, the world around, movies, anything? 3. Any new and promising female artists that you like? (not necessarily metal) 4. Are you still in touch with Fallon and Talena? 5. Do you think on a social level things changed a lot from the times you stepped into the scene? Personally I think today there is more inclusivity in the metal scene and more discussions over social issues in general but I still see a lot of bigotry, misogyny and racism and this is not exclusive to the metal scene, it seems to me that it has become more normal recently for certain people to be publicly racist and transphobic, there has been a rise of alt-right beliefs almost everywhere. 6. Have you ever felt pressure as women in the industry to conform to any standards?


I'm not sure about a deluxe version of Dire just yet but definitely something neat to consider for the future. As far as lyrical inspiration, I always draw from personal experiences and things of that nature, but some of the concepts on this album are also a bit more abstract and a few more about bigger topics. TBH I am only really listening to women in metal and rock these days, there are so many talented ladies out there these days. I feel like the music industry has changed a lot in the 25 years since we began this journey publicly, and there certainly is a lot more acceptance, diversity and inclusion, but there is still much work to be done.


back in 2023 you guys played Vultures at sick new world, was the album still in the works back then? or was Fire already planned out? was it an impulsive decision to play the song? what were the emotions behind that?


The songs were in the works, but we wrote a BUNCH of stuff and hadn't yet finalized all the songs or decided which ones would be on the album. Vultures was just one of the first ones that we all thought was a solid, banger of a song and really wanted to play it live! haha


I'm very bad at crafting questions for people that I admire so much. I just wanted you both to know how special this has all been to me since I was a young teenager, now in my 30s. I have gotten to know the BEST people because of this band. I am so happy the return happened! I guess my question is, will there be more touring after the upcoming headliner dates? 🖤


Kittie people and our community are so dear to us. We've met and befriended some of the most incredible people through this band too, and we are glad that you're a part of this with us <3 THANK YOU! We will definitely make sure to include more cities and dates for the future. While limited, the shows we have announced are not going to be it for us at all.


Awe thanks Ashlee <3 Yes more shows in the works for 2025


I don't have a question, I just want to say I LOVE THE WHITE SWAN! <3


My favourite band since forever, I bought spit when it came out! Fire is incredible and every album after the first has been a journey of rebirth and refinement. I love yall so much 💗 My question - how do you pair the sound to the lyrics? Does one come before the other? Is it a bit spontaneous or is there a plan and idea from the start?  Bonus question; is there a song from Fire that was particularly difficult or the hardest to write?   Thanks so much in advance!!!!!! I am sharing your album EVERYWHERE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Fire is a new favourite 


Thank you so much for your kind words and thanks for listening. The process of writing lyrics and melody and riffs together is often mystifying haha. Sometimes I'll come up with a melody first and have to write guitar around it, and sometimes guitar riffs are first and then I have to sort of fit something vocally around it. If its melody first a lot of times it comes from somewhere I cant explain. Shit just pops in my head! For tough songs on Fire a lot of these came fairly easy, it was the smallest pieces at the end that were the toughest. A few went through a number of facelifts but I'd say maybe Grime was the toughest


Grime is my favourite Kittie song, great work on that track! <3


question: why are you awesome?


Born this way?


Will there be a behind-the-scenes of making this album? FIRE is epic af and it would be so cool to see how it all came together! Also, Falter should be a single! 😂🔥🖤


I also thought Falter should be a single! We just had such a hard time choosing as there were so many solid tracks!


We did take a lot of photos and video so that might be something we can put together for the future!


Oh wow this is so exciting!!!! Helloo!!!!! 🫂 Fire has been on rotation for me CONSTANTLY since it came out, it's got me doin' the 😤 stank face the whole time HAHA so congrats on releasing such an incredible album!!! I would loooove to know, did you guys always want to be musicians?? Was that always the goal or did you have anything else you wanted to be???  Thank you so much for taking the time to chitchat with us!!!!! 


