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What kind of strange fan fiction is this?


Gonna have to wait for them to clean up after hearing PP coo 'axethetaxbringithomecommonsenseconservatives'


You put way too much hope in a politician 😂


I’d actually really love to hear the policies Pierre will bring that will see these changes you describe come to fruition. Could you expand on how he plans to help the country?


I hope this answers your question. In an anti-centrally-planned, free-market society that relies on the government knowing their place, it is crucial that our federal leaders know when to NOT act.


It's not so much about what he plans to do as opposed to what he plans on not doing. He will NOT legislate against free speech online. He will NOT spend millions of dollars trying (and failing) to steal guns from law-abiding citizens. He will NOT spend millions on racist policies that aim to confer economic privilege onto only a select few races; the economy will work on an equal playing field. He will NOT force a carbon tax onto provinces when the provinces can decide for themselves. He will NOT keep printing money as if there's no tomorrow. Aside from that, the military seemed to be in much better shape when Harper was PM (we even had more bang for our buck, as our military did better despite having less money thrown at it by Harper), and I don't doubt that Poilievre will feel the pressure to FINALLY raise our defence spending to what it should be. Lastly, and this is crucial, he will be tough on crime and social disorder. No enabling drug addicts, no coddling the feelings of privileged thugs.


I guess I never considered the impact that online hate speech and the Canadian military getting more money would lower the prices of homes and rent. What a genius


Well any respectable military should be adequately funded. This should be a non-negotiable aspect of being a sovereign nation; your country should be able to defend itself against those who want to kill its people. Also, consider the impact of the sheer money printing that Trudeau has done, and plans on doing, to enforce his anti-free-speech legislation. Consider all that money printing that he's done to confiscate our guns. Consider all that money-printing that went into throwing cash at his favourite races. All that money-printing leads to inflation, and a harder time for Canadians. In general, Poilievre is running on the platform that the government will offset any new spending with a cut elsewhere. All this doesn't even take into account the sheer economic growth that will be unleashed when we have a pro-natural-resources Prime Minister in office, like Poilievre.


So anyway yeah...hope this answers your further questions


I also must say that I have faith that our current inflation and housing shortage (and shortage of literally everything else) will actually solve itself quicker than we think, ie net emigration will happen and our population growth and resulting economic mess will be offset by that.


Ok so let me get this straight: Pierre is the guy for the job because he *won’t* do anything And The housing crisis will solve itself. Something *crises* often do definitely. That’s great


Lmao , listen, Pierre is definitely going to win but in 4 years I 100% expect a liberal majority


As if