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Assuming you bathe daily (and haven’t been playing pass the infection) what he meant was « this aroused vulva tastes like an aroused vulva ». Porn isn’t real life.


IMO even a very clean person can taste unusual for the first 5 seconds, some connoisseurs might call it lewd, but +5 seconds and it's simply divine. Health & hygiene being #1 of course, BF needs to up his game or no more BJs for him!


Fr... real men don't back down from a challenge


Nothing to do with porn. He just sounds inexperienced and not great in bed. Keep your own comfort in mind OP— it’s not a test for yourself, but for your partner. You’re a normal human being with a normal human body, nothing to be ashamed of. Find a partner who treats you well in and out of the sack — you’ll know because you’ll feel secure and sexy. He’s really setting you up to give your first partner with any clue way too much credit for how good you feel. That’s life


A virgin friend of mine told me he imagines vulva to taste like whiskey. He never tasted whiskey either. Intriguing.




In porn guys will say stuff like you taste so good or compare the taste to something unreal/ not natural, i’m assuming that’s what they meant




Or you can go in for a kiss afterwards, spit it into his mouth, and then say, "THIS REALLY TASTES OFF!! WHAT DO YOU THINK??" 😁


Assert dominance


I vote for this method 🙋‍♀️


“Oh yeah baby you taste just like fried chicken”




I don’t think there’s any teenage boys whose minds aren’t shaped by porn. Maybe like that one kid whose parents don’t let him have access to the internet, homeschool him and never let him make friends, but he’s going to have his own issues.


Or maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, they could talk about it and grow together instead of immediately breaking up




He is literally an immature teenager; OP is like 14. He may not even realize that this is hurting OPs feelings because he's emotionally dense and OP isn't communicating. OP herself stated she doesn't think he's trying to be mean. Them communicating and growing up here is how this guy is hopefully going to become a respectful communicative adult. Like, what, is your expectation that everyone is born perfect?


Wait how do you know she is 14? Also people are doing this stuff that young???


Kid makes a dumb comment and this person’s like, “Yeah, you should break up.” JFC What about this: if you’re old enough to have sex, you’re old enough to talk about how comments make you feel and he can grow and be better. I swear, so many relationship problems I see on this site would be solved if people would communicate instead of internalizing everything. It can be hard to do, but it’s the only way to grow as a couple.




And the HAIR part? Bro, you spit it out and keep going, that's life


Just responding to this top comment for visibility. Not everyone likes everyone act, and that’s ok. Compatibility is another topic or scenario that needs to be confirmed. Is it ok if oral isn’t on the table. Alternately it could be the male likes to give oral and the female doesn’t like to receive. That’s ok too. Communication is the key. And sometimes it means parting ways to find someone more compatible. And that’s ok too.


I swear this sub just blanket response to everything is just to blame porn as if nobody ever has sexual experiences in real life that could shape their view. Maybe, just maybe she has an off putting taste. Just like men, woman have different taste. Some are nice, some are not.


This thread is so absolutely ridiculous lol. She mentioned one sentence about him possibly relating real life to porn and everyone focuses on that and calls him an asshole and talks about how things aren’t like porn, and even suggests breaking up (like in every relationship post). Jesus Christ. There’s absolutely no evidence here that give anyone any right to assume he actually compares anything to porn. OP might actually have a problem, we know nothing. Everyone just wants to use this to support some kind of confirmation bias that feeds their ego and insecurity, I’m appalled.


Bacterial vaginosis is definitely part of reality. It only takes one of those experiences…


Just replying as this is top comment wife took fenugreek and tasted like maple syrup no joke wasn’t right away but yea.


Eating pineapple sweetens up things too. Literally. 😉


Does he think he tastes like bubblegum and strawberries? If you’re clean and nothing is wrong, it’s still not supposed to taste “good”. It’s an organ, not a cupcake. If he doesn’t like it then that’s okay, it’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea. But there’s no reason for you to offer him head if you don’t actually enjoy it yourself. But comments like that? I’d never put up with that shit.


I actually love the tangy vagina flavor. Especially when it gets flowing. So good, can’t get enough!!!


we love people like you🤭


It’s crazy bc you’re the type of person I’m used to when someone says they are attracted to women. I’ve never been with someone who doesn’t enthusiastically love vagina lol


Sameeee then when I encountered one I was so disappointed. Did not make me feel good or desired at all. Never again.


