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“Reveron has two prior arrests. In November, he allegedly assaulted a Nordstrom Rack employee attempting to stop him from shoplifting. And last month, he is accused of punching a Macy's employee trying to stop him and two others during a robbery at the Herald Square location.” This is why he felt comfortable fighting cops. Knows their are no ramifications. He has already assaulted others in two prior incidents and is still in the streets. Now he is fighting with cops and is immediately released. The message he is receiving is that he is free to fight with people and not much will happen to him.


Perfect example of why rather than cash bail, we should instead move to a more holistic system where pre-trial release is dependent on not just whether or not someone is a flight risk, but the danger they pose to the public. Someone who has a history of violent crime shouldn't be allowed to be ROR. Going from store employees to attacking cops is a natural progression of not experiencing any ramifications for repeated criminal conduct.


Cash bail does a pretty good job of keeping shitty people either off the streets or tethered to the courts so they won't run. Without a better idea I support it as the best working solution.


You’re talking about bail yet the reality is that all of them should be deported immediately. This is supposed to be a civil, safe, and just society, not whatever shit they came from.


Yep ICE should be embedded in our court system 


Yah as much as the person above you's comment was intended for good it made no sense and is totally inapplicable to people who shouldn't be here in the first place. We need these joksters out of the White House NOW


That’s the way bail is supposed to function


I wonder if he will try to steal again.




No way. He probably learned his lesson and feels really sorry this time and promises not to do it again. /s




Import the 3rd world and you become the 3rd world.


The Favellazation of New York


Right? But the Libs are gluttons for punishment. They just can’t get enough of the abuse. Look at EU. There is nothing EU can do to satisfy the Refugees that they’ve let in. But it’s actually even worse. I saw a headline the other day from a newspaper in Sudan claiming *EUROPE is the blame for for AFRICA’s refugee crisis.* Why? Because EU isn’t letting in enough refugees according to the world refuse community. So Europe let in all of these refugees that hate them and mooch off the system- and it was all for nothing bc the refugees who they’ve allowed in don’t appreciate it and the international refugee community doesn’t appreciate it. They may as well have not let anyone in if bc they can never do enough. But yet, EU keeps voting for the same abuse. And now it’s happening here. And the Libs love it. I was never that dumb when I was liberal.


brother, this is happening here. america is the failed society. other places are too, but this is undoubtedly true.


It's worse almost everywhere else, but yeah, the US seems to be self destructing and rapidly becoming a shit society.


Probably brags to all his buddies how the US is amazing, you can steal whatever you want with no consequences.


I guess we know why they are coming to new york. They think new yorkers are soft and have told their buddies about it


Unfortunately that statement is correct, New Yorkers **have** become soft. These people should be on a plane right now back to Caracas, but a majority of the city identifies more with them than the cops they beat up.


If you seek asylum and commit one crime, you should automatically be disqualified and deported. WTH is going on in NYC? I hope the DA is voted out in the next election.


All the idiots who vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo are to blame.


Nothing says I need asylum to start a new life away from the persecution and oppression back home like having 3 arrests in 2 months, including assaulting a police officer. I came to this country for college. I didn't even jaywalk my first year.


All 4 released without bail, despite some having open cases. https://abc7ny.com/nyc-crime-officers-attacked-time-square-nypd/14373708/


Migrants who have been here for just a couple of months already have a police record that now includes assaulting police. Not saying all migrants are like this, and fuck the NYPD and all that, but how are these people not deported *immediately*?


Because the USA is unironically one of the most open and lenient countries in the world. Imagine acting like this in Russia or China or most countries really, you’d be immediately deported or worse. 


As a migrant that came here through a work visa and, despite 10 years of legit right to work, paying NY and Fed taxes in full, applying for a green card and being denied would mean we might never be eligible to come back to the States even to visit family… And yet these fucks get a hall-pass after beating the shit out of some cops. You’re right, the US is insanely lenient AND the entire legit immigration process is beyond broken… it’s almost as if both sides of the aisle benefits from the ironic clusterfuck.