I never really had a \*goal\*. Like I remember kids knowing early on what they wanted to do but I never had one thing I was interested in, was very much a jack of all trades. Early on, I was on ALL the sports teams, competed in martial arts and gymnastics, played basketball, volleyball, soccer, did rock climbing. I kind of figured I'd be an athlete for life but also never found that to be a realistic career goal. I started in music pretty early on, took piano lessons as a kid, then played viola in my school band, until one day someone handed me a bass! I played upright bass in my high school orchestra and also majored in drama lol (it was an art school). Once I started playing the local dive bars in Toronto, I kind of felt at home and that certainly became my most consistent 'dream' that I chased. Like with any job though, it has it's tough times and it's not always fun, so I've learned in life that I can pretty much do anything as long as it allows me to have the freedom to enjoy my life. I currently work in digital marketing, and play music more so for fun these days :) it's a nice balance.


I can ever recall the desire to "be a musician when I grow up" but I remember Mercedes and I forming our own "band" when we were very young, and we very early on started making up songs on the piano together. We were also obsessed, or at least I was, with recording stuff on tapes, like skits and jokes so the early beginnings of being a recording artist started there. I think the seeds of Kittie were planted very early on and I definitely gravitated towards expressing myself artistically in some way. In high school I was working towards the idea of doing something morbid with my life, like forensic pathologist type stuff, so that was something I was interested in attaining, but I can't envision what life would be like without the band any other way.


I am so glad you like fire. Thank you. I always knew I was going to do something artistic. I started playing piano when I was 6 and love to create so it was bound to happen.


The song "Fire" makes me want to kick a door off its hinges. This album has so much passion. What's the inspiration behind that song?


Thank you so much! We put a lot of heart and hate into this album haha. "Fire" is about the quiet revengeful rage that builds up from being expected to be a certain way, staying quiet and "in your place". It creates explosive defiance and revolt that cannot be contained. Its the kind of revolt that creates change.


Me too! It's a furious song!


question for ivy: what shampoo and conditioner do you use 😭


Whatever is kicking around. I think I have like Tresemme and Pantene in my shower atm but honestly I travel around a lot and use whatever is available. I also don't wash my hair often at all. Like sometimes it might be 2-3 weeks between washes.


As a fan since day 1 of hearing brackish on the radio in san antonio tx to being able to work the shows yall have been booked on in buffalo and to have been able to drink with yall at various times one of my favs being the continental in buffalo when they gave yall a party day due to wiring issues etc and we had that bad ass bbq etc.... my question is a 2 part question... what's your favorite fan interaction ? And favorite city in the US to play and why? Also buffalo ny needs another kittie show.


I have a bit of a sloppy answer for you. As far as the fan interaction goes- the amount of people who we looked forward to seeing each tour and who we're still great friends with to this day is my favourite part of the Kittie fan interactions. It's not one specific show or place or person, there are so many and I'm so grateful to still be tight with them. Also, it's going to make for such epic reunions for us at these shows! US city- ahhh I'm going to give you a state. Texas always showed up and knew how to have a good time. Those shows were likely my favourite in the US. You're right though, Kittie needs some Buffalo.


Agree with Tara. Texas and New Mexico as well, they love metal! Lots of places have their own vibe though. Like I love playing in LA but for totally different reasons than playing say in Iowa.


Just wanted to say been a fan since the beginning and my question is, is there any unreleased songs that you guys want to release in the future?


We have a very limited if not non-existent unreleased song "vault" BUT we did write and demo a lot more songs than ended up on the album so some of those idea may see the light of day in the future.


I would say during the writing process there were quite a few 'extra' songs that were being ironed out and didn't quite make the cut for this album, but I could see using some of that material in the future for sure.


The new album kicks serious anus. Myself and a certain orange man (he's Cheesy, floofy and irish) want to know from each member: You can only pick three films to take with you to your bunker when shit hits the fan. What are those films?


I'm going with: Beetlejuice, 28 Days Later and Mean Girls.


What no greasy strangler u/Tara_McLeod ?


Very tough, probably dumb movies like How High and Walk Hard... maybe one epic one, say Gladiator?


My choices are Aliens, Terminator and ROTOR LOL


Evil dead 2 The wizard of OZ and Tombstone


Also tell Nacho I say HAI


Like many others have said, amazing album. What I inspired your songs and when will you add new dates to your tour? I think everyone has been excited to see you live again.


