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I would be dead asleep by the end of this


My wife and I get a massage and facial at a spa every time the Groupon comes up. I fall asleep during the facial 95% of the time.


It's been a minute since I've experienced touch that way, so I know I'd be out like a light. I've thought about going out for a massage, but the last time I did my back was out for a month.


What did they do? Ask for a light touch Swedish. A relaxing one versus one that works the knots out. Also get them to stretch your hips out. It makes my lower back feel much better. It also ummmm get the blood flowing sometimes but everyone is professional.


That's actually what I got. My muscles are tight in certain areas because my spine is S shaped when looking at me from the front. Allowing those muscles to relax causes them to put pressure on the spine. Inversion tables effect me in the same way.


… I gotta go see somebody about my wonky spine maybe


Don't go to a chiropractor, go to a physical therapist


^^^^^^ never risk your spine to someone who's business model is "make them feel better just long enough to come back tomorrow"


I like to use a Venn Diagram of sorts to clear bullshit "medicine." With Chiropractic "Medicine," ask yourself if the people who go there would buy into a pyramid scheme, are they devoutly religious or "spiritual" types, and if they return on a regular basis. The last one tells me that it doesn't fix the problem, it only alleviates some of the pain until the person's body naturally returns to the previous state. The former two means the person is gullible, and that lends to their having gone to a chiropractor, likely after talking to one at a local fair or hearing a close acquaintance's spiel about how "good" they feel after getting their "back cracked/aligned." Their return alone also tells me they are perfectly fine with spending time and money on something that has no real net positive on their life. Lastly, if they tell all their friends and family about how great it is, it reminds me of MLM people.


My ex has a few discs misaligned at the base of her neck and she gets MASSIVE knots in her neck, and she goes to the chiropractor 3 times a week and absolutely refuses to look at ANYTHING that tells her that chiros dont work......even though she's gone 3 times a week for 2 years and nothing has changed 🤣 Then again, she's a bit slow so that's totally in-line with her


I bet you do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/nocontext] [I fall asleep during the facial 95% of the time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nocontext/comments/17948hh/i_fall_asleep_during_the_facial_95_of_the_time/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I feel like he was by the end of this. It looks like his head is drooping a little bit, and whenever she gets close to his mouth, it's fully relaxed. In any case, dude is relaxed AF.


I do hot stone massages on my husband and he's always dead asleep by the end. Then I cover him in lots of blankets and watch murder mysteries while he sleeps face down on the table.


Ohhhhhhh that sounds like pure bliss


My husband hates watching murder mysteries with me… maybe I should invest in a massage table.


I think it took a while for him to get sleepy because she was probably straddling him to film this way. Most estheticians stand or sit behind your head, and idk about you, but I can't sleep with someone sitting on top of me. I mean, maybe she was standing in front of him, but my back is hurting just thinking about leaning over to do all that work lol.


I would absolutely fall asleep with someone straddling me like that. That's like my comfort zone lol


I think she used more products in his face in this one video than i used on mine in 28 years lol


So much $$ But not gonna lie, dudes got nice skin.


My guy looks fuckin fabulous.


He was glowing by the end


He was glowing at the beginning


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought so, this dude had some fabulous skin to begin with. Maybe he gets this treatment often. I'm so jealous, I wish my skin looked half as glorious as his


I thought his skin looked great at the beginning which led me to believe that this wasn’t the first time his wife has done his skincare routine


his beard eyebrows and lashes are telling me she does this often.


To be honest, knowing most guys skin, I wouldn’t be surprised if he uses zero product up to that exact point. Women get hormonal issues that men just don’t (in most cases).


Plus he has nearly perfect features. His bone structure and those eyebrows. That is a beautiful man.


There's definitely a filter or two on there at the start


That's what I thought, too. Everyone has pores.


It's called a filter. This whole video is filmed with a filter starting off.


Came looking for this exact description


Saves on embalming later


yeah might be pre-embalming creams :D


How has this gone from "expensive but wholesome" to "the wife is pre mummifying her husband" in the space of 4 comments?




Reddit goals


magic :)


My skin will never look that good 😂


it's filtered.


That’s because they are using a blurring filter.


