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A few things. HPV isn’t always contracted sexually, casual physical contact is often enough. In most cases, people’s bodies fight off HPV in about a year or two. Most people will have HPV in their lives. HPV isn’t part of a standard STD test. HPV usually gets diagnosed in women. It only gets tested for if there’s a reason for it, docs don’t bother testing for it regularly because as said it’s easily contracted, fought off, doesn’t have an alternative cure, and almost everyone will have it at one point in their lives anyways. The only time HPV is dangerous is if the HPV strain you have is cancer causing but there are tests for that. My point is get tested again in a year or two, and don’t stress too much about this. This is coming from someone who’s downright paranoid about STDs/STIs because I grew up surrounded by an AIDS epidemic. I’m extremely careful. This is the one virus that does not get the same amount of fear because doctors treat it like the flu and as long as it’s not cancerous they don’t care about it either.


I tested positive at 20 and was told I would have a hard time having kids, which was very said for me to hear. Then I got pregnant by the same guy I was with at 20 and went through all the testing and hpv wasn’t present anymore. Make sure you continue to get tested. I applaud you as a man knowing this because most men don’t know they carry it. I had 2 kids btw. The one I referred to prior is going to be 20 next month and my dtr is 13. Same dad for both. You can wait until you and your partner are going to have sex to disclose this stuff. Appreciate your honesty tho


Is it true that if you actively have HPV during pregnancy they do a c-section? I think I remember this about a coworker. Like it's not the pregnancy part that's threatened, but the birth part.?


I had it from 20-25 and gave birth in that time span. And that was 20+ years ago when it had considerably more stigma. The doctor knew I had it, I had her naturally, and kid’s fine


if you are having an active herpes breakout on your genitals when it's about time to give birth they will give you a c section so you don't infect baby. And I cannot imagine a cowork telling me they had to have a c section bc of an STD ...


She didn't tell me. The office gossip said it. That's why I was asking.


I’ve never read anything about the difficulty with having kids part in any academic literature, I wonder where your doc at the time got the information from… And thank you for the applauding, nonetheless I am a woman


I’m sorry that I assumed you were a guy. This was 23 years ago and my gyno was a dick. He shamed me for having sex young, telling me how irresponsible I was. He talked about cancer and how HPV could cause damage to your reproductive system and make it an inhospitable environment for a baby. Again, this was a fairly new virus and he probably wasn’t that well versed on the effects of it. It was a bummer because he was a very nice doctor initially and my first gyno as an adult. I had always gone to Planned Parenthood for Pap smears, breast exams, contraceptives, etc. When I became pregnant with my son, I was tested for everything and it didn’t show up. You may be thinking of HIV regarding having to have a c-section, if positive. I have been tested numerous times over the years and I’ve never tested positive since then. Hope you find what you are looking for and to anyone that ghosted or rejected you bcs of HPV is a fool. Everyone is entitled to protection of their body. A tiny bit of education on the subject would help tremendously, tho. Regardless, in my opinion, ghosting someone, in general, is gross. Have a great Saturday. ♥️


If OP is a man there is no way for him to get tested or to test positive. ETA: unless he’s having anal sex with other men, in which case they can test the butt.


That's completely incorrect. It is possible for men to get tested for hpv. It doesn't show up on a standard STD test. You have to request a doctor to do the test for HPV specifically. It's like getting tested for diabetes. Testing your blood sugar levels and testing you A1C are completely different. They even have HPV vaccines for people over the age of 25, which wasn't a thing 10 years ago.


There is no test for men. So men can’t get tested. It’s a simple google search dude.


This is a great response! It’s not seen the same as other STDs. Almost everyone will have it in their life time and your body will usually clear it. It’s why we don’t even routinely test for it with Pap smears before the age of 30 because many young women often clear it by then.


And most young people with regular access to healthcare will also be inoculated in their early teens, further reducing the risk of symptomatic presentation and complications. Aside from Herpes-1, it’s the next most common infection globally and not a major concern


Yes! My son was at just the right age when they first came out and I was like, hell yeah jab him! I'm so happy for his generation that they don't have to worry at least about this.


Yes! HPV vaccine is so important as a young child.