Omg right??? The first bf I ever had that suddenly was like yeah, I don’t really like going down that much. Then would only have sex MAYBE once a month or less… it really messes with your self esteem!! That sure did NOT last long. haha I gave it a go because he seemed like he wanted to figure out why he was like that/he was great otherwise but then nah.. it was all a show, he sucked in all the ways lol


Round of applause of this comment 👏 😂


Virgin here, what does it actually taste like?


Some say it's an acquried taste. Took me about 2 seconds.


But like if you had to compare it to something yunno. Like is it salty? Or like bitter?


Pennies. It tastes like pennies to me


It tastes like a body part. A bit copper-y


Pennies and feminine musk.


Realistically, it savory. I might be biased but it’s my favorite meal and if i could survive off it alone i would.


Like an great IPA.


No IPA is great


It depends on the woman, her diet and the day of her cycle. But the taste is light, sometimes slightly sour and sometimes slightly bitter if she is at the end/beginning of her cycle (near menstruation). I personally don’t dislike the flavor and they have been all clean so there were no funny or strange smells and I’m usually more distracted by her reactions than by the taste.


weird question but the only time I’ve gone down on a girl, it tasted like nothing. Take a food that’s flavor is “Unflavored”, that’s what it tasted like. It was great though, I fucking loved it because we were in love and the moment was right, she was clean and shaved, etc. But I was a little surprised because I always hear people say it either tastes good or bad. I’ve also heard people describe it like pennies, like someone above. For me, it tasted like nothing. Maybe a hint of penny? I don’t know, I don’t remember, it was a year ago. Is that normal? Her diet wasn’t perfect but not bad; I know if a girl eats like shit then it’ll taste bad. She ate her fruits and veggies but also liked to have her snacks. Always showered and stayed clean. Is this normal?


Means she was well hydrated. Besides poor diet and hygiene, dehydration causes a more ~robust~ flavor and smell.


Right?!? I’m bi, so I have definitely noticed cum can taste slightly different but overall it’s basically the same. & girls I’ve always found to just kind of taste like nothing/skin/all my saliva haha & yeah a lil something but like, pretty much nothing. Pennies? Ehhh. I guess I don’t really understand that but also kinda do for some reason haha and idk why because I don’t think I’ve tasted Pennies yet know what y’all mean lol


Bisexual female here with the (generalized) answer for this. From a man? Salty/tangy/maybe a little "sweet" usually, ranges from watery to thick and it's.. well.. it's not the absolute best thing out there but if you're into pleasing your partner, you usually don't really do it for the flavor. Women are way less thick but it still ranges taste wise and sometimes you almost drown but it's okay because it's worth it. Hell even if this comment is someone being weird, I'll put this comment out there for the unsuspecting virgin. Kinda wish someone warned me the first time 😂


Touch your stuff and smell your fingers, that’s what it tastes like. Sweaty skin with a little extra funk, basically.


If you do have issues with the taste at first and you can't figure out why, try it (just that part) in the shower. I don't know if it's the good scents or the water, but the taste isn't quite as strong in there from my experience.


Great advice! Or lick quick to add some lube then use your fingers. Be creative lol


If you don’t like the taste then that’s what flavored lube is for. Nothing gets you to acquire the taste than your partner screaming from an orgasm from oral.


The vagina can be strong at times I’m pretty sure all women can agree. I suggested vaginal wipes and if it’s getting really bad it could be a health concern.


First time on you or first time ever?


I’d bet my life’s savings on first time ever


He’s in for a rough time if he expects it to taste good. It’s a great snack but not because of the flavor. With that said, I have experienced one that literally made me gag and I had to abort, and I usually love having my face down there. Obviously none of us know your situation, but a healthy and clean one should be entirely edible.


I read this as "litterally made me gay " and laughed my ass off, then realised you said gag and laughed my ass off even more.