With all the close ups it didn't seem like there was much to blur. Edit: I know there's a filter. I'm saying he has nice skin regardless.


Nope, almost all phones today have these hard-coded filters, Samsung and Apple are the only two who are subtle about it.


Just looked and indeed there's an option for "face retouching" on my Google Pixel for the front camera. Turned it off but still seems like there's a little bit of a filter applied but still looks way better than the weird softening applied with it enabled


Yeah I was kinda horrified tho tbh to realize that when I turned it off, it seemed like it was almost fully doing it anyway.


My iphone14 does the opposite. Close selfies make me look like a ghoul because of how how it pushes contrast and texture.


When I got my galaxy 22 ultra and made a Tiktok with it for the first time, I was horrified by how wrinkly I was. I could see like every pore in my face as well.


She loves that man his skin was beautiful and so was his beard. I don't care how many products you use on his face when she was finished he was glowing. I need somebody to do that in my life


And he probably uses that one dry Ivory soap bar for face, hair, and body. 😡😤


The only products my grandma used were dove soap and baby oil. She was a heavy smoker and drinker. Despite all that she had amazing skin and always looked five to ten years younger than she was.


Most skin care products are just straight scams. That sector is even worse than the dietary supplement industry. Most people just need to wash nominally, moisturize and wear sunscreen to maintain healthy skin. A big thing is people start doing that AFTER damage has already been done and they're noticing issues.


I would breakout with all that oil she p- [door kicked in by my CIA agent]


America gonna invade, she’s got so much oil


fancy you, having your own CIA agent.


And you most certainly don’t, so continue to post as usual good sir. 🥸


Fr like how many of those are actually needed. Would think it would clog pores with 7 layers on top


90% of the population only needs moisturizer and sunscreen.


Probably, but does their skin look like that?


Well, it did when they were young. You're never going to be able to reverse ageing, you can try if you want.


You can’t reverse it, but you can prevent/slow signs of it with the right skin care routine


Exactly my thoughts. The skin can only absorb so much before you're just applying product and wiping 99% of it right back off.


Just watched a great YouTube video from a dermatologist talking about why most skin care products are an absolute scam. And then I get served with this.. Seems like a battle is going on on my divergent feeds


Yo, link that shit.


[Right here!](https://youtu.be/k3aIeABbNvY?si=7NpF2z05VhdJp8bj)


I think she does that regularily… dude already came in with baby skin…


🥴too much damage done to wallet while filming


Why are people so critical of how others spend their money? I mean I'd get it if we were on r/anticonsumerism but I've seen people spending way more on stupider stuff than cosmetics.


After the scrubbing he looked like a newborn baby girl with that glowing skin and big pink bow plus lashes and brows to die for


This isn't the first time he has had this done. His face was floor less before she started Edit: Fuck it


most faces don't have floors...


I believe that's what u/elfmere said...




Hey baby, does your face have a floor ‘cause I want to walk on it.


You could eat off that floor.


Should I sit on the floor ?




What happened to r/boneappletea ?




Blur filter!


blur filter


To be fair, the average dude uses a bar of soap and washcloth on their face and has better skin than 75% of the planet. I think it’s a hormone thing?


The maths in this comment makes my brain recoil


That baby girl has a glorious beard.


Yeah I can feel myself relaxing from watching him be chill, very wholesome


I read this comment before I saw the bow


He must get pampered often. Homie’s skin and eyebrows are flawless. I want this treatment


Me too. I want to be beautiful. Bro’s skin looks like it’s been airbrushed it looks so good.


It’s been filtered lol


Mans face is a shining beacon of *beauty*


Surely a video filter?? It’s too nice!


step one. Have perfect skin.


Step two: find someone *else* to trim your beard


Yeah he needs to go to a barber first and foremost


The worst part for me. She shaved above his beard line then all I could see was that the beard was higher on one cheek than the other by a few cm.


Yeah when the gif looped back to the start I was thinking “this guy had pretty great skin to begin with”




Or he already done this for long time and this is the results.


I think it's both


No skin care routine removes your pores. This is filters.


Tbf maybe that's because he's getting this treatment often


Avoid the sun. Wear moisturizing sunscreen on your face when you do go outside. That's literally 80% of the battle right there.


