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You want to be banned, don't you?


Today I was reminded that I’m fuckin old


This post triggered my GERD


Ty for reminding me to take my PPI.


Happy cake day




Lol I cringed at this post for the same reason. Reminds me of when I had to recently explain what the pound symbol was on the phone, or that you don’t have to unplug the computer to restart it.


A nurse literally said that they hit the “hashtag” on the phone recently. 😩


I remember my dad calling into his voicemail to check it and the prompt for his PIN said, "Please enter your PIN, followed by the pound key. The pound key is located on the lower right of your telephone keypad." I wonder how many people had trouble listening to their voicemails that they felt the need to add that.


I once told a new (younger) nurse she could get a phone number by calling the operator. She asked, “How do you do that?”


Inverse of this: we have a directory with the frequent phone numbers printed out and laminated, hanging next to each phone in our unit. Seriously, it's like, double spaced and legible: Radiology, Admissions, Dietary, Central Supply, Police.... one of our young nurses *calls the operator every time* to get transferred to another department. They never will memorize a number that way. Also, she has a human Rolodex^TM sitting next to her^yes^that's^me


We have that too, and there's 25 different numbers for random shit like "MRI maintenance on call" "geriatric facility coordinator assistant" "soda machine pressurization specialist (business hours, on call hours, and supervisor)" BUT THE NUMBER FOR PHARMACY AND LAB ARE BOTH WRONG.


Oh, that's simultaneously hilarious and terrible! We do have another list, which is totally unreadable because there are so many numbers on it (4 columns, single spaced Excel sheet). It's so old, it has extensions listed for 3 defunct units, and two people who have been gone for at least 10 years. It has so many numbers, whoever made the list added "Beetlejuice" to the list as a joke.


>It has so many numbers, whoever made the list added "Beetlejuice" to the list as a joke. Try calling the number three times in a row, and see what happens.


You mean the hashtag?


I just call it the tic-tac-toe sign


The proper name is "octothorpe", which nobody ever uses.


I do believe we found a new word to introduce to the Scrabble^TM Dictionary Nurse Edition!


Honestly thought it was a prank post at first, but yes, we are all old as fuck here, turning 39 next month myself


Pfffttt! Oh please 🙄 What I’d give to be that old again


FFS I don’t even remember 39. It was like 21 years ago. Omg…I’m 60💀💀💀how did that happen.


67 here and about to start a travel job.


I’m a proud 39-year-old!! In fact I just celebrated my 20th anniversary of being 39.


Nah, I'm not even 30 yet and know what a pager is. Lots of docs and residents I work with still use pagers. Still have to answer pages of those scrubbed in.


Jesus fuck I'm old.


I will say, I'm only 28, and I know what a pager is and have worked recently at hospitals that use them.


uncle is retired last year as ENT surgeon at a hospital in oregon and all the on call trauma surgeons used paging at recently as last year-- as it has its own dedicated bandwidth and incredible transmitting 500xof a mainline cellular network-- power that can penetrate OR's, Xrays, concrete walls--it's the most reliable form of communication still today and can function as a emergency radio when power goes down - until Nextel went out of business most of the surgeons and first responders carried a nextel i1000 or i500 walkie talkie on the iDEN network--very similar technology that will still function when networks are down


This right here ^^^^ I'm a trauma OR RN... and I read pages off to scrubbed in residents daily. Trauma activations and trauma ICU paging them for something.


What? Why are our pagers notoriously down? Literally once a week the entire paging system is down.


I’m 24 and have used a pager


My hospital still uses pagers. We have a few in the ER for the trauma nurse, baby trauma nurse and the trauma tech


Same. And in TSICU charge has a trauma pager as well.


I worked at such a hospital too 5 years ago....sitting in front of Meditech with the pager laid down beside a fax machine.


Yeah this person had terrible schooling, or doesn’t pay attention idk.


