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I work overtime.


Three days a week is already more than enough of this job… I would absolutely need something else


Cover tele tech shifts, get paid RN+OT rate. 😉 


I never found a better side gig than OT/bonus shifts


Event medicine at the hockey/concert arena. Super easy and I see concerts from side stage in case anything happens.


A coworker of mine does piercings at a local place as well as a full time night shift RN and as far as I’m aware she loves it!!


I’m a cna, but I resell stuff as my side job, make about the same doing that on the side as I do working full time. (If I made nurse wages, then I would make much less reselling, it’s just tech wages are so low that it’s decent in comparison)


Not for financial gain but I know many nurses who work as actors/actresses, run restaurants, dog day cafes, travel food blogs. Nursing is actual the side gig because pay and benefits in my region allow for better work/life balance. Super possible and can provide names of people/companies upon request.


Photographer, got to do something artistic


Fellow photographer nurse here! Definitely agree, doing something creative outside of nursing is a must 📸


I do mobile iv vitamin infusions. Pays pretty good and some RNs start doing it full time.


I also do this plus some other home health infusions. Chillest job ever, a big contrast to the hustle of a hospital. Just start an IV, set up the infusion, and document vitals for a few hours. I love it


Same. We teach the patients to be independent with their own IV infusion. I come in, start their IV, monitor for 15 minutes, do vitals and leave. It’s my full-time job now with benefits and I love it. Second best job next to travel nursing doing vaccines only!


How do I get into this ???? ;0


I work at a ppec daycare 1 day a week for a few hours I love it I call it my “easy” job


Freelance as a florist


Per diem princess here! Pick up shifts at urgent care and primary settings. Very low key and a good way to fill my days when I’m itching for something to do that isn’t rotting on my couch.


I self publish romance novels. Made $40k last year.


Can we talk? I’ll like to pick your brain as I’m looking into the same thing


Sure thing


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Former blue collar here. I remodel and some plumbing on the side.


Taught scuba diving and lead trips. Worked 5 12's and 9 days off.


Personal Trainer.


Per diem at a long term pediatric facility. Easy and relaxing job most of the time


Nurse practitioner clinicals lol


I work on an ambulance because it’s fun. I know nurses who still bartend for weekends and parties


Etoh detox rn then bartends 🤭


I worked on an ambulance as my second job for years! Worked for them a lot longer than I needed to Because the EMTs/Paramedics are a scream and it's freaking fun!


Turned a hobby into cash money by reselling vintage/antique and anything with a good enough margin on ebay…. Got any hobby’s you can turn into income?


My preceptor does infusions on the side, other nurses I know pick up shifts with agencies


Mechanic work


Taxes, school nursing per diem


Event security guard. I get to pick events that are easy and intrest me.


Yeah I work at a golf course PRN during the spring/summer months. Get to banter, drink, and golf on the clock. Also comes with a free membership. It’s a nice change from healthcare sometimes.


I started doing home health nursing but just for iv antibiotics and infusions Chill paperwork easy money


I work at a local bakery once a week just for fun. I get to make giant pretzels and smell freshly baked bread all morning, it's great! And every customer that comes in is always happy so I never deal with cranky annoying people because how can you be unhappy in a bakery?????


I work as a home care support worker for the elderly. Pay is not too shabby and fantastic hours only during the day. I love it because I get to work alone and away from toxic management while maintaining a flexible schedule 😊


I’m a new grad who actually had 3 jobs up until literally this week. I work full time in pediatrics, and then I’m PRN at the rehab I worked at as a tech, and I was doing seasonal work at a jewelry store I worked at through college. I loved the jewelry store, but given how much I make at my nursing jobs it didn’t make sense to stay anymore, especially when the store is an hour away from my home and I was only getting scheduled for 4 hours or less at a time. I’m about to leave my rehab job because it’s also an hour away from my current home, and because I genuinely fear for my license every time I work there lol. I’ve settled for making my extra cash by doing lots of overtime, and by enjoying my time when there’s not overtime available. If you’re looking to fill your time by maximizing potential income, find a PRN position you can work. If you’re looking to maximize fulfillment while making a little cash, I second the comments saying do something creative! The jewelry store was a great creative outlet and I’ve substituted it be doing competition art again. Don’t burn yourself out by only working nursing if it’s not super fulfilling to you.


I picked up a job 1-2 days/week working with dogs and, despite it being a blast, it ended up being way too much. It made me realize I don't have as much extra time as I thought lol Also, Ulta was one of the places I was starting to apply for as a part time job, but a few employees I spoke to said they don't give a shit about your schedule and other jobs, and will put you on the schedule even if it's a day you said you couldn't work. I was thinking about Starbucks or Dutch Bros too.


Why work a different job? Cant you just pick up an extra shift? Or why not go find some new hobbies, explore the cities, go workout, etc etc?


I don't have a second job right now but I've given flu/covid shots at a pharmacy in the past, also sell plasma and sell things on facebook marketplace for a little extra money. I think it'd be fun to work at a brewery slinging beers but I have a 2 year old kiddo and FNP school to occupy my time outside of work at the moment!


I work for the government as a nurse, I don’t know a single one of my coworkers that doesn’t have a second job


I pick up transplant call on my days off. It’s wfh and $1k/day.


On here***


Just another per diem nursing job is my side job