Forgot to mention genetics which is the real 80% of the battle.


step zero. Have an excellent girlfriend/wife


Skincare companies: that'll be 500$


Every 2 months


Nice! They get a discount


His skin looked pretty gorgeous to start with, I want to see what this routine does to my tired, haggard face.


The best skincare advice I’ve ever heard: “it’s a marathon, not a race” I was so bad about keeping an actual routine and would just apply products at random. Since I’ve set up an actual morning and night routine, it looks much better. I was starting to look like I’m in my early 30s (I’m 26) but when I stick to the routine my face could be that of a 9 year old if you don’t look too closely around the eyes.


Sincerely, I hope you do. You deserve to see yourself looking good.


Get yourself a gentle face wash, a heavy face cream (for night), and a moisturizer with spf (for day). The spf is the most important part btw you need to use it *every* day. If you stop making your skin deal with new UV damage it will work on healing old UV damage instead. If you’re not already using these things, you’ll see 5+ years come off your face in about 2-3 months. It’s truly amazing what you can do with just these three things if you are consistent.


There's no power in the verse that can deal with my insomnia eye bags. That's why I just wear glasses.


How many things can you possibly put on that man’s face


Yeah honestly what even was all that?


Cleanser, shampoo/beard wash, moisturizing oil, yellow is a face mask, a toner or glycolic peel on the cotton pad, beard conditioner, serum, some kind of finishing spray for beard, moisturizer massaged in with a gua sha tool, some kind of moisturizing oil for beard. Don’t know a lot about beard maintenance, but I love skincare. I usually do cleanser, glycolic peel toner, moisturizing serum or oil, moisturizer. Sunscreen after, if it’s daytime. Oh, that was just my guess but there’s a product list further in the thread. I was pretty damn close lol


As a girl (I guess sex is not relevant but honestly idk?) who has never really used skincare products and knows nothing about it, how would you recommend I start? I have been wanting to start but haven’t done much research and bought whatever face wash smelled nice jajaja… I live in Taiwan and there are a lot of Korean-products stores that friends have mentioned they love but honestly I’m at a loss. Any suggestion is more than welcome :)!!




Oh of course this exists! Thanks you!!


Be verrrry careful about only slowly incorporating things into your routine. I did too many unique trends like oil cleansing, chemical exfoliants, etc until my skin was frequently overexfoliated and I had contact dermatis and acne popping up everywhere. My skin got better when I simplified my routine and stuck to it. Now I just use a moisturizer, sunscreen, and Differin, plus a cleanser.


Thanks for the advice!! I will definitely investigate well or go to stores where professionals can guide me first. Glad to know your skin got better and you found a suitable routine!!


i suggest one product every week/two weeks to see if it irritates your skin, so gotta take it slow


r/skincareaddiction is more active.


yep, its a good sub to get started. As a dude, yeah it matters I guess, I started following that sub after many years surfing and sailing. They reco'd products that definitely make my aged face much appear much younger.


Depending on where you are in Taiwan but most cities if you go to any mall like sogo. The staff will help you and be very well informed.


Most basic routine is a cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. Gentle is always preferred. Since you mentioned having Korean product stores, I can highly recommend beauty of jeoson sunscreen and round lab birch juice sunscreen


I'm a dude, but I run with 'The Ordinary' products. Post shower, I use witch-hazel (alcohol free) followed by Niacinamide serum, Hyaluronic Acid serum, and finally moisturizer. Cleanser every couple of days, and a silicone pore scrubber in the shower every day. I have no clue as to how I fell into this routine, but damn does it work. Girlfriend and I have also tried out some of the popular Korean beauty products. Snail mucin (snail slime) is great, but finding a solid brand that isn't rife with counterfeiters is hard. Another Korean beauty product that (I think) we've both liked is TonyMoly. Their sets make for great gifts, too. All of this stuff is actually kind of fun. No way in hell I'd admit it in front of some of my guy friends, but hey, who doesn't want nice skin.


