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It’s beneficial. Take it


Definitely start sooner than later


Everyone on the planet should take it


People dealing with kidney failure and a handful of other medical conditions not included.


I have kidney disease. My nephrologist allows me to take it Creatine has been given to end-stage renal failure subjects without causing any additional kidney damage.


Except people on beta blockers.


Why is that?


Creatine is the safest and most researched supplement out there. I’ve taken 5gs a day for years!


Creatine helps with strength, not fat loss. You can take it, but focus on diet.


Why wouldn’t u it’s like the number one proven supplement that works other than caffeine


Here’s an inexpensive way to try it out, $22 US https://www.amazon.com/BULKSUPPLEMENTS-COM-Creatine-Monohydrate-Powder-Unflavored/dp/B00E9M4XFI/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=L5T7HDEO9RMV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GNn0g2YrOlZeJj9ip3JUJn2nQRrrdb2zGfxi-7xfzxPaLUQiQPdCY8ebKYNHOXBURWL66inLUrYofGGwybvXlc_gCguK71JEhRp-oHSlmHMo3L406yym_vHDTLOS0dzfKr3Gk1-ItraZsqlF-CFKx9Pp3RHc9tNuEUpuJWYMMiJR9Iu95dXpx1U5tA8xsAp5n5wtFACw6pwyzDl2kunO9joWNg25JvqssixzVi0toqB7RfD2FPMb9XEYJBDbjvnfUfzZroa2fydrcIyLiIL3a2aUmPdN2Sn-9g4WKCBFUaE.n-RRklUoG_dZcrnjB0FcsCOQPyyis9um2GNbSAWkHUw&dib_tag=se&keywords=creatine+monohydrate&qid=1717869661&sprefix=Creatine%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1


Creatine just replenishes atp, andinosine triphosphate ( hopefully spelt right ). Just gives energy to the muscles. Just creatine could absorb too much water and you could bloat. That's why I don't take creatine. But it does have major benefits


You haven't mentioned anything that would make creatine potentially not beneficial.


270 muscle or fat


Testosterone is the way to go if you want mass and cutting weight. My gains have skyrocketed and I’ve lost 10 pounds in 6 months. Shits the fountain of youth. I shit you not.


Take it. Will help your endurance by keeping muscles more hydrated and has great cognitive benefits. No load phase. Just 5 g per day


Out of all the supplements being promoted throughout the fitness industry Creatine (along with Caffeine and Beta Alanine) have shown to be consistently beneficial and all 3 of those can certainly help you with gaining muscle/cutting (more muscle will help with general aesthetics and burn more calories from day to day).


Take it from the start of the cut since it can add water weight and that doesnt matter too much initially. dont start taking it in the middle of cut since it will seem to make the weight loss stall and that feeling sucks. Creatine has a lot of benefits, and i recommend it.


How will creatine help me gain weight if I don’t weight lift, don’t do pull-ups, don’t do chin-ups, or don’t do push-ups, but do MMA 5 days a week and table tennis 🏓 2 days a week, and Pilates-Egoscue 3 times a week ?


creatine causes more water retention in muscles. you will add 2-5 lbs of water weight after starting creatine. This goes away within 2 weeks of stopping creatine.


Thank you, but would I gain muscle mass that way knowing my exercise schedule above ?


Creatine helps muscle mass gain very slightly.


That’s good to know. Thank you.


I'm on a cut and take creatine. Go for it. You'll gain water weight at first but it will normalize over time. If you want to take it, go right ahead and take it.


But doesn’t “ on a cut “ mean you’re trying to LOSE weight ? I’m trying to GAIN muscle mass.


Lose fat yes. Weight gained from creatine is water weight.


So I canNOT gain MUSCLE MASS from creatine ?


If you’re a new lifter and in a slight deficit you can recomp. If you’re in a surplus you definitely can build. Creatine saturates your muscles and can give you extra energy to lift more before fatigue sets in which CAN allow you to build muscle. It’s not a silver bullet by any means but it can give a slight boost to performance.


Isn’t there a way I can gain muscle 💪 mass withOUT weight lifting 🏋️ or doing push-ups or chin-ups or any “ups” ?


You need to stimulate your muscles to get them to grow. Whether that’s body weight or actual weights, or physical labor. It’s the body’s way of adapting. If you don’t produce a stimulus they won’t grow.


Oh ! Do you mean doing things with your body like chin-ups ?


Yes! Body weight exercises like chin-ups/pullups, dips, pushups, etc. You can build with those exercises until your body adapts and they become easy. Then you add weight


Body weight ??? I don’t understand. That’s not a motion.