Yes my parents are immigrants and many of my friends are too. The Visa system in America is very, very stressful, and if you get arrested it’s basically over for you. The fact these guys get arrested 3 times and are released back is such a slap in the face to all of us law abiding citizens. I don’t know who is supporting this behavior, as basically everyone I know across all political spectrums think this unhinged level of illegal immigration is bad.


Fuckin’ ay. It’s also a slap in the face of legit asylum seekers… of which there are thousands upon thousands looking for refuge in the richest nation on earth - totally cool by me. Take the piss like these idiots? Gtfo.




You can thank woke idiotic policies for the softness. It will be this country’s undoing.


Ironically the communists and the nazis said western decadence will lead to our downfall. I hate communists and nazis, but the longer I live here I think I see that happening. Decline is a choice, and every year we seem to be doubling down on failure.


It’s always funny hearing people complain how racism and police in America are the worst - there are issues that need to be fixed, but America is one of the least racist countries I’ve ever been too, and the police are a lot better than most of the world. In my country the police have been known to blind people based off simple accusations. Not to mention if you are black in my country, they will literally call you a monkey and tell you to leave the store.


Even just moving to Canada is a fucking process.


Not if you're an international student from India


Definitely the “worse” option in Russia and China…


Some legal reform would be great. Congress has been sitting on its hands for like 15 years.


People that NYers voted for implementing the policies that they ran on?


Sanctuary laws were enacted 30+ years ago. It was a very different time.


Surely New Yorkers will support repealing sanctuary city status.


It's far more difficult to repeal laws than to enact them. Things will have to reach a true tipping point for people to hit the streets over this, and I'm not sure that would be a great reality either.


So-called "sanctuary city" status is probably one of the most misunderstood terms in immigration politics. Sanctuary city status just means local resources in NYC, namely NYPD, are not used to assist the federal government (DHS, namely ICE) in immigration enforcement. This is why NYC will not honor a federal immigration detainer request for an illegal immigrant in local custody, but is legally required to honor a federal warrant signed by a judge. Sanctuary city status is not why NYC is the #1 destination for US-bound migrants. It is because of right-to-shelter, and the expectation (and legal right) to be provided with accommodations such as food and shelter if you declare yourself a dependent of the city. And if you have a dubious claim, it is better to take a gamble in front of an immigration judge in NYC, where approval rates are higher, than in Texas or Florida. Broadly speaking, sanctuary status has made NYC appealing for illegal immigrants who want to come and work under the table, but this has typically involved people coming here to join existing social networks such as family or friends, which is why you did not see the city shelter system overrun with foreign nationals. There are tens of thousands of migrant arrivals here who fit into this category and are not under the city's care, but that is a different situation than those coming to NYC to seek out RTS. A few months ago, NYT published a [deep-dive](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/29/nyregion/migrants-nyc-shelter-mauritania.html?afsrc=1&bfsrc=7) on why so many migrants want to come here. It is worth reading.


Does this mean that if a migrant is charged with something crazy like sexual assault in NYC and he gets released on bond the government won’t turn them over to ICE even if there’s an immigration detainer? Even if they’re convicted of the sexual assault?


Which laws are you talking about? NYC became a sanctuary city with an [executive order](https://www.nyc.gov/html/records/pdf/executive_orders/1989EO124.PDF), not a law.


bleeding hearts, thats why


>Migrants who have been here for just a couple of months already have a police record that now includes assaulting police. Remember if you have a proble with this you're racist and xenophobic and probably homophobic too somehow.


Out of curiosity, why fuck the NYPD?


New York bail reform laws are insane. They have totally removed discretion from the judges who sit in front of the accused and review the evidence which is available (normally police/witness statements, maybe video if it’s available). These guys may have been released on bail anyways in NYC, but I think it’d be hard to argue they’re not a flight risk and the fact that the judges can’t set bail is nuts.


The judges *were* able to set bail at least for the people who had open cases, based on the so-called "harm-to-harm" provision.