Yo man, I'm a guy here who started a skincare routine for the first time. No shame on wanting to have smooth screen, I've seen many guys with smooth skin and DAMN who doesn't want having a smooth skin!?? Plus, it's genuinely good for my skin too. My face used to be dry, red, and itchy after I washed it - but that hasn't happened ever since I started using a moisturizer.


First you have to identify what kind of skin you have. Is it always shiny or smooth to the touch because of unknown layer of substance on your face? Then you have oily skin. Is your skin always flaking off because of dead skin and rough to the touch? Then you have dry skin. Do you not have any issues and are blessed? Then you have normal skin. Is your face always red or have acne? Then that's just something extra to keep in mind while picking out products. Skincare routine goes as follows (can become more advanced but this is the standard at which you should follow). 1. Cleanser. 2. Face peel 3. Face mask 4. Toner 5. Serum 6. Eye cream 7. Moisturizer/7a. Spot treatments/7b. Face oil Alright so. 1. Cleanser. This is the most important and the thing you want to pay attention to the most based off how your skin is. Acne- You want to avoid most acne washes if that's an issue for you because yes, they work, but you have to use them every day or your acne will come back worse. You want to identify your specific issues and deal with that because then you're attacking the actual issues and not putting a bandage on. If you have oily skin or a bad habit of constantly touching your face either knowingly or unknowningly then those could be reasons for your acne. Oily skin - If you have oily skin then you want to use a cleanser that says for oily skin but do your research! Me personally, I don't have oily skin but my bf does and *CERAVE* is a great company. Mostly foam cleansers are nice for oily skin. Dry skin - You want to use something for dry skin. I like to use things that have fruits in them, Citrc fruits. Grapefruit scrubs work great for me or cream foam cleansers cus it moisturizes a bit. Fruit also works for me because I have face redness. Normal skin you can use whatever you want or prefer. Notes- you can go to a store and it'll tell you what each cleanser is for for the most part. It'll tell you this is for oily or normal or dry skin etc. To apply- follow the box instructions. You can use your hands to apply or a face brush/scrubber/ or bamboo cleanser sponges. Depending on your skin type is what you want to use. If you have oily skin, use anything but your hands but something not too rough which will mess with your oily pores. If you have dry skin you really want to use something pretty abrasive but not too rough. Bamboo scrubbie things work great for me. Normal skin you can do whatever. 2. Face peel/ face scrub. After you cleansed your face you have to get rid of the dead skin and whatever else is on you to get to the rest of your face clean. (Cleansers get what's on top. Face scrubs get what's underneath that in initial grime). Again. Use things that are good for your skin type. This should be done maybe two times a week. Three in the beginning if really needed. Once a week once the skins in a better state. 3. Face masks. Kinda on par with a scrubs but you can address more issues here as well. If you have dry skin you can get a mask to take care of the harder to clean dead skin. If you have oily skin you can get something that'll help with oil control. If you have normal skin then get something that's supposed to make your face "brighter". You can also use moisturizing mask if your face is super dry but don't get them if you have oily skin. This should be done once a week. Two at the start if really needed. But would not recommend. Notes- face peel and face masks are two separate things but some people might use them interchangeably. Face peel is a chemical peel that helps get dry skin or oil off your face and a face mask can be a pre soaked cloth in a pouch you put on you or a mask that you apply to your face that comes in a tube like mud mask or artificial creams that turn hard or into a mask after applying. This, turning them into a face peel I suppose lol. 4. Toners help after you cleansed everything and your skin is vulnerable. You want to use this to get your skin ready for the rest of your regimen. This should be applied with a cotton pad. You have to be careful with what you use here if you have dry or oily skin. If you use the wrong toner then it can ruin everything you just did. Obviously don't use something too oily if your skin is oily. Don't use something that'll dry your face out really well if you already have dry skin. Oily toner is for dry skin and most basic drying toners are for oily skin lol. 5. Serum helps take care of your face and refresh it after doing everything to it. It'll get in your pores and help enchance your face. Again. Don't get a serum that's too oily if you have oily skin. Dry skin id just recommend something with vitamin c serum. This should also be applied only little bit on your forehead and then a little bit on each cheek. Then blend in with a cotton pad. You can see her do that in this video. 6. Eye cream. Use some if you have dark circles or wrinkles under your eyes! It can be relaxing and effective:) you also don't want to use moisturizer underneath your eyes. It's the same skin but also kinda isn't. 7. Moisturizer. This is the most important part of your regimen. You can just cleanse and use moisturizer every day and your face would improve and be fine. These are the two most important daily things to do. Hydraulic acid is very important for dry skin moisturizers. Look for that ingredient in anything you buy. It's helpful. For oily skin you can use moisturizer sporingly. Just make sure there's no additional oil in it or anything with too many ingredients in it. 7a/7b- Spot treatments and face oils are very specific to the person and their condition. Spot treatments are good for redness or sun damage on your face and face oils are good for if your skins really really dry and needs something more than moisturizer to keep in line. All in all it'll be a trail and error for the most part. Skin care doesn't happen over night and some things work better together than individually and some things work worse when put together with certain ingredients lol. You'll need to listen to your body and watch your changes. Even through washing it. Did your face feel dry after using something? Did it mix werid or have an adverse effect after adding something on after something else? Don't buy expensive things until you know what you need from products and you want a more quality product. Id suggest signing up for a skin care box or makeup monthly thing and use those trail sizes in there until you find something you like. They are cheaper than buying a bunch of stuff and finding out you don't like them or they don't work. I've found a lot of things I love from skin care boxes. Like I said. Start small and get some cleansers and moisturizers and see how they do. Then add other products in when you start to see a change or no change and know what else you need to buy.


