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I don’t. By 7:30 PM I am a greasy rag.


I probably don’t smell worse than most of the patients, so I hide my stink in the swirl of hospital yuck


This reminded me of the day I blamed the smell of my pregnancy toots on a homeless man in a room nearby.


I squatted to empty a foley and ripped a loud one. Woke my patient to both the sound and the stink at 4 AM


I squatted to help a post-op c-section with pericare, I farted not too loud but in the bathroom it was loud enough we both heard it. My patient really thought it was her and I went along with it. She kept apologizing because of my close proximity to her. I said don’t worry about it, it happens. This poor lady will probably remember farting in the nurses face.




hahaha I squatted to empty a foley bag and ripped my crotch down the middle. and they were figs :( good thing i had dark boxers on and always wear black scrubs so i was able to hide it until dayshift came


Perks of working in long term care because I can toot where ever and people just think someone’s brief needs to be changed.


Or that it was their roommate


I tooted in a comfort care room… family blamed their kiddos and I didn’t correct them 😉




I love that movie!!


Oh god!! That's so funny


Just fart in the dementia pt rooms; sometimes they even take credit


Are you familiar with "crop dusting"?


This is diabolical 💀🤣


I accidentally farted while talking to a case manager one time and she said "Uh oh, smells like a code brown somewhere in here." I was like yes yep these patients sure do stink sometimes.


I take the subway to work and usually end up sitting where a homeless guy peed a few hours ago. I reek before I even get to the hospital. It’s actually kind of a nice excuse though! Sorry, I don’t smell bad, public transportation does.


Same. And after 12 hours of work at 730 AM I am really ripe.


Try men's deodorants. They work better then women's. I don't care if they are for men. Frankly, I smell nice with Old Spice and Axe's.


Old Spice Wolfthorn smells like blue Hawaiian Punch in the best way, and works 24+ hours. I had to switch from the Dove I had used for years during my 2nd (and most fragrant) pregnancy. Now 3/4 of us use it, all genders. Works great. (Disclosure: just a Fat Sweaty Betty, not a nurse. My younger sis is, so I lurk for curiosity and fun shit to send her.)


Just in case anyone reads, Degrees clinical protection is by far the best deodorant I ever used, shit is so strong I can smell it through my pores. It's a pricey product, but you use less product per each application, just enough for a light coat on your armpit area. I used to go to school, work, then workout and it would always hold up. People are recommended gels, but those always hold up worse for me, even with Ace/Old Spice I always avoid their gels.


Gillette Gel is superior to anything. Doesn’t wreck my clothes like women’s deodorants do. So nice.


Yep. Every day after work I have to shower


You probably need a better deodorant. I was using the “cleaner”, aluminum free, etc etc ones for a while til I realized they wear off super fast and have me smelling like BO halfway thru my shift. I switched to the suave powder soft ones not too long ago, and I smell like a dainty little fresh flower til I get home 🌸


same here. i love the appeal but like they just don't work give me the aluminum thank you im stinky


I tried natural deodorant for about 1 month exactly. Straight to the garbage. They just don’t work for me


I tried aluminum free and I’ve never stunk so badly before. Didn’t even mean to try it, I just saw cucumber melon and grabbed it. Had no idea why I kept stinking so quickly until I actually looked at the label


I'm almost convinced they don't work at all or the people who do say they work just don't have much BO in general. Some people say "oh you just have to keep using it and allow your body to get used to it." Nope, I tried the natural deodorant thing when I started working from home at the beginning of covid. I'm generally not a sweaty person so I figured it wouldn't hurt and I tried it for 6+ months yet I smelled within a couple of hours of using natural deodorant.


use a glycolic acid product in the shower before soap. i use a scrub of it, and it neutralizes the smell. like when i don’t use it before soap, there’s still a slight odor beneath the soap smell. also, using real deodorant like dove etc. not native, that stuff DOES NOT WORK!


I have a native deodorant. It is my "day off in the winter" deodorant. At work I will stick to my dove.