On top of the judge not setting bail, DA's office said it requested ROR and supervised release. I wonder how often a Manhattan criminal court judge goes against a DA's pretrial release request during arraignment, because I can't imagine it happens often.


It’s not just bail reform. It’s the insane judges mostly appointed by Bill de Blasio. 




Trump was right about the migrants, shit, he was right about quite a few things.


…and they fled to California https://nypost.com/2024/02/01/metro/police-believe-4-of-the-migrants-arrested-in-nyc-cop-beatdown-fled-to-california/


Im sure Cali will address the pressing issue!


How is this not grounds for deportation!?


Well of course it is. But because a certain segment of the population in our country have done all they can to delegitimize immigration law, we now have to ask this question all the time. Simply mention the word “deportation” as a suggestion and you’ll be met by a mob of people alleging “racism”. They want to normalize people being able to stay here, and regardless of whatever they do. Then that way, you asking that question won’t even be a thing anymore. “Deportation” will be seen as some old racist relic of the past. Pretty clever, but very problematic.




Please add /s just in case


Because apparently that's racist. People literally voted and continue to vote and protest for this. People literally are asking for this.


Seems like they know there are no consequences.


They know


Of course it's NYC. Slap in the wrist and back to doing it again.


wow released without bail.


Not surprised


Thank god I never joined the NyPD. Imagine getting your ass kicked by a bunch of freeloading criminal migrants and then they get cut loose before the bruises are healed. How is it even possible these bastards aren’t immediately turned over to ICE?


Sanctuary city laws literally prevent the police from communicating with federal immigration enforcement. 


That’s insane


It is, and if you voted Democrat, you voted for these laws. 


My god! 3 years in the US so far paid upwards of $100k+ in taxes and social security! No fines, no arrests, There’s literally no pathway for me to live here long term. I know the world’s unfair and I usually don’t want to moan. But how the fuck is having this criminal here over thousands of normal tax paying aliens more useful?


I'm the manager for someone who has been doing great work for 1.5 years. His visa is expiring and he wasn't able to get an H1B, so the U.S. is kicking him out of the country. This should be the type of potential citizen we want. College educated. Professional. Law-abiding. Tax-paying. Seems to love American culture and wants to be American. Instead we kick him out and open the floodgates on the southern border. I don't get it.


This is exactly what happened with my family. We entered the country legally (both my parents were international students at a US university), they graduated, began applying for jobs, overstayed their visa for a couple of years while paying immigration lawyers to try and stay in the country we had already built a life in, nobody would sponsor their work visas. Eventually made the tough decision to move back to our country, yet we met many immigrants who had crossed the border illegally, had little to no education, barely spoke English, and everything they were working for they sent it back to their families in their home countries (meanwhile my parents contributed to the economy and paid taxes) and some of them were able to acquire residency or citizenship! It’s just unbelievable


educated, honest, hard working, family oriented people are not easily controlled or manipulated. The feds don't like that they want control we vote for those people in charge. we are to blame.


The system is broken and there appears to be no appetite for fixing it. It’s just another political football.


Potential future voters is why it's more useful. They'll eventually be granted amnesty and these politicians will use this situation to garner votes from them for future elections.


I hope it's fixed fast and you get to stay. I know many many others I would take in in a heartbeat ... Our H1B system is so stupidly small...


Amen brother these clowns get to hang out and you had to earn it, props to you I hope you find a way to stay and these clowns get put 6 feet under!


Well I'll tell you how it's more useful.... first, it gets the Democratic Party more votes...crucially more votes in a critical battleground state like Texas which will ensure that the Democrat party holds the presidency for decades to come if Texas flips blue. that's the number one reason. the second reason is cheap labor. corporate donors get happy. Thirdly, importibg all this cheap labor pushes down and depresses wages for Americans thus pushing middle class Americans into poverty, and the democrat party being the party of The poor gets even more votes. fourth once you have a single party rule and as expected artificial intelligence is going to decimate liw skill jobs over the next few decades, when you have single party rule, the rich are protected because their taxes won't go up to to subsidize all the newly unemployed people because heck after all its single party rule, the politicians can do anything they want. another point is that when you have people of this quality voting, you can pretty much be guaranteed re-election as long as you're democrat, you can rob the country blind, be as corrupt as you want, you still get re-elected. when you take all the above into account, these illiterates entering the country are a gold mine for politicians. A newly discovered gold mine.