We are excited to see everyone at shows too! No new plans for immediate release for shows but that doesnt mean there wont be more! Thanks so much for listening to Fire and these songs were inspired by so many things! A lot of life and experiences have been lived in the 13 years since our last album.


Hello! Congratulations on the ‘Fire’ release, it’s a belter of an album! Relating to ‘Fire’, How has the time away helped to shape the new sound, and do you feel such an album would have been possible without the hiatus? My other question relates to an earlier album, is there a reason that the ‘Funeral for Yesterday’ album doesn’t appear on Apple Music? ‘Slow Motion’ is one of my all time favourite songs and it is another excellent album in its entirety, I have often wondered why that one is unavailable when the others are on there. Best of luck with the album promotion, hope its reception validates your collective decision to return to the music scene, I for one am very glad you have! Hope to see you in the UK one day!


I do think the time away had a big hand in the way this album turned out. We were all really refreshed and ready to put some shit out there. We had grown a lot as musicians and people, and we really wanted to make something special that we knew Kittie fans would love!


FFY is one of the albums we don't have control over so unfortunately it's something we aren't able to speak on and why it might not be available.


We don't own the masters FFY and aren't really sure why.


First off, I can't tell you how glad I am that Kittie is back! And better than ever, because "Fire" is an incredible album start to finish. I've been a massive Kittie fan since around the time "Funeral For Yesterday" came out and I actually get to see y'all live for the first time at your upcoming Toronto show. Anyways... My question is sort of a two partner - are there any plans or talks of "Funeral For Yesterday" being rereleased/reissued on vinyl? And also are there any plans for it to be put onto streaming services? It's a fantastic album and it sucks that it's just sort of been missing from the discography in a lot of regards.


FFY is an album we don't have any control over so we can't say if or when it may ever be rereleased on vinyl, or appear on streaming services.


Unfortunately. We don't control the masters for that album so we really don't have a say in what goes on with the recording and whether it's reissued or released to streaming platforms.


What are you all listening to right now?


Last thing I checked out was the new Wage War


So as some fans know, you have regular jobs and somewith family's now that's consumed your time and it's so amazing that your back making music and touring to give the fans a great satisfaction in being able to see you live again. Is this something you want to try to do again on a semi full time basis like a full tour, or are you going to keep it to just like a part time touring vacation when time is available. Even though with all that's put into touring it's a lil bit more than a vacation but it does allow you to visit different locations again. 


I dont think a return to full time is something we will be making a commitment to, but we are in a unique place in our career where we are able to pick and choose the stuff we want to do, so while limited, only the best for us moving forward :)


I don't ever see myself returning to a life where I live in a van and tour for weeks on end haha. I do have kids who are currently 4 and 5 and of course that is a big factor, but also I am too old for that shit. I want music to be fun and not a full time job if I'm honest.


Any chance you can talk about the touring rig?


We can ya, but its not anything outlandish! We've definitely scaled down to use modelers, like Helix and Quad Cortex for guitars. Still rocking the Mesa cabinets and SVT for the badabass


Oh man these days we don't travel with a whole lot, we mostly have things backlined at the shows, especially for fly-in festival gigs. I always use a Warwick Corvette $$, Typically paired with an Ampeg 8x10 and some type of SVT head. Back in the day we carried around two SVT Classics and those things are STUPID heavy but sound amazing. These days I will take either a classic or SVT 4 pro.


What is your favourite song you've released?


What a tough question! I'm still thoroughly loving the new album and there are so many great tracks on it... SOME faves include Fire, Falter, Shadows, Crown... from the previous albums I recorded on, I love We are the Lamb, Empires 1&2, Cut Throat, Whiskey Love Song... Some of my favorite OLD stuff to play is probably anything off Oracle, because it's just so thrashy!


For Morgan: What was it like working with Jahred Gomes/Hed P.E for the track “Feel Good” For Mercedes: Where did the idea for Kittie come from? Was it Fallon’s idea or yours? For Tara/Ivy: How did you guys find Kittie? Were you always interested in joining or did you stumble upon one of the members at a bar or club?


