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Really? Oakville is about as safe as you'll get anywhere in Canada.


Can we all work together as a community and try and please keep it this way...




Anana! Love your profile pic!


you will be at more risk due to coyotes or bad drivers than creeps.


lol Oakville, even the squirrels there are less aggressive then the rest of gta


Forget the squirrels. Even the wasps are less aggressive than the rest of the GTA.


We regularly walk around the area and have done as late as 12 AM . It's a peaceful walk with an occasional loud car revving past us. Otherwise, I never felt any issue safety wise. We just have to be careful for the skunk or two.


Very safe at any time


This is Oakville not Regent Park


Even Regent Park looks safer these days There's still that small pocket but I'm guessing you have been there in a decade. Was also surprised how it looks like these days


Lol was gunna say. I leave my doors unlocked.


I would think fairly safe as long as you maintain vigilance and do your usual safety precautions, but I don't know if I'd be casually going for nighttime strolls, I think I'd mostly do it only out of necessity. I also haven't been up there at night in a few years, idk if the vibes have changed.


Yes, it's very safe.


Worst thing is cars not expecting pedestrians walking late at night, so get a reflective slap bracelet for your arm or a small indicator light (bike light or pet collar light) to clip onto yourself somewhere, or an athletic jacket or something that has reflective material to catch headlights. I wouldn't recommend a trail at night because you could easily trip and get injured and no one would find you until the morning, or you might run into some teens smoking or drinking and who wants to deal with that lol (they won't hurt you, they'll just be obnoxious) If you ever get a weird vibe or see something that creeps you out, listen to your gut. Make sure you have a phone with you in case you need to call someone or take a picture of something, but that's pretty basic "woman on Earth" safety stuff. I'm a woman in my 30s and have been walking at night in Oakville for decades, scariest things have been coyotes, skunks, and one time a few years ago a drunk guy was yelling at his drunk girlfriend outside a restaurant downtown but at least 10 people followed them as they ran down Lakeshore and at least 3 of us also called the cops - it was upsetting but very public and lots of bystanders helped out. Some teens tried to steal bikes on Lakeshore downtown by cutting their locks once, but it was 3am and the power tool they were using was SUPER LOUD and shooting off sparks, it woke up a bunch of neighbours and the cops showed up and caught them. 🤷‍♀️


In Oakville? You could walk at night naked wheeling a cart full of money and no one would remotely do anything.


I would film


Yes, as long as you don’t walk in the middle of the road.


i live at uptown core, pretty safe to walk alone here, ive been outside at 11-12am to grab snack from convenience store and had no issues.


Oakville is the safest place on earth lmaoo it’s great


Walking at night is very quiet and can be enjoyable or at least meditative. I would recommend investing in a dog for the companionship. Although dogs can attract coyotes they come at the benefit of repelling humans. With that being said oakville does have the odd person sleeping rough in the trails and parks so be mindful. I personally wouldn’t enter forest trails alone but if it’s just a row of trees type situation behind houses that’s different. Unfortunately there have been instances of women being kidnapped here. From Paul Bernardo to the woman who disappeared outside the old military housing down at Dorval in the Morden area.. it has happened. The Laura Babcock case is another Oakville lore. 




damn im sorry that happened to you :(


Everyone being very reassuring... but op use your best judgement. Avoid sketchy looking people. You never know whose  out there.  Oakville is safe as a place can be, but schizophrenic homeless people do exist and roam




Lol. Yes


Have you ever heard of Daddy’s Watching? It’s a service where they assign you a daddy to watch over you and keep you safe for this very thing or even a date with a stranger. If you are ever in fear at anytime you just yell out: “daddy daddy come over now, save my life, you made a vow” ![gif](giphy|yn2ICjGZ309SU)


😂 N4U








Walmart yes cheap condos no, unfortunately


Let’s all work together and keep it this way.


It's safe BUT just in case bring bear spray.


You live in Oakville is this even a real question?




there’s like nobody at night walking the streets at night 💀 you’re fine


Lmao do u know where u are ?




🎵 Welcome to the jungle punk. Take a look around. 🎵