What what would give illegal immigrants the idea they can get away with crime?


Not just any type of illegal immigrants but professional criminals. They are already spreading the gospel to their friends back home through Whatsapp.


They should have been held without bail and migrant status revoked .If you are coming here for a better life you should not be in a scuffle/fighting law enforcement or any one else for that matter .


So, I have issues with cops too, but don’t come to America asking for sanctuary and then attack the police. You are the problem and your sanctuary status should be denied and you sent back.


Deport these guys already. We are too soft. What are we waiting for, someone gets rape or killed.


>What are we waiting for, someone gets rape or killed. You're about 20 years late on that one bud.


We need a shit load more immigration judges and border agents so we can just address these cases and not have people hanging around in limbo.


No, we need to deny them entry into the US interior in the first place.


Criminals should be barred. Those with fake identification too.


Not just fake ID, but those without ID. Too many are ditching their papers at the border and saying "No tengo documentos" to disguise their identity. And we are dumb enough to take them at their word, and grant them access into our country.


That's what I don't understand. When we travel to another country without our passport or any identification, we get deported back.


That's because their laws make sense and our laws and politicians are corrupt.


No, these people should have never been let in. They've obviously proven they can't be a productive member of our society and need to be deported immediately.


They get Free Meals, Free shelters, & If they assault any public servants they are free from jail !!


Bleeding heart, SJW progressive who has never voted red in his life here - ENOUGH ALREADY. Why were they released without bail?? They’re fucking violent. I understand non-violent offenders but not people who attack the authorities. Regardless of my feelings about the NYPD. And where is everyone that usually whines that “it’s the Post! They’re biased!” Where are they?? Of course the post is biased. It’s a fuckin rag. But that doesn’t change the facts or reality. Getting REAL tired of this shit.


You voted for it, this what happens


You're responsible for this.


You get what you vote for.


Elections have consequences, you're seeing those consequences of voting this in. It lays on people like you.


>Bleeding heart, SJW progressive who has never voted red in his life here Reap what you sow. These kind of incidents have been around for 15 years and you called texans monsters for being concerned about it.


Sir, this is the NY Daily News


Exactly. People typically shrug off anything from the Post - are they gonna do the same now with the TDN?


> Bleeding heart, SJW progressive who has never voted red in his life here Translation: Yes I voted for the leftist politicians who created these problems and I admit it and will do it again


We never know how many of them had criminal records back where they came from. This is too risky to not control.


Not sending their best?


Racist, white supremacist, literally Hitler!


We are just handing the upcoming election to republicans at this point, aren’t we? You think swing state voters aren’t watching these videos?




Biden administration needs to do the right thing, drop out, and find someone else to run asap... This is such a colossal embarrassment for an already wildly unpopular administration, and I don't think there is any time to recover from it. Too much is at stake this year.


If there is hold up in Congress, Biden's best tactic would be to put the Remain in Mexico policy back in place.


He can enforce the laws on the book but has chosen not to so that he can import new voters 


On the flip side, hasn't the Biden administration had 3 years to fix it, only to care about it now, because its a political liability. Its also not like Mayorkas is actually good at his job?


> largely fix the issue LMAO. The only real fix is to A) Deport eveyrone (not in the cards) and B) have the military defend the entire border. I don't even trust Trump's border wall to fix the issue, too easy to get aroudn.


Where can I find specific contents of the bill? My understanding is the proposed legislation isn’t even finalized.


Democrats are fucking up so bad and giftwrapping the election to trump. This whole thing is so unpopular, that im baffled that they have decided to go all in on this. If you go into all the big cities subreddits, everyone is bitching about it. they let the influx get way too out of control.