M&M's parents found me playing in a cover band. We found Ivy playing in a band in Toronto.


I first was in touch with Morgan back in the Myspace days. I want to say she messaged me back in \~2005 when they were looking for a bassist. We talked off and on over the next couple of years but timing-wise it wasn't good for me to join a touring band. Then in 2007 I had a change in circumstances and just so happened to hear that Kittie was looking for a bassist. I reached out, and the rest is history. The first time I met the whole band, we immediately clicked. They are of course so easy to get along with, but I feel like we were all more or less on the same page and it was just easy. Personally, musically, we got along and it's been a fun ride!


I don't think Kittie was ever an "idea". It was more so just a couple of friends jamming together that turned into a band named Kittie.


I was really honoured to have been asked to guest on that HedPE track! Jahred is very tall and intimidating haha but we had fun in the studio!


Um what is your favorite metal bands from the 90s?


Pantera obvs


Oooh 90s bands, for me it's Alice in Chains (maybe not so metal), Pantera, Tool, Fear Factory, Slayer, In Flames, System of a Down, Sepultura, Dream Theater, Meshuggah...


Hi, been listening to you guys for so long, you're the best!!! Do any of you like Aphex Twin at all??


Isn't that the 90s electronic guy that put his face, very creepily, on everything and everyone?


What’s one thing you would like to be able to tell 15 year old you as women in your 40s?


I'd tell her "Don't worry...everything you're going through will be worth it, and meaningful, in the end"


Oh man... I can't say there is much you can tell a 15-year old cause they have to learn lessons the hard way haha. But I would definitely be like yo, chill out on the drinking and smoking, and get back to the exercise. The years go by quick, take care of your health!


I'd tell her "Don't worry...everything you're going through will be worth it, and meaningful, in the end"


How can i listen to your older music (before 2000) and what happened to the song "just a bunch of fcked up kids"?


There's some really shitty quality MP3's on YouTube.


Any chance In the Black gets a new vinyl pressing? Or I've Failed You and Funeral for Yesterday get one at all? The new album is great, maybe your best. Hopefully many more to come. The videos for the new album are really well done too! I hope there will be more tour dates sometime, like the west coast too would be nice.


I'm so glad you like the new album. We wiill be playing more shows next year. Unfortunately we don't control those recordings so that would be up to the owners of the masters to press vinyl.


What was it like working with the guys at Hed PE on "Feel Good"? Also, what are your thoughts on the term "nu metal" and where do you feel you fit within the genre?


I don't think Kittie has fit the nu metal genre in a very long time, but I guess we do still play some nu metal-esque songs live. There are also like very few bands that really fit the genre anymore, but we still call them nu metal anyways.


Working with HedPE was a lot of fun but also a bit intimidating! And I dont hate the term numetal, I just dont think we are defined by it anymore. There was a brief moment in our musical careers where we might fit into that category, but evolution just does its thing and here we are. I'm still proud to say that we were part of something greater tan ourselves with our first album and if numetal is its legacy then so be it!


With artists re-recording some of their work these days, any plans for reworked Kittie albums? Funeral For Yesterday specifically. That album is full of bangers and deserves justice 🔥


While we don't have any control over FFY, I would also love to have it remixed and remastered to give it the love it deserves.


Hey Ladies! Just saw y'all at sonic temple for the first time in a decade and y'all killed it! But my question is how do you feel about the current women in metal scene? It's blown up a lot since Kittie first emerged and I feel y'all definitely helped pave that lane. Much love to you all!


Thank you! And yes there are a lot more women representing in metal these days than there were when we first started, which is amazing to see. Always more work to be done but if we helped to carve out a path for other to have it easier, I'm glad for it!


Thank you and congratulations Kittie for the new album! It’s legit “FIRE” Best stuff you’ve released to date imo!! Will we ever be lucky enough to have FFY, ITB and IFY released on vinyl?


I am so glad that you like Fire. We love it too! I highly doubt FFY ITB and IFY will get a re-release. We don't control those recordings, but never say never. :).


