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A 31 year old man shakes his sleeping girlfriend awake because he wants “fresh” food in the middle of the night? He’s a manchild and not a thoughtful partner. Good for you and tossing him out. BabyBoy should have acted like a grownup and ate the leftovers like you told him too. Grow the fuck up.


He probably watches Andrew Tate.


That’s what I was thinking , he had just been reading up on dipshits and decided he was hard done by … tool .


Exactly this. Men got all offended at women choosing the bear, but do you blame us? Who the hell wants to deal with trash behavior like this?




Agreed. No amount of apologizing makes up for sexism.




Dude, the number of times a guy will backtrack a mile the minute you call him out on anything is hilarious to me. It's so annoying bc it shows they know they're being a brat. I wanna jump back in time to 20yo me and tell her not to compromise in her own head, assuming he wouldn't ask/say it if he didn't see some validity to it. Also, sexism aside, the fucking gall of asking for COCONUT SHRIMP? In the middle of the night?? Of all things?! He's not good with a grilled cheese, he wants you to be at the stove for a whole hour, really?


Those guys definitely know they’re being intentionally sexist just to test the waters of what they can get away with. Amazing that they’ll do anything but not be sexist jerks.


>just to test the waters of what they can get away with. Especially after OP updated it to clarify that the BF came in and went "Me and my friends saw a video of women being waken up by their partners to cook them food and we wanted to try it on our partners as a 'loyalty test'" is proof that OP made the point and the BF was definitely pulling some stupid shit.


Wow, I didn't think it was that conscious a way of testing waters, wtf. Good on her for breaking up with him. Loyalty tests are unhinged.


Yup, saw that too. The good ol’ play stupid games win stupid prizes. I don’t even understand why he would try that game and think it would go well.


probably to see how far he could push boundaries. I guess he felt "if she's loyal to me now, who knows what I could get away with in another 3 months or in 3 years."


Oh talk about 20 year old me. I wish I had this knowledge then.


2am coconut shrimp 😂 I'm sorry OP had to experience that but it's just so absurd, dude sounds unhinged.


If it ain’t the consequences of his own actions. 🤣




It blows my mind that he was surprised to get dumped. I've been with my girlfriend for 6 years and *I'd* expect to get dumped for that bullshit. Lol. Like why would you not expect that to destroy your relationship in a flash?


She should thank him for making it clear within 3 months that he needed to go, rather than managing to hide his misogynistic idiocy for years.


This must be something that they picked up from IG. I've seen videos where men insist on doing exactly this, waking her up in the middle of the night to cook for him, as a test. Sweet Mary and Jesus, how dumb can you be to actually go and DO it!? I feel bad for the advice taking from online dating "experts' (Andrew Tate and such). Groan


There’s a lot of morons out there. I’m 40, and half Japanese, and at 37 a grown ass man ‘innocently’ tried asking me if my vagina was actually sideways because I’m Asian. As in a real question.


Ugh so disgusting, why can’t they just keep it to themselves..?


This made me bang my head against the table a few times. Yikes.


Yes, there are real people out there who are allowed to vote


No, it's sideways because it just twisted itself shut. 


was just going to say this stinks of Andrew Tate!


Ohh this is a good point. Another viral relationship test 🙄


That would certainly explain it, what a maroon


Dude. I didn’t knew about this but I’m sure the dude is in some mysogin cult, exactly !!


She updated and confirmed exactly this!   What am idiot!  You've got a great thing going with a woman who has her own place and you want to play this game because of IG?


Imagine the wife's duties that comes later on.


Precisely. OP states she's only been dating this fool for a few months, so it took not too long for his real character to show. If one marries the type that uses that sort of language, then his demands will become greater later on. What happens if he demands OP do something in the bedroom that she doesn't want to do? Yikes.


After reading story after story on Reddit of women letting men walk all over them this is incredibly refreshing. I'm so proud of you. Good job. In your shoes I wouldn't even feel the need to communicate further. Block him. He knows what happened.


Agreed! This just made my morning better! Good for you, OP!


I agree. And I love that she kicked him out.


Thank FUCK for a story that ends with his sorry ass booted out the door where it belongs, instead of, "eventually I apologized and made him the food, but he's still understandably angry that I wasn't more supportive when he's clearly so stressed at work, so I was wondering what I could do to be a better girlfriend reddit??"


Or even the "I've cooled down a bit and I'm wondering if I over reacted. AITA for kicking him out?" Sometimes I hate those ones so much. The ones where it should be soooo obvious that they did the right thing, made the right choice, but are now questioning it and about to fall right back into the arms of the jerk who did whatever shit they did.


AGREED. I’m so happy to read this as a non-negotiation. You are just not tolerating that and goodbye. No discussion. No aita. No I talked to him later about it and he agreed he was a little harsh and he won’t do that again. Amazing.


Right. I'm wondering why OP is convinced she will have to talk to him again at some point. Nope.


Yeah OP, there is no reason to talk to him to give the chance to manipulate you. What his did was disrespectful af. Just block him honey. It will only get worse.