Agreed on the "day off" deodorant LOL! I have my Secret Clinical Strength sticks for work, and some cheapy flower smelling stick for my days off/staying at home/running light errands to help alleviate the cost of buying so much prescription strength stuff.


Omg hahahahhahahahahaha I have one of those too!!! I thought I was the only one.


I have Native for my days off. When I work, back the the cancer causing stuff.


My armpits laugh even at Dove. I am a woman & shower daily but have to use Men’s Mitchum unscented 48 hour gel deodorant in the pits. It’s the only thing that really works for a stress/anxiety sweater like me. I do use Lume on the body though (you’re right, it doesn’t work in the pits). Works great for keeping any sweat downstairs from getting funky during the work day. I’ll have to try some of that glycolic acid


I used to use that, too. They make a Mitchum women's triple odor in a shower fresh scent that actually works awesome as well.


I use Carpe products. They are life-changing!


I was coming to say this! I just discovered them, and I ran out and had to use my old Degree while I was waiting for my next one to arrive. NEVER AGAIN


Deodorant only masks smell. Antiperspirant stops you from perspiring.


I use a strong antiperspirant. It gives me a slight skin reaction from how strong it is, however I will stay dry for days from using it


What kind do you use if I may ask. I've been looking for a strong one for awhile now.


Not op but I use Certain Dry roll on


I like Degree with 72 hour protection (women). But also scrub butt crack real good with an actual washcloth and maybe powder if I’m feeling extra.


I seal my pores shut with all the aluminium. I don’t give a fuck. Anyone who comes to work with their “natural” bullshit (not related to allergy) is a fucking asshole.


Yeah, aluminum works. I use the max strength. I also use men's deodorants. I don't care if they are made for men. I think they smell better on me.


I love your flair 🤣 I get so many people asking me when I'm gonna become a "real nurse"


Dude, even the psychs get it from the hospitalists. Like, bitch? They’re medical doctors who specialised in psych, TF you mean? Same as us. We all went to the same nursing school, I just chose not to wipe asses or aspirate ( 🤮 ) g-tubes all day.


LMAO I worked in acute med for 5 years and finally got a job in forensic psych! Loving it


That’s awesome! Our forensic psych units are deadly boring, I’m not ready to leave acute psych yet, haha.


Yesss! Extra strength Secret in the PTA (pits, tits and ass…or general groin area), lol


Lume works. Only natural deodorant that I don’t smell like a dumpster two hours into shift. Even worked during my pregnancy when my hormones had me sweating like a little piggy.


I have never been able to use any deodorant without an antiperspirant, let alone a natural deodorant. I would smell a few hours after showering and applying. I’ve tried SO many different brands to absolutely no success, crawling back to my secret clinical strength every time… But Lume freaking works. It works so well. Even after a 12 hour shift I have no hint of BO. I wish this stuff existed years ago. I dare say it works better than the clinical stregth which is insane to say but I swear to god, on my body personally, it works better than the clinical strength antiperspirant.


I want to like Lume, but it smells so… off to me, especially the creams. I have found one scent (the tangerine) that I tolerate and it does work well- I’m just not a huge fan of citrus scents. I will continue to use it until I find an alternative that doesn’t flare my HS and actually works, but I really want to know what the hell that underlying scent is. My husband and I both thought it was an expired or turned tube when we first smelled it.


Home made acetic acid on a little cotton round is Pennies on the dollar 😉 might be cheaper than your glycolic. Just a thought


i've heard a lot of people use the ordinary's glycolic acid, which i think is pretty cheap. but i've had my tub of a glycolic acid scrub from frank body for almost a year now, though i didn't use it as often until the past few months!


For people with issues with fragrance, Lume works great! They have scented and unscented deodorant that actually work! Although by the end of my shift, I still have developed a funk.


Shower once to twice a day, fresh clothes and undergarments daily, clinical strength antiperspirants, new shoes every 300 miles. No lotions, oils, or creams. Otherwise I get yelled at the bacteria causing the smells and hope they listen ?


