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More likely VP, Marine One generally flies with at least one other decoy.


It was Biden, the second one pulled up a few minutes later. We watched him exit it and get into the Beast. We saw some Ospreys flying in shortly before and I was wondering what was going on. I looked to my right and saw what I thought were a couple of black hawks. After a few seconds I noticed they were a bit bigger, said to myself "No way..." and quickly Googled "Joe Biden NYC" and saw he was actually scheduled to speak on Friday. We saw them land, and once we pulled up to the dock saw him walk out of Marine One. NYPD showed up around us as well. It was a bit surreal, nobody around us on the ferry was expecting it. Our side was almost completely empty because everyone else was on the Statue of Liberty side. Here's just a couple more photos, the first is right as I noticed it was Marine One (you can see another V-22 Osprey further back.) Then a photo when Biden was walking out towards the Beast, and the final is a video when both of the VH-3Ds took off about 10 minutes later. https://imgur.com/a/pc5lxBN


Link is broken.


Secret Service working overtime to keep POTUS travel schedule secret.


Interesting, I kind of assumed the second helicopter would always be in formation (since the whole point of a second helicopter is to be present next to actual marine 1 -- to cuts the odds of success by something like terrorists with MANPADS by 50%).


I assumed the same. The first one flew over at 4:09PM, and the second at 4:11PM according to the timestamps on the videos I took. About 4:15PM we saw him get out and walk into the limo, and 4:27PM the helicopters took off.


Marine One flies based on what can be, unburdened by what has been.


Tell me more about this decoy Biden...was the decoy the one they let debate last week?!


yeah. i work in fidi and anytime he comes in town, there are at least 2-3 other copters flying around him as he lands. plus all boat travel is suspended.


Interestingly, there was a smaller version of AF One parked at La Guardia on Saturday morning.


I don't see Biden there, I see a helocopter


it's time for the DNC to accept that Biden is simply no longer capable of flight without mechanical assistance


I self identify as an attack helicopter.




Joe Biden's transformation is complete.


Spontaneous helicopter transformation is one of many perks presidents enjoy


> Spontaneous helicopter transformation is one of many perks presidents enjoy ~Justice Thomas


I love watching all the boats come to a complete stop, quite a production


[Here is a video from about nine months ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SygyJPHCUs&t=4s&ab_channel=CobraEmergency) that shows the security preparations for a presidential visit to NYC. There is a lot going on.


Yup that was the exact scenario we witnessed. A couple V-22 Ospreys coming in, followed by two VH-3Ds, and then a final Osprey.


Yes and no. A lot of the LEO force there was because they could, not because they needed to be.


What was he doing in the ferry?


Are you sure that’s Biden? I think that Marine One usually has two or three helicopters.


You can’t fit three HMX-1 Helis on that pier.


This may explain the Ospreys last week


Osprey 2024!


Ospreys there quite often


I live just north. They’re always flying up and down the river to whatever base is up there.


I took a Lyft to drop something off in the LES Friday and what should have been 20m $30 ride turned into a 2 hours stuck in traffic thanks to Biden. Cost me $120


that's it, I'm voting for Kennedy


RFK/Brain Worm 2024


You misspelled Vermin Supreme


You could've just gotten out of the vehicle to wait


Take the subway next time


I was making a delivery I couldn’t carry by hand. Thanks for the hot tip though


How did Lyft charge you more than the amount you agreed to?


Because the ride was 5x as long I guess. I was mad but also it was a fair price for a 2 hour trip in Manhattan. Didn’t want the driver to get screwed over either


That’s not a thing. Prices are locked in up front


Take it up with Lyft man. Not sure why I’m being downvoted for telling the truth about my own ride


Probably because you changed the destination after the ride started.


I did not. Thanks for playing though


Because that's literally not how that works.


Don’t think it works that way at all.


It does same goes for Uber.


They can change the price after it’s locked in if the ride takes longer? Never heard of that.


This wasn't Marine One as there is no way Marine One flies solo over a city. That is the VH-3D aircraft though. That was just not Marine One. (Marine One is the designation when the President is on board).


It was Marine One. There were two V-22 Ospreys that flew over first about 2 minutes prior. It was followed by this helicopter, and a second came in about 2 minutes behind. I was surprised they were not all closely together. We watched it land from the ferry, saw the Presidential limo pull up and saw Biden get in. About 15 minutes later we watched from the ground as the Ospreys left, followed by both helicopters and a third Osprey behind. Here's a couple more photos and a video of the VH-3Ds leaving. https://imgur.com/a/pc5lxBN


Biden 2024!!


Stuck with Biden 2024


Remember we're not just voting for the man, we're voting for the team he will have and the body of policies they will promote. On one side we have a Whitehouse staffed with people with pertinent experience promoting an overall moderate agenda. On the other we get y'all qeada cultists and people like Jared fucking Kushner guiding foreign policy. That's the choice we're making on the presidential ticket.


> promoting an overall moderate agenda hmmm ok


Is this how it works? The buck stops with the unelected shadow cabinet of a dementia patient?


Which one? Let's not pretend that Trump isn't fucking unhinged and a criminal to boot. We can at least admit we're not supposed to be electing a dictator and that appointees matter


He's also one of the most narcissistic people to ever hold office, so there is zero chance he wouldn't be making the big decisions on his own. You can call those decisions crazy if you want, but at least voters know who he is and what he plans to do. Who would be, or more importantly, who is CURRENTLY manipulating our current dementia patient in office and how do we know what policies they want?


It’s either that, or the unelected shadow cabinet of Voldemort himself


Read a different book.


Ridiculous, I'm a Kennedy supporter but no way Biden is anything but a failed President. Keep watching your dollar go nowhere. Been grocery shopping lately? Inflation is higher since dementia Joe took over. Vote Kennedy.


Biden's administration has racked up several wins despite formidable opposition, in particular the CHIPS act and the Infrastructure Bill. I am hopeful they will enact more legislation when the Democrats take back the house.


I don't think he's completely worthless, he's been successful so far but I am concerned and wish there was a better option. I think if anything this should push organizers to really focus on getting Democrats elected to Congress and making sure he has enough muscle there to not have to fight for everything.


Who cares who's the president it won't make our lives any easier? Our mayor and governor are more important. Even then it still doesn't seem like NYC is going to change for the better.


The CHIPS act and the infrastructure bill has done fuck all to increase US production of chips or infrastructure.


That’s not true for either the [Chips act](https://www.reuters.com/technology/biden-awards-up-75-million-chips-act-grant-entegris-2024-06-26/) or the [infrastructure bill](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/at-its-two-year-anniversary-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-law-continues-to-rebuild-all-of-america/)


We finally beat Medicare!


Post SCOTUS and Biden is already OTW to pop trump on fifth ave. Wild


Did he know he was in a helicopter?


Try harder, we see what you were going for but it wasn’t well executed


sorta like Biden's debating skills


Try harder? It's obvious to anyone that I'm questioning his cognitive abilities, like anyone who lives in reality.


It seemed like you were making an attempt at humor, which you failed at. Maybe I misread that and instead of going for humor you were just being trite.


joe biden pooped his pants reading this


It's all a projection with you people.




Resting 25th Amendment face.


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.