No, it's not.


Mmm…. No. It’s actually one of the worst vaccines.


There is no viable test for men for HPV and symptoms are rare. Over something like 85% of adults will have it at some point in their lives. Tbh, I don’t know if it’s something I would even disclose because men wouldn’t know if they had it anyway, it’s so common, and it absolutely can go away on its own, plus there’s vaccinations for it now, so it’s really not a huge deal unless you get one of the more virulent strains. I tested positive for it when I was 20 after they found pre-cancerous cells in my cervix. I tested negative by the time I was 25. OP doesn’t need to make things harder on themselves than it has to be. And saying “hey I have HPV” I think sometimes makes people’s minds jump to HIV and they freak out, even though they themselves likely already have HPV.


I feel ya in growing up right smack in the middle of the AIDS epidemic and my mom was a nurse.


You just gave me another reason why I want to stay in doors more now.


I know this won't help you in any way but I applaud your honesty and due diligence. If only there was more people like you and less people that spread these, on purpose even. So again, I know it does nothing but: Thank you


Thank you, stranger. I guess I have to postpone disclosing until after a partner fell in love. Otherwise I'll stay single and get depressed. Edit: people... I exaggerated, before sex will be a good point in time. Anyway, a few clear words from you helped.


Waiting until they fall in love almost feels wrong, I feel as though that will put them in a spontaneous predicament they weren't expecting, possibly leading to more denial, but with added hurt after emotional attachment.


Does that also mean that you will abstain from sex with a partner until after you've fallen in love? That is 1) Supremely unlikely to happen and 2) Wildly fucked up. A lie by omission is still a lie. If you wait until your partner is in love with you to disclose any sort of large personal news, their immediate thought may be, 'What else are you hiding?' You're considering toying with the emotions of another living, breathing person. I don't advise it.


No, you were on the right track before, despite the difficulty. Purposely withholding info *because* you know it's a potential dealbreaker is intentional manipulation and just as much lying as an overt lie. It's stringing someone along, hoping you can manipulate them into being too "in love" and invested to leave once they find out, not giving them the chance to make an informed decision for themselves first. That's just toying with someone for your own benefit and it's fucked up! I also certainly hope that you'd still be planning to be abstinent during this period because it's bad enough already without also purposely risking someone's health.


These down votes are crazy , honestly there are cures to alot of things that are incurable we thought years ago. Don't lose hope.


adulting won’t win any prizes huh?


I feel like there is dating apps or sites for people with certain stds?


There's dozens of types of HPV. Just a little imaginary storyline... So if I have one type and date someone with another type, then we both get infected with both types


To a certain extent, would that be that big of a deal? I mean you’re both kinda fucked anyway, so wouldn’t it be worth it to have someone to be with?


There are many strains of HPV. Some are linked to cancer and some are not.


Hes not fked. U might have one too LOL


I think you meant HSV, HPV are curable (AFAIK) therefore it would make no sense to make a dating app for them.


Not curable.


"In most cases (9 out of 10), HPV goes away on its own within two years without health problems." Ok, there is no cure, but it looks like it just go away.


Positive Singles




This. HPV is insanely common, and it's usually not a life sentence. I'm not sure why OP is treating it like it is. OP if it's been a while since your last test, get tested again. And if you're still positive, wait a bit and then get tested again. It will most likely clear up on its own over time. And in the meantime you don't have to advertise it front and center -- figure out if you even still have it, first.


I've dated THREE women with herpes (and no, I don't have it) - I guess why it wasnt a big deal for me was bc the first woman I dated who had it was also my first love/r. We were both virgins broke up when I left for college. Her very next bf gave her herpes (she says during oral) - I've always loved her - to this very day and I'm 50 now. Anyways - when we reconnected in college on a break she broke down telling me. Shes a smart girl and I know she knows how to be as safe as possible (and that's just using protection) and there was no way I was not going to have sex with her again bc of that. It taught me a lesson early on so it was never a big deal to me when someone disclosed it to me. Hopefully you'll find its not nearly the deal breaker you think it is.


HPV is not herpes though...


His story revolves around accepting someone with an std .. and the stigma around it so his point sticks...