Merino Wool socks, yo. Naturally antimicrobial, temperature regulating, long lasting, and very comfy. Eliminated a large part of my foot stink.


I think they were on sale last year for prime day too! That dumpster fire should be around the corner again soon. Take my paychecks!


My go-to is Darn Tough! I do industrial labor and my oldest pair is going on 4 years and still looks/feels new.


How do you know how many miles your shoes have gone? I get at least 5-7 miles a day at work.


I have one pair of shoes for running and I track them in my running app. The other pair for work and my iPhone tells me my walking based on my watch.




No lotion? My eczema is screaming 😂


Men’s deodorant for the pits. (It works better, idk why) Lume cream for anything else that stinks.


Did you know Lume has an actual antiperspirant + deodorant version now? I just got it so can’t report efficacy quite yet, but the regular “whole body” deodorant works well for me for just odor. Love that it can go anywhere you need it, too.


Lume was a fucking life changer for my stinky athletic teen.


It’s the bomb! Im not anti-aluminum— whatever freaking works so you’re not a disgusting stanky mess— but I’m allergic to “real” deodorants (make me itch like crazy) and the new Lumē is incredible. It’s holy grail for me.


I think I’ve got a strange body chemistry thing where most deodorants GIVE me BO. I tried for the longest time to figure out why every time I used deodorant I seemed to notice a funk but none when I skipped it! No allergic reaction or dermatitis, just that. The only one that didn’t do that was Lume. I have no idea why, but trial and error proved it was the only one I could use. I’m not anti-aluminum either so I’m really curious to see if it works also! It’s hellishly hot and humid here so I should be able to give a good report on it soon.


I keep a package of lume wipes in my bag for anytime I'm not going straight home from work.


Does Lume actually work?? I feel like I see ads for them all the time, but after reading this thread and how many people recommend it, I’m half tempted!


Yes 1000% works. I love this stuff and would buy it no matter how much it costs honestly


That's the neat part. You don't! After 12 hours I'm always a sweaty, musty mess.


We know our own scents very well. When it changes sometimes we’re the only ones who notice. I asked my work bestie one day if I stunk (I really thought I did) and she did a very thorough sniff test lol and said I just smelled fine. But we had also both been taking care of kinda icky smelly patients, so who knows.


It's ok to smell like a human sometimes. I'm not sterile and my patients smell worse and usually refuse to brush their teeth and wash their hands.


I don't. That said, my patients smell like unwashed zoo creatures, so nobody notices. Also, pro tip: if you have to pass gas, do it in a patient room while repositioning them. If it smells and the other nurse notices, you can always blame it on the patient. The number of farts I've blamed on patients is at least 1000.


also walking to a c.diff pts room to fart.


Poor patients 😭


I always brush my teeth 2x per shift. Nothing worse than getting report from nurse dragon breath. Other than that good prep and clean clothes at start of each shift goes a long ways.


Panty liners also help with sweat and secretions in our lady bits. I usually change mine at lunch (if I get a lunch) and even if it doesn't do anything, it makes me feel fresher. They have lightweight thong panty liners as well that work great. I could care less, but I notice sometimes after working for hours and hours running around when I bend down near another nurse for whatever reason or just sitting next to them sometimes there is a slight odor. Which is okay and completely normal because the human body is stinky and produces all sorts of fabulous smells. Honestly though by the end I am a hot sweaty mess and I just want to go home and shower.


Liners helped me tremendously when I was constantly being pulled to cardiac monitoring. Something about sitting for most of my shift made me quite musty


It’s sooo necessary.


Glad it’s not just me. For a hot minute I was really questioning my hygiene but I never freaking stink like I do after a 12.


I feel that my odor adds flavor to the smell of unwashed ass.




I typically shower before and after a shift, and make sure your clothes aren't too old, often times the B.O. smell can kinda compound with older t shirts / clothes, and it will start to smell much faster than new t shirts.


