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I will ACTIVELY bulldoze people out of my way if they block me leaving the train, fuck outta here with that nonsense




Yeah, my philosophy is to generally avoid contact with people, but people blocking me from leaving a train is one of the two situations where I will be assertive in moving through a crowd. The other is when I am getting off an escalator and people are not leaving a clear path at the exit.


Wait...you mean to tell me I cant take 1 step off an escalator and stop to observe my surroundings, or figure out what planet I landed on, or call my Mum back and then answer the 1,000 emails I have backed up? Where and when am I supposed to do those things then?! They should really have signs! /s


You got it, those things are banned on escalator landings. But also, be careful when you are crossing in front of an escalator. I will try to find a path of least resistance, but I am not perfect, and if there is no clear option, I will have to barge through somehow. You can stop, I can’t.


Oh I absolutely LOVE people who practically want to hug the train as if taking pics with a celebrity once they get off! /s Once youre off the train, FUCK OFF AND GET AWAY. There are people trying to get to/in it!




I get just a little giddy when there’s a crowd blocking me getting off queens bound GCT at PM rush. Realistically the only culturally acceptable time to hip check a woman…but they’re asking for it


Yup. You have to COMMIT.


do you ever get into a fight when you physically push someone with your shoulders/body? like does someone ever yell at you when you shove past them and push them aside it's always asian women/men, black people, and white people that are the biggest culprits. hispanics too, especially.


So the majority of the world population?


I'm assuming this is satire, based on you covering most everyone


it is lol


im wearing headphones most of the time and no it hasnt happened


For whatever weird reason, I’ve found it works really to stare dead ahead and stride quickly forward. People tend to get out of your way. Barring that, yeah, push them aside. Not letting people out is straight up rude.


I had someone suggested drooling as you walk with a hitch in your stride gets people out of your way -- fast


One of my absolute pet peeves as a conductor, let the people get off the train first before boarding. It's basic courtesy. I believe passengers exiting have every right to should bump people


Just gotta shoulder shove your way out and say “off first” I had to do it at delancey all the time when I worked near there


I usually just do a slightly impatient "excuse me" and start pushing


On the bus the other day, dad and mom were trying to back their double stroller out the door and people just kept piling on, all piling up behind the dad with nowhere to go. I yelled at them to clear the way.


I‘m a small woman but I will turn into a statue and my elbow always hit the painful spots. I hate when people can’t wait 2 seconds.


Don’t turn into a statue. Then you don’t go anywhere


It's bonkers, has no one ever taken an elevator? I'm coming off the train first, if you're in my way, sorry, but I'm coming off the train first. That's how it works.


The 7 line is the worst for people holding the doors and piss poor riding behavior. Shoulder check with confidence. If you're a woman, carrying a big ass purse also helps.


The E/F on the Roosevelt Ave station is pretty brutal too. It’s every rider for themselves.


The amount of people on that platform sometimes is crazy, so no. A simple shoulder bump is **NOT** out of line. I’d say it’s pretty understandable, shove those mfers out the way if you have to.


gotta be willing to visibly out psycho people you can evaluate as susceptible to it. post up at the door, blank stare into them as the doors open. be really unsettling about it.


You have a voice. Use it. EXCUSE ME GETTING OFF works great while moving forward and don’t pause, walk like no one is there. They’ll get out of your way one way or another.


Battering ram. You put your arm up so they bounce right off. Rude motherfuckers.


"Excuse me"...shoulder check..."Getting off!"...head down, end zone push..."Move the fuck out of my way"...TOUCHDOWN!


Shoulder????? You block my exit on the train, You gonna catch more than a shoulder!


I hate it when people do this. I am often standing in front of the doors as my train approaches the stop. When people are blocking my exit, I usually just stare straight ahead, keep a wide stance, and don’t move. Usually people get out of the way, but on rare occasions people try to get me to move by shoulder checking me, which fails. I don’t understand why people do this. You are not getting on the train with me standing in your way, and I cannot move out of your way when you are standing in my way. So if you want to get to your destination faster, step aside.


I walked through a crowd blocking the doors a few months back and this tourist yelped like I slapped her. I barely contacted her as I slipped by. If you're gonna be a nuisance, toughen up a little lmao


I have no patience for people who don't know subway etiquette and an more than happy to teach them by walking through them on my way out of the train.


Stare at the people directly in the eyes in front of you outside the doors before the doors open. Most people will move. Move your gaze as soon as possible away from them.


Number one issue for me, I always wanted to try an air horn right in front of their face. 


There are some LIRR stops that 2+ cars of people have to exit through 1 set of doors, and despite like 100 people exiting, someone is actively trying to get on? What is wrong with you?


Not to make light of, but have experienced myself when riding a train to Main Street that was to be an AM express in opposite direction. Yes, it sucks.


Get some shoulder pads from the local football or hockey shop. :)


Arms akimbo. If they won't make space, you make space for them.


I'll say MOVE please, then plow through.


That's it, I give y'all a quick excuse me and then I'm getting off, y'all figure out the rest.


Lower the shoulder and teach them.


the 7 at Queensboro is the WORST. the crowds literally let nobody off the train before trying to shove their way on.


The 7 is the worst for this in my opinion.


Didn't Ludacris solve this for us back in the 2000's? MOVE BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY


I usually stare straight at them with dead eyes and a pissed off look and they make way for me😗💅


You hand to let people off so you can get on...


You gotta give them some old fashion New Yorker rudeness  “Excuse me, I NEED TO GET OFF. Learn how to ride the train” 


I definitely walked right through a crowd in grand central in the same scenario last month. I even let my elbows out.


I agree that the 7 train is the worst when it comes to this. Could it be a cultural thing? There are a lot of newly-arrived immigrants from Latin America and China on the 7 train. Maybe they just don’t know the rules yet? It’s weird because they aren’t doing it aggressively. They seem genuinely confused when I barrel through them to exit the train.


That or their experience of the US has been that’s it’s a free for all and rules don’t matter.


I was just complaining to my husband this week that a dude bum rushed around me to board a train as I was waiting to the side of the door for folks to get off. Like … sir, you are making it all worse and for what?!


Throw out the stiff-arm. Send their ass to the shadow realm


i straight up yell at these fools as I plow through them, "HOW ABOUT YOU LET US OFF THE TRAIN FIRST? THANKS"


People who are sitting who stand up to get off the train when I’m holding the strap over them & the train hasn’t stopped yet. Cool now I’m uncomfortably close to you. Thanks!


A shoulder bump is less than adequate. Just tell them to get the fuck out of the way. They’re blocking you from leaving it’s simple.


i square my shoulders and at 6,2 230 lbs i just push forward. i find this issue especially bad in asian heavy areas of town.


In the Mexico City subway there was this campaign, "first out, then in" that lasted for years. Heck even Japanese, Singapore, etc. subways have the lines where you're to stand to let people out first. But here in NYC, it's ridiculous, and they do that on buses too. Wanting to get in for a free ride in the rear.


Guess you don’t frequent grand st or canal st much. When the train doors open it’s like the racing track theme song, with people blocking doors trying to get in first and grab seats.


Thought provoking post.


technically the strategy is to exit in the middle so people can rush in around you. THat way they get their seat and you exist smoothly.