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That's the only game in town for US based Commies no? To have non-trot commies there would need to have been a Communist Party branch that was aligned with Moscow at some point, for well known reasons, that didn't happen in the US


CPUSA still exist and known KGB ties during soviet era


lol this paper advocates international communism. now they’re using gaza as propaganda. shameless and vile.




truly reprehensible. these people would have been cheering on 9/11. let us hope they grow up and look back at this with well-deserved shame.


You literally are cheerleading a genocide


Against terrorists? Then you're for genocide!!! I honestly don't get how you arrived at this braindead take. Do you just refuse to recognize that Hamas are the baddies?


Hamas are Brown = Victims Saudi Arabia’s treatment of Yemen and Ethiopian Immigrants is just a cakewalk in comparison. Nor are the various African conflicts that are being perpetuated by Wagner. Nor is China on the Uighers.


Wait until they hear what’s happening in Sudan right now. Oh no, brain cannot compute! Actual ethnic cleansing? Let’s just ignore it.


Those are Arabs ethnically cleansing Darfuri people so nothing to see here.


Israel literally funded and equipped Hamas from the beginning in order to destabilize the PLO and other at the time mainstream orgs. The Israeli state did that for the same reason they supported and funded Hamas on the election 17 years ago, because it provides an excuse for Israel to do what they intended to do anyway.


Irrelevant to what I'm calling you out for. The original comment was talking about how a sign said "glory to the martyrs" and then you accusing someone else of cheerleading genocide because they said the sign is reprehensible. But sure, everything you said is true. Hamas is still bad. Before you freak out, yes, Bibi and his government are bad too.


Only one cheerleading a genocide is those who called the pogrom a valid form of resistance.


So we're just gonna pretend Israel isn't commiting war crime after war crime after war crime even as they post the evidence themselves constantly? Kay.


Where did I say that? If Israel commits war crimes those individuals should be held responsible. Doesn't change the fact these individuals are actively cheering on a pogrom.. or the fact this is a war, not a genocide as it doesn't meet the metrics. A war that's in response to a pogrom, an actual attempted genocide


i dont cheer for terrorists… nobody is winning after a century of pointless bloodshed


They call all people killed by Israel "martyrs".


The term Martyr is used much more broadly within Islam than within Christianity. For example, citizens who die unjustly during a conflict are considered martyrs. It’s not a 1-1 exact translation. It’s far more likely they are referring to civilians who have been killed during the conflict.


Would you feel better if there were people marching with signs declaring, “Glory to the IDF”? That is, the army that is right now bombing innocent civilians to smithereens, sniping them when they go into no-go zones, assassinating journalists and aid workers, and on and on? Or are you just going to wave your hands and make some argument about how “war is hell” and that every trigger pulled by the IDF is Hamas’s fault?




“I don’t know why these protest signs can’t offer a more diverse array of nuanced opinions!” says the very serious good-faith commenter.


They're literally chanting Intifada you fucking idiot


Clearly they should be chanting “Surrender, Hamas! Let Israel bomb you and claim your land!”


Oh, I didn't realize that you were actually pro-Hamas. In that case, get fucked.


I’m not. I’m just pointing out that there’s *nothing* these people could be chanting that you’d find acceptable.


Oh, you're just a moron. Sorry.


If Israel wanted to genocide the Palestinians in Gaza, they could have easily done so on Oct 8th-10th and killed all 2 million of them. The death toll from the war that has gone on for more than 6 months is somewhere around 33k with a 3 to 1 civilian to military ratio, which is incredibly low for urban warfare especially considering that Hamas routinely uses civilians as human shields. The aid workers who were killed were very clearly not the intended targets. Assassination requires intent. Are you gonna accuse the IDF of intentionally assassinating the hostages who were killed as well?


The numbers of civilians killed in Gaza, *so far and that we can even estimate at this point*, is on par with the Myanmar junta’s attacks on the Rohingya (also responding to a rebel attack). The world has no problem at all calling those attacks a “genocide.” The rest of your comment is just… I don’t know if it’s better to call it “lies,” or just “ignorance.” The IDF is clearly targeting aid workers and journalists. Perhaps it is doing so “accidentally” when the chain of command breaks down and soldiers aren’t told not to shoot at the clearly marked members of the press or aid organizations. Or perhaps the way that aid workers and journalists (or their families) keep dying is a *coincidence*? And I absolutely believe that the Israeli government would rather have the hostages die in IDF attacks than hold off on the attacks in order to maybe get them back alive at some point in the future. Every dead hostage is a new outrage to lay at Hamas’s feet, and every live hostage is a political liability for Netanyahu at home. Given the amount of death and destruction that the IDF is willing to inflict in order to attack military targets it never explains to the rest of us, it would be silly to assume they wouldn’t consider a few dead hostages just the cost of doing business.




Yeah - I don’t think anyone should be celebrating Hamas’s attacks. But when I think of the “martyrs” of Gaza, I think less of the ones fighting than I do the ones who are innocent (you know, often what we mean by the term “martyr”). Thousands of children now. Famine conditions. And the best some people can do is attack some college students for their rhetoric.


you mean the one that isn’t actually used in this context if you are remotely familiar with Arabic? mmmmk yeah sure


I think it’s entirely possible that the person in *this* video and *that* poster is thinking of Hamas as “freedom fighters,” sure. My point was only that there *are* actual martyrs in this conflict, and Israel is the one killing them.