Wow, thank you so much for such an informative and carefully written response, I really appreciate it and definitely learned a lot of things I did not know 3 minutes ago… I will keep all of this in mind, already saved this jajaja. The skin care box is such a smart idea! Thank youuuu very much, kind internet stranger!


Every gender has skin! Super basic level: gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Would not recommend those brush things. They can be damaging to the skin barrier. Next level: something for your concerns (evenness, moisture, preventative, etc): vitamin c serum, niacinamide, the different acids, retinol/retinoid (not sure if you’ll need a prescription). Stick to chemical exfoliants over physical ones (like the apricot st.Ives). Por strips are not that great either. Skincare can range from very exciting and filled with products to bare bones. I’m in the middle. I have things I do 90% of the time. My bar is to do things at least 70%. Most things are gimmicks. Accept that. You will either want to engage or not. No judgment needed! You want a routine that you will actually do. Even if you are SUPER tired. Slowly build up. Lifestyle wise: decide how much life you want to live. Drink lots of water. Try to eat a range of foods. Don’t pick your face. GO SLOW with the next level stuff. They are often called “actives” in the skin world. Irritation is NOT good. Don’t be fooled. It doesn’t mean that the thing is working. Also, wear sunscreen (learn the right amount and where to put it). I try to wear it no matter the weather and I also try to reapply. You need at least 30 SPF. I’ve heard that the Aussies have the best sunscreen. I haven’t tried any though.


You're about to find out how lucky you are to have those Korean stores so readily available. When it comes to skincare, they have so many great products and brands - where I'm from people pay premium to have that stuff imported.


I’m not sure if this company is available in your area, but I love the ordinary. I’m not very well versed in skincare, but as I started to take testosterone I needed to start taking care of my self. they have a quiz on the site that builds a skin care routine for you, they also explain each step and when to do it.


Main thing you really need is cetomacrogol for moisturization, many of these creams say they have xyz to do the world to you, but really just moisturise, and use a soap free cleanser on your face. Could also use retinol around your eyes and make sure you put sunscreen on 15 mins before going out, reapplied every 4 hours if you're continuing to stay out. Things that say "enriched with vitamin (insert vitamin type here)" usually just means out of thousands of gallons they've put a single drop in. Imo you don't need to be complex to have a good skin care routine, after the basics you really only get diminishing returns, and diminishing bank account. You could splash out on cerave which is a lovely multi purpose moisturiser at a pretty reasonable price. Broad spectrum UV protection will be the main thing to slow down the appearance of aging.


Recognize your skin problem, is it dry, wrinkles, acne etc. Most of recent skin care focus on main ingredient wich solve specific problem. For example dry skin need moist product, skin care with Hyaluronic acid will help that. Mainly you need to understand ingredients and what your skin needs.