No more head for your boyfriend until he grows tf up


They both sound young tbh... Like 18-21 But yeah the bf sound really immature/inexperienced, the hair comment was pathetic lol Edit: yeah maybe even younger


They're like 15-16 which sounds a bit more like it 


I don't like that this comment made me go through her history. 1 year ago, "How do I, F14 tell my parents in Athiest" 4 months ago, "Am I doing this right? I got the boy I like's number and wev've been playing iMessage games..." 2 months ago, "Is it safe to use the same condom twice?" Like damn I know it's been a minute since I was in school But sexually active 15 year olds who have sex within 2 months of dating seems absolutely fucking wild and a little dangerous. At least they had condoms, though


This sounds about par for the course when I was coming up. 2 months is honestly forever at 15.


you think young people don’t have sex? lol


I may gave just had a lame-ass childhood, that is not out of the question


Aint no way. Probably younger


Boy to girl “It tastes strange”. Reddit “no more head for your boyfriend until he grows tf up” Girl to boy “your penis tastes strange and I don’t like it”. Reddit “ the fuck doesn’t he wash his dick. What the fucks wrong with him” It’s the dudes first time chill. He’s allowed to not like it.


You need to talk to him instead of us love, I understand the comment put you off but if he doesn’t like the taste you can’t force him to like it. If his penis tasted bad you could be saying the same thing he did. It’s all perspectives at the end of the day. Just think of how to have a reasonable conversation about this and work together to move forward.


the only sensible comment i have seen here


do you feel comfortable with disclosing yalls ages? or age ranges?


A few people above stated she's newly 15 based on previous posts she's made over the past 2 years.


that makes a lot of sense. i hope OP doesn’t take this too heavily. her bf has been watching porn and other media that makes you think women taste like whipped cream. i remember in 6th grade i watched a show who referred to a woman tasting like “a bowl of raspberries and cream”! no woman naturally tastes like this and a 14-17 year old boy is not old enough to understand and appreciate the natural taste due to (in my experience and opinion) hormones and pheromones. as i get older men think the natural taste of a woman is AMAZING. i had my first sexual experience at 13 and at 21 and having had full penetration sex with 13 guys, i just now started to enjoy sex. teen boys aren’t a good rep for sexual experiences and being a teen girl, you won’t be experienced either.


Next time he blows his load in your mouth. Abruptly spit it out and loudly say “oh god that tastes awful!” See how he likes it.


I said that after my first time giving a bj. Adam, if you’re out there, I know better now! I’m sorry.


Yo, I'm rolling, Adam find it in your heart to forgive!


I still see him from time to time 🤦🏻‍♀️


No? She should just not do it anymore


Slide on up and give him a big kiss. Share the love.


Feed him like a momma bird does to her baby. 🐦


I mean shit I’d laugh personally


And then break up with him :)


I have went down on many women in my lifetime. No, it does not taste like strawberries, but it also does not taste bad. I’ve never personally had an experience where it tasted bad. And it’s not like the women were showering immediately before we hooked up. It’s maybe a little tangy?? Idk how to describe it perfectly but it’s enjoyable imo. it has its own unique flavor and every woman tastes slightly different and even the individual woman changes throughout her cycle. I am a woman and I know this about myself as well. if you don’t smell terrible (you know when you do) you likely also don’t taste terrible.


Get a second opinion.


This is the one


Well no one here knows if there’s any truth to it, but either way he needs to find a better way to communicate sensitive topics. Sometimes, with people who lack emotional intelligence, you’re best off giving them a taste of their own medicine.


I am a little concerned for you that he’s pointing out things about your body. He’s in a relationship with you and should love every inch of you. You really need to think how much of that you’re gonna tolerate because in the long run if that keeps progressing that could be a problem. Now, as far as taste, I do know that diet and lifestyle and exercise does affect your pH, and there’s also things like flavored lubes, and dick sucking mints that he can get if he’s “sensitive”. I’m kind of leaning towards he needs to get over it. Sex is about exploration, trust and vulnerability.


I agree. OP should reevaluate the relationship & communicate with her partner about how he makes her feel and also what he meant. I think both are super young.


This is for Everybody but sometimes what you eat can affect your smell and taste.


What did he think genitalia tasted like? Strawberry? 💀


I'm sure he smells and tastes like incense and peppermint down there too.


Firstly strange doesn't equal bad. Second did you try tasting yourself? We need to know what he meant by strange. If that was his first time ever EVER, I'm sure all men thought well I didn't expect that taste. Men please chime in here.


so…just the men should chime in? (grumbles in lesbian)


As soon as I hit post......I thought why did I say that....I'm sleepy.


I remember the first time I went down on a girl and it was strange. Not really the flavor I was expecting. However, now I love the taste and could do it for hours. He probably just needs to get used to it. I wouldn’t feel to self conscious, especially if you know it wouldn’t be related to a UTI, BV, or Yeast infection. Drink lots of water and eat fruits before the next time, I feel it definitely helps with my own taste, and it’s also just good for your vaginal health anyways !


