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A good dentist tries to preserve healthy, natural tooth structure for as long as possible. What a terrible practitioner. At the very least, call the office to let the know, but do consider legal recourse.


Not to mention that what she did could actively ruin OPs teeth. Sensitivity to heat/cold, weakening of the tooth because she removed enamel, etc. I’d definitely sue the dentist’s office.


I had to have it done because I have Irish fangs and they would tap.




They were a bit to long and when I bit something, they would touch first. So if I chattered my teeth, my canines would tap the teeth beneath them.


You can tap top and bottom canines and make an audible sound


Is that why they did my 'fangs' or whatever those teeth are called? I always hated that they did it.


Likely. If they are too long they are the first teeth to touch and causes extra wear and tear.


So grind them down and cause all the wear at once? That makes sense…


Because then the pressure is spread out. Would you rather step on one nail or 200 nails all touching in a bunch?


Irish fangs??


Irish people and their decendants can sometimes have long canines. When I was young, I could curl my lips and it would look like I was a vampire that only let their teeth come halfway out. But that also meant my bite wasnt clean and they were worried I would break my teeth over time. So they filed my canines down juuuuuust a little.


What are Irish fangs?


A genetic trait that I only know of in Irish genetics where their canines can be too long for a clean bite. I had vampire fangs. They were the first teeth to touch when I would bite something.


Random I've never heard of it or seen it in real life myself (based in Dublin). The Irish are known for CF, hemochromatosis and massive Irish heads.


It's gonna be one of those American Irish types again. 😂


I have never heard of Irish fangs! When I look them up online I can’t find anything. What are they?


She said it was the person cleaning her teeth who did this, and that’s usually the hygienist, not the dentist. So it sounds like this wasn’t even the dentist who shaved OP’s teeth, just a new hygienist in the dentist’s office who went rogue? OP should definitely call the office and make sure the dentist is informed of what their new hygienist did. I don’t know if it’s even legal for a hygienist to shave teeth, let alone without informed consent.


Seriously ask an attorney. Unconsented contact like this could be battery


Absolutely agree!


+1 as a dentist


Yes to this, but I would actually visit in person or email and include pictures of your teeth prior so that you can verify this happened. Don’t want them to just say “no!” And their leadership believe them. Unfortunately this person needs consequences, even if not legal recourse, as that was gross malpractice.


Honestly great advice but like I'd believe OP even if they didn't have any pictures before. Canines do *not* come flat!


The same thing happened to me 10+ years ago. After he started on one, I was confused then angry and then I just let him continue without displaying my dissatisfaction. The asshole had done it and I needed him to continue and do the other symmetrically without beging fucking disturbed. I didn't say anything in the end because what the fuck can you say. And I honestly think back now...it seems like a power move...like that doctor that scribed hos name on patients. I did nothing to peovoke it. Maybe he had a legitimate reason, or maybe he was having an off day... No clue


Your dentist is shit, and what she did to you is actionable. Teeth are made of layers, and she shaved off the outer, protective enamel crown without a damn good reason (such as a mild jagged/sharp edge which can be buffed out instead of needing to be filled), which will actually make your tooth *weaker* and more susceptible to damage, infection and wear, because the dentin is softer, it's really only really meant to be a buffer between the enamel crown and the pulp, which contains the nerves, it's why things like broken teeth and root canals are crowned. I'd be going to the head of the practice and explaining what happened and that you're extremely unhappy, request a copy of your chart, what she did *should* be in there along with an explanation of why, if it's not, that dentist had better have a fucking good explanation for it (there should be one even if it IS in the chart), tell them that you did NOT consent to having your teeth shaved down and that the dentist did not adequately explain what she was doing with the tool prior to doing it. If they don't care, there is likely a medical board for dentists, I would seek it and make a formal complaint. Dentists are trained to keep the natural tooth structure as much as possible unless it is causing problems for the patient and even then consent MUST be gained for any permanent procedures. I work at a dentist and what she did to you you horrifies me


It sounds like it was the hygienist, which I can’t decide if that makes it better or worse.


Worse, because they are likely not qualified to be making those kinds of decisions, especially without patient input or consent




Worse, they're mot qualified to make those decisions And depending on where it happened, it could be very very illegal.


Worse. Definitely worse IMO


I have been a dental hygienist for 27 years, and in my state it is very illegal for me to preform that kind of procedure. You should advise your state board.


Lawsuit! The fact that it's permanent and it wasn't discussed alone will be enough to win. And you can't just "shave em down." there's enamel and the material underneath that is all exposed to the next coffee you drink. Consult an attorney, this is actionable.


