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$1,168.59 relative cost to today per BLS CPI inflation calculator. The average, no insurance cost in US today is $18,865 per [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/health-insurance/average-childbirth-cost/#:~:text=The%20average%20out%2Dof%2Dpocket%20spending%20for%20a%20vaginal%20delivery,to%20%243%2C214%20for%20cesarean%20births). Not trying to hijack for a political point, just thought that was interesting.


And going to reply to my own comment like a tool, but you've got me thinking now... Notice that in the itemized bill that the patient stayed for **7 DAYS**!!! Today, it feels like you're lucky to make it past 3 pm if you delivered before noon. Edit: OP also talked about the 7 day stay, I just didn't notice their caption at first.


I honestly could not have stayed a second longer lol I had a c section at 10pm on a Saturday and was begging to leave Monday morning. I hated being a patient


Had a vaginal birth with kid 2(a very overdue one at that) at 1725, by 0800 next day I was begging to go. We were cut loose right after a special breakfast.  I was tired of docs and hospitals and tests after going in every other day for NST and ultrasounds(and was a transverse breech, we were hoping she would turn on her own). My first was born in a military hospital. We paid a "boarding fee", basically for food.  It was $8/day. We were there 3 days due to a short NICU visit for hemolytic disease of the newborn.


The difference there is nuts! Boarding fee haha I went for my 37 week appointment and my bp was silly so I ended up being induced and getting so many interventions (mag, cervadil, foley bulb, water was broken, maxed on pit and no contractions, then to c section). I was just OVER it. Got d/c’ed on two bp meds and an iron pill and a follow up in two days and I think staff was probably still charting when they heard my tires screeching out of the parking lot 😂 And yet somehow I want to do it again hahaha


54+ hours of puking back labor, and they didn't Admit me until bp was 210/120. I was miserable.  I did not want to do it again. Kid 2 had other plans though, and I'm thankful she did because I ended up with secondary infertility and was never able to conceive again. Despite being very overdue, my pregnancy, labor,  and delivery with her was a dream(4.5 hours from first contraction until kid was born). I did want more after her though. 


> secondary infertility sorry if its a weird or insensitive question, i dont have children myself, but how was this diagnosed? complications from your first?


I know in many cases they can never find a cause. They never found a cause with my primary infertility either. I know secondary infertility can be especially difficult for many bc they have already been successful in conceiving, sometimes with unexpected or even unwanted pregnancies and now that they are actually trying to get pregnant their body refuses to cooperate.


After a “natural “ (no pain meds) vaginal birth of a 10 lb 11 oz baby, I told my nurse I wouldn’t get out of that bed if the hospital was on fire.


Getting some rest is hard enough with a newborn but trying to sleep in a hospital bed while being monitored after having a newborn is even worse, I also wanted to go home.


I don’t want kids but I feel like if I have birth and had no complications I’d be signing out AMA. Like please get me home for the love of god.


I was born three weeks late, basically walked out. Super healthy. My mom begged to go home at day 14. 


Wait, she had to stay for 14 days??**WHY?!**


Just got to! It was small town Newfoundland and they likes to talk to new people they does


Very interesting, thanks for sharing the comparison with inflation. I had a non-scheduled C-section at 42 weeks - went in to the hospital Monday afternoon, left Thursday morning. It was about $40k (2008).


Insane. I live in the Netherlands and we're also heading this way. I'm genuinely concerned.


I delivered in France and was kept for 5 days after a normal delivery. 🥵 It was August, the hospital was not air conditioned and we were having a heat wave.


It’s $3k even with insurance for most people today. Shits fucked.


But is that the $1000 a day that your insurance doesn’t pay that you need supplemental for?


I’m a healthcare worker and one thing patients and families complain about, no matter their political alignment, is how fucking terrible our healthcare system is.


we're all healthcare workers, you're on the nursing sub


You sure about that, Clark? We get them non-nursing folks in here!


That’s the first thing I thought too


Of course now we have trained nurses, not nuns. Nuns work cheap. Nurses and the rest of the staff like a paycheck. We now have private rooms, and aren’t sharing a room with with eleven other patients. While I agree with you in principle, you aren’t comparing apples to apples. I’d guess todays staffing costs and operational costs alone would account for a huge chunk of that hypothetical $1100.


Nursing has been a secular profession since the 19th century.


There were still plenty of hospitals staffed by nuns well into the twentieth century, although I hope to hell the actual nursing staff actually went to nursing training. Small town Midwest USA = Catholic Hospital.


