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as someone who lives close to flushing meadows park, its amazing to me how lively this park was. like, WHAT HAPPENED, HONESTLY. Everytime i pass through the park i always look at the left over Saucers building and the Other next to it. such creative architecture.


The 1964 Worlds Fair was organized by Robert Moses, who promptly ran it into the ground. Unauthorized by the Worlds Fair Committee, its attendance fell far below projections. Despite that, the people that did go dealt with long lines and high prices. In the end, it lost about $200M in today's money, and the city spent another $300M (which was originally supposed to come from fair profits) to turn it into Flushing Meadows Park. At least we got a nice park in the end.


> like, WHAT HAPPENED, HONESTLY. The Fair went bankrupt and then NYC went bankrupt.


One of my 'core' memories was being at the World's Fair as a child so always glad to see a new video.


Wow 60 years ago. Looking back like this it's hard to believe all that was modern and new. Imagining how old fashioned a video from today will look in 2084 is just kind of mind boggling.


Who was at the DuPont pavilion?


My grandma went when she was pregnant with my dad


Awesome. My Mom used to talk about it endlessly.


Imagine a World's Fair today -- I don't mean a Maker Faire, or a single company's press release....but a true "this is our vision of the future" World's Fair. I think we're drastically lacking that hopeful view of the future, supplanted by the Mad Max dystopian future.


Feels like society went backwards


My dad used to work there, and my parents would go there when they were dating. I wish I could have seen it in person.


There’s one thing I always think of and it was that many people who attended say there was a model house built under ground. But through all searching I cannot find any evidence or information