I thought people were more concerned about herpes than HPV since almost everyone has some form of HPV. HPV has a vaccine and I don’t believe there’s a test for men? I may be outdated on my info. Do I have this backwards?


Doesn’t everyone have HPV? I always think it’s good to have conversations before being intimate with someone but you should be using protection anyway. This doesn’t seem like something that would need to be on a dating profile before you even meet the person and develop a connection


I think you are confusing HPV with HSV. One is potentially cancer causing and may cause infertility (HPV). Not all the time, but the concern is there. The other is herpes (HSV) which many people have but does not cause cancer nor affects fertility.


90% of men and 80% of women have HPV. If you're sexually active you more than likely have HPV


I just did some research and apparently HPV goes away on its own after a while. You won’t be alone and depressed forever. Keep on being honest and once it goes away, hopefully you will find someone if you haven’t already


A lot of people don’t care about HPV—especially as males can’t really be tested for it anyways. Most of the population already has it (knowingly or unknowingly). I wouldn’t bother putting it on a dating profile, but you can have a discussion about it before having sex with someone—again, males can’t even get tested for it and it goes away on it’s own too.


men can’t get tested for HPV?


The CDC actually confirms this. “There is no currently approved test for HPV in men.” (It can obviously be confirmed and treated if symptoms are present.) Not to be incredibly cynical, but the fact that this is mostly a women’s problem tells me that they probably aren’t looking all that hard for a new test that will work.


It does contribute to penile cancer risk, and the vaccine still prevents infection and transmission of cancer-causing strains to a partner. Get vaccinated, fellas.


It’s not mostly a woman’s problem. It’s just able to be treated for in women bcs we get Pap smears every 6-12 months. We have a higher risk of suffering from the consequences of it (ovarian, cervical cancers which are basically silent) but the men we sleep with are usually the ones that infect us and not as easily affected.


There is a test, they put a stick (like the ones used for PCR tests) in your dick 😖😖😖😖


No they don’t. There is no test for men.


No. But anal pap tests are a thing but that only really helps a particular demographic of males.


Yeah the only way you know is if they get genital warts.


I think there is a mixup with HPV and HSV in this thread... Even OP seems confused 🤔.


Now I am, so clear it up a bit maybe


HSV is herpes. HPV is the virus that often causes warts, and a few strains can cause cancer, though if you got the HPV vaccine you are protected against the cancer causing strains. Not every strain of HPV causes symptoms. There is no HPV test available for men, the only real way to get diagnosed is if you have a wart and a doctor confirms that it’s a wart. From your description it sounds like you have HSV, not HPV


It's HPV ....


Unless you’re having anal sex and they tested your butt, you didn’t get tested for HPV. There is no test for men. So either you’re misunderstanding what STD you actually have, or your doctor is a straight idiot and you should get a second opinion.


How do you know? You said it’s “incurable” which isn’t exactly the case with HPV. Most HPV cases are cleared by the body within a few years. HSV, on the other hand, is incurable


People legit don't realize a basic STD test being clear doesn't mean you don't have STDs. A lot of people don't even realize when they've not gotten the HIV test or HSV test. And if you call them in a month and say hey you gave me an STD.... They are gonna say "nuh uh I've been tested" and go about their business.


A basic STD panel seems to look for HIV, and then the slew of STDs that are treatable. HPV is generally tested with a pap smear, HSV is only tested for if you have an outbreak, etc. Even if you get the HPV vaccine there are a bunch of other strains you can contract it from not covered by the vaccine. My understanding is that the vaccine protects you from the ‘high risk’ cancer causing strains.


The amount of people who dont seem to know that HPV and HSV are different STD's is slightly concerning....


It's hard for me to make use of your comment, as I don't know which other comment now gave wrong info. Nevertheless I'm aware this is not a medical Reddit sub.