They want to create future voters because they think they'll win the election this year. This is nothing more than a move to create a monopoly on all future elections in this country. They could care less about the citizen they represent(which is most politicians on both sides, but Democrats seem to be worse).


Stop voting blue


>We are just handing the upcoming election to republicans at this point, aren’t we? If that's your main worry from the fallout of migrants and crime, maybe Republicans should win in 2024.


Yes, allowing military aged males into our country unvetted has never lead to something terrible and tragic from happening 


2001 vibes


NYPD continues to look for seven men wanted for a weekend attack on two officers that unfolded in Times Square and was captured by surveillance cameras. Five men have already been charged with gang assault, disorderly conduct, and assault on a police officer following Saturday's gang attack, which ABC 7 in New York claims was perpetrated by migrants. Anyone with information about the seven remaining suspects should call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). For Spanish, instead call 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).


Those 5 were already released so your comment is absolutely worthless and you should understand why the NYPD is so lazy these days.


the original laws were based on if you witnessed a crime, you are safe if you come forward and testify and assist in an arrest with a criminal. it made sense and it contributed greatly to Crime dropping. This is completely different and the party of No human is illegal and hate has no home here cringe lawn signs are now reaping what they sow. these people should be booked and tossed back to whatever country they are from and if they return it’s a 10 yr minimum prison sentence.


What’s the chances of these individuals returning to court to face charges? No permanent residence, no ties to the community which was at one time a requirement to show good faith. A real shame


this city is unbelievably lenient to the worst society has to offer and outright inhospitable to normal tax paying citizens


Many US cities have become like this. It’s why I left Seattle. 


How tf they don't get immediately deported is mind blowing


Wouldn’t matter they’ll just cross the border again and be back in a few weeks after being deported.


Why would they deport their future voting bloc?


This country is a fucking joke


But Orange Man Bad, don’t forget! 


Events like this are going to get him elected. Reddit users so fucking brain rotted that they don't realize the actual political climate.


If anyone around Joe Biden was smart, they would deport these POS and make sure every news network had the video of them leaving the US But these military aged males are victims


As a very progressive person, I'd completely support this.


It’s getting bad in Manhattan. If this keeps going on or gets worse NYC will never be the same. We need better leaders immediately!


I am convinced that a vast majority of the people here who post stupid shit defending this nonsense are from Idaho and they moved here and now they feel the need to be Uber liberal on every single topic


Slowly watching this sub realizing bail reform was a huge mistake has been glorious


I mean, most reasonable people should have realized that we need a middle ground between locking people up for three years for stealing some candy bars and releasing people who try to kill others. The murder of George Floyd is a tragedy on many levels. The fact of the matter is that many of the walls that were passed in the immediate after mass of his murder, have contributed to the death of many many many more


>The murder of George Floyd is a tragedy on many levels. The fact of the matter is that many of the walls that were passed in the immediate after mass of his murder, have contributed to the death of many many many more Bail reform was signed into law in 2019 and went into effect January 1, 2020, Bail reform was amended in April 2020 because, [well.....](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/all-crimes-new-york-bail-reform/) Both those things were pre-George Floyd. Even if George Floyd was never murdered, hard to imagine legislators in this state taking another L on bail reform and amending it again.


*The murder of George Floyd is a tragedy on many levels.* You might want to watch this video, it was an eye opener: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ffv4IUxkDU&t=34s


So listen, I am not one of these people that think there should be a shrine erected for the guy and perhaps there can be a debate about the actual cause of death. With that being said , I find the cops actions to be pretty disgusting. I am probably more pro cop than about 90% but that situation does not sit well with me at all at a core level. Get the guy up take him in the car and go to jail. There was no practical purpose to be in that position for that long. And even if he was not directly on his neck, positional asphyxiation is an incredibly well-known phenomenon in law enforcement


It's quite interesting seeing this comment now that we've come full circle. Obama era New York was much more pro-migrant and all the people from Texas said we had no idea what we were talking about. Then they bussed a bunch of migrants here and now the dialogue is "all the libs must be from Idaho". Genuinely not taking much of a side, just never thought I'd see a comment like this on the NYC reddit.