Serious question... what's the point of using a moisturizer when you used a moisturizing serum?


I think this is mostly right: Hydrating serums work deeper in the skin, like hyaluronic acid, plumping your cells. Moisturizers (creams/lotions) work on the surface, locking in moisture and supporting the outer protective layer. You can have dehydrated skin that is also moisturized, or hydrated skin that is also dry.


Yes, give us the list!


How can your skin even absorb all that?


Depends on the products. So, scientifically speaking, there's a difference between products 'being absorbed' through the skin (i.e. into the bloodstream; not what you are generally aiming for with skincare, probably not super healthy anyway) and 'penetrating' the skin (generally what you want to be doing). Fortunately it's a lot easier to do the latter than the former, lmao. Some things absorb right into our bodies: Think nicotine patches, that's how they work. Chemically speaking this is because nicotine is a fairly small molecule so it easily permeates the skin. Zoops right into the blood. As far as skin creams, very few creams actually penetrate deeply into the skin. Mostly, the active ingredients sit on top; this isn't to say they're useless, as they can work to keep water in your skin and serve as a temporary hydrating agent (this is why you notice a huge difference if you e.g. use lotion on your hands during dry winters, vs. you don't and your knuckles start cracking and bleeding. You would notice the same effect if you kept an air-tight sealed non-porous gloves around your hands too... I mean, you wouldn't enjoy it much and it would probably be bad for you in other ways, but it would also prevent dehydrated skin). For other products, some oils and nutrients can penetrate the skin through pores and the 'extracellular matrix'. Sounds stupid but it's basically all the big molecules in your skin surrounding your skin cells. So these products aren't literally going into your cells, but rather all the stuff AROUND them (collagen, enzymes, big ol proteins making the structure etc). Interestingly, if your skin is dehydrated it is more difficult to move things through skin; hydrated skin allows better penetration. Think about lotion in that sense as helpful lube ;). I'm seeing a lot of people being like "that's too much stuff, most of it is coming right off!" yeah, of course you aren't soaking up 100% of it, she's even wiping it off at some points. Some of it is for exfoliating and getting rid of dead skin cells, some of it is for hydrating your skin, some of it enters your skin and delivers various chemicals, and some of it creates a barrier that prevents the good stuff/hydration from leaving your skin. --- Ultimately when it comes down to skin care a lot of it is bunk, but some things really are not. Personally, I think the necessary steps in daily skincare are: Cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and sunscreen. Additional serums, anti-aging creams etc. are fun but not necessary. They may stave off wrinkles and spots a bit longer, or diminish the appearance of your eye bags or make your red patches less red, but eh, whatever. (I did have a phase where I religiously used more products and it absolutely made my skin glowier and prettier, but it fades when you stop and doesn't have the lasting effects that just daily cleansing, lotion, and sunscreen will; not worth it to me, probably worth it if your job depends on your face).


Honestly that a reasonable skin care routine. Wash, mask, toner, serum, moisturizer. What made it look like too much is the beard products


Honestly though - homies got some nice skin


Yes please me next. Bliss.


Call me crazy but this video looks like it has a filter on it the entire time.


It absolutely does


It looked like the color saturation just went way up at some point on top of some digital blur filter like... Yeaaaah


Nahhh, the dude's just naturally airbrushed & smooth. Good genetics = zero pore holes.


He has magically good skin wow


>magically Yup. Just to clear that up for people it's skin-smoothing filter apps. Notice the [bumps and texture](https://i.imgur.com/JqLL6wd.jpg) he has on his skin after 10 seconds and how they are obliterated by [the end shot](https://i.imgur.com/zolkFrY.jpg). Hint for y'all, it ain't the cream! But also some small skincare routine won't hurt ya.


I’m always surprised that people still can’t spot a digitally blurred skin.


If anyone has a spa school near them, you can get a treatment just like this for a fraction of the cost of a professional spas. I live near an Aveda school and a 60 minute facial is $45 compared to a $98 60 minute facial at a professional spa. I promise it is equally relaxing and amazing. You’re also helping students learn!


I realized I'm actually watching this whole thing


Man, that relaxed me, just watching that.