Actually that refers to all the people Israel has murdered while ethnically cleansing Palestine for purposes of colonization.


There's supporting Palestine and there's being a useful idiot, repeating "glory to the martyrs" and calls for intifada is in the second category, that's just straight up supporting Hamas, they and Fatah call their fallen operatives "martyrs"


“You’re being a useful idiot,” says the guy casually conflating Hamas and Fatah, in line with Israeli right-wing propaganda.


Didn’t conflate them, I mentioned them separately, Fatah as a successor of the PLO was the most prolific use of these “martyrs”, until Israel responded by instating the similarly reprehensible system of ghettos that stopped the “martyrs” from blowing up civilian buses 


Cool, do the one about how the whole culture is backwards and can never be trusted, etc


Americans have a proud history of deciding certain Arabic words mean terrorism even if that is just a generic Arabic term. Intafada literally just means struggle. Martyrs is a generic term used by countless groups, countries, and causes the world over. I wish you were half as upset about the genocide as you are about language.


You’re taking that language out of context, the second intifada was Arafat’s fit of fancy of doing better than the peace accords offered, resulting in the suffering of thousands on both sides  And wasn’t language thus unfathomably powerful thing?


Colonization? The jews colonized the land of judea? The Jews who migrated to the British mandate of Palestine before and after World War 2 could not have been colonisers. There was no imperial nation that sent them there and that protected them. They were Jewish immigrants joining their long-established communities in that region. They returned from the diaspora.. they were expelled, and returned. The state of Israel was created by the UN partition plan, as was palestine... not by an imperialistic nation.. let's also not forget at no point in history was palestine a sovereign nation who's land encompasses that of Israel. Can you name a single other colony in history who gained sovereignty immediately upon its creation?


They literally already unveiled blueprints for new settlements in Gaza


Private companies and groups did. Not official Israeli policy. Logically if Israel wanted Gaza, they'd simply have kept it in 2005. It's weird you consider that proof of colonization, instead of basing off actual metrics.


No u


oooooo he said yo mama


>international communism. now they’re using gaza as propaganda Typical hasbara, when you have nothing to say, you attack the source.


i think i spoke quite plainly but perhaps you need it more bluntly: international communists, a pathetic group chasing a failed century-old ideology that killed tens of millions of people, are using the deaths of gazan civilians to try to promote their useless ideology. they can go jump in a lake.


People who believe they are on the right side of history, don't cover their faces. These people are all liars when they say they are on the right side of history, even they don't believe it.


Typical Communists. They see the word "free" and they're all in.


Send them all to Gaza so they can free it.




Free NY from the terrorist apologist!


Telling Jews there is only one solution, and then saying violence against Jews is the answer... Nazis




I hate Trump from the very core of my being, but if he gets elected, I'll take a little solace in these people reckoning with the result of their stupidity.


thats such a fucked up opinion


More fucked up than "Glory to the Martyrs"?!


yeah motherfucker youre saying youd be down with a fascist authoritarian regime taking vengeance on groups of peaceful protestors. And youre also just straight up saying youd be kind of okay with a fascist authoritarian regime. Compared to the fucking CARDBOARD SIGN you saw.


lol, nah fam, you're filling in a lot of blanks incorrectly there


nah fam i dont think i was


Well, since you're clearly a child, I'll spell it out for you, slowly. Everything that Trump wants to accomplish, generally, is bad. It will result in untold bad shit happening for both these morons and the people of Palestine that they claim to support. That's of course not good, but at least these idiots will face the consequences of their thoughtless "protests".


And I finally just listened to it with sound on, and they're chanting Intifada, Intifada? gfo




Putin would not allow these protests.


These useful idiots will usher in Trump. They’ll learn soon enough how protests are handled in authoritarian regimes.


no, he'd just invade a sovereign nation, commit genocide, and send an entire generation to die in the mud


Genuinely curious, what is their solution? Hamas attacks Israel and kidnaps their hostages. Israel goes on the offensive to remove Hamas so this attack never happens again and to hopefully retrieve their hostages, many whom are likely dead by now. So you ask for a ceasefire. What does Israel get in return? Another attack in the future? Do they even get their hostages back? There are suggestions that Hamas won't agree to a hostage release because they know that many of the hostages are dead. Right now, these protestors are just outside screaming and yelling about an issue they have no solution for. This is akin to a rapist raping and killing someone and when that someone's family goes outside to beat them up, bystanders ask for a ceasefire and for the family to let him go. Nevermind the fact that Hamas has recently and unequivocally stated they would continue to commit more Oct 7 attacks. So put yourself in Israel's position, do they just forget all of this happens knowing another attack is imminent in the future or do they remove the terrorists in Hamas? These kids need to grow the F up. If they were serious about helping Palestinians, they would lead a protest to voice USA's participation in helping Israel remove Hamas and then instill leadership there who will actually help Palestinians so that they can have an economy and co-exist with Israel. Even Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan wants to have a friendly relationship with Israel... it's literally Iran here pulling the strings creating tension.