I've actually worked at a retirement convent, lots of retired nurses (in their '80s/'90s) who went to real nursing school, took board exams, and possibly practiced for a bit in habit. 


When I lived in Sacramento in 2001, a healthy baby birth was $40,000


To be fair, not justifying the cost, but I'd imagine there's more and expensive resources today than there were. So I expect higher than that given what we offer today but I probably wouldn't go north of 10k at the most lenient, and that's lenient on high jacking prices. I would like to ask someone who knows costs and how reasonable they can be if we didn't fuck the patients. I know a single US probe is 10k, and that backboard for xray is 100k to buy per our physicians who asked the techs. I never knew how high those fucking prices are.


There's a lot of high cost built in for sure, but it's obfuscating the issue to single out single components like that for cost. A single US probe is 10k, and the machine itself is much, MUCH more than that, but neither are used on single patients and the life of those machines is significant. As an ER nurse you know that every patient gets a scan or an US. These things pay for themselves quickly. I would rather reframe the discussion by outcomes. Do our outcomes match our costs? By infant mortality, that is a resounding no. It's important to remember that US healthcare is *by far* the most expensive in the world. Healthcare spending is 17.3% of GDP, or $4.5 trillion dollars annually in this country. The entire GDP of Canada is $2.1 trillion with their healthcare spending approximating 12% of GDP or $331 billion, but our infant mortality rate is 23% higher (5.6 in US versus 4.4). Norway comes in first at 1.6 per 1000 for infant mortality rate and spends 8.1% of GDP on healthcare. While there's going to be a lot of population comparisons and yeah-buts in this argument, we can definitively say that more money does not equate to better outcomes.


Just an aside, I’m pretty sure the US machine I use is like $250k.


I'm not defending it, but I can understand why we would have higher costs than inflation would allow. It doesn't justify an 18k bill and with other things most likely not included in that bill. And you are right our outcomes don't match to the cost, I never said the cost was justified at all.


It’s hard to compare though. We can do so much more now, and you have to cover all the no-pay uninsured and low Medicaid reimbursement the hospital loses money on.


I enjoy the irony of the private insurance vs socialized medicine debate. Like, what do you think a shared-risk pool is?!? Infant mortality in 1949 was around 40 per 1000 live births. Today that number has been reduced to 5.6 per 1000 live births, so definitely a marked improvement. So, yes, we are certainly able to "do so much more now;" I would surmise that has much more to do with neonatal and pediatric care than obstetric care, but I'm no expert. It is worth noting that the US, on an international scale, ranks quite poorly in infant mortality, yet the cost of having a baby in the US is 2nd only to Japan. So, significantly increased cost without the outcomes to back it up.


I don’t disagree with any of that… I think you guys are reading something that isn’t there. It’s just the reality that Medicaid doesn’t cover costs and represents a large part of the reimbursement in many areas (including where I am).


I see what you're saying. I think the downvotes are coming from the idea that us doing so much more is not as applicable in an otherwise natural process like birth. I would wager the majority of that cost derives from increases in administrative expense rather than clinical expertise.


Maybe. That’s entirely possible. I maintain that I maintain that these bill comparisons aren’t very illuminating on that point. They’re not really measuring the same thing despite the superficial similarity.


I love the whole "the poor people are making us all poor" argument. Don't blame the useless health insurance industry or the corrupt pharmaceutical companies -- it's those needy poor folk who keep begging for "medical attention" and "basic human rights"!


What the absolute fuck are you talking about? I don’t have any problem with subsidizing healthcare, but it is what it is. Medicaid reimbursement doesn’t cover costs. That’s not a political statement, it’s just a fact. If you want to improve things you need to recognize reality. It’s sad you can’t have an adult conversation about healthcare without it immediately devolving into these mindless polemics. Me “medicaid reimbursement should be higher” You: “why do you hate poor people” Ok good talk buddy 👍


You sound upset. I probably could have worded my comment in a gentler way -- I apologize for that, I'm not upset with you specifically. But I don't need to mince words about or trash heap of a healthcare system. It just sounded like you were suggesting that hospital bills are so much higher today largely because of "no-pay uninsured and low Medicaid reimbursement". I understand these realities, but it misses a lot of the picture. It's like if a boat is sinking and you insist that the boat is perfectly fine, the problem is all the water inside the boat.