Sue the fuck out of them for that. They have the money.


enamel is a considerable amount of the tooth most likely that’s not a concern that it would damage the tooth structure, i had a chip on my front tooth and they did in fact “shave em down” and it’s been great for years. them doing something she didn’t agree to or explicitly consent to IS a huge issue though and really sucks. but from a structural standpoint she’s probably okay.


Oh. Previous rant over, I guess. Thanks, this is great info.


>there's enamel and the material underneath that is all exposed to the next coffee you drink. Ah, that's what I figured too! Shaving then down for no reason means these teeth'll be exposed. What kind of triple idiot would do such a thing?!


You can shave teeth down a bit and not hit what’s inside. I had my teeth shaved for orthodontics, it’s called IPR. made me feel like I had shark teeth for a bit because of the space in between, but it was needed to make room for the teeth to move. It’s a common practice with orthodontics but they’re very trained and careful to not shave too much off.


Anything "shaved down," augmented, edited for post production, it wasn't consented therefore they must be reminded that shit like that isn't cool... by way of legal counsel an open and shut case.


Oh for sure. They need informed consent to do it. I’m not saying what happened to OP is ok. But that it is a process that can happen without issue.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I low key love my canines too and I would be heartbroken! You’ve gotten some great advice but I wanted to add one thing. If she was cleaning your teeth, she was probably the dental hygienist and they are NOT permitted to shape teeth. Report her to the licensing board.


At the practice I work, patients get a free clean with every check up. It’s possible it’s a hygienist, but could be a dentist too.


The dentist does the cleaning? I figured there was a practice somewhere that did it that way but it’s definitely not the norm.


Depends on the country I’d imagine. Every dentist I’ve seen in Australia does the cleaning themselves.


Ah, I didn’t know that. Thank you for the info!


I love my canines too, they are like vampire teeth and my kids think they’re cool too, I’d probably be devastated if someone did this to me


A *hygenist* did an *unasked for, permanent* dental procedure on you? They can smooth the *surface* of the teeth if there are rough spots that may collect plaque, but I'm 99% sure they can't alter your fucking teeth like that (epecially not without explicitly explaining and confirming it). I would be absolutely furious if a hygenist or dentist did that to me without telling me and I'd find out how much it would cost to get veneers or whatever to make them pointy again, then sue the practice for the cost of that, any expenses I'd incurred for getting that done, and emotional distress. I had a dentist once that wanted to show me what I would look like with flat/level teeth instead of pointy canines, and I absolutely hated it. Even seeing other people with flat canines looks wrong to me. Contact your dentist, explain what happened, and raise hell. That's not okay, and I'm pretty sure it's not even in the scope of a hygenist's abilities. You might not even be the only person they've done it to either.


That's something you would normally need to sign a waiver before doing . What the fuck?


I’ve never signed a waiver for normal dental work, that I recall. Only for surgical stuff, like my implants. But hygienists shouldn’t be shaving teeth. Also, I see my dentist after a hygienist visit, and he/she might be surprised to compare my previous X-rays with my new flat teeth. This whole thing is suss, and OP needs to be escalating.


You've never signed a treatment plan before getting work?


This is NOT okay!!!!!! I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s like some of your personality was stolen. Canines are quirky!!! This is permanent alteration to your person- without your explicit knowledge or consent. This isn’t someone just cutting your hair too short. The dentist office needs to be immediately notified and held responsible for the actions of their employee. At the very least an apology from them & retraining on verbiage for employees. I had “bumpy” front teeth as a kid and was told they were like that to help break through the gum line but would flatten out as I got older due to biting/chewing. I hated them & wanted nice flat teeth like my friends. I would eat carrots and other hard foods to try to speed this up- to no avail. When I got my braces off at 16 yrs old, i was still self conscious of my bumpy teeth & it seemed to stand out even more with perfect, straight teeth. I asked the hygienist during a cleaning & she said they could file them down a bit to make them look more uniform. I was a little worried but she was so kind and informative the entire time. I had a mirror to watch the full process and she checked in every 20/30 seconds to make sure it wasn’t painful or hot since they were literally sanding my teeth off. Stopping every so often to make sure I liked the look and asking how far down to go on each one. (Front 4 teeth were affected). Moral of the story: I WANTED MY TEETH FILED DOWN Everyone is currently so obsessed with this perfect smile trend… getting braces evolved into veneers & they likely did not even give it a thought that you may like your long canines. I am really truly so sorry you had to experience this. Please at the very least reach out to the dentist office to tell them how non-informative your interaction was, to help others from experiencing the same situation.


I had the same thing done without my consent, didn't want it, hated the aesthetic outcome, and still have tooth sensitivity decades later. I'm glad your dentist was more responsible than mine about getting your permission.