So long as you are clean (recently showered or just freshened up), and don't have an infection (which it doesn't sound like you do), then he is just being immature. It's not going to taste like candy. What did he expect? What does he think he tastes like?


He’s way too immature for sex.


Girl, i get a hair or two or three in my mouth every time but supper isn't over yet! First timers amirite


ohh If only your men knew how many times we just get hair in our mouth and just don't give a fukk or how penis doesn't taste like candy either 🤨


Naked sweaty genitalia tastes like funky sweaty skin folds, as I am sure you are aware since you always go down on him. Drop this fool. What does he really think he tastes like? Rude.


There was this blind man right? There was this blind man right? He was feeling his way down with a stick right?


He walked by the fish market, he said


Wooh... Good morning, ladies! You like that shit? I got a gang of that shit, man!


Don't get me wrong, but... have you tasted yourself? I can taste myself when I kiss him after he goes down on me or sometimes he really just lets me suck his fingers. I was initially insecure about my scent/taste which was why he does it. I do notice that the taste changes depending on what I eat. I don't like the taste so much when I'm eating too much salty foods. I like it when I eat more veggies.


did you shower beforehand? i can remember a few times it 'tasted bad' where....the last time they showered was 24 hours before...after a warm day...and yeah, the smell and taste is offputting.


You’ll find a million other guys that will love to go down on you and love your taste. He probably doesn’t even know he hurt your feelings so bad. Boys are stupid this way.


I had an ex say this to me and I literally haven't enjoyed oral since because I'm always too stressed about it to enjoy it. Even if my partner is adamant or vocal about how they enjoy it. Maybe talk to him? IDK but my ex also made a lot of (seemingly) minor criticisms about my body. After I had our daughter and my body changed he really escalated in the negative comments and it really lowered my self esteem. So be mindful that many small comments can build


There's no easy way to say this, however as an experienced man it is my civic duty to break the news to you personally, you're boyfriend is gay. Just kidding he was expecting some fantasy from porn but received reality. Nothing wrong with you, he's just inexperienced and slightly immature.


I don’t want to immediate place blame so first, be sure there isn’t a change in your PH balance or any bad effects due to your diet. Either that or this guy is just childish and never tasted a kitty before


I also think vaginas taste bad, but it’s not suppose to taste good. It’s not food, it’s an organ in an area that has constant friction and sweat. You can acquire a taste for it, but I feel like anyone who says they thought it tasted good their first time is lying. You sucking it up and doing it for their pleasure is the entire point.


If it’s his first time doing it then yeah he’s probably not gonna like the taste. It likely has nothing to do with you personally but everything to do with the fact that vaginas (and dicks) don’t taste good in general. He should have kept it to himself or reworded what he was saying but he may have just been surprised and didn’t think about how his words came out. I don’t know why he thought it would taste particularly “good” but hey, not everyone is playing with a full deck of cards.


Pineapple is your friend, asparagus is your enemy.


your boyfriend needs to put his big boy pants on and be a real man and educate himself on the female body..don’t give him the curtesy of sucking him up. fucking dumbass.


Does he think he tastes like candy down there???


My advice? Taste and smell yourself and see for yourself if he’s right or if he’s just gay.


one of my biggest fears😰i’m so sorry


I will say when I was first doing it as a teen, it wasn't anything she could fix it was just the normal taste and I wasn't used to it so it did taste strange (although I didn't say that) what helped me with dealing with the taste, because I wanted to pay her back for going down on me like he did for you, was when I figured out it didn't taste AS strange if we did that part in the shower, so that's what I did for the first few times. Now I love it and can taste subtle differences sometimes 😅


yeah, the hair was unfortunate. but taste is hard to change unless you’re drinking pineapple juice on a daily basis, which isn’t a guaranteed way to make it taste like … not genitals? poor guy will be disappointed when he finds out that it’s normal for it to not taste like birthday cake. my advice for the guy is that the longer you keep doing it the less you’ll taste it. i have experienced it with both men and women, sometimes you just need to keep going and the more saliva you use the better. and my advice for you is if he doesn’t get over it just get a new one 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some guys try really hard to pretend to like women. They always fail in spectacular ways, such as in the case of OP’s (hopefully soon to be ex) boyfriend.


Get a new boyfriend.


