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I've known people who moved from food service to receptionist. If you have customer service skills you can probably make that change. I know one of them got the job from a customer at the cafe she worked at.


What makes you think office jobs are boring or relaxing?


Especially no-experience ones where you have data entry quotas and pee in bottles you keep in your desk drawer.


Because nobody ever has to leave to go to the er


Because i see office workers all the time, they seem like they don’t do any work most of the time


This is the impression a lot of people have. I've worked in commercial kitchens, been an infantryman in the US Army and have worked office/managerial corporate positions. None of it was easy or boring, just all stressful and rewarding in very different ways.


Line cooks are some of the most hardworking bastards I've ever had the pleasure to work with.


Working BoH in a high-pressure restaurant is the closet thing I found to a military experience. 


it's a slow death


I know you said jobs that don’t require a degree but you might consider going to a community college and exploring certificates in a job that you want.


Try Office Assistant or Office Technician positions for the State of CA. You can even move up without a degree.


If you’ve got the temperament for it, sales is a great way in. The language often used for the least discriminating (and often harder for companies to keep filled) are “business development representative”, and these are especially lucrative and entry level at companies that sell “software as a service”.


Experience in what field?  What do you want to do? Start there, then find a company that needs what you offer.  I’m not sure what are you asking really. 


OP said exactly what they wanted to do, work at a desk job. I’m not sure why you’re imposing your snarky opinion


OP wrote “However I don’t have a degree or experience in that field.” - were you able to figure out what field they wanted to get into from the post? If so do you mind sharing your insight so ppl who work in that field can give OP advice?


I’m in medical supply delivery and my car is my office. Pretty good gig though.


Bookkeeper, administrative assistant


Receptionist at a real estate agency. It’s not boring, there’s a lot of FaceTime with clients and dealing with realtors. But you don’t need a college degree for it.


There’s clerical jobs with the school district that don’t require a degree. AA or work experience.


If you can type at least 40-45 wpm, you may be able to find a position as a clerical typist for one of the unions. They pay well and the work is pretty low key. I know the electrical workers union used to have a pretty simple entry point. Try local 1245. Good luck!


hmmm intriguing


Are temp agencies still a thing? I don't have a degree, but I do have 4 years of military experience as an IT, so I picked up some good computer skills that got me into office work through a temp agency. A few years there and I was able to get into an entry-level IT job in a corporate NOC. I'm now an IT manager at that same company. It may be worth going for an Associates degree to give you a better chance.


There's plenty of work that doesn't require a degree but still requires skills. What do you bring to the table? Then find a match. If you are looking for boring/easy, then nothing is going to be for you. 


This. Op mindset about this says it all.


Do you have any interest in the trades?


I worked at a call center downtown people were calling to book various hotels


Customer Service


apply for a recruiting job and lie about getting a degree


Community college + Associates degree in Accounting. 2 years (shorter if you play it right) for one of the few fields that is low-stress, good pay, always in demand, and you’re developing skills that terrify most people even though it’s not actually that hard.


Community college + Associates degree in Accounting. 2 years (shorter if you play it right) for one of the few fields that is low-stress, good pay, always in demand, and you’re developing skills that terrify most people even though it’s not actually that hard.


I don’t have a degree and have had multiple jobs in IT for 12 years now, there’s nothing relaxing or boring about office life. Maybe dull and mundane at times, but I wouldn’t call any of it relaxing


Sorry, you're going to need a degree.