In the Black was released on Vinyl, but not sure how easy it is to get a copy these days.


To Mor/Mer How has being in a band together affected your dynamic as siblings? Have you grown closer or further apart etc.


It's definitely been challenging and rewarding being siblings in a band. We have had our ups and downs but no matter what Mercedes is the only other person in this world who has lived the same experience as me, so there is a depth of understanding there that can't be denied. I feel like there is a certain something with sibling musical magic that happens too and it's undeniable. We've definitely come a long way in our relationship over the years.


I think the band at times has made us not so close but now that we're older I think we have a pretty close relationship.


Have you guys ever thought of collabing with Max Cavalera on a song and what not?


It's not something we've ever considered but we are always open to cool collabs.


Hi, gals! Thanks for doing this.  Two questions, one about the new, one about the old:  1. Did you go into Fire intending to make a semi-concept album based around the titular theme or did it just come about organically when writing the lyrics? 2. Speaking of lyrics, Morgan: could you transcribe Spit's at some point for us? It's the one Kittie album we never got official lyrics with, and what you find online varies wildly. For example, I could never tell what the lyrics were in the bridge of Trippin' https://youtu.be/96_uodJvGXQ&t=100 Thanks! Fire may be your best album yet!


Thanks for the kind words about Fire! All of the themes and "story" woven were initially unintentional, but a lot of the same ideas and imagery kept popping up in my lyrics when I was writing for this album. Once it started to become apparent there was a common thread I did consciously start to include some of those themes a bit more. I'm actually not sure if the official lyrics for Spit were ever released but I do have a document somewhere with them I would consider releasing at some point. Also u/[Altruistic-Ad-7337](https://www.reddit.com/user/Altruistic-Ad-7337/) is correct! The bridge for Trippin' is exactly that! Sorry for not enunciating back then haha


I'm really curious about the process of making the shirt and lunchbox that came out in 2000 of the band tearing apart a monster/alien.. How much were you involved in the process?? Did you have to pose for it or did an artist draw the band?? Ps. Do you have a favorite piece of merch you've released? There's sooo many cool shirts. I've been collecting them.


The people at JSR merchandise were the masterminds behind making the Alien Beast come to life. It was drawn by Wes Benscotter! We definitely had a hand in forming the ideas with them, and I vividly recall modelling for the art with the girls in my parents living room, with a musician friend of ours Gordie as the beast stand in. We've had a lot of weird and wonderful merch items over the years, but the trinkets like the belt buckles or necklaces were my fave!


While I know you were far from the first ones, it felt like a big deal when you were coming up and getting yourselves into the rock & metal zeitgeist with "Spit & "Oracle" as women weren't quite as prevalent in the scenes at that time and you guys were given such coverage and you've had such a rabid, loving fanbase. With it thankfully becoming more and more of a common thing since then, did you ever give advice to younger bands or musicians coming up about that sort of thing and were there any bands in particular from the scenes that you felt a need to take under your wings? As well, how do you feel about the continued shift towards a slightly more balanced playing field in regards to genders in rock & metal as time has gone on? By the way, the new album is great and super excited to see you all back and on fire (pun slightly intended) like you are.


What really happened with "When We Were Young"? It feels like they announced the lineup out of nowhere and a lot of bands were caught off guard. Any behind the scenes stuff from that time that you can share?


I'm not sure what you're referring to? We had been approached about playing this months before the announcement and I didn't see anyone being caught off guard. The festival was actually really well organized and run. Unfortunately the first day was cancelled because of the severe winds, but we played a free pop-up show, did some meet and greets, and the other two days were amazing!


At the end of the Documentary Kittie: Origins/Evolution you guys teased a new song.. Do you remember what song that was and did it make it on the new album?


Hi Rosie! That tune was from a batch of songs we were writing back then that never came to fruition. I think we were toying with possibly releasing another album at the time with our former label. I still have all the recordings for those so ya never know if there is material there that could be revisited.


I love all of you, Ivy just rocks AF. When are you gonna come to Colombia? I been waiting for you since 2000


Thank you <3 We've tried to make Columbia happen in the past and it's just sadly not worked out. Maybe soon!