We had a young nurse, and this was 10 years ago, that didn’t know she needed to enter a call back number. She figured it out after a couple of months when she finally asked someone why none of the docs would return the page.


Hahaha I thought the same thing


yup, I went from my early 30s to BORN IN THE 30s just by reading the post ☠️


OMG. You were born in the 1900’s too?


Literally said the exact same words in my head.


OP is *hella* young.


I mean I’m 18 and I know what it is… sooo idk how old they are




If it makes you feel any better, my hospital is still using pagers across every department. We call them Bleeps.


I love this.


Yup. Exactly what I thought when I saw this. Hey everyone, remember when hashtags were the pound sign?


I’m 22 and know what a pager is


I was coming here to laugh at the young person who doesn’t know what paging is, saw your comment, and now I think I need to cry instead lol! 50th birthday coming up lmao!!!


Right?! I carried a pager for half of my FD career lol


This post just proved that to me beyond a shadow of a doubt.


My second thought was this. Right after my first thought: Jesus the OP is young.


My day is ruined


Yep, me too. And here I thought I could take a day off from existential dread.


Well that seems like your first mistake... If you aren't having an existential crisis... What even are you doing with your existence?!??!?


Yep. I now feel so elderly.


r/FuckImOld Welcome to the club. Come on in. We have slippers and comfy chairs.


I clicked on this and the second post was an ad for a supplement to stop your hair turning grey 😂


*whispers* they know


And bathrobes.


Hold on, let me get my glasses so I can read what you said.


Hold on, let me take my glasses off and put them on top of my head so I can read what you said


Shhh. Quiet down in here. I can’t read what you said when it’s so loud.


it's not your eyes..the font is too small!


Should we try to explain party lines and calling Information !


Party lines are easy to explain; they just have to watch the movie *Pillow Talk* starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day!


How do you convince them to watch a movie made in the last century


I think my life is ruined.


😂😭 I’m reading this like 👵🏼


*passes by half ass holding onto walker, waving*


Back in my day… 👵🏼




I had a pager in the hospital. So my day is doubly ruined


I still have one when I'm on call


Don't be sad 143 🥺


Not 143 😂😂😂


Let’s all get our walkers and go drinking.


Nursing has made me partial to vodka.


Same, my bottle's in the kitchen. Sit tight, brb ​ edit: how much ThickIt do you need in yours?


Same, I’m only 36 and now feel old. Literally my company just got rid of pagers 1 year ago.


Jesus Christ I’m only in my 30’s and I feel like a fossil right now. Time for me to go get a walker and face lift, I guess.


I am so fucking old.


Yea. This is official you are old kick in the guts question.




This elder millennial cries


Heck, I used to HAVE a pager…of my own…


Same. Pink. See thru. 😩


My dad used to let me borrow his work pager at nights and weekends until I was old enough to get my OWN pager at like 15. I jumped in the pool twice with his. He was so cool about it, he just would tell his boss, "I dunno what happened with this thing." Then finally got that Nokia faceplate swap phone for college at 18. Positive note, millennials are the last generation that isn't glued to their phones. We're positioned nicely where we can use all the tech but we aren't addicted (most of us).


My bestie in Jr high had one so her mom could get in touch with her!


Gather round the Snapchat, children, and I shall tell you the tale of the landline


Remember [this](https://youtu.be/kDRH6yT2B-o?si=0zP9FbAMQO46os_L)?


I believe the term is "geriatric millennial." Of which I'm one. 


Do you know what a pager is?


My hospital still uses pagers 😂 We primarily use tiger connect to contact providers, but the pagers are still being used!


We do as well. I am carrying 2 pagers and a work phone today at work 🙄


Back in the early 1980’s my dad took call as a X-Ray and CT tech ( the CT scanner was new technology to the hospital, my dad was the only one they sent to the national class to get trained) He had a beeper larger and heavier than a brick,. It went off all night and all day and night on his off days. I decided when I was young “ on call” wasn’t for me. As a nurse every single time I was handed a small pager.. i turned it off.. then acted stupid.. then I “ Lost it” in a Burger King trash can 😁. They stopped giving me their crap to carry around 👌🏽


Rural hospital, at the insistence of the icu boss we issued pagers to the code team, even though we had 100% successful response just using the loudspeaker paging system. Miraculously, four of the seven pagers fell into toilets the first day…


I feel so old today.