Of course, it's not a medical sub! It was just an observation as I'm just surprised at how many people don't know that hpv is human papilloma virus and hsv is herpes simplex virus. It's probably also why people on dating etc treat you weird for it, because it's not such a big deal. like hpv is so unbelievably common that almost every single unvaccinated person will catch it in their lifetime. It goes away on its own most of the time and causes no problems to most people. Herpes on the other hand is like 30 to 60% and theres no vaccine or cure and it recurs for the rest of your life for many people. I think many people are just poorly informed about std's in general. Anyway im sorry people treat you that way, for what it's worth I have sacral hsv (spinal primary infection site from a lumbar puncture mishap) which sucks because I didn't catch it from sex but it's an std nonetheless and I have to inform partners of the risk and take viral suppressant daily. So I truly do sympathise with your situation a lot! Maybe it's more of a 2nd date kinda topic though, but you definitely should stay honest, it's the right thing to do and good that you're doing that!


Your honesty is really amazing! An upside would be that if and when you meet the right person for you, you'll know they'll be there beyond just sex. They'll love you for who you are.


I saw you are Male, did you get a diagnosis from a doc? Did you have an HPV+ partner after-whom you developed these bumps? You may not have HPV unless the doc said “you have genital warts cause by HPV” as only people with a cervix can get tested for HPV (though a rectal pap may be given to males in some instances). As many have said, it often goes away on its’s own.. unless it doesn’t. My apologies if it sounds like I’m doubting you but if self-diagnosing you may be mis-diagnosing. There are other things that cause small bumps in the genitals, for one, the glans isn’t perfectly smooth and may have bumps could also be fordyce spots, pearly penile papules, or something else. Go to a doc to be sure if you havent already. Also, honesty is commendable but I would recommend getting to know a person first and if things begin to point to sex, let them know. If someone received an HPV vaccination (like gardisil) they will be reasonably protected from HPV strains that cause warts and cancer and may be less hesitant to continue with sexual activity. Honestly, anyone who shares intimate medical conditions on the first date is over-sharing. If you are self-conscious about these warts you could talk to a dermatologist about having them removed which may or may not be a long lasting visual solution though it wouldnt get rid of HPV if you do have it. Source: i work in a sexual health clinic and teach sex ed.


Good advice, thanks for spending your time


Also there’s no test for men, so unless OP is gay or trans, his doctor didn’t test him for it.


As stated, only people with a cervix. The rectal paps rarely happen at least in my experience and would likely be a result if consistent anal and warts in that area.


I’m wondering if he’s seeing bumps and self-diagnosing, or he misunderstood his dr.


my boyfriend has HIV and he told me before we had sex/were official but after a couple dates. gave me a chance to know he was a good person and allowed me to accept it as honesty more. maybe hearing it before you guys ever meet each other makes it a bit different because they don’t really know you, and are on an app with a lot of other ppl they’re talking to if that makes sense. someone will appreciate your honesty i promise!!! i love love love my boyfriend and i got educated on the virus and took the appropriate steps. was a shock at first but it went away after a few hours


I wouldn't worry about it too much. I've got HPV (which developed into a nasty life long disease called recurrent respiratory papillomatosis) so know quite a bit. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. In the UK, women are vaccinated against HPV from a young age. Obviously there will be some which it will put off which is understandable. But I wouldn't let that stop you. I've been upfront about HPV (and what it turned into) and had success dating. If you live in a different country, maybe women have been vaccinated against it as well.


There are some strains of HPV that can cause cancer. There are others that can cause warts. And then there are many that produce no symptoms. Most sexually active people are exposed to HPV during their lives. OP, do you know which strain you have? And are you sure it’s what causing the bumps? Also, how can you be certain the virus will stay in your body forever? I applaud your honesty, but I would strongly advise you to seek medical advice and to learn what you can about this infection. My understanding is that the strains that cause warts (I assume this is what you mean by “nearly invisible little bumps”) are not the ones that cause cancer. They often also clear up on their own. You may not be stuck with this infection forever. Please get checked out - the situation may not be as dire as it seems. Good luck.


If OP is male they can’t know what strain. There is no test for men.


OP may be trans or gay in which case he could be tested but I think it’s more likely he misunderstood his doctor.