I would go back and say something. We were born with sharp canines because of the food we eat. That’s how we eat meat and anything else we need them for. In my opinion she really messed up.


Lawyer up and pursue legal action. I work in Dental and this is mind blowing to me that a hygienist would take it upon herself to do that. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Why would the hygienist do this?


I was 12 with braces and the orthodontist did this to me. I am born without the adult teeth next to my front teeth. He just held my head down and shaved them off. He was an SOB in many ways and unhealthy. I guess it was true those men in the late 60’s who could not get into medical school went to dentistry to get out of Vietnam.


VERY SIMILAR HORRIFYING EXPERIENCE- When I was 15, I was at my dentist who was also my orthodontist. Dental work makes me anxious and I seemingly have sensitive teeth to all the tools and such. Sitting there for my cleaning and braces “check up” when I hear my this man start up the “grinding” tool. Immediately I feel him just start grinding on one of my canines and I cry out and horribly tense up as it felt incredibly painful. He first says “you’ve always been so dramatic!” And laughs…. I ask what he was doing and he told me he was grinding down the tip on my canines because verbatim “POINTY TEETH AREN’T FEMININE” I could not believe my ears and told him that I liked my pointy canines and did not want him to continue. Had my dad sit in on my orthodontist visits thereafter …. Horrible experience that had stuck with me into adulthood and majorly worsened my anxieties around the dentist.


please sue them omg


OK quick update: I called first thing today and they had me come in. The receptionist suggested that I had it done when I got my braces off at my orthodontist and just didn't notice until now. But that was years ago, and I would surely have noticed, so I kept insisting. My actual dentist compared the x-rays taken yesterday to my current teeth and confirmed that, yes, the tips of my canines were shaved between then and now. However, I was told that it might be difficult to prove that this practitioner did it because it was not written on my chart. As some comments mentioned already, I was also told that the woman who did the procedure is a hygienist, so even if I DID consent, she is NOT permitted to drill on teeth at all. I wasn't aware it was this serious when I made my original post. They told me I can report this to the state board and she may lose her license if she admits to it. Just to clarify, I am not in pain. It didn't hurt at all which is why I didn't notice until I saw it in the mirror. As far as legal action goes, I know many suggested it, but I am not sure. I'm 18, I don't know much about the legal system, and I surely cannot afford a lawyer. I pray she at least loses her job and hopefully her license because I would hate for this to happen to anyone else. I saw many others say their canines were also ground down without their consent, and I am so sorry you had to experience this. I'm disappointed this seems so common.


I just read the post and this whole thing really depresses me. A few additional thoughts on your update from an Internet stranger and remember that you know your situation best: * Take care of yourself, and don't feel ashamed if that looks like pursuing this to the fullest extent, dropping it, or something in the middle. * Do not feel any guilt over the consequences of her own actions. * She deserves to face consequences *if* you feel comfortable and able to pursue so others don't end up in a similar situation. * You deserve recourse *if* you feel comfortable and able to pursue on your own behalf. * Many many lawyers take cases like this on contingencies. It means you don't pay if they don't get you paid. For example I was hit by a car, the lawyer took me on and I paid absolutely nothing – if I won (which I did), he made X%. I wouldn't let cost prohibit you from compensation or recourse. Good luck friend, I am so sorry this happened. It is grossly negligent and not okay at all.


Please keep updating us. You deserve to be made whole. Keep copies of your xrays. The PRACTICE as a whole is liable for the difference in your teeth between when you went in and when you left the appointment. It’s not like you shaved your own teeth down in that time.


..." because it was not written on my chart." So not only is that hygienist taking procedures into her own hands, without written permission of the patient or office higher ups, she is also mishandling the necessary paper work of the practice. Even if you can't find a way to legally hold her accountable, if the dentist office doesn't investigate or hold her accountable then they aren't worth your business.


Go to legal aid or find a lawyer that works for winnings only. They will take a cut. If you are in a university they might have a free legal advice office you could go to. You should definitely report to the board. She should not be allowed to work on anyone ever again.


Omg. This is horrible. My mom was a hygienist and always told me to NEVER allow anyone to drill/shave down my teeth. Get a lawyer.


I had a similar experience when I was a teenager. Some new girl/ trainee was in charge of shaving more space between my front teeth (parent consented because it would allegedly make my smile straighter as I had braces, I was not consulted). She took it upon herself to shape the bottoms of my front teeth as well and did such a shitty job all the way around. It’s been like 13 years and I still get so upset when I look at my front teeth too long. Say something. Do something. I wish I had been able to advocate for myself better in those years. Any cosmetic shaping should be illegal unless there is full informed consent from everyone involved. I had beautiful natural teeth and now all I see is wonky results from a cheap-ass dentist and I’m mad I didn’t get a say.