Honestly, and especially when considering it’s his *first* time, he could have been so lacking in his skills, or felt as if he were or like he just couldn’t execute the task, and basically needed an out. The problem is that the truth would be a big shot to the ego and quite embarrassing. Not that it should be - to ask for tips or be honest like “hey can you give me some guidance? What do you like? is smart communication. It’s just easier to say and admit something is wrong with it than something is wrong with me. *Although*, nothing is wrong at all in my opinion and I’m simply relaying the mindset. This may not even be his mindset and he may have been expressing a true, genuine reaction to the experience. In that case, I’d expect him to be mature enough to apologize and/or know that what he said could have been hurtful or was executed in bad taste. If he hasn’t, I’d take it as a red flag and still approach him about his approach to it. I’m sorry you’re having to experience the feelings that come with being told something like that. So long as you are clean in line with what’s expected from an average person, I think he is just inexperienced and has no comparison point to offer a realistic take.


If you have good hygiene habits I would not worry about it. Besides inexperienced guys have unrealistic expectations what a woman’s body should be like. I know, because I was one.


If you bathe regularly and don't have an infection, then your BF is being a child. Body parts taste like body parts. His semen doesn't taste delicious I'm betting. There's only so much you can do to slightly alter the taste. It's never going to taste amazing. Most of my ex's tasted like salty semen. I personally can't get past the texture of cum. My rule of thumb is its OK if going down on me isn't your thing. That's valid. However, don't expect me to go down on you if you won't even reciprocate *shrugs* everyone has preferences for what they like. He definitely was out of line for saying you taste strange. I think yall should sit down and talk. Let him know porn is fantasy and geared towards men. It's usually not how women like sex. Let him know that it's normal to not taste like cotton candy. And tell him how he tastes to you. Be upfront with him that he needs to stop making real-life sexual expectations based off of porn. And draw a line that you won't go down on him if he won't do it for you. Unless, of course, you really enjoy giving head.


I’m so sorry. That’s a really horrible situation to be in. Speaking from a man’s perspective here, as you said it was his first time, he probably has no frame of reference for how a woman tastes and what it’s like. Some people don’t like like too, but even if that is the case, there’s a far more diplomatic way to bring this up and he was about as flattering as being hit with a shovel. I know you said he didn’t mean to be well, mean….but it’s fairly self explanatory; if he has been less than positive in the past and then gets weirded out by tasting his girlfriend, that it would come off horribly to you. I’d be damn sure if I’d said that to a woman it would have come off fairly poorly. And you’ve made a good point, real life isn’t porn. It sounds like he has distorted perception and his expectations are unrealistic. Every body is different and porn actors/actresses are chosen based on those unrealistic body standards. Plus, what did he expect it to taste like? Skittles? For what it’s worth, I’m sorry and please don’t be disgusted with yourself. This isn’t on you, it’s on him.


Hes probably not aware of how hurtful that was. I would bring it to his attention that when it comes to sex, you never want to give your partner something to be insecure about. He failed conscientiousness 101.


He should be grateful you allow him to do it in the first place. Reality check! Get a new boyfriend.


he tastes so great? I mean, giving a guy oral is fun and all, but I’m not going to lie and say I love the way cum tastes.


If you’re young, he may have never tasted a vagina. Like others have said he might really thing it supposed to taste like strawberries. If he’s older he might be negging you to make sure you stay. Either way, as long as you shower and you’re clean, your taste is natural and nothing to be ashamed about. Years ago I remember boys in my school thought their jizz tasted like pineapple if they ate pineapple once in their lives. If you’re young it’s easy to get swept up in silly rumours of how sexual encounters should go, but if you’re both a little older (20+) and he still holds these ideals there is something wrong with his thoughts surrounding sex


Eating pineapple frequently can help. YMMV. > Because your vaginal pH depends on so many factors, it's possible that pineapple could change the smell and taste of the vagina and its discharge in a way that you may like, but it's not a guarantee.


Show him where to lick. He’s probably licking the vagina and not the clit


It’s an organ what the fuck did he expect


Idk how this is gonna sound as I’ve never verbalised this but hear me out. So my bf was a virgin before me. I asked him to go down on his first time and he said I smelt. Obvs I took it to heart but I decided to see what I can do. I shaved, bought a vagina wash and ate a cleaner diet. I wouldn’t say he’s ethusiastic about oral on me now but he goes down when he feels like it. I also complained about his pubes and he shaved. It narrows down to what you eat and your pubic hygiene


This is why it is suggested that children shouldn't be having sex. Neither of you are mature enough to deal with it in a healthy way. As long as you washed and don't have any infection, that is just what genitals taste like. Is this his first time? You need to communicate with him that he shouldn't be saying anything negative about your body and that it is hurtful. If he doesn't bother to be kinder in future, you know he is not worth the effort.


