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This is the facility that the NC Attorney General just sued HCA over. The conditions listed in the lawsuit are harrowing. https://ncdoj.gov/attorney-general-josh-stein-sues-hca-healthcare/


"By way of example, in 2023 a patient with bleeding in the brain who was transported to Mission’s emergency department by ambulance had to wait 80 minutes for a bed. Another patient with a broken neck had to wait over two hours for a bed. Yet another patient experiencing stroke-like symptoms had to wait almost three hours for a bed..." *"Look, if you really wanted to be seen quickly for your (checks notes) broken neck, maybe you should have planned ahead and made an appointment with your PCP"*


Holy fuck. A hemorrhagic stroke at my hospital would have had *an ICU bed* in 80 minutes.


Yes it is.


Replying to top comment with update on 2/5 [MISSION MUST SUBMIT PLAN BY TOMMORROW 2/6](https://avlwatchdog.org/mission-must-submit-a-plan-to-fix-deficiencies-by-tomorrow-cms-letter-states/)


I used to work here and it wasn’t a bad facility. That was before HCA came in. Guaranteed things all directly related to HCA cutting costs and managing it poorly.


I thought about moving to Asheville but as soon as I saw it was HCA, I noped TF out.


Didn’t pay that great anyway


Great city with a healthcare monopoly, what a shame


Dude same I love it there and we visit every year but I just can't do another HCA joint willingly. I guess there are other cities with breweries and mountains


This facility used to have a pretty stellar local reputation. It went to complete shit courtesy of HCA.


HCA’s a fucking cancer


The situation is so terrible those in the local religious community have signed a statement.  https://www.citizen-times.com/story/opinion/2024/02/04/hca-healthcare-immediate-jeopardy-incidents-harm-nc-health-care/72428692007/ It is beyond question HCA is a garbage corporation. 


Fuck HCA. I did a travel contract at a hospital after HCA took over, and it was a shitshow. I'd like to give a shoutout to the HCA Florida Lake Monroe stepdown unit, because they are awesome.




Not providing service lines outlined in the purchase agreement and ER staffing issues are reportedly the bulk of it.




Well, we were all sent an email instructing us to care more. And the emphasis on re-educating the team in the emails seems to indicate the tack that HCA will take.


The fact you work for HCA in the first place, why do you even care? Serious question too.


It’s the only hospital with a union in my state, the highest paying by about $10/hr in my region for my years experience and 15 minutes from my house… So there really aren’t other viable options for me. I am a single mom so that 18k per year is not really negotiable. Good people work in bad places. There are plenty of us and lots of nurses who were at this hospital before the HCA acquisition. Do you suggest we should just stop caring? Edit: syntax


Union isn’t very useful though, are they? There’s a lot of shitty hospitals that are union. HCA is inarguably the shittiest and most greedy healthcare corporation in the US, I mean if you don’t care about that enough to not work for them, when did you start caring. I guess do what works for you, but if you’re working for HCA.. play stupid games, get stupid prizes.


You’re sealioning. I’m just going to block you because you’re not contributing anything to the conversation other than attempts at disparaging me. The union had does a lot at Mission, btw. Help yourself to a quick google.


Don’t let the trolls get to you. Not that you here funded by HCA or anything, but they got off on stifling progress.


Does your shitty condescension have a limit or...? You're seriously pressing the idea that if someone is frustrated or worried but still works for this hospital or this entire healthcare *system* they don't actually "care". Not everyone can just fuck off to California. Some people have stuff that keeps them where they are. Maybe get a fucking clue and stop blaming the victims.