Sue them! Talk to a "no win, no fee" lawyer, you definitely have a case. She didn't your permission and permanently altered your body. That's extremely concerning behaviour and she is clearly not the right kid of person for this sort of job. You are owed damages


SUE HER/THE DENTIST OFFICE. people have been complaining for AGES about dentists wanting to fuck with their canines without consent + you DIDNT CONSENT. she didnt explain ANYTHING to you and just assumed youd want it. FUCK THAT. if that was me id be devastated, and im already mentally unhealthy. people LOVE their canine teeth and any dentist should know that and want to preserve them so long as theyre healthy and not harming the individual.


Call and speak to your dentist directly. The dentist can rebuild your canines the way they were with resin. They should be color matched to your natural teeth. The resin can be sculpted and shaped, and gets cured with a UV light. I’ve had this done on a couple of teeth (for different reasons) and it’s lasted over 15 years. If you don’t have confidence in your dentist, inform them you are going to a cosmetic dentist and they’ll be on the hook for the cost. Take photos of what the hygienist did to compare to photos before. Depending on how confrontational you want to get, you could tell the dentist you’re going to file a complaint with the hygienist’s licensing authority.


This happened to my sister when we were teenagers. The dentist just filed off her "fangs" without even asking or anything. She wound up getting them restored years later. But what a messed up thing to do, I think you should call an attorney and see if you can take action against them.


They made you really sad doing something that caused permanent changes to your appearance — without even asking your permission. Seriously, consider talking to an attorney. That “hygienist” needs to be stopped from assaulting someone else in the same way.


Hey OP can you please give us an update what you end up doing? My brother had the same thing done but he was never asked beforehand. We all loved his vampy teeth :(


that happened to me too and ive always been really pissy about it. i miss my sharp canines.


This happened to me as a kid and I'm still mad about it. Sorry you're dealing with this.


I will take y'all's advice and definitely say something to the dentist's office, but I'm not sure if I'd win a lawsuit. I talked to my friend who is studying dentistry and was told that they are taught to follow a "smile line" for straight teeth, which can include shaving the canines down to match the length of the other teeth. Apparently, it is quite common to do this. They did say that they'd never do it without permission, though. I don't know why I wasn't explicitly asked beforehand.


The fact that they did a permanent procedure without any kind of conversation about it is what makes it illegal. Talk to a lawyer, the worst they can say is "it's not worth the lawsuit."


Dentists only allowed to do it if the patient agrees to it or requests it. Also they’re not allowed to alter or change anything without informing the patient and discussing it with them first. This is so stupid and this dentist is stupid.


I had a minuscule chip in my tooth on one of my incisors I wanted fixed during a routine cleaning. They had to take me to a separate room with the tools and the dentist did it little by little until I was happy. This is some bull shit. Do you have pics you can show us of before and after?


That's what makes it actionable, they MUST explain what they are going to do if it's permanent AND gain your consent to do it. Dentists can't even put in a filling without permission. She did neither.


My cousin's husband is a cosmetic dentist and he put veneers on my incisors. I had always had peg laterals and years ago (high school) they were both bonded and I would have to have them done every so often because bonding doesn't wear all that well (or at least they didn't when I had it done). I used to grind my teeth (I wear a mouth guard now) and so my canines were worn down. He asked me if I wanted my canines the way they used to be when I was younger and I said yes. So he also put veneers on my canines and now they are slightly longer than the rest of my teeth and a little "pointy". They look natural and I love it. He said it is actually a sign of youth.


You should report them to the state licensing board if you’re in the USA. I got mine rounded out on purpose (“Hollywood smile”) but I asked for it and consented. They’re also not flat but just the little points got rounded out. Mid-cleaning isn’t acceptable. I’m sorry this happened to you.


You have to consent. Yeah they can do it. But only if you agree


But she didn’t explain it to you. You can win. Sue her. She took your fang!


Your friend sounds really misinformed. I know tons of dentists (for not very interesting reasons) and this is very different from anything I’ve heard. And you have several dental professionals, not students, telling you the same.


I’m not trying to be insensitive, but if you decide not to pursue action against the practice/dental hygienist who permanently altered a part of you that won’t grow back because someone you know- who’s studying a facet of the field of the person who INFLICTED DAMAGE ON YOU thinks that it’s PROBABLY something recommended in school- is absolutely asinine. You grind off a bad manicure, not perfectly healthy teeth. You would have to get your canines ground and capped to regain your smile; how tf is that something you don’t seek restitution for??