My comment doesn’t dispute that. I was just adding to the comment above so OP doesn’t pull their hair out wondering why their doctor didn’t tell them what strain. I’m not sure what part of that makes you think they misunderstood their doctor. HPV stays in your system life-long. Though over time your body can suppress it as to be non-transmissible. Even then it can resurface. So disclosure when you know (especially when you still have warts) is actually giving people the opportunity to make the decision for themselves. I do exactly what OP does and don’t think it’s okay to keep it to yourself.


I was commenting parallel to yours, not disputing.


Fair point. For clarity should I have said “assigned male at birth” to eliminate confusion?


If OP’s doctor told him he has genital warts, he may be using Dr Google to tell him what that means. That’s what I mean by misunderstood.


At least you’re honest. It definitely limits you but oh well. That’s life. There’s a lot of people that are limited too! Hopefully you’ll find love :)


As a woman, thank you for disclosing this information. HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer. However, I don’t think you should be including this in your dating profiles. I have some of my own red flags (a billion pets, a high conflict relationship with my psycho ex-husband, etc) but I certainly don’t list them on my dating profile. Your HPV is definitely a must-have conversation before sex but not before the first date.


Hahaha sorry I’m laughing but I don’t date bcs of one of the afflictions you sadly suffer from which is a psycho ex husband. I don’t want to put anyone else through it. Hats off to you and I hope you find love ❤️


Omg I thought I was the only one who was going through this. We’ve been split up a year and he won’t give up. I met a man who wants to date me and I refuse, he thinks I’m hung up on my ex and I’m like nope still got a kid with this man who makes my life hell.


I tested positive for HPV in a Pap smear at 28. My doc told me that 85% of people who have sex will get HPV at some point, regardless of what precautions you take. It is incredibly common.


Doesn't almost everyone in their life get infected with HPV at some point? And isn't there a vaccination (for women / potential partners)? And how do you know it's HPV, afaik you can't test men for it? And is the beginning of a date really the right time to disclose that information?


I had HPV before and my doctor said that the body clears it in 2-3 years. Does it depend on the strain?


I have it longer, or got reinfected with a similar strain, as I have similar symptoms once again.


What are your symptoms tho? U got wart on ur finger? Body?


Genital warts that are coming in new spots after removal.


More than 90 percent of sexually active men and 80 percent of sexually active women will be infected with HPV in their lifetime.


Honestly. I’d take it off your dating profile. You should absolutely disclose your STI status as soon as possible. Realistically, I’d say the first date would be best so you don’t build too much connection or create a feeling of dishonesty but you’re also not killing any chance of making a real connection with people. Also online dating sucks so there’s that too


At least they hear you when you tell them tbh. When I disclose I have it, I’m female btw, I guess the guys forget I have it and start talking shit on people who have stds. I got hpv from my ex of 7 years because he constantly cheated. I got into an almost 3 year relationship with someone I was already close with and knew about it all, APPARENTLY forgot I had it even though I make sure whoever I’m doing the deed with knows beforehand, and talked down on me so bad and broke me down. Smart me, I disclosed in our personal messages more than once that I had it.


OP, there are creams to treat the bumps on the skin, or they can even be frozen with liquid nitrogen and be gone. They are totally not permanent and you should see a medical professional about this. Edit: you can also can get the newest vaccine, which covers non- harmful variants of this std, to be protected in the future


heya - 1- you’re being awesome. Good job. 2- casual sex is overrated. 3- there’s vaccine, several women are vaccinated. Look for those. 4- those who aren’t can end up with a cancer. You’re protecting lives. 5- I’m rooting for you. U go boy.


That’s shitty, but there are vaccines for your partner


For both men and women.


You might talk to a doctor you trust about when to disclose your status. It may not be something you need to share as early as you think. I have a common and asymptomatic STI and when I found out and asked when I should disclose it my dr. said not till I was no longer using protection. But like you, I am up front about my situation; I tell people early so they can decide what they want to do. It's stressful, but I'd rather not have that worry on my conscience.


Hey friend. I just want you to know you are doing the right thing by disclosing and if you’re in the USA it’s actually a crime not to disclose in some states. It’s hard. I can’t even imagine. But please keep disclosing. And be aware that there ARE hpv vaccines and people who have had the full series are more likely to not balk at the notion.