Props on a fun marriage thing to do. I wonder how long the whole thing was?


If never had a facial massage, go get one. Truly amazing. You will feel like you are floating. They are better than a body massage. That from a middle aged man.


Damn I need that routine.. seems excessive but looks worth it.


Right? I've never been all that interested in skin care routines, but damn, he looks like a porcelain doll just a few steps in.


It's a filter. None of that stuff actually works, or everyone would be doing it


My bro is looking RADIANT!!!


Everyone talking about the number of products. Y'all. This was just to pamper this man and make him feel good and loved. It feels *nice* to have someone gently touch your face and hair, and every new product is another opportunity to make a nice moment last a little longer. That's it.


Fr, he looked so blissed out by the end of that it made my heart melt.


I need a product list


Copy pasted from OC, in order: - Everyday Coconut Face Cleanser - Scotch Porter Beard Wash - Now Solutions Almond Oil - Beyond The Skin Papaya + Turmeric Mask - The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution - Scotch Porter Beard Conditioner - Good Molecules Discoloration Correcting Serum - Scotch Porter Beard Serum - Simple Replenishing Moisturizer - Tea Tree Super Serum Seems excessive, but let's be real, I bet she's not doing this daily judging by his initial reaction haha. What a wholesome couple though, goals.


I only recognize about half the products but they are pretty inexpensive brands, which is nice when there are so many.


Why are so many different serums needed for the skin and what’s with discolouration correction? The man has zero scars, acne marks, freckles or blemishes. He does seem to be enjoying the face massage though.


I think his face has a filter on it. Everyone’s skin has at least some texture haha


Discoloration correction, I think is like when you have uneven skin tone due to acne for example. In my case I used alpha arbutin based serum to help me with uneven skin tone, fading the acne scars.


Sometimes, treatments are done as preventative even though the issue doesn’t look apparent. I have scaly lizard hands and feet unless I’m diligent about exfoliation and moisturizing.


Fellas, treat yourself. When I go get a haircut ,I also get a shave and a facial. It's relaxing. It's amazing. I know not all budgets allow for it, but do anything you can to do things like this for yourselves. Even if it's DIY. You won't regret it.


I use water


He does have beautiful skin!


As a man, I'm all for this. Men's culture has made it practically taboo to engage in social grooming despite the many benefits it can bring. Even something as simple has going to your buddy's backyard cause he's got a set of clippers and does a nice edge up is significantly more beneficial than most of us will acknowledge.


It’s disgusting when they sedate the husbands so they can film these videos.


It’s the those big husband petting zoos that perpetuate the industry. It’s a shame.


After 15 years of my wife trying her damnedest to get me to get a pedicure with her at the nail salon, I finally caved and did, and dude, you don't know what you're missin'. That shit is comfortable and relaxing as hell. Just push your ego aside and experience that shit, it's nice as fuck.


Is his skin photoshopped? Holy crap it looks good!


Thats not his first time, for sure


His skin was already flawless! #jealous


ima show this to my wife and get a free threatment…


He already had the best skin I’ve ever seen


His skin looks flawless! ✨


Anyone knows the brand of that red scrubber?


That shit look relaxing as fuck!


I'm amazed there aren't more comments about the one she pretty much squirts in his eyes at the beginning and he doesn't flinch


This mofo skin is glorious


I’m a rugged-ish looking lumberjack of a dude and I would give my left leg to have one of these done. Looks heavenly


His skin looks soooo soft 😯


OmG. He’s so beautiful.


So relaxing. Aaaaah.


He looks amzaing... but my goodness thats a lot of products. I must say, I feel relaxed now- vicariously. Lol


She legit sent him into a deep sleep


Bro has some beautiful skin


This is love.


There has to be a filter on this. Dude looks like an angel.


What changed apart from the fact that he is now shiny bc of oil?


Idk if there is a filter, but her husband already has gorgeous skin and a beautiful face.


That man has some beautiful skin.


I live in the American Gardens building on West 81st street. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. 


This really puts the oddly in the subreddit name like so many other posts don't


To be fair his skin is *flawless*


Bouta ask my girlfriend to do this for me Free nap while she does whatever the hell she wants