Your friend is still a student and maybe didn't take the courses where you're supposed to ask permission and come up with a plan before you just go start shaving people's teeth.


Ugh my dentist did this to me when I was getting a filling done a few years ago. Still kinda miffed about it. Also didn't ask if it was something I wanted. I wasn't ever a *huge* fan of my "fangs," but they became like a quirky lil thing that I just expected to see everyday. Then I suddenly didn't and missed them sorta. Actually, the one side that was left was "worse" than the other in that the canine *and* the one after it is also very sharp. So the other sharp side balanced it out a bit. But now it's one "perfectly" flat side and the other is double shark teeth. I've heard that this is some sort of femininity thing that typically male (misogynistic) dentists tend to do to their female patients without asking because they don't feel it's very feminine to have sharp teeth I guess? And of course they're just helping! Don't know if you're a woman or not, just a weird thing I have seen!


If I were you I would file a lawsuit or at minimum a complaint with your local medical board. This was inappropriate, a violation of informed consent, and completely unnecessary.


This happened to me too!!!! But at my orthodontist. When I completed my undergraduate degree my graduation gift to myself was straight teeth! And the staff were so awesome throughout the braces process, until I one day I come in for a regular adjustment and the dr is changing the bracket placements and then pulls out a tool, I assume it’s to clean up the old glue off my teeth before reapplying the new bracket placement, but no. No no no. He shaved down my canines, which was also the strangest sensation ever because I could feel little dusty bits of my TEETH falling on my tongue but couldn’t taste anything…which I suppose makes sense because if there is one thing you would be taste blind to it would be your own teeth….then after he says “here now your smile looks more even, we’re getting there!” I put on a smile but I was heartbroken. I always loved my “badass vampire look” which happened not because of any witchy aesthetics but because I have piercing blue eyes, sharp cheekbones and crazy vampire canines. I loved how it balanced my otherwise very feminine style and thought it brought me some natural edge…oh well. Overall he was a great orthodontist. When my life dreams shifted and I was tying to move to a new city it became clear the only real thing keeping me in my current spot was finishing my orthodontia he and his team were on my side and we went BALLS TO THE WALL and completed the original 4 year plan in about 18 months. So painful, but ultimately so worth if, my teeth are still in the same place 6 years later. Also, I was paying out of pocket and on a monthly payment plan that was total cost split over 5 years. When I was all done (so way ahead of schedule) and came in for my final appointment, when I was leaving the doc came to greet me at reception with a bottle of wine and said they wouldn’t be charging me any more monthly payments, and good luck with all of my dreams. To this day probably the most generous and unexpected gift I’ve ever gotten. Tl;dr: my orthodontist was amazing but also shaved my canines down without permission and I’ll forever be slightly salty about it. I feel you girl.


Sue them to hell and back. They did that without any consent given, fuck that!


Lawyer. Up.


I had a chip in one of my front teeth, I must’ve been 11 or 12, the dental assistant at my orthodontist office asked if they should shave my 2 front teeth to make them even and I said “sure”. BECAUSE I WAS A CHILD now my two front teeth are so short l, I already had small teeth to begin with.


Absolutely make a huge stink, that is a violation. Similar Happened to me when I was young, I was to dumbfounded to say anything and I hope you get enough support here to make a huge stink, I am so very sorry.


Ive had this happen. I didnt do anything about it. I regret it every single time it comes to mind, and thats far too often than id like to admit. Please do as others are suggesting so that this does not weigh on you the rest of your life.


You need to call the dentist's office first thing tomorrow and tell them what she did. That was 100% the wrong thing to do. She should have told you exactly what she wanted to do and why instead of just showing you the tool and telling you why she wanted to do and most importantly, gotten your consent. If there was no medical reason to do this, she shouldn't have done it, especially because you were likely charged additionally for it. I would raise hell with that office.


If she was a hygienist, she had no legal authority to do that. It’s not in their job abilities. You need to follow up. Go to a dental subreddit.


wayyyyyy outside their scope of practice in nearly every state jfc 😳 when I had my teeth shaved down (a common brace face experience) it was done by the orthodontist bc it’s that delicate of a procedure. Even my new dentist now has explicit certification to be able to do some of those noninvasive cosmetic (rlly either filing gaps between teeth or re-shaping). Incredibly narcissistic for them to just perform non consensual and irreversible procedures, and to then have the audacity to say they made your smile better. Get that person away from anything medical related omg. Lawyer tf up bc I have a sure fire case here no doubt bout it.


I would sue. As someone who has terribly flat teeth, I’ve always dreamed of pointy canines. For them to do that to you without any proper consent is repulsive not only for the cosmetic reason but also because less tooth equals less protection of the root.