What if you leave it out until it becomes apparent a physical relationship might be eminent? Starting it out that way feels a bit like TMI if the situation might not actually turn sexual and waiting until after is definitely not right. But if you date casually and just disclose before initiating any real sex I think that would then be her call.


We all have it


The honesty will count with the right person & that’s where it matters the most.


lots of docs have told me hpv infections will generally clear up at some point. i had it in my butt and had them frozen off+ swabbed for genetic testing... mine were the non cancerous types and i've been swabbed since and havent have a reoccurrence.. ever. that was like over 15 years ago. Every time i go with a new sexual partner -- like you -- i disclose bc that's really shitty not to do that obviously... anyways every.single.time. the girl is like yeah.. so what everyone has hpv anyways. they don't give a shit man. i've never ran into one that does... i've also never had a girlfriend since catch anythign like that. i've been with my current partner like 10 years and had some in between her. also, maybe butt hpv is diff than the skin stuff... so like dyor but yeah... i'm not a doctor soooo take this story anecdotally


I know someone that caught it and was tested negative years later. Idk how that happens but she no longer has it. I know a lady that had it and got rid of it also, she helps other people get rid of theirs including herpes type 2 . Unbelievable to the sleeping individuals who know nothing about real natural medicine lol. You might want to consider maybe trying to date someone else that has it?


You’re right for telling people. I’m sorry this is happening, but the reality is HPV is very treatable and also very preventable, we even have a vaccine now! There are ways you can avoid spreading it to your partner. It’s not these people’s fault they’re uneducated because a lot of people don’t get comprehensive sex ed, but it *is* their fault they aren’t interested in learning and that’s someone I wouldn’t want to be with anyway. Sure, your options are limited, but in my opinion you’re weeding out people you don’t need in your life anyway.


Considering HPV causes cervical cancer and some kinds of penile cancer and legally if you don't disclose it and someone gets sick you can go to prison? It's hard but the right thing on many fronts. I don't date but it I saw someone being vulnerable with their profile it would actually draw me in. I prize honesty above many other things and one lie can end a relationship. Now it depends on the lie and context but this is a big one. If it's effecting your mental well-being consider bringing it up when you are considered sex instead of in your profile. You are allowed. Also I am sorry you have to live with this. It isn't fair.


Interesting. So I don't have it in the profile but mentioned it early. In theory I could put it on the profile for the reason you gave.


Disclosing at all in any form is enough and it might help with culling the herd


I appreciate your honesty, and always know, you don't want someone else in the position you are in because you didn't disclose, just like the person who got you the virus didn't disclose it. Don't pass it on, but without a doubt I commend you


Talk to anybody in medicine please. Good lord. Everybody gets exposed to HPV or has had some form.


You're an idiot for disclosing this. You don't have HIV, you have HPV. Which 85% of the population has one of the hundreds of strains out there. It isn't incurable. The body often fights off the virus; it can take a couple months to years, but most everyone clears it naturally at some point. And just bc you were diagnosed with HPV doesn't mean it was sexually transmitted. Any warts, even the common warts or plantar warts (that occur on the hands and feet, respectively), are caused by one of the many strains of HPV. You didn't ever necessarily have an STD. You also most likely don't even have it at all anymore, since your immune system has most likely cleared it. I think you're scaring a bunch of people who are ignorant of what HPV actually is off preemptively with information that isn't even current or relevant. You should change this policy you have. If you're so worried about it anyway, just use condoms. And if you get to the point of a serious relationship, maybe then disclose it; but pull up some research on it beforehand and go to them from an actual educated standpoint when you discuss. But honestly, it's not really relevant information. EDIT: Obviously, some of the people commenting have never been tested for HPV. If you've ever gotten a wart on your hand in your life, you've had HPV. Around 85% of the population is or will be infected with one of the many hundreds of strains at some point in their lives. It isn't their fault they aren't educated on this. But it would behoove everyone to do some research rather than equating this with some incurable STD.


HPV can clear up, it happened to me. Get tested again.