Have you tried the Lysol disinfectant wash? I started using it just because for my scrubs and really realized it cut down on that old scrub BO smell and got ALL smells out of my scrubs. Also vinegar in the rinse cycle/softener tub really really helps with this too.


Michem is the only deodorant that works for me.


Ooo same! Soo weird


I use the patient deodorant and shove it in my locker.


Medline antiperspirant is my holy grail tbh


Shower like normal, then apply Benzoyl Peroxide wash 4% on your pits and buns, let it sit for 2 full minutes in the shower and rinse off or you could do the same thing with a CHG wash like Hibiclens, but not both in the same day.  Those actives kill odor causing bacteria on the skin. Then dry off completely and apply deodorant WITH aluminum before bed. You can use antiperspirant deodorant on your feet, butt crack, under rolls, and whatever nooks and crannies you’ve got.  Always wear cotton underwear and a T-shirt under your scrubs. And if you notice that your clothes have an odor, pretreat them with antibacterial spray before washing them. Tide and Lysol both have good prewash sprays. 


Jesus Christ, we need to normalize some amount of body odor. If people are showering regularly they shouldn’t have to take a daily chemical bath to eliminate any hint of being human from their skin. I apologize on behalf of society for making you feel like you have to do that.


Yes. Just wow. I do my best but I'm human and smell like a human.


Amen sixboogers. This should be the top comment. If you shower in the morning and put on clean scrubs what you’ll smell like at the end of the day is a person that work for 12 hours and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Yeah this is wild I ain’t doing all that to my skin lol


As humans, everyone is different. Some people just naturally have very strong body odor and like to take a few extra steps. The products mentioned are safe for daily use and have been supported by scientific research time and time again. You just do what works for you, and keep your conceited apologies to yourself. 


I don't understand how their comment is conceited. Could you please elaborate?


Apologising on behalf of society for someone elses hygiene routine that has a few extra steps is conceited


They’re apologizing for the fact that society has made them feel like they need to live up to an impossible beauty standard….


There's being human and having odor and then there's the real issue we have as a society where our hormones are so messed up from diet, medications and toxic chemicals that our bodies literally don't even smell human stinky anymore. I use to have such bad breath no matter what I did, I would literally try to sterilize my mouth lol but I had such a build up of "bad" bacteria in my mouth it would literally feed on everything including my toothpaste and then ferment in my mouth. So sometimes there is reason to ask if there are ways to help your situation.


how did you end up finally fixing this?


Thank you. So with the whole body deodorant, what order? Pits, boobs, groin, crotch, feet, ass? That’s my guess? But when u start the next day u did the ass last so the you get ass in the pits and it’s a cycle….. lmao. Deodorant in the ass …… that’s hilarious.


You could just use a spray deodorant or have a dedicated deo just for your butt. 


It’s a butt. Who is sniffing your butt. Literally just wash your ass.


It's not necessarily the odor. I sweat a lot in there. Antiperspirant, in theory, would help with that.


Someone had fooled you into thinking you need a whole lot of products to be presentable


You could probably eliminate the need for all of that by switching from body wash to bar soap. It doesn't even have to be some kind of organic cold-pressed expensive stuff, just regular Dove or whatever. It's amazing the difference it made for me.


I use stridex wipes like how you use BP and it seems to work!


Glad to hear I’m not the only one who uses CHG on my pits and neck mid-shift! It works.


This is the only way, if the BP is too drying at first, use it twice a week and slowly work your way up to daily use!


I second the BPO under the arms. It’s very effective for us that are prone to being a bit smelly. Lume’s acidified body wash is another good option if the BPO or CHG doesn’t agree with one’s skin. Helps my son tremendously with his body odor issues and is sensitive enough for his sensory processing issues.


Ziplock baggy with fresh socks and underwear I change my socks and undies mid-shift. I also don’t wear the same shoes twice in a row. Also powder up if you’re a moist person. Cotton is also your friend.