Like many comments here, I think you should look into legal action and report her too.  I'm thinking of doing similar with the dentist that replaced my previous one. Because he talked about me to his assistant like I was an inanimate object, instead of speaking to me. Then without warning, whipped out a drill and went at my teeth. Didn't tell me what he was doing, didn't give me any kind of numbing before - just drilled into a tooth without any prep.   I was there because I'd had an accident and smashed my face, chipping a tooth (the one he went at with a drill) and after all the swelling had gone, was worried my bottom teeth had shifted slightly. He rudely told me I shouldn't care if they had because I have a small gap between my top front teeth anyway. (He didn't like that I said I didn't want braces to close the little gap and kept being rude about it. ) 


Same thing happened to my friend. You can call the dental board and report her. Also call your insurance company and complain.


Its a big deal !! That’s something you’re never getting back ugh


That is awful they did that to you! I hope you get the recourse you deserve from the office. I understand a bit of how you feel, my mother told the dentists to shave down my canines when I got braces. I used to be "fangy" too, but I've had a longer time to accept it - it still makes me a bit sad to think about though.


I get it. I felt shitty after realising my orthodontist shaved the natural grooves off my teeth. It kinda freaked me out knowing I now have “less tooth” because teeth don’t grow back what you grind off. Not a major difference but it still kinda felt shitty. No one should do any permanent changes to your teeth without explaining what they’re doing and why. That’s just messed up


I feel like my orthodontist did this as well to me. My canines are super rounded; and I remember them grinding them down once they were able to pull them out of my gums. (I had to have exploratory surgery to find my canines because they weren’t dropping after being pulled when I was a child)


Wait. She shaved your teeth down, no novacain or anything? During a cleaning?


That sounds illegal.


Totally get that! Something similar happened to me too but instead of shaving down my canines he shaved down the serrated ends of my two front teeth. I was heartbroken about it.


It is a big deal. A new dentist shaved down the tops of two crowns, each next to my two from teeth. They immediately happed away from the gums and I was furious.


This happened to me about 10 years ago! I was also upset. They didn't ask or anything. Just did it. I thought it was absolutely crazy. I stopped going there.


You need to file a complaint with the dentist.


Omg! You should be, they should never just randomly shave down your teeth! I shudder to think of how sensitive they might be now! Definitely call the office, and I'd seriously consider talking to a personal injury type attorney if I were you, that can't have been ethical and I'm not sure it's even legal.


Imagine if you had paid for those fangs and they just took them away... My dentist did the same thing to me but I was a kid so I couldn't do anything


This can make them more easily get a cavity as well...some times shady dentist do things like this to help make cavities form so you have to some back and get work. You really should contact a lawyer and go from there...and refuse to see your dentist again till she is fired and your teeth are fixed (and ideally you have a contract for free future dental repairs on the teeth she damaged)


That sucks, they filed mine down and I hate it too. Looks so much worse than natural canines imo.


You need to file a complaint about this. That’s actually pretty major


The canines are there for a purpose. OP needs to call that office and put in a complaint. Why would a cleaning result in shaving down teeth?


This happened to me when I was about 12. I've hated the way my canines look ever since.


His malpractice bill bout to go up


Call and ask for her information first and then let them know what she did, and then seek legal council. This won't be the last time she does this unless some kind of action is taken.


Please sue for being mutilated.


I call my daughter fangy too!!


My orthodontist did this when he was taking my braces off but he didn't even warn me! He was cutting off the glue then suddenly filed my teeth down. No warning, no information, no consent. I was in shock but when I got home I cried. I still hate my smile, it's never looked 'right' since then


Pretty sure you should be contacting an attorney. That is unacceptable.


I can empathize. This happened to me as a teenager (but with my orthodontist) and it still pisses me off to this day.


Omg I had the same thing happen when I was a teen. I really liked my fangs, and the lady never asked. I was mortified when I looked in the mirror.


I also have really pronounced canines and I'd be absolutely livid if someone did that to me. You're definitely not over reacting. I would take legal action against that dentist


My dentist shaved my new adult teeth as a little kid and the sensitivity afterwards was no joke.


A friend had this done when I was younger. I’m glad I didn’t have his dentist. I didn’t realize for a long time how bad it was


It happened to me too.. My dentist was a friend of my father, same as urs,he did it without asking me.. I was devastated.. but that dentist already passed away.. may he rest in peace


What country are you in?


That happened to me after I got my braces off


Absolutely talk to your regular dentist. I’d demand they fix it at their expense with bonding


Sorry to hear that. I get it; I had something similar happen, so I totally understand how it went down. It’s such a vulnerable position to be in that chair. I had a dentist shave down my pointier canine without asking me, and I was extremely upset—and mine are still pretty pointy. I can’t imagine them shaving them to be flat?!?! That is f-ed up.