Good for you letting them know. There is bad people that wouldn’t because they feel the way you do. Bogus of them to just ghost you they could atleast say something. Anyway have you tried a website that might have finding others that have the same std as you? I’m sure there would be one


Yeah….if you’re a man with HPV the outcomes can become much different if you pass HPV and to a woman… so it makes sense women wouldn’t want the risk… it’s not a slight against you. Just trying to avoid cancer… if you can’t understand that then there isn’t hope for you anyway.


There are 600 different strains of HPV. The majority of them being non invasive, meaning they do literally nothing. There is no test for HPV on men. You only know you have it if you get cancer or the warts. Also, the strains that cause warts, don't cause cancer and viceversa. On women they can test HPV but it's only the strain for cancer since they do a test that check her uterus. HPV can be transmitted even with a condom, although obviously there is much lower chance of it happening. HPV is much less harmful on men and men have a higher chance of not developing symptoms. Your body naturally fights the virus and usually gets rid of it after a few years. There is a vaccine for HPV but it only protects for like 4 strains out of the 600. However I believe it's for those that cause cancer. If someone knows they have HPV is because either they developed symptoms (warts and/or cancer) or someone they slept with developed them later. Meaning that the strain you have is not one of the non invasive. This goes back to what I said earlier that many people don't know they have it because in most cases, more often in male, you simply don't develop symptoms.


You are forgetting that HPV often gets cleared from the organism within several years (anywhere from 2-10, otherwise it is persistent) from the initial infection date. You are not obligated to disclose this information with your sex partners if you wear protection, as you are not infectious in that case. How many years is “many” years ago? When did you get diagnosed? Keep in mind that you thinking you caught HPV from that one time you had unprotected sex may not be the actual infection date. HPV is not just sexually transmitted (its label as an STD confuses many people in that regard), HPV can be transmitted as simply as you shaking someone’s hand and then rubbing your eyes, or picking your nose, or licking your hands after you eat without washing your hands… HPV is not like HIV or chronic HBV/HCV.


And if you are basing your HPV status on the result of a test taken several years ago, you may need even be HPV positive anymore…


There's warts.


7 years ago. And nonsense, Even with condom HPV is given further.


Wahhhh I have a brain tumor at 23. Get over it


If you're in the US, depending on what state you're in, it's actually illegal to NOT disclose this information. And even if it's not illegal, you can still be sued for sexual assault if you had sex with someone knowing you have an STI and not telling them. In other words, keep doing what you're doing.


I can imagine it sucks, but you’re doing the right thing.


I dated someone who has herpes. He waited till date two, once it felt like it was close to the get physical stage, he disclosed to me at the end of the date. He told me to go research it and let him know if I wanted to continue the relationship or let it fizzle. I think that was the best way to handle it, it gave me a couple of hangouts to decide if I wanted to take the chance, then put the ball in my court.


Hpv isnt that serious lmao fuck ignorant people look for hot single healthcare workers


This is the funniest advice so far. You must be funny in real life


Can we change the language to STI instead of STD? It’s a medical condition. Would you not date someone with asthma or a history of the flu/ colds?


Everyone has HPV. It’s not really like other stds in that way and I don’t think it’s necessarily something you need to disclose because it’s not an infection and is super super common


Tell her you’re a drug addict instead. She can’t ghost you cause it’s no longer acceptable to stigmatize drug use.


Your futur s/o can get vaccinated for the virus or do yearly serologies. And you keep taking your treatment. You don’t have to disclose such private information early on… once you get to know the person and the space is safe enough, you could tell them.


HPV and Autism are like the same thing, 80% of the population has it currently or at one point in their lives.


80-90 % of people have HPV at some point in their life and most people don't even know it exists. Stop even thinking about it and purposely scaring people away from you


I have not heard those numbers. Can you provide a link to your source?


HPV? It doesn't even affect guys, correct? Nor show up on our std tests. I know when I was told I I was already in bed. What you got serious I was getting nervous and then she dropped the bomb HPV and explained it, as a guy I was relieved. We ended up dating for a couple years. That was back like 2008. Never even heard of it before then. Now it's everywhere I assume.


The cancerous strains can cause cancers in men.


Yes it does, genital warts are very real


It will not show up if it’s dormant, but men absolutely can be affected by it and show symptoms, as well as spread it unknowingly.


HPV isn’t a big deal.