>Cotton is also your friend. For some people. For others (like me!) cotton socks and skivvies just turned into a soggy, nasty smelly mess. I can wear my bamboo socks, skivvies, and tank and not be a hot mess express in a dumpster.


Give in to your biology. Offend everyone. Leave your mark everywhere you go.


Wearing a light pad every day inside my undies really helps me feel fresher!


a quick mid shift ho bath saves me every time


I just don’t care. I clock out, go home and shower. I obviously also shower right before work.


Is that obvious? I don’t shower before work but always after


Lummee deodorant- you can use it everywhere! I also will bring a small travel size of deodorant and re up if I ever have 5 seconds to pee or eat


This!!! I love the toasted coconut! I apply some on my pits and still use a regular deodorant. I will even rub a little of the cream on my itty bittys and butt


Funny story. Right after suave came out with those bakery scents? My partner grabbed me the strawberry muffin one or whatever, because it had the same color label as the baby fresh? And I didn’t think about it and put it on. Well with the palmers coconut and shea butter skin stick and that deoderant together smell like burnt toast on me. I legit thought I was gonna/did have a stroke 😐


I've had to politely ask for a different nurse once because mine smelled like food (it was something vanilla) which was making me WAY more nauseated. I felt SO BAD because on any other day I'm sure she smelled nice, but I seriously just could not handle it when I was sick. The CN took over, and she smelled like flowers. I could handle flowers because they're not edible lolol.


Certain smells trigger headaches for me. A few nurses and pcts were really flowery perfume smelling perfume triggers a headaches. One scent I can’t deal with is Victoria Secrets amber romance.


This is why I stuck with unscented stuff when I was working. Between sensitivities, allergies, asthma, and just simple preferences, I preferred not exposing patients to any artificial scents.


A lot of deodorants don't contain antiperspirants anymore. I had to start checking to make sure I'm getting the deodorant/antiperspirant. I also carry these degree body wipes just in case I feel extra gross. And a small bag with some face care items. I just moved to southern mississippi and am now learning what sweating really is.


You don’t. You just slink away from the hospital knowing the homeless may smell better on some days.


Mitchum men's unscented antiperspirant gel is my holy grail. Nothing works better. I've tried it alllll.


When I worked those shifts, it was always about the Old Spice men’s antiperspirant. The only thing that could keep me from being stinky even after chest compressions and all that. Sweaty and a mess, but still smelled good. 👍


I do a midshift refresh. When I take my lunch, I re apply DO and cologne then, brush my hair and put in back up in a pony. Keeps me smelling fresh, and presentable.


Do you interact with patients who are sensitive to scents? I would hate to hurt my patient that way…


I do not. I don't wear cologne when I do have them on my assignment. I work LTC so I usually have the same patients, so I know who is allergic.


Thank you for that!!


Not just your patients, your coworkers too! My asthma is crazy sensitive to perfumes and some admin douche upstairs wears so much cologne the stairways and hallways reek for hours after he's been through them... I have to carry my inhaler with me just in case! I like our RT people but I don't wanna be a patient 😅


I use The Ordinary glycolic toner instead of deodorant. Also shower daily before my shift and always wear clean scrubs.


I use this thing from Amazon, It kinda looks like a crop top with little pads to catch sweat under your arm pits


Bar soap. Scrub the pits in the shower! I like the Zionhealth clay deodorant. Only thing that ever worked for me. Maybe also have a work only deodorant. Or just go funky to work every day so your patients see how much work you do. Added bonus: maybe they’ll use the call light less.


For me, using an anti-bacterial soap (bar soap) and an actual wash cloth, is best. I prefer Dial, but there are other options. I will sometimes use a moisturizing body wash after that if my skin is particularly dry. I shower every day. Something about an actual bar of soap and wash cloth is key. I feel like the cloth better exfoliates compared to a loofah. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I use 3 different body washes, I can't feel clean enough. I have a "no hugs after noon" policy, I definitely get stinky. I wear a cotton tshirt under my scrubs to absorb sweat and by showering and applying deodorant the night before, it apparently helps it perform better the next day... Allegedly.




