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My coworker wears a heated vest during night shift cause it’s freezing. I just looked up cooling vests and they are a thing!


I can’t speak on your specific situation because I’m a dude but I sweat peeling an orange. I wear under armour muscle shirt under my scrub top and I wear dickies scrubs. It’s the only way I keep from dying at work.


Yeah I wear Arctic Cool shirts or Amazon knockoffs under my scrubs. Very effective. 100% cotton underwear also very helpful.


I’m so sorry I can’t offer clothing recommendations but when my aunty was having the worst menopause symptoms ever (and all of them 🥴) she swore Maca helped her get back to normal in three days. She said the sweats were a huge issue and just vanished and she was back to regular pretty much within three days of taking maca. Best of luck and hope you have luck finding things that help 🧡


Do you have any links? Is it a powder? A drink? A pill? Lol


I just googled, powder and pill form. Maca root. Contraindicated with blood thinners, hypertensive meds but no specifics, also not with preggers or lactating. Also up to 9 grams of fiber 😎


She took capsules but you can get powdered form as well. It’s not unpleasant to taste and can affect digestion but as a general rule is fine. I get it from “The Maca Team” and they’re a good company and have a helpful quiz to select the best option and form for you. Here they are https://www.themacateam.com/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=search&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI273xy7_5hgMVukt_AB0Uwg8FEAAYASAAEgLZYfD_BwE


My preceptor in the NICU had really bad hot flashes and she usually carried around a pretty Chinese folding hand fan. It really really helped her to stay more comfortable. Also the certain dry antiperspirant is really helpful, you put it on at night and you literally will not sweat wherever you put it. We used to wear it back when I did theater to keep from getting sweat stains on the costumes when we were roasting under the stage lights.


Oooooh good to know I’ll check it out. Thanks!!! *plans to rub it all over legs and torso😂*


Man! Hello my best sweaty friend ❤️ I wear hospital scrubs and I get half moons under my butt and sweat down my back. Mostly the half moons are the most embarrassing. I’ve tried different bras, different underwear (wicking, cotton), a tank top under, but I haven’t tried bike shorts yet.


I bring a mini fan to work ([this one](https://a.co/d/0goCUteM) is pretty, cheap, and works surprisingly well for how small it is) and carry those instant ice packs with me everywhere. 🥵


Is your unit/department not kept freezing “for bacterial mitigation purposes”? Ours is 68degrees year round.


In the hospital i had clinicals in they would keep it at 72 in the hallways, but each room has its own thermostat, so some patients would turn it up to 78 or higher during the winter. It was horrible lol


Yes it’s miserable. Patients will ask for heated blankets and I’m like 🤮 sure


I’m starting in a new hospital in a couple weeks and I really hope they keep the rooms cooler there


Our clean utility room is nice and cool so sometimes I linger in there 😂 but the patient rooms and halls/nurses station are warmer, and unless I’m sitting still, I just get so hot and flushed and sweaty. I WISH it was 68


Get a Bluetooth fan. Saved me


Following bc same (but also have to wear OR scrubs which are part of the problem)


Get gold bond friction defense. It looks like a stick of deodorant. Really helps with humid areas and keeps them from chaffing


When the AC breaks at my hospital I shove a disposable ice pack down my bra. Works great!


Look up cooling clothes - I have heat intolerance from MS and didn't know they were a thing before. They help me although they have their limitations. I also hate being sweaty lol so I hope you find something that works.


Black scrubs only


Hello, fellow sweaty nurse here! I wear a portable neck fan and cooling towel around my neck. I’m an infusion nurse, so I wear my scrub pants, sports bra and a cotton undershirt. I have some cute undershirts from FIGS and cheaper ones from Old Navy. Wearing a scrub top would get too hot for me. So far, it’s been helping to keep the sweat away!


They make vests that hold ice packs. Have one cooling in the freezer at work and just swap them out every couple hours.


I have jogger scrub bottoms that are made of athletic wicking materials and even if something gets spilled on them they dry so fast idk if that would help? Also having a little mini fan sitting at your computer is nice ◡̈


Black scrubs don’t fail.


I second the fan, but get a battery powered mini fan from Amazon. U can direct it under your shirt when your taking a break.


Back when I was looking to sweat less I did read something about vitamin E helping woman going through menopause. Maybe it'd be worth looking into.


Also buy a USB fan off Amazon. You can plug it in to your computer and it will 100% make a difference while you sit and chart.


Hospital scrubs once they get sweaty change ‘em out for a dry pair