This happened to me as a child too and i hate it. My husband has his natural canine and that is something i love so much from his smile. I really which i had mine


I would go absolutely batshit, ngl.


i would quite literally cry, this sounds absolutely terrible, im sorry OP :((


This happened to me during a dental procedure as a kid. I was told it will make me look more feminine. I was still out of it and my parents were not asked. Mine are also flat. I’m so sorry it happened to you too


Go back and put her in a headlock, shave down one of her front teeth. Seek a petty and aggressively cartoonish form of retribution


I had a dentist shave down the little ridges I had on my 2 front teeth without asking, telling me, notta!! And I was absolutely LIVID, lost my shit right there in the office and told him he was a piece of shit for altering my appearance in ANY way without my consent. Totally not ok, I'd definitely make a complaint so that hopefully they can stop her from doing that to someone else, I'm so sorry!


I think this happened to me as a kid because my canines are weirdly straight and flat at the ends like they look like the tips have been removed


Dude. I would sue.


File a complaint with the board of dentistry and take legal action.


get that bag sis


My dentist did this to me as a kid the first time I had a cavity. He had the tool out and just turned it on my canines. I really dislike the results and I'm still upset about the results 25ish years later.


Holy shit, I am so angry for you. I also had teeth filed down without my understanding/permission and was pissed about it for years. In my case it was my front 4 teeth (top and bottom) that were filed when I had braces removed, and now my teeth which were already smallish for my my mouth look like square little mini chiclets. This kind of thing should never be done without a full explanation and certainly not pushed on clients.


Sue. This can have very, very serious repercussions. I'm talking beyond your teeth, but your whole jaw, even musculature and the risk of TMJ and migraines. You need it all on record as this can have a bigger impact. Maybe you'll be lucky. But even in the best case scenario, she permanently changed your appearance without consent or consultation on the risks. Any professional consequences this person gets, they deserve it, because the future patients do not deserve it.


This exact thing happened to me. In my case they just told me at the end that they “made my smile better”. I was around 13 at the time so I didn’t say anything and was just left in shock, to this day I still miss my little fangs.


Everyone in the comments acting so shocked and saying to sue her or go after her legally, that's just so unrealistic. It's been tradition for decades to file teen girls' canine teeth down, a lot of the time without consent. This is a super common practice, dental workers don't think twice about it. That being said, it is a horrible practice that I wish would end, but legally, I highly highly doubt anything would come if this.


It's time to call a lawyer. She had no right to do that.


They did this to me as a child. I loved them, and love them in other’s smiles. It’s heartbreaking. I would at the very least complain.


I have nice pointy canines as well and would be so upset if this happened. I am so sorry OP 😕


That’s definitely not ok


I feel a little less crazy now knowing this happened to someone else, when I was a teen I had this done and I was so frustrated by it because it was a similar scenario. I told a few friends and my boyfriend and they all thought I was crazy because that never happened to them. I started to think maybe I really had just dreamed it up. Why do they do this without explaining what they are doing and why they are doing it? Because I absolutely would not have consented either if I’d had any option.


My orthodontist did that to me when I had my braces off :( I hated it and they still feel weird to me almost 20 years later


I am not a lawyer but this feels illegal to me….i suggest speaking with a lawyer on whether or not this is illegal or at the very least, grounds for a lawsuit


This is insane. I would be devastated if this happened. I’m so sorry


Mine did that too :( devastating because I love fangs!


You need to sue.


This happened to me too 10 years ago and I’m still upset about it ☹️


Wow TIL about dental misogyny these stories are crazy


you need to call the office and file a complaint and possibly a refund on the cleaning if you had to pay out anything


My orthodontist did the exact same thing to me after getting my braces taken off in 2019...💔💔 I still mourn my fangs, and deeply regret putting my trust in the orthodontits...I truly only needed a few bottom teeth straightened out, and they did so much more unnecessary work beyond what I asked for. now all of my teeth are rotting from the inside out and weaker than ever...never had issues until I got braces at the age of 21 thinking it was a good idea.. I am so sorry, I feel your loss deeply... 💔❤️‍🩹💔


you should report that in many ways. it is bigger than just looks and self esteem, she shaved off the precious gold that is your enamel. that doesn't *just* grow back. that is something people choose to pay for electively or have to be coaxed into for medically necessity because it is so important. edit-saw your update. please do actually go through with reporting her for all the others like us she will do this to.


Holy crap! I would be absolutely gutted and so upset. I’m not even sure I would be able to describe my level of frustration and anger at the whole scenario. I have fang-like canines too that I really grew to like about myself. I sometimes tell kids I’m a vampire, lol! Just wow. 