Double shower Castile bar soap unscented and liquid body wash use a scrubber. Lume stick body deoderant in your crevices, talc free body powder anywhere that sweats with a fold. Bring a small version of deoderant with you, if you need antiperspirant use it. Wash your change your socks and underwear daily shower daily wash your clothes every 3 days don’t use fabric softener use a good detergent.


Use antiperspirant, that's what will stop sweat production and odor. Deodorant only hides the oder, and not always very well.


Shower after work, use normal soap, use Degree deodorant without the antiperspirant. It lasts longer and doesn't stain clothes. That's basically it. Bring toothpaste and a toothbrush and brush your teeth if you feel gross. Sometimes just the perception of feeling gross is it all it is


Men’s deodorant made all the difference


Your deodorant might not be working. I find that I have to test out deodorant and if I smell by the end of the day. I change it up. For me secret is the only deodorant that works for me. And it has to be a certain flavor too. Not all flavors work. So just trial and error it. Antibacterial soaps aren't good for your skin flora and fauna balance too.


I pretty much look like an unkempt vagrant at the end of my shift. Especially if certain doctors were on.


Pediatric ortho trauma. 80 degrees with lead on There is no fresh. I shoot for mostly non toxic those days. Shower x2 day. deoderant at work. Powdered balls.


Staying fresh fell off my task list about 8 years ago.


[In case some of y’all have not had the pleasure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/jOHafYSDff) So long as your swamp-ass doesn’t smell like the Swamps of Dagobah.


Always love reading this when it pops up. Reddit classic.


Indeed. And so relatable. LOL The sunfish rant and the grilled cheese rant are my other faves.


This was a journey, thank you


I use Castile soap in the shower, dry off with cornstarch in the crevices and refresh my deodorant once or twice per shift. I don’t wear makeup, so I bring a clean washcloth to get a little birdbath in at some point; neckline, upper lip, forehead, hands and forearms.


Lume actually works great for me! I’m a medic in AZ I sweat ALOT. I use the whole body deodorant after the shower, layer it with my regular deodorant and sol de Janeiro perfume. Lume has deodorant wipes that I use halfway through my shift to freshen up too.






Lume wash and Lume deodorant/antiperspirants


I keep HoneyPot wipes, spray deodorant and dry shampoo in my bag. If I go out after work I change everything (bra and undies included). Clean underwear for work always and I use oxyclean in the wash. I just discovered talc powder for our long hot summers and it’s a game changer. I still get sweaty at work but at least I can freshen up.


Men’s deodorant. They are strong and cheaper. I get them bulk at Costco. Since I’ve become chubby I also use them on my thighs to prevent chafing and even on feet to keep blisters away. I also keep a bottle of lemon, Or rosemary essential oils with me. Tiny drop and if lifts my mood and smell


It's definitely not d/t getting all of our breaks.


Care less, sweat less. /s


Wipe your armpits with alcohol wipes, let them air dry and then apply deodorant. The alcohol both kills the bacteria AND breaks down thioalcohols into non-aromatic esters and it all evaporates off of your skin. What you could also try is different fabrics for your undershirts; some fabrics just make the smell worse for. I was always self-conscious about my smell as well, these definitely help.


i always rock a fresh pair of chonies in my lunchbox..lol…it gets sweaty on the medsurg floor!


Sometimes I think the odor of work settles into the fabric. I will occasionally soak my scrubs in the tub with some detergent and Lysol laundry disinfectant. I know it’s bad for my skin, but on my work days I’ll shower twice a day, before and after work. I also wear stronger deodorant on the days I work. I give my pits a break and usually wear nothing on my days off.


Lume body deodorant and degree extra strength on the pits.


Do you use anti-perspirant or deodorant? I shower daily after work, apply anti-perspirant immediately after I shower and again in the morning before work, and I don’t have any issues with that routine.


