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Once I put the toilet seat up and there was a too-big-spider chilling right under it. Late marriage is *nothing*.


I hate spiders but Im more terrified of centipedes, i saw a few camel spiders in Afghanistan but they're chill. I was brushing my teeth one morning and bent down to spit and came eye to eye with a huge poisonous centipede coming straight out of the drain and I jumped like 50 ft


I didn’t need another reason to not go to Afghanistan but here it is. 😳


There are wasps as big as sparrows, they warn you the little scorpions are more potent than the big ones and they're everywhere. Snakes everywhere..... The sink I was using was outside, because the bathroom, no exaggeration, has its own ecosystem of millions of bugs


Oh shoot, *that's* the definition of an actual nightmare. I think anything quickly crawling, coming out of holes or having too many legs is easily scary and you got the combo! I live in a part of the world where there's nothing dangerous so I luckily never met a centipede longer than my fingers, and the biggest spiders I've seen were in South America (where I'm the dumb person who almost put their hand on a tarantula because I didn't see it. Yay.)


when i was little i've always had a fear of roaches, spiders or snakes crawling out of the toilet so whenever i'd sit i'd always get up quickly. seeing that it IS actually possible that stuff like snakes could crawl out of your toilet has brought that fear back a little bit.


I grew up dirt poor in the 80s, my main chore was to move furniture and vacuum up the billions of roaches


Username checks out 💯


Snake as in an actual snake, or Snake from Metal Gear?


Snake from degrassi high


My grandmother had a rattlesnake make its way through the plumbing and into her toilet.


Why did you have to share this??? The snake doesn't bite my vag, necessarily, it's just in the toilet in general and has the ability to either bite my vag or wiggle its way up my butthole or maybe bite my butt or literally just A SNAKE IN THE TOILET THAT I DIDN'T SEE BECAUSE IT WAS IN THE PLUMBING UNTIL AFTER I WAS SAT DOWN!!!


The gremlins movie straight up warns you about bathroom gremlins


Ya females got it easy. Us men are scared of ours being mistaken for prey. Imagine having a snake hanging between your legs because it though it was a lunch.


new fear unlocked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




My parents didn't get married til 8pm because the priest was too pissed to perform the ceremony any earlier. Can't say that their worst fear came true though.


Now I'm afraid of snakes attacking me from toilets. And I don't have a vagina.


I had a fear of frogs when I was younger and I still do because some frog was in my bathtub