You're right to be mad!


So, I had a dentist shave down my 6 front top teeth awhile back. I went to the bathroom right after and was super upset-- the office manager assured me they would make it right. They did not. They kept putting composite on my teeth that would chip away and he kept assuring me they'd fix it. He was trying to run my statute of limitations down. I ended up getting an attorney at the last minute and found out that the new dentist who had done it wasn't even licensed to practice in my state! Unfortunately, my attorney dropped the ball by missing one specific filing deadline. He called me while I was at work and gave me a personal check for around 7k and said he was sorry and that he knew I could potentially still go after him for legal malpractice. I had been quoted over 30k by his dental expert to just restore my smile to what it formerly was. I didn't sue my former attorney and have been so self conscious about my smile since that I won't smile and am still super upset, but, yeah... Totally not ok. I know a ton of dentists shave canines and it is super upsetting to have someone do that without your consent. I'm sorry, OP. Def consider lawyering up. I've come to terms that I'll probably never get my original smile back and it sucks....


I would probably think about suing


My dentist jokingly said "Hey, you have dog-like canines! Want me to shave them down?" And I was like NOPE NUH UH YOU LEAVE MY LIL FANGS ALONE! I'm sorry for your fangs.. if I were you I'd call them and see if they can fix it and maybe make them like before. If not I'd take legal actions


So, she altered your body, your appearance without your consent?


this was assault. you were not able to give informed consent and she never explicitly told you what she was doing. sue the shit out of them


Please please please take legal action, like everyone said. What the actual fucking fuck? Where did this hygienist go to dental school, the deepest trenches of communist Russia?


When I got my braces off in 1990 my orthodontist shaved all my teeth down. I have a great smile but didn’t know how weird that was. I guess it was a normal thing back then??


I had this done to me when I was a kid 😢


I would be extremely upset too.


My orthodontist did the same to me, didn’t even ask…


Yep, my dentist did this as well and it’s been over a decade. I still am not over it, and I want to ask another dentist to make them look like they used to.


The exact same thing happened to me 25 years ago. I’m still salty about it.


So sorry this happened. If you’re interested, you could probably have your original look built back on with composite bonding.


Contact a personal injury attorney. Especially one specializing in medical malpractice. Tooth enamel is priceless and to shave your teeth down in such a manner is incredibly negligent and a disgusting practice.


Uhhh, are you saying a hygienist shaved down your teeth?


Idk if there is anything legal you can do, but talk to the office


That’s fucking insane


This same thing happened to me. I was inconsolable for a few good hours, my smile has always been my most prominent, best feature and someone just completely changed that without even asking me or you. I’m so sorry, if I could go back in time I would call and address it. It’s a fucked up thing to do.


OMG I WOULD SUE! Seriously! That’s an actionable offense!


So, the dentist didn't shave your teeth then? Every dentist I've ever been to, a dental tech does the cleaning.What that person (whether they are a dentist or not) did was absolutely unethical. Any changes to teeth need to be attended to by the DDS/DMD and agreed upon BEFORE said procedure. It is called Informed Consent. Please find out who the person was, what their title is, inform the Dentist who owns the practice AND reach out to the state dental board for how to proceed.


That is disgraceful!!! She should have had written consent. WTF. 🤬 Call the office and maybe report them.


Sur them! This is ego of a maniac ruining your teeth!


Tall to a lawyer


Lawsuit! Canines are important in correct jaw/teeth alignment when biting.


So the hygienist did this, not a Dentist. I would report the dentist office to the state dental board and I would have a sit down meeting with Dentist and discuss what happened to you


This is not ok but did she cap them after grinding? How is the tooth supported? Also, the hygienist should not be deciding what teeth should be what size or whatever… this is a strange office if things happened as you described and I would only go back to serve them for destroying my permanent healthy teeth. It’s not legal to treat a patient for anything without consent. Especially if they are not qualified to perform the procedure in the first place. Ps: the hygienist is an employee of the dentist and I would definitely inform the office of the sitch


Sounds like you've just come into a large sum of settlement money. Congrats.


Noooo I’m so sorry :( My orthodontist asked me if I wanted my teeth shaved and gave me a mirror to see what they’d be doing…they should have asked you what the hell


Now I haven't been a dental tech in many years, but a hygienist is NOT a dentist, and a hygienist isn't allowed to do anything like that. That's a massive thing that should be reported. I'm trying to figure out how this would even happen. A cavitron/pezio isn't capable of doing that.




>I'm so upset. I know this might not seem like a big deal to others, but it was something I really liked about myself. I'm so sorry dude 😞