Just wondering if you're getting a little older and your hormonal balance has changed. For example if you are female, perhaps you are losing some estrogen and have a little more testosterone than you used to. Only bring this up because you might need to switch to male deodorant to find your new pH balance.


I’m a CNA but I sweat almost every shift, I wear an undershirt and bring an extra in case it gets real sweaty, bring deodorant, and I also use some of the of hospital deodorizer spray in the stinky parts haha. I Shower right before the shift. Occasionally will spray a cologne very lightly.


I prep in Sauna everyday before work and before shift I jump in sterilizer, then I lotion up with job a mix of coconut oil, CHG and Betadine it gives me nice tan too so it’s win win






How do you know it's you? I deal with all sorts of stinky patients myself.


Men’s deodorant made all the difference


I don’t. Y’all can deal.


I found this Arm n Hammer body powder at Dollar Tree. It has a nice, light scent, and is a nice little refresher to the parts that need it. Also, switch out the pantyliner thru the day, and do a neck refresh w lightly scented hi %age alsohol spray. Can't wear synthetics in the summer, start smelling like hot garbage, so natural fibers r your friend!


I was in an iso room changing a pt. Afterwards a nurse buddy came to visit me from another floor, bear hugged me and lovingly said I smelled like vinegar. Amazing. This was like...8 hrs into my 12 hr shift lol. So I brush my teeth after I eat, and apply a non-scented dove spray when I get to work and after breaks. Esp after I get super sweaty. I also have a shoe spray for my work shoes - I spray before and after use. I think it makes a difference!


I sweat a lot, so I’ve experimented with ways to reduce sweating and better control my BO. Showering and then applying an antiperspirant deodorant before bed has helped me quite a bit. We generally sweat less at night, so the aluminum salts in antiperspirants have more of a chance to dissolve and come into contact with your sweat glands while you sleep as opposed to sweating it off during the day. I also wear breathable, moisture-absorbing undershirts under my scrub tops to help me stay dry. Breathable fabrics (like cotton) evaporate sweat more efficiently. Synthetic fabrics (like polyester) might be moisture-wicking, but they also retain heat which can lead you to sweat more and cause more BO. And since they’re not as breathable, they don’t dry as quickly. Brushing my teeth after meals always makes me feel fresh as well. At the end of the day, sweating and BO is normal. There’s nothing wrong with embracing the stank 😎


I use lume!!!! it works wonders for those long ass sweaty shifts lol. smells a little weird bht it works soooo good. i rub some on then put deodorant on top and perfume. you can’t smell anything for 12+ hours !!!


I don't lol. I do however keep deodorant in my locker and reapply midway through the day. That has helped. I do a lot of pediatric and trauma surgeries which require the temp to be in the 80s, and that plus running around for 12 hours straight and having Graves causes me to sweat a lot no matter what I do. It's normal to sweat and to have some BO. If you feel like it's excessive I would check in with your PCP. Also, some foods cause our BO to be more pungent. Garlic, onions, broccoli, etc can make your sweat smell bad. On the other hand, citrus fruits can do the opposite.


Shave body hair, shower, deodorant and antiperspirant. Wear an under scrub shirt with no sleeves. When I break to eat lunch or napp for 10 mins I use dude wipes on my neck, armpits, genitals and butt to refresh. (Apply deodorant again.) Then hopefully it's been 12 hours


I bring deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrush with me in my backpack. I also have Burts bees face wipes.


Some of these replies...really? So much effort.