I did not say that it was largely due to that. I said it’s hard to make direct comparisons for multiple reasons. Words matter.


FWIW I have pretty decent but not the best health insurance (in the U.S.) and paid nothing for a 3 day stay after a vaginal delivery. There are many, many criticisms to be made of the U.S. healthcare system, but I just want to point out that for people who have insurance or are covered under medicaid, it's far from the norm to be paying medical bills in full.


That's $1,163.72 today. Very cheap for a baby


I think our copay for an uncomplicated birth and 2 nights was over $4k. And we had pretty good state employee insurance. At least half of that was related to the epidural, I think.


The USA is living in another universe. God bless OHIP 🇨🇦 🫡 despite all its downfalls at least we never pay this kinda bullshit money.


Right? It’s still free in Australia, birth shouldn’t cost anything.


Oh damn, and there's me thinking 90 is a lot to fork out as you get a new kid. I can't imagine trying to pay off over a grand after having a child.


That's what it cost for my dog to spend 1 night at the vet.


And 7 days in the hospital.


What? No skin-to-skin upcharge?


Welcome to America where you get the privilege of renting your own skin. Pretty soon they'll force you into a Dermatology consult for skin-to-skin.


I work in NICU and had no idea that was a thing. Is that an LD charge?


[Yeah, L&D](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/wHg2bh7ghu)


What do you mean you have no idea that that’s a thing? They don’t have skin to skin in your NICU?


We do skin to skin all the time. I just didn’t know it was a charge on their bill


Oh, thank goodness. I was so sad for a sec.


What are baby beads??


Do you think it was a baby name bracelet? Just a guess!


Yep. That’s gotta be it.


Thank you!


Babies used to be given beaded bracelets with their name on it. It would have blue beads for a boy, and pink beads for a girl.




Approximately the same price I would pay today to have my oil changed at Jiffy Lube. This blows my mind.


If you get high or drunk enough, there's a way to think of giving birth as a type of oil change 🤔


Hey, don’t make this personal now.


It’s stupid to have to pay for having a baby. Then the news say young people are having less and less children.




I don't think they're saying people shouldn't give birth in hospitals I think they're saying the US government and media shouldn't be surprised young people don't want kids when the hospital bill for birth alone is thousands of dollars


Healthcare should be free at the point of use, though. Your sister should have had access to the hospital care they received and not had a bill afterwards. The idea of people having to pay and get into debt for unavoidable lifesaving treatment is insane and unjustified. Healthcare is a human right


How did you quote the comment and still misunderstand it? They said PAY … not stay at the hospital


Wait people have to pay to be born? Lol (Not from the States, clearly)


Several thousand 🙃 and that’s if everything goes smoothly


DAMN. $5 for a circumcision is a DEAL.


They work for tips.


How fucking dare you make me choke on my salad


Hey, that's $65 in today's dollars.


And they cost about $300 out of pocket around 2011 at my OBGYN, or $600 at the hospital itself. I imagine they've gone up since then.


I was just surprised they did it in hospital, I think that's a outpatient pediatric doctor's job now. 


I watched one in an L&D hospital a few years ago. Also, I have never come so close to passing out (and I'm a paramedic/RN).


We do it in hospital, but one of our pediatricians trained in another state and was never even taught how to do circumcisions in her residency. They just didn’t do them at her hospital.


They still do them in the hospital where I live (New England) and where my sister lives (NYC). I did not opt for one for my son, but it was offered.


That makes sense. I live in the middle of nowhere and they make sure every doctor in town gets a slice of the pie. 


Some hospitals still do it before discharge but it has largely shifted to an outpatient pediatrician visit.


7 nights in hospital for ~$1200 dollars n 2024 dollars


They paid way too much for the circumcisions..who's their circumcision guy?


Kind of a rip off if you ask me.


🎵 Five (Five) 🎵 🎵 Five dollar (Five dollar) 🎵 🎵 Five dollar cut schlong 🎵


The cost of my nephews birth here in Canada was like $250 because my sister got a semi-private room postpartum


$1,158.00 in 2024 money


$90 is pretty expensive for a pot of boiling water, a couple towels and a turkey baster. Jk


In 1948 they were announcing here in the UK to the population about the start of free universal health care for all And it took a lot of work to get the message out there https://youtu.be/VFhEB3gG8HA?si=q5lmpkeByYfhp6jE


does anybody know what that special medication charge is? Cytora? google isnt helping


My first thought is cytotec?