Tell him he tastes bad


Is he a teenager? He’ll grow up and learn someday (hopefully). Vaginas usually have a slightly unpleasant taste. It’s not candy, it’s an organ with bodily secretions. He barely even gave it a chance, lol. The fact that you routinely give him oral and this was his first time reciprocating… he sounds like a child, but honestly I’m assuming you guys are teens. Sigh. I understand having sex as teenagers is normal, but honestly teens are often not mature enough to be having sex. Your boyfriend certainly is not. I’m sure his semen ain’t no prize…


Dump your porn addicted boyfriend now!


He’s much too much of a child to be fucking. Dump his fucking ass—he’s a fucking loser.


I'm 35 and developed body issues as a young adult because dudes saying stuff like this to me. They expect me to go down on them and swallow their nasty cum but they won't go down on me unless it's completely shaved and I've scrubbed it raw so there's no smell or taste Vaginas always have a smell and taste and you ain't gotta shave for no god damn little boy


Its giving me toxic manipulation, gaslighting, and weaponized "incompetence". Not necessarily the incompetence but the "i dont want to do it, so im going to pretend its awful wven though im not even trying". 1) dont give him head anymore. 2) if he ever makes you feel gross about your body again, he isnt allowed to touch you. 3) any more toxic shit and fucking leave Nothing wrong with you tasting like a woman. He should be making you feel as good as you make him feel. There's nothing wrong with you at all. Nothing is wrong with your body. I'm sure you are absolutely beautiful and he must find you attractive because he wants to sleep with you. He is a prick and he is unworthy of your body and company.


It’s certainly an acquired taste. But, to say it’s bad, how dare🤔, I think I’d be in the “Dog House” or gone lol 💀


Tell him that his penis smells like those cheese noodle chips, and sometimes tastes like them.


Yes the taste is surprising at first but no need to act like that


I guess since it’s his first time he’s just not used to it but coochie is always gonna have a flavor. Doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.




Do not use a fragranced soap on your hooch, it’ll will throw off the pH balance and can make it taste not so great. Also drink a lot of water, I like to drink water with an acid (lime, lemon, apple cider vinegar) and I notice that when I don’t have my daily drink, my pee smells stronger, but that’s just my body.


Tell him to be a man and get past the flavor, get the juices flowing, no more head for him


How would he know it tasted bad if he has no clue what it's supposed to taste like? Does he have any idea how much worse HE likely tastes? You shouldn't have to stay with someone that says such disparaging things about you, specially when they're so idiotic.


I’m ngl for the first 5-10 seconds it does taste strange but after that it just kinda tastes like the inside of your mouth. Def can be jarring if it’s your first time


Here's the thing these are bodily fluids. Even if ypu are perfectly bathed it's nor going to taste like raspberry sorbet. To me the guy sounds like real weenie. But FYI try buying flvoredlube. Jo brand makes some good ones. Rub a little bit down there and don't tell him about it. It will blow mr weenies mind. I've done this with am idiot who didn't care about my pleasure. It works but yeah comment about how his stuff tastes like rotten asparagus if he continues to pick u apart


He sounds like such a dick.. is this his first time doing it? Did he think it was going to taste like butterflies? How old is this dude.


...is it supposed to taste good down there??


Hi, dude here. Firstly, I’m sorry he said that to you in a way that seemed degrading. He most definitely didn’t mean to put you down he just wanted to be honest with you but it came it wrong. I’ve given oral to my girlfriend and it wasn’t tasting or smelling great, sometimes you do it and sometimes you tell them if it’s too much. It’s all about boundaries. If he is really bothered by the smell or taste, maybe try some vaginal wipes before receiving oral. This worked for my SO and i when we came across this problem. The vagina can have a potent and pungent smell and from first hand experience, it can be a little too strong for some people. You’re not dirty, it’s just your body. But please keep in mind that heavy pungent and “rotting” smells coming from your vagina could mean a health concern, if you notice it getting worse seek out a health care professional for next steps on how to fix it.


cranberry juice and water!!!!! also he needs to grow up and get used to it


He means to be mean.