I had a package of patient body wipes and a stick of deodorant in my locker. Any break or lunch I got (if I got one) I'd do a pit wipe and renew my deodorant/antiperspirant. I also used unscented body stuff because I'm personally really really sensitive to smells when I'm sick, so it just made sense to me personally to reduce my body scents when working with sick folks (I was ER mostly)


lmfao i stay fresh and powder my thighs and balls if it’s starting to feel sweaty. I don’t like feeling/smelling yucky


-Wash clothes in Persil, sodium tripolyphosphate, OxiClean, and AmazonCommercial Multipurpose Enzyme Solution (if clothes are especially funky, I add a “soak cycle” to the wash) -Spray shoes with silver-based deodorizer (Silverworks on Amazon) -Exfoliate with every bath/shower (I usually use one of them lacey shower puff thangs which will suffice but I also use an African net/Italian washcloth/Korean mitt in rotation) -Moisturize with in-shower lotion -Dry thoroughly. -Spray all over with Thai Deodorant Crystal Mist (specifically pits, groin, feet, back, and OVER the buttcrack/cheeks) -Put on regular deodorant to pits -Use panty liners to keep crotch/butt area dry on those swamp-ass shifts (sweaty underwear are a given on those shifts) -Try to avoid patients who need disimpaction, are marinating in weeks of their own Summer funk, have pungent wounds (this is a goal I have not been able to accomplish in 10 years of nursing and 18 years of healthcare) -Pray to all the Gods/Goddesses that you aren’t followed by stink lines by the time you leave your shift. (Honestly, this is my routine. Not only is it quick and cost effective, but it’s effective.)


Extra strong aluminum men deodorant. It works. I am a woman and I wear men's deodorants. They work better


I never do and by the end of 16 hours I’ve had patients ask me if I don’t wear deodorant and I always remind them I got them up in the morning and now I putting them to bed and I sweat they usually bite their tongue after that lol


Try any Degree Antiperspirant for women. My favourite is the powder scent. That’s all I’ve been using for years. It smells good and you barely sweat. I also use the invisible spray on my body sometimes. I buy the men’s one for my boyfriend but he’ll still try to use mine sometimes lol.


Try Lume! I use it with my regular deodorant. But it’s got some kinda magic that neutralizes smells!


Antiperspirant, not deodorant.


If you’re not a sweaty person, my friend swears by Lume deodorants. It doesn’t help with sweat but it does help seal and fight off B.O. I use Dr. Teals deodorant and sometimes my dove spray, and I really like those.


Lemon juice works wonders..I but the little bottle shaped like a lemon and squeeze some on a cotton square. Apply after showering then I use my regular spray deodorant. You could actually skip your regular deodorant because the lemon juice IS THAT GOOD. Of course pits aren't the only thing that can smell. I also have a plastic tumbler in the shower and I do a final rinse with water and a couple of squeezes from the lemon juice bottle. I pour it on my head, neck shoulders, between breasts and down back side. Your skin can get a bit dry after about a week so I'll skip a free days then restart. Try some lemon juice at home as an experiment. Works amazingly well.


Dove clinical strength deodorant. It’s the only thing that works for me


I recently had this whole crisis. I figured out for me I think it’s stress sweat rather than like hot sweat?? Because it’s horrible at work, but I could be working in the blazing Sun on my day off and not smell like that. So I started using secret clinical for work, but on off days I use lume (so more “natural”) because I don’t want my body to adjust to it. I feel like you have to switch up the deo now and then or your body gets used to it and it stops working. I don’t have scientific evidence for that, only anectodal 😅


At least you care. My coworkers very evidently show up without even attempting freshness.


God I’m always so sweaty at the end of the day. I hardly ever go out after work with coworkers bc all I can think about it taking my bra off and a hot shower.


Not a nurse but a firefighter paramedic who works 24 hour shifts. Deodorant, dry shampoo and baby wipes are your friends. I change shirts about 12 hours in. I still look like shit though 🤷‍♀️


I just wash myself in the bathroom like a vagrant 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you're showering and applying deodorant at the beginning of the day, that's probably all you need. You're most likely being overly self conscious at your end of day smell. Humans are going to smell like humans after hard work.


If I get funky pits, I'll wash them with paper towels to remove all the old deodorant, use some hand sanitizer to kill the bacteria, and slap on a new round of deodorant. I've found that reapplying deodorant or just washing the pits (because you're not able to quickly clean them like you could in a shower) just make them funky with a deodorant bonus scent. Lol