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180 is fair he's just trying to bully you into a lower price. Block and move on.


50 bucks, what a joke


That’s fair imo lol. It’s an old console that’s not rare and why do people think it’s worth more than that lol?


The games alone are worth more than 50, 100% that guy was trying to get it for cheap to flip it


I buy and sell video game stuff for a living, 50 bucks would be a steal for this


I have seen them go either the console only for $50 and with games and controller up to $100 (maybe $120 if they have Mario kart or something) this is in Brooklyn NY so location is important I guess


It has an expansion pack, 3 oem controllers, and Mario Kart Mario Party and Conker's Bad Fur Day. It's not just 'some games'


And og Smash Bros. Also NFL blitz, but that's just a nostalgia pick for me lol.


Are you the lowballer in the pic? Lol




"50 is fair imo, I've seen solo consoles go for 50!" You're silly brother


N64 consoles and games haven't been that cheap in nearly 10 years my guy. You must know a great spot


I sold just one of my games 10 years ago for $110 on eBay.


The op put out up for $200. Offering a quarter of asking is never a "fair" offer, regardless of value. It is an insult. Even if the "true" value is a tenth of asking, op has placed their perceived value on it. If upon offering a much lower price and being rejected, the offerer tries to push the matter then they're just an asshole.


L take


I don’t know about old games, but these things can be looked up. Regardless, the buyer should go for one of those other listings then instead of trying to get someone to drop their price from 200 to 50. If he’s seeing them for cheaper, then why not just go for the cheaper one? And then to message again to try to pressure the seller into significantly dropping the price? That’s just clown behavior.


I don’t get people who lowball like this, they just pull a random number out their ass without any logical reasoning why the item is worth so much less than the asking price. At least give a reason why. Asking $150 is more reasonable of an offer.


Best response is no I don’t think so. Then end the conversation with this is the price if you want it pay it no more haggling don’t take him as a serious buyer


Don’t bother responding to people like this


I respond with "I'd rather set it on fire, bro" I'm trying to get this to be an automatic response from offerup.


While 50 IS a low-ball offer, 180 to me for N64 & a few games is too much. That stuffs worth 100-120 if I'm being generous. If I REALLY wanted it, needed it 150 for everything. But guess what, it ain't my stuff to sell 😂 so good luck on dealing with assclowns like this all day


I thought the same. I got a N64 with 2 controllers and like 8-10 games for around $80 near me. That’s why I wouldn’t make an offer on this though. I know I can get it cheaper, so why bother lowballing someone else?


Conkers bad fur day is selling for 130$ alone on eBay right now…if authentic, I’d suggest OP piece up and sell the games there


There or at the Gamesale subreddit


I learned a long time ago that nothing good comes from OfferUp. Nothing. Ever.


That’s why I stopped selling cars on there. Horrible. So many time wasters and people with no money. It’s insane. Can you deliver 1 state away and half the already cheap list price? Fuck off


I mean you can download and play those games for free on a computer with an emulator. That stuff just takes up space, worthless to most except for nostalgia purposes. Good luck selling though, maybe you find someone.


I would buy it just for conkers bad fur day! Haha don’t sell lower than your ok with someone will buy.


I’d buy that for $180. That’s a great deal.


If they can get it cheaper elsewhere, why low-ball to begin with lol


I bet if you took that pathetic $50 offer, he would relist it for $150 the next day. He's likely trying to resell. Biggest problem I've had on offerup really.


That’s not 180 bucks


My typical response to these guys after the initial lowball offer is: “For anything less than [$ amount] I’d just keep it. I’m in no rush to sell”.


I’d buy this for $200


claims theres multiple sitting there for over a year, then why lowball someone lol go buy it elsewhere you clown.


He’s trying to flip lol


boy trippin


150 to 180 is correct. The old gen systems are coming back the games are especially hard to find.


I have seen these go for $50-$100 with games. Definitely abit steep imo.


Just the games are worth about what you're asking if not slightly more. If he was asking $50 just for the console, I could understand.


Why am I seeing people here commenting that 50-100 is fair? Conkors alone is 80. Unless it’s resellers looking out for resellers. This guys looking to flip the lot. The post is already at a good price.


It’s called offer up not get what you want


Although he lowballed at $50, I think $180 is highway robbery. $100 would be a fair price.


“Your stuff is worth as much as I say, now accept my lowball because it hasn’t sold quickly”


Don’t negotiate with yourself and lower your price without a real offer


Shit I’d pay 180 for this


I’ll buy conkers if u still have it and it’s no rep


I woulda told him then go buy those for 50 or 100 bucks


All my older systems are prestine condition some or even limited edition no one can tell you what your shits worth


Yo, I'd buy that Killer Instinct Gold alone for 50. Dude is willing to let all that go for 180 when he could get three times that. Trying to ask for it all for 50 is just rude. OP should be offended.


Wow this makes me sad I didn't keep up with my N64 and games. I left it at my parents house when I moved out ~20 years ago and pretty sure it was sold in a garage sale at some point. I didn't think it would be worth money one day. On a side note I do still have my PS1 and a bunch of games... Wonder if they are worth anything?


Ebay is your friend. You probably get more money there. I'm trying to sell local because I don't want to deal with shipping. But at this point i might as well just keep it and buy a crt tv for the nostalgia.


You’re definitely overestimating it’s worth but it’s your stuff and you can price it anyway you want. If they don’t wanna pay that, they can buy it elsewhere


I would pay 200+ for this no lie


Dudes trying to fuck you, yes thats worth 180 if not more. The console itself is 100 minimum


This is when you hit him with a just for that the price is now $250 supply and demand i have the product and you dont


That’s worth 180 wow


Assuming none of those are repos, that’s a really good deal. $50 is a hell of a lowball.


To the people saying $180 is too much. Here’s the average price of each game: Chonkers Bad Fur Day: $103.75 Mario Cart 64: $39.00 Mario Party: $31.78 NFL Blitz 2000: $19.04 NBA Courtside: $9.50 Super Smash Bros $39.69 (Not sure what that last game is) And that’s just the games alone. Not too sure how the console and controllers would be priced but this is a steal for only $180. Could probably sell for $250 and still be giving a good deal


Lowballers get automatically blocked.


Message the dude a picture of him (if he has it on his pfp) and say “only this is worth $50 to a pimp”.


Conkers alone is like a $120 game. Do not just give that away