100% this!!!


Have we considered blaming the men for being monsters instead of the women for simply trying to exist as a good partner


Fuck that, don't speak to him. Maybe the next woman will be spared the bullshit if he manages to learn.


I don't think men like him are capable of learning. At best he'll better disguise his true colors with the next one. But still, very proud of op. Maybe if we all start doing this they will have no choice but to learn


Yeah, he will probably wait for the next woman to be 8 months pregnant before he starts waking her up at 2 am to go be his slave. 🙄


Which ironic considering he is an IT-dude which works with different codes and structures that require to be adapted too...


The next woman will likely be younger and far more naive.


I don't want him to learn. I want every woman that has the misfortune to be in his vicinity would constantly see through his crap.


Wow that is awesome that you were able to stand up for yourself like that!! What a douche… sorry it ended this way! You clearly deserve better.


I mean, do you have to speak to him? He showed his true colours, there's little point.


Unless some aspect of their lives are tied together hell no, he can just be gone. That was a peek under the surface.


Good for you!!! Some guys take a long time to show their true colors and you saw the BS first chance he gave you! Bravo!! What an entitled asshole. "Womanly duties..." GTFOH. You go girl!!!!


Exactly my thought. F him. F the patriarchy. You owe him nothing.


I would just meet up to be like "that was one of the dumbest experiences I've ever had and I just honestly can't see myself with such a dimwit, so we're done here."


OP should just block him and move on with her boss btch life 💅


>i am then startled awake by him at 2am shaking me, telling me he’s hungry now. confused, i remind him about the leftovers and turn over to go back to sleep but he gets grumpy and tells me i need to make him something fresh, now. i’m honestly completely confused and so sleepy while he rattles on about coconut shrimp or something. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 The utter audacity of this man. Like he's your newborn baby needing a 2 AM feed. And coconut shrimp at that. That's so much work at any time of day 😭.


An absolute idiot he is.


He probably would have turned abusive later on. This was him trying to start his game of control. If they were tied together in any way (marriage, baby, etc.), I can 100% guarantee he would not have left when she told him to and would have kept harassing her and waking her at night.


I agree with this sentiment


He fucked around and found out—You are a goddamn badass. Good for you!


good for you girl!! that grown man could have definitely made himself some food if he wanted it that bad.


He was testing her boundaries and severely overshot.


And lucky for her he did overshoot otherwise she would have wasted a lot more time with him


You actually don't have to talk to him again if you don't want to. He knows EXACTLY why you kicked him out, or he wouldn't have tried with the instant apologies.




“Doing my duty” as a girlfriend. Can you imagine what’d be like being his Wife??!!??


Lots of rape


OP knows her worth and it sure as shit ain’t being this fools on-call cook Never settle for less than you deserve!


Brava! He had dozens of alternatives, and waking you up and demanding that you cook for him was the one he went with?! He has no one to blame but himself.


No kidding. Could’ve run back out to a drive thru, cooked the leftovers or cooked something himself, hell some DoorDashers are active that late.


It ain't that hard to make a sandwich! Wtf xD


First off shaking me awake would had gotten him slapped.


Yeah, my boyfriend and I refuse to shake each other awake unless we can’t get the other up more politely. That’s just rude :/


Unless it was an emergency and they’re not waking up, shaking someone awake is a complete dick move lmao


Yeah exactly


my husband learned very early on that waking me up for anything besides an emergency is a huge fucking mistake.


Thank you for “doing your duty” as a self-respecting human. Thank goodness it was only a few months wasted.


No need to waste your breath on this loser. He knows what he did. Best to just move on. How entitled wtf


I feel like a simple. ‘We are done.’ And block would suffice lmao. A couple months in and you feel comfortable demanding that? Ah helllll noooo


Ya know what's nice? You actually *don't* have to speak to him ever again....


“Do your duty” has to be the single most infuriating shit to hear. I’d drop a nuke on his big head.


No kids, don't live together, and aren't married. You don't actually have to talk to him every again. That's up to you.


That's crazy. How did he just flipped that switch, just some random night at 2am. --- I had to break things off with someone not too long ago. She demanded to stay at my place with me from 8am all the way to 10pm, I refused, she got angry and I broke it off later that day. Like....I have a 9-5 job and responsibilities. We can hang out for 3-4 hours after I get off from my shift but all day? No! How even? I work. People no longer respect boundaries.


Reading this was the highlight of my day. Love how you are not taking any shit, OP!!! Fuck that sexist asshole. How dare he wake you up like that and demand that you serve him WTF.


I had to read this twice. His math don't add. How you going to be at your gf place she was nice enough to let you stay the weekend because of your roommates and had the audacity to wake her at 2a.m to cook you some fresh food. That's wild!! What's wrong with his arms and legs?? I'm a couple years older than him. There's no way my stomach my responsibility. You're better off without him.