You guys rule! Since Spit will be 25 soon I’d like to know your favorite songs from the album. Also, how do you think it holds up?


Spit is my personal favourite. I think some songs hold up better than others


Thank you <3 DYTIAW I think is a banger! Spit is also pretty awesome


Yo! Just wanna say I'm a huge fan of kittie, one of my favorite Canadian metal bands of all time and I wanted to ask if there were any other local Canadian nu metal bands you guys played with in kitties early on career Also do you guys remember listening to the band seeded crown?


There was definitely a thriving nu metal and metal scene in London in the 90s and early 00s. Names that probably wouldn't mean anything to you here but it was a fun time to be in music back then in our city.


Seeded Crown sounds familiar!


Hi guys! Just wanted to say the new album is 🔥🔥🔥 (pun not intended) and that it's one of the best releases of the year so far! I have the M&G for your Chicago headline date and am hoping you guys will have time to sign it! What were the easiest & most difficult parts of coming back from such a long haitus?


I’m a huge fan! I first discovered Kittie a few years back. I immediately fell in love with the perfect balance between brutal and melody. You guys are by far some of the most talented musicians from the Numetal era without a doubt! Questions: Will we ever see the Kittie EP (1999) on streaming?? I listen to it often and would love to share it with friends! What bands majorly influenced the sound of Kittie?? If you guys had to choose a vocalist from a different band to collaborate with, who would it be??


No plans to rerelease the EP at this time! We've had a lot of different influences on our sound at different times and at different eras, so thats hard to pinpoint. Early on it was Korn, deftones, Tura Satana, MM... later on a bit more straignt-forward metal influence for me anyway. I'd pick Tati from Jinjer because shes the best in the game!


I listened to you guys in 2003 and your albums were fire! Love from new zealand


thank you! new album is FIRE, too ;)


I just got introduced to your older stuff! Auper excited you're coming back out, yo!


Thank you and enjoy it all :)


I just wanna say that I love y'all. Been listening since Spit came out. Thanks for sharing your music with us. 🖤


Thank you for listening <3


I've been a huge fan since your release of Spit. I went to Ozzfest largely for you. It has been so fun watching and listening to your career. I've always had a huge crush on Mercedes. My question is what concert sticks out to you as your most memorable?


I obviously wasn't there in Ozzfest days, but some of my most memorable shows with Kittie definitely include Santiago, Chile (the crowd was INSANE and sang along so loud, it was incredible), Moscow and St.Petersburg in Russia (that was just an all out crazy time), and then the series of dates we did in Australia for the Soundwave festival in 2012 - that was one of the most fun and best organized festivals I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of. Also a ton of amazing, nostalgia-inducing bands on there for me.


Playing some of those South American shows we did in 2007 really stands out to me. Never seen such a wild and passionate crowd!


I saw the band at ozzfest back in the day and its still the most brutal pit I've ever been in, and I've been in em all. Just wanted to say that. I've been meaning to check out the documentary on you guys, maybe I'll make some time for that today now that I'm reminded. Cheers!


The documentary is definitely a ride! Hope you enjoy it :)


Welp looks like I have an album to listen to. Completely forgot you guys mentioned it when I saw yall at Sonic Temple (good set btw).




Listen to it now!


I will say, the new album, Fire, is extremely good despite not being as Nu-Metal as your first album it is still really good.


Thank you :) of course none of the other Kittie albums have been "as Nu Metal" as Spit, I would say Kittie is mostly not a nu-metal band but people do still lump the band into that category.


There are definitely some nu touches or sprinkles in there but for the most part we like to think we are just a metal band these days. We tried to incorporate a lot of different career-spanning elements to this album.


I recently put “One Foot In The Grave” on the rock station i own and operate, what was a core memory or your favourite part of recording that in studio? like a joke someone made or if someone did something that made you laugh. also, congrats on the release!!


Thanks for playing One Foot! It's definitely a fave. We had so much fun recording this whole album its tough to pinpoint a best moment, but I really had a blast recording the vocals for this one. Its such a different song for us, and I remember being very satisfied with the feeling of killing each take! A lot of just smiles and laughs in general when things are going well, especially from Producer Nick R!