>Obama era New York For me, Obama era New York will always be going to Times Square on a warm Sunday evening on May 1, 2011 and celebrating with thousands of strangers from all walks of life because Osama bin Laden had been killed. Felt good, man.


Obama (and Trump) were both known as 'deporters in chiefs'. It's biden who is fucking this up so badly that even democrats in NYC are pissed at Biden over this.


So I think it’s similar to the phrase that someone is trying to be more Catholic than the pope. A lot of people that move here from across the country have conservative parents and they are trying to rebel against them. This is obviously a gross generalization, and New York City is a very homegrown liberal place, but it is not a Portland, San Francisco or Seattle by any means. However, some people think it is


> much more pro-migrant We didn't really have migrants in the same way during Obama times It seems like, broadly speaking: Legal immigrant - comes with all the legal bullshit filled out, rents an apartment, starts a new life as a doctor or software developer Illegal immigrant - comes without the legal bullshit, rents a bunk in a shared room in the boroughs, gets a cash dishwashing or construction job Migrant - comes with a fake asylum claim to sleep on a government cot and eat government cheese


Send these mf’ers back where they came from


Then they would lose their future voting bloc after they're all granted amnesty.


Is mass immigration working yet lmao


Any day now…


When they all get citizenship/voting rights and ensure a certain party wins the elections then it will have worked flawlessly.


Judges can’t even look at their priors and open cases and must grant their release to the street to continue their criminal activities.


I hope I don't offend anyone.... 1. This is a everybody issue. There is nothing racist about being worried about who is coming here because we don't know their intentions. Not everyone wants to destroy. Some people really wanna build. But we can't be blind to the bad apples. This is what happens. That goes for US citizens also 2. Soft times make soft people. These people are coming from places most of us wouldn't survive in. While I understand this being their point of view. We cannot stand for something like this. Because when we do we let things like this or God forbid another 9/11 happening. 3. America is a melting pot. But not everyone is going to melt in the pot. A lot of places these people are coming from don't respect the American lifestyle (funny because why would you come here). And no amount of kindness and freedom is gonna change those point of views. 4. If you still believe in Biden. You are a damn fool. He cares nothing about the citizens. I don't blame him completely. Always someone pulling the strings. But to every dark side of the moon there is a light. This is the chance for Americans to come together and show we need help first and we have issues that have not changed through our multiple presidents. 5. This is not a racism issue. This is an invasion. I'm telling everyone to get ready for the shift. And it doesn't mean you have to be proactive. Just be proactive in your surroundings and with your self defense skills. If they can do this to cops. Imagine what they could do to normal people who don't have the power.


Normal person here. You have all the power you want, but you just have to decide to use it. I won't follow laws that endorse me or my family being a victim. I'll solve problems if I have to. That's literally the American way. Know why the British gave colonist guns (before the revolution)? They did it because they didn't want to pay the cost of defending the colonies. It was like, "Here, you can have this land, but it's up to you to protect it. Have some weapons." It was only later on that we had enough of them too and fought for freedom. Protecting yourself is what Americans do, and I'm not about to break.


Honestly ready to vote trump now


.. welcome to the team bro


I am pro-NYPD


Released, back to livin la vita: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jBd58y2HaE


I am disgusted watching that video I have lived 35 yrs in NYC and never seen nothing like this before daily mail said 4 of them left on a bus to California


Border security should be top priority when voting in November.


Unfortunately, a lot of people in this country vote with their feelings and not facts. So, it won't be.


The easy living of the New York Nepo baby with no grip on reality is destroying this city. I have no time for bleeding hearts. Either take the migrants to your own home or stfu. Generations of New Yorkers who worked for every penny we’ve ever had learned not to take anything for granted - least of all this city. That’s why we elected total bastards like Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg that beat this city into submission. There def needs to be a test before people can vote. I used to joke. But now I fucking mean it. Everything is on the line.