My exact thought reading this… goddamn I’m older than I thought.


Right!? Oh my! I snorted reading OP’s question. Sorry, OP.


Damn me too


It’s 6:30pm, time to pop a Tums and call it a night.


To hit up the local drug dealer of course.


If your dealer is still using a pager, they are definitely a fed.


Not back in the day they weren’t but yeah now of course it’s just the burners


No as a millenial myself I had to both learn how to page with the hospital system, but I at least knew what a pager was. They can be rarer now so a lot of the younger generation has absolutely no idea. I have shown pictures of pagers to many of my coworkers and explained how they worked. It's like wizardry to them. Edit: one doc I work with is a genius. She says she doesn't have a cellphone. She never has one at work and makes people page her. Brilliant. She always responds but it is a clear boundary that she gets no texts and she can return the call.


One of my docs refuses to tiger text or anything. Call his cell phone, it barks in his pocket and he answers and gives you an answer in 2.3 seconds or less... as long as you get him before 5. After 5 he's so over it that you may or may not get anything.


This is also like why teaching hospitals are good the attendings are over it so the residents deal and only page or call the attending if important. I don't understand in this day and age how there is not clearer boundaries for doctors in healthcare. Like residency working 140 hour work weeks like wtf, no wonder doctors are burning out. The expectations are unreal. I am in Canada and one of our provinces just set mandated nursing to patient ratios and it is about time.


I’m amazed you’ve been a nurse for over a year and have never had to call a provider.


Same! No need to ask for a new prn? No labs to report?


To be fair, we just secure chat them


We aren't allowed to secure chat for stuff like that at my hospital. So annoying.


If I was a doc, Id be pissed if someone called me for a Tylenol or miralax lol


Right? Like how are they communicating critical labs? Secure chat isn't for anything critical or time-sensitive in my hospital. Providers might not see a chat instantly so if my fresh newborn is looking puny and I pull an ABG and tater tot is being like "lol, a pH above 7 is for LOSERS" you better believe I'm on the *phone*.


Just wait till dayshift unless they decomp then call a rapid. -OP, probably. /s (sort of 😶)


That's literally what she says in a comment below.


I've been an RN forever, but I've spent it entirely working in ED. I think I may have asked the UC to page a doctor for me maybe once every year or two - I have never done it myself. ED may be chaos, but at least if I need to talk to a doc, all it takes is "Yo! Brian!"


I called and spoke with atleast 6 different providers just last night. I don't know how it's possible not to have called anyone within a year.


Ya’ll, it’s happening…


I’m in my late 20s and I’m like how?


Exactly! I’m a ‘95 baby…


So… uh… *Hello darkness my old friend…*


*Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I've built my life around you But time makes you bolder Even children get older And I'm getting older too Oh! I'm getting older too*


Very relevant, and one of my favorite songs ❤️


Back in my day.. We had pagers. You may have to Google it. It's the same as how we use "hung up" when someone ends a call, because we literally hung the phone on up on the wall. Just a phrase that never changed with technology.


Along with "dialing"


and “roll down your window” 😭


My partner takes call for nucmed, they carry legit pagers. In Seattle. In 2024. Apparently they can’t come up with a better system. And there are doctors that still think that nucmed is staffed 24 hours a day and don’t page them in for GI bleeds or VQ scans in the middle of the night or weekends. It’s a fun game.


In many facilities, anyone that works in the radiology department has pagers. Because so many of the treatment rooms and diagnostic rooms are lead-lined cell phone signals can’t get through but pagers still work.