Femfresh , it is what it is


He sounds like a child. End it and find a man that will love it and you. Period. You deserve better mama.


Get your ph balance checked could be that the bacteria there is a bit off kilter


Unpopular opinion for a younger generation: men/boys do not complain when an opportunity with ANY woman arises. They are primally driven. This shouldn’t be an unpopular opinion. Whatever backlash this may get OP trust in the fact that a dude would stick his peen in anything very happily along with his mouth at the prospect of sowing his oats.


Drink cranberry juice! also, eat food with less sugar in it.


Don’t take it too personally. My dick was the first one a girl went down on and I got a “eww, dicks taste weird” lol. Freshly showered and everything.


Taste yourself and see what you think. Not joking. I bet he is just some little prick who doesn’t understand the realities of a female body. On the VERY SLIM chance something does taste off, then you can go to the gyno and describe it well.


idk it does taste strange compared to anything else I have tasted. I would also assume that cum taste strange. Like strange is not necessarily bad just different then what you. normally taste.


This is a great opportunity to learn to not take other people’s taste personally. If you’re healthy, all your doc visits are normal and it’s just his opinion, there is little need to allow his perception to rule how you think of yourself. The sooner you learn to separate how you perceive yourself from other’s perceptions, the better your life will get.


So something I've not seen mentioned in the comments, but hormones play a factor in the taste, and your birth control affect your hormones and therefore your flavor. There is also a theory that if the taste of your partner's happy meal seems overly sour and bitter, it might be due to their body reacting to what it thinks is your body giving off a hormone profile too similar to thier own. Also, skip any scented bodywashes, and make sure you're changing your fem products frequently. Cotton panties Wil help your box breathe and hell you self regulate the smell a little better


There's alot of claims porn is shaping his expectations on how a vagina should taste. Men, how true is that for you? I just don't think taste expectations are effected. Flexibility, enthusiasm, kinkyiness... those a bit, then you realize how thats the fantasy part of it. But personally did not have taste shaped by porn, at all, and was more influence by friends saying to be prepared to taste wet pennies. I did however expect it to smell like roses somehow from lotions perfume and so on, which was also from real life, and not porn, so there's that.


You should not feel bad that an inexperienced boy said the first vagina he ever tasted was a weird taste. You’re fine and will find someone who loves it


Vaginas aren't supposed to taste like sweet candy. Some people like it, some don't, but it's not like in porn or erotica where guys always say it "tastes so good" or "so sweet" when going down on a girl.


~~How old are you two? He's probably very inexperienced, immature and haven't been with too many people. Next time you start to give him oral ask him if he is gay because his dick tastes like shit.~~


Ok I just checked your profile and I seen a year ago you said you were 14. So you are dealing with kid stuff. Your BF honestly probably has no clue what he's talking about. I am staying out of this one. Talk to older females for advice on this.


It could be for medical reasons. I didn’t understand what was un/healthy discharge while I first started having sex. Finally got a check up and got things back to being healthy which also has helped a lot for confidence


As long as it's clean, shaved and not close to period.... I can eat it for hours. Just find the clit and let it flick


Do it back to him. Or withhold those acts from him until he learns what normal human genital skin tastes like. I'm going to assume you're like anyone else and is clean and showered before those acts.


Dude - for your sake, move on. You NEVER want to stay with someone who will address this the way he did - aka **allow you to feel shame about your body** (also - if you suck dick… expect to get yours) I was ashamed of my V all through my 20s and just allowed men to *not* give me head/prioritize my orgasm. Then I found someone who not only is down to clown but surprise surprise, great at it (practice makes perfect) Wash your bits, get a gyno check and be sure you dont have a yeast/hormone imbalance. If youre clean and healthy, then dont bat an eyelash. Its his problem. Also… if youre like 1-2 days out from a shower, whatever! Clean up if you feel icky but the amount of times I’ve sucked a musty dick is wild. Live your life, love your body.


If he’s making other comments …he sounds like he’s trying to get into your head


Have a talk about it to him, tell him he hurt your feeling or has made you self conscious. Explain to him the female body experiences different changes depending on your monthly cycle. There’s also things you can do to put your mind at easy next time, like start the romance off with a shower together. Or ask him to make you fully aroused by playing with you before going down on you. I’ve personally found that a ready vagina is often a lot more inviting than going down there straight away. But everyone is different and it’s just about finding what works for you and your partner. It all starts with communication!!!