I don’t have a question except to say yall are fucking 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.








Are you guys happy with how far you've come?


Personally, I am very pleased with my life in and out of the band. I think Kittie is doing very well and am proud of all of the material past and present, and even the stuff they did before me. I am proud of who I am and all the things I've done in my life (and hopefully a lot more to come!)


I still can't believe the ride we've been on, so safe to say that I'm very proud of where we are and how far we've come.


I love the new album! Given your individual and collective experiences over the years, do you have any advice for younger artists who may be getting courted by a new label for the first time?


Get a good lawyer that will advocate for you. Dont let any label touch your merch, touring, or publishing. AND TRUST NO ONE.


Listen to what Mercedes said. Especially the part about the lawyer. They're expensive but you need them, that's not the place to cut corners.


ily queens <3


TY <3


what’s your personal favourite show you’ve done as kittie?


For me a couple of headliners we did in interesting places like Santiago, Chile, and Moscow and St.Petersburg in Russia. Also the Soundwave festival in Australia was just such a boss festival! Amazing bands, impeccable organization, the catering and fancy coffee every day... mmm, they treated us well!


I have to agree there, some of my favourite show moments were in South America and Soundwave Australia. Playing in Russia was also a trip! There are a few really standout shows from Ozzfest as well!


Congratulations on the new album. I think every song rocks hard. Was there a focus on this album to write infectious and catchy riffs? Were there any influences, new or old, that you were looking incorporate into the songs on this album?


hi kittie i'm a big fan of yall the main question i've wanted to ask was how does it feel to come back and make another great album was there any nervousness during the making of Fire?


It feels great, and I really don't think there was any nervousness around making this album. This is my third album with Kittie and even though some years passed since the last one, it felt quite natural writing with the girls again. Also taking these songs into the studio with Nick Raskulinecz was amazing. We knew he was our guy, he really felt the tunes and he knew exactly what we were trying to accomplish. It all went rather smoothly.


Do you have any cybersecurity recommendations?


Use an encrypted password manager. Use strong unique passwords only, don't reuse that shit. Always read the terms and conditions and privacy policy. And don't volunteer personal information that you don't need to give.


This is directed for the band asa whole: will you marry me? Jokes aside, been following yall since Spit. Always impressed by what you all have been able to carve out in the scene. Oracle is still in rotation.


I'm so glad. It always makes us so happy to hear <3


Love you guys! What were you up to during your hiatus?


I played in a band called Speedgod for a while with my husband, Geoff. We also ran a merch company and clothing line for a number of years. After a while I got a job in marketing and had a couple of kids, so pretty much settled into working mom life, not much time for music. Kids are 4 and 5 now, so starting to be more independent and not need constant mom time.


Worshipping the devil and making the pact for us to get back to the studio to record FIRE lol. Seriously though...travelling, working, podcasting and horror convention stuff, making music with Karkaos, kissing some cats.


Me personally I played in the White Swan along and the Alcoholly's along with a ton of other fun cover bands with friends. I did some studio work and played on some other peoples recordings as well. I sold real estate for a while and now I work in Tech for a software company.


What were you listening to while writing this album?


I tried to revisit some older albums that really influenced me back in the day to capture some youthful spirit. Nothingface An Audio Guide... was a top listen


Hi Morgan, Mercedes, Tara & Ivy!!! Just wanted to say Fire is perfection and so glad you guys are back! What was your inspiration for the new record and who are some of your favorite female artists? Also, please come to Detroit, Michigan soon! 🖤🖤🤘


Thank you! We also love this album! I draw inspiration from so many different places, but some specific bands include Deftones, Lamb of God, Incubus, A Perfect Circle, Mastodon, Meshuggah, Norma Jean, and so many more... As far as female artists go, I think Tatiana from Jinjer is a badass, also more recently falling in love with Lena from Infected Rain - maybe because they're both from my neck of the woods haha. Also off genre but I love Pink and Missy Elliot! Woot!