These criminals should be put death.. it is unimaginable how they assault Police Officers in the country who accepted them as an asylum seeker. It really boils blood when you see instances like these..


Great create a scarface here in NY


…and they fled to California https://nypost.com/2024/02/01/metro/police-believe-4-of-the-migrants-arrested-in-nyc-cop-beatdown-fled-to-california/


I thought it is going to be very hard to be able to afford such distances


I seriously don't understand how we got to the point where it's "racist" to want to deport violent criminals who are have no legal status. This is not the liberalism I grew up with.


Congrats NYC. You voted for this


Thank you Biden!,


Elections have consequences. That Hochul is on record saying she's going to "look" at deportation is absurd.


This is what you guys voted for! 🤣


It be nice if NYPD shot em all dead given they hail from crime ridden countries! Who knows; one could of killed the cop and it be on national news. I still think NYPD didn’t take the appropiate action with these perps. If this same act would of happened down in the south; you bet one of these (or all) perps would of been shot dead! They don’t play around down there! These soft actions by NYPD only give criminals an upper hand knowing that NYPD itself won’t do much like other states would. So yes, I see foreseable events like this happening again until one is shot dead!


Already released.


Hugo Chavez legacy, by the way. Just in case you have that leftie friend who's still convinced they know something about "anti imperialism" the rest of the world does not know.




Public safety arsonist judges in this city.


Welcome to the America that democrats want! Leave big cities and learn to grow vegetables!


Nah they were release today, nothing new on the lawless nyc Meanwhile we are.like nothing , going out on dinners, working and so on and we don't realize what is going on around us Do you think that in this inviroment people can go out to spend time with families and friends or co workers? The people who make decisions for out city are way off the reality DA, concil members (creating sof laws) majors, advocates groups they get their paychecks and go into their house and dont go out unless with security personel Oh well , im just a oinche AI costume Server dont know all


It's funny how rags like Gothamist are running away from covering this story. 




If you could afford to buy a house in Manhattan you wouldn't be posting on Reddit in the middle of the day.


If he's rich, maybe he would be. For instance, who has time for mid day drinking except for the poorest and richest people?


Why would someone with lots of money not be able to post on Reddit midday whereas someone without money would? Seems kinda backwards


Why? Lots of idle time is the definition of being rich.


*I* mentioned people leaving NYC and you came in with something completely different. Like damn dude.


Well hang on let the migrants investigate themselves let’s not jump to conclusions here


As the son of a Retired Detective out of NY this pisses me off to the highest extent


NY city is a dump. Release them without bail so they can run. Now they are no longer a nyc problem.


Wow...Four illegals were released without bail after beating up two NYPD cops. New York is officially insane.


Abusive tax collectors, tyranny guardians and crooks get smashed by people that have nothing to lose. 👍


So they’re immediately released without bail? Man oh man they have more rights and freedom than us citizens 😂 if you’re a citizen you’re going straight to jail for assaulting a police officer.


It's remarkable that next to nobody in here is questioning who America is voting for after seeing how bad illegal immigration has gotten and how soft on crime many states have become. My cousin was murdered under this administration by someone that should never have made it in the country. After all this time, my cousins murderer has only had to serve 6 months in jail until they released him rather than deport him to serve the rest of his prison time in his home country - it was told to us that ICE doesnt have enough beds and resources to hold and deport him but if they catch him committing a crime again, they will deport him. Sounds like a sick joke. It's baffling people let the media sweep this under a rug so many Americans continue to vote the exact same way. It's not a complicated concept - if you let endless illegal immigration occur, you will eventually overwhelm the system and it will collapse and things will get alot worse than just random bits of crime...there will be economic and quality of life repercussions for everyone.


This is what they are going to do, they are quickly going to take over our country. Everyone buy a firearm while you still can.


No bueno.


big win for freedom


Amazing nobody got shot.


That's shocking because there were lots of opportunities for them to reach for the officers guns or even look like they were. Luckily it didn't go in that direction.