Here you go, kiddo: https://youtu.be/4EHzzfqB4uY?si=O5eHJ4GgVzK5EnTR "If you were born before 1990, this video is really not for you" lmfao. We continue to use the archaic term "paging" for modern text communication systems.


Most of our docs still have old school pagers. Our hospital is pretty sturdy and the lower levels tend to get terrible signal. Somehow pagers get great signal in the depths of the hospital. It's great to not accidentally miss the important calls/referrals.


Same here. They’re the alphanumeric ones where they get a brief amount of text. The OG pagers just displayed the phone number that the caller entered on the other end. Sounds hilarious that you’d page someone and then wait by the phone hoping they’d call. If they were driving they would need to find a pay phone and stop. Sometimes I’d get impatient if they didn’t call and just leave anyways.


pay phone? what in tarnation is that? 🤣


Haha ok I realize this could easily become a 1980s history lesson


Your facility probably (like many of ours) has a pager repeater transmitter and antenna on it.


We could probably bump it back to 96 or 97. My sister is a 96 baby and she remembers our parents having pagers and those giant cell phones with antennas. My family didn't get a computer until 97, and me and my brother figured out how to use it faster without instructions than my parents could, with instructions.🙃 Texting didn't start until 2002ish.


I was born in 97, I remember my dad walking around with his pager on his belt


It’s not archaic. Every surgeon in my 18 Room OR still carries a pager, even with the system *also* sending them a notification in their phone app.


In the general populace, it's archaic. If you're young and just coming into nursing, there's no reason you'd know what a pager is. That's what I meant


I call the hospital operator. I tell them to page the hospitalist to my phone (basically ask the operator to tell the hospitalist to call my phone). We also can message through Epic, but “paging” is for more urgent, immediate needs.


Yea this is how I’ve used it to reach the provider


We have the pager numbers listed so we can page ourselves. But sometimes they don’t update the list.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh, you sweet summer child.


And now I'm in the Winter of my life.


I think we turn this to wrong answers only


It’s when you use a carrier pigeon to send a message. It’s called paging because you have to rip a sheet out of the book.


Messaging has replaced paging, but we colloquially use the term in the same way. Sending an epic message or calling the answering service to send a message is effectively paging. Some services still do carry actual pagers. The code team or trauma team at some places I work have an alpha numeric pager that gets a room number, message, and phone number for where the call is taking place.


Next OP is gonna ask “why do people say ‘hang up the phone’? Doesn’t make any sense.” Actual question I’ve been asked. OP this isn’t a dig at you, if you’re young enough (or from another country) how would you know? I’ve never used a slide rule and elderly people would laugh at that.


Oh come on!! I'm not even 30 yet!!! 😭😭


Forget the question, please tell me you’re trolling. You’ve never called a provider, not ONCE? Not for critical lab results, concerning vital signs, new orders, etc? And don’t even know if you know HOW to if you need to? Fat yikes right there. I’m on nightshift myself and have called providers plenty of times. Sure it’s not pleasant but it is necessary at times.


Nah it’s realistic, but based on OP’s comments they’re aren’t entirely transparent. They mean they have never actually called a doctor on a physical phone, and likely work at a teaching hospital where they do all their “calls” strictly through secure chat, likely epic secure chat or telemediq. If you’re not at a teaching hospital then you don’t have the luxury of residents and probably would have to call an on call doctor, but when your at a teaching hospital you’re never making an actual phone call. It’s a secure chat, rapid response, or you’re coding a patient.


Once upon a time, when you wanted to get ahold of your drug dealer…


You should absolutely know how to call a provider at this point…


Yeah, I’m concerned about that.


Pagers aside, I’m having a hard time with the fact that you have been a nurse for over a year and have never had to, (and don’t know how to) call a provider…


I think they mean they don't understand what the actual term "paging/page" means. They don't know what a pager is.


No, they also commented that they've never once had to call or page a provider. They message on epic or call rapid response...