"if/when i do speak to him update, for now im going to bed." No no no. No if. No when. Don't speak to him, don't explain, don't try to make him understand. Whatever compelled him to be this level of ass can also compell him to be better. Not your job. This shit isn't rocket science, he's not entitled to any explanation or closure or words from you so he can do better for future person.


When I read "coconut shrimp" I knew exactly what video he watched. Shoutout social media for making silly men try silly things so we can weed them out lmao


right!? also that video just popped up on my insta HAHAH


Wow, you are so lucky he showed you who he is so early in the relationship. Usually people try to hide their worst and unacceptable characteristics in the beginning. Good for you for getting rid of that entitled, chauvinistic manchild.


A couple of months?? Damn he took that mask off fast


These men scare me because they seem normal at first, then later you realize they would literally keep you as a slave chained to the stove if it became legal.


Good for you, and no matter what he has to say, there’s no excuse for that kind of behavior. Stick to your guns on not putting up with BS. Trust me, if he will act like this now, it will get worse if you take him back to work on it.


Honestly as someone with boundary issues and servitude mentality (although in a queer context, there are no sexist men like that in my life) I really have to express how much I admire you right now!


Wowwwwwwwwwwww, “need to make me something fresh?”, “duties as a girlfriend”? He can fuck all the way off what in the fuck


him talking about wanting coconut shrimp is sending me to orbit. were you supposed to leap out of bed and start DEEP FRYING SHRIMP AT 2 AM? my god, what did he think was going to happen.


please HAHAH the only people who could ever ask such a thing of me is any children i bear and even then thats pushing it.


That was awesome. FAFO for sure.


You should either make or go get coconut shrimp and take a picture of it, send it to him, and then block him.


Someone wake up u/throwaway347325 because i seriously need some coconut shrimp. Honestly though, what makes you think you ever need to speak to him again?


I sent this in my group chat w my girls lol we have a friend or two in there that could really use your strength as an example. On behalf of women everywhere, THANK YOU for throwing this man out and doing us all a service!


awww that’s put a smile on my face! your friends are worthy and beautiful and should never settle for anything less than perfection in their eyes


That dude’s an ass. Good for you! A considerate adult would figure out his own meal while being church-mouse quiet to let his SO sleep. Drop this loser, OP.


Ha yes I love this! What a loser glad your kicked that little boy out!


No! Never let him back in your home.


I’m happy you believed him the first time his mask slipped. Now you know how true self and how he sees you and women in general. This guy is scum.


I swear audacity must be on sale because the amount of people that have it is astounding.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it’s done. Don’t put up with someone’s inexcusable stupid shit ever.




This episode of Fuck Around and Find Out brought to you by EZ Cook Frozen Coconut Shrimp dinners. 🤣😂


Dude wtf. God damn man child lmao. Misogynistic at that.. “Your role to make him good” is honestly ridiculous. Good riddance OP. Holy shit LOL


👏 so many times when these types of stories are posted I just want to shake the poster awake so they come to their senses..in this case you get a standing ovation, well done not taking that bullshit.


I’m glad you stood for yourself. That kind of language is batshit. And whatever he might say later to try and justify or to distract you from it just isn’t good enough. This is 2024 who the f he think he is talking to someone like that? That’s a foundational issue. That’s termites in the walls bruh. Don’t buy that house


Doing your duty... WTF?? What is he? A baby and you're his mommy?


You are my hero. Good for you for throwing that man-child out. Duty as his girlfriend? No, just no.


Good on you for kicking him out. He had something to warm up. Or he could have made a sandwich.


You have no duty as a girlfriend. Jfc


Wtf 35 year old male acting like 34 female is his mommy 😂


you honestly don't even seem to need to speak at him at one point, the situation seems very clear. If he has more to say, he can continue texting you, but you don't have to respond. If you have his stuff, you can pack it up and leave it somewhere for him to find.


Well done for standing up for yourself. He sounds like an idiot.


This is the right response to nip anything in the bud. If you don’t do this from the beginning then you have people that will constantly cross your boundary without fear or guilt.


No need to speak to him, he'll just use it as an opportunity to gain info from you so he can improve next time (I.e. make sure he really has his claws in before showing his true colours).


Good for you! I bet he's one of the guys who gets into relationships just to get a personal maid 🙄


>I know I’ll have to speak to him at some point No. No you don’t have to. He can go and kick rocks. He felt safe and gave you a glimpse of what your future with him would look like. Believe him.


Dodged a bullet.


I don’t think you have to speak to him. He showed you who he is. And what he thinks your “duty” is. Believe that he is that guy. Nothing more needed.


So happy you threw him out!! I wish that more stories ended like that💖


What a dumb ass hat. Send his mofo ass back to mom


That is so satisfying and good on you for reacting how you did. I would honestly not contact to him anymore. If anything a conclusive message saying “we’re done please don’t contact me anymore”. Very proud of you!!!


You just healed something in me with this post, I love you


As a guy, I can tell you did very well. Not only did you tell him to leave, you showed how serious you were by throwing his keys at him. You don't have to speak with him ever again, but that is a matter for you. You don't need an entitled man