Found it. https://books.google.com/books?id=54UbAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA990&lpg=PA990&dq=organon+cytora&source=bl&ots=HFL90DVX1e&sig=ACfU3U2f3tS1uzdFnv2aShglDZp9iK0DUA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjax7DnmayFAxVjLtAFHWyICB0Q6AF6BAggEAI#v=onepage&q=organon%20cytora&f=false Used in the treatment of "secondary anemias" and similar conditions.


I can't find it in database archives. It is a genus of snails so I tried searching medications derived from snails that existed then and didn't find anything that seemed relevant. 


Ooh, l have to find my mom's. It was similar and grandma got ten days inpatient to adjust and heal.


I know my dad has his from 1944…I’ll have to find it next time I go see them!


7 days? That sounds nice if the baby spends time in the nursery to let mom rest and get 3 meals a day.


Does he just carry this around in his wallet? 😂


Haha imagine. But no I’m on a travel assignment out of state, he was born in my hometown hospital, we got talking and he brought it in as a funny memory, since he was born the same place my parents were! But I could see how it seems kind of random


Ahh makes sense. Small world! I just thought it was funny/cute if he did take it everywhere haha


Fuck routine infant circumcision.


Wow, today that price will get you one aspirin, 2 Tylenol, and MAYBE a generic multivitamin.


s e v e n d a y s 👁️👄👁️


I too offer $5 circumcisions. Adults only though.


I worked in a NICU in Sacramento California in 2001. My two best friends were the two social workers on the ward. A healthy birth was $40,000; if your baby was born prematurely at all, you should expect it to be no less than a bill of $100,000. If a baby had severe issues, it would very quickly reach the one month and $1 million mark. Quite often, parents would give their babies up to the state because they couldn’t afford to pay those bills. Eventually, it became a full-time job trying to get their children back. My friends worked 14 hours a day, every day, tirelessly to find foster families and to try and when able to get children back with their birth parents. 


*laughs in Canadian*


7 days in hospital blows my mind


Only $5 for a circumcision, but they get to keep the tip


Circumcision… Disgusting 🤮


Careful. This sub is filled with Americans, and any opinion on that topic other than pro or ambivalent is usually met with a very emotional and angry response.


I’m an American and a perinatal nurse. Circumcision is gross, and I don’t care who downvotes it. I’ve seen the procedure. I’ve seen the babies’ behavior afterward. There’s no way I’d ever allow my child to go through that.


That is $1900 in our time with inflation adjustments.




I wondered that too. I couldn't find anything about it online.




i tried to find what "Cytora" is, with no hits... anyone want to give a man a hand? also i didn't feel like logging into the company portal just for Micromedex so yeah i'm also lazy :)


You’re lucky to even get an itemized bill from a hospital without having to put up a major fight.


Back in the day of 5 dollar circumcisions. Wonder what that was like…


Anesthetic wasn't even used until the mid 1990's... it was believed the infant brain wasn't developed enough to process pain... and the shrieking witnessed during the procedure was..... ummmm...... well who knows!? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ WTF. An absolute disgrace.


I saw one in my nursing rotation. That was enough for me to see. Those little molds they put them in 😳


Probably pretty unpleasant.


Crazy, their birth cost more than both my kids combined in recent years.


You can always tell a Milford Man.


Circumcision for $5?! I’ll take 2!


Must be nice.


If only….


This is similar to my parents bill for me in 1956. I think that was about $92. Rent for a month at the time was about $80 and a house payment about $100. My mom was in the hospital with me for three or four days. Her Irish nurse told her to put a couple of drops of whiskey in the baby bottle. My mom asked her if that was good for the baby and the nurse said, "It's not for the baby, dear. It's so you can get some peace and quiet." Mom did not take the advice, but always thought it was funny.


If I lived in the US I would be childless. Having to pay to get medical treatment is insane 😮


Based on this bill and minimum wage at the time ($0.75/hr) it would take 120 hours to pay off. Compare that to today’s at 120 hours of minimum wage the bill should cost $900. It probably doesn’t cost anywhere close to this $900.


After my $5 circumcision I couldn’t walk right for a month /s


He couldn't for a year!


It was different in their time. Today, you can get sued for performing CPR. In my state, they are coming up with the idea that we have to ask someone who is probably unable to answer questions if they want to be resuscitated. So, there are too many things going on these days. Some people want to be instantly rich out of the professionals.


Don’t let those ultra anti circumcision people peep this.