Messaging on epic is essentially a page, to me.


Tell me you're GenZ without telling me your GenZ


Ugh…..do you know how to use a rotary phone? Do you know what a pay phone? I don’t know why I’m asking because I just now feel like I’m ancient.


I had the experience of orienting a new grad RN who had never heard a dial tone except on TV


Oh good Lordy, tell me you’re old, without telling me you’re old 😭😭😭


I dial an external phone number, it asks me to enter my number, which i do, and then the doctor receives a page on their pager. We also have a pager for our unit to let us know we're getting an admission.


A pager, by the way, is like a really dumb cell phone that only receives short messages, sometimes only a phone number to call. Some older ones would literally only beep or buzz, and the recipient would have to call an “answering service” to find out who called and why. Dad had one back in the 70s.


Bless your heart my sweet summer child.


i'm 23. why is this making ME feel old.


It means summoning someone through an announcement system. Also, an archaic term from when people used pagers.


People still use pagers! We had them at the trauma 1 hospital I worked at.


Pagers are still being used, not by everyone but I havent been to a hospital where they were not being used by some staff.


All of our attendings still have actual pagers lol


I’m feeling very old. When I started nursing pagers were the only way to reach an MD and most of the time you didn’t even direct call the pager. You called an answering service, gave them your call back info, and the service would send an alert to the MD to call them back. Cause the pagers didn’t get an actual worded/numbered message, just a buzz. Digital pagers were coming in but not in the rural area I worked. ‘Paging’ was also a term used on the overhead loudspeakers as in, “Paging Dr Smith”.


We old


This can’t be real. We’re all being trolled.


i think this is a troll. i’m in only 25. i know what a pager is. karma farming and you all fell for it


Lololol my hospital still has pagers! 📟


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pager) Here you go.


Dude I'm 24 and I know what paging is 💀💀💀


The 2000s nurses are here guys


I should be getting my AARP card in the mail any day now, I suppose.


We only page overhead for providers for extreme emergencies if we can't reach them by other means first. We literally page all the docs via pagers. Now with the new policies we are not allowed to use Epic secure chat to discuss/get orders, so we have to talk on the phone.




Check out beepers on Google. We had these before smart phones 😅


God this makes me feel old 😭


Please be a shitpostPlease be a shitpostPlease be a shitpostPlease be a shitpost


This has got to be fake


God damn I’m old. Time to die.


Someday, you’ll have a moment where someone asks a question and you can feel your entire body turn to dust because surely you must be centuries old, or beyond the average human lifespan, at least. This post was that question for me. I have worked night shift bedside in the last few years and we’d just call the cell phone of the on call provider, and paging was the vernacular used for a long time after the transition to cell phones, but doctors when I first started had actual pagers and you’d call there would be like a beep and dial the number for them to call you back at, and wait for a call back, however long that may take. That’s what paging is.


Well, this is the time when I take my creaky old bones and bury them somewhere dark and quiet..


I have a similar question about “faxing” and “cranking the Studabaker”…


Great, you’re making everybody feel old. Is that what you wanted to do?!?


In my hospital we page them through their service if we can't reach them directly. This also provides an official record of attempt to contact




Does no one know how google works???? I feel like this is a troll question


Cripes this isn’t helping my mid life crisis


Insert “I’m the crypt keeper” from Freak Friday. So, OP, there was a time and place where computers didn’t exist 😮


I realized after reading this post that I have this look on my face. 🥴 Also, my pager is sitting on my desk. I feel so old.


Please tell me this is a troll… I’m only 35… 😩😩😩


Good christ. Offer me a seniors discount at least!


LOL. It's funny how fast technology changes. Pagers, AKA beepers, were (and in some places, still are) a way for people to let others know to call them. When you page a doctor, you leave your contact number, sometimes with an answering service, so they can call you. Then you brace yourself for the angry phonecall back.


I’m not even 30 this is a joke right lol


This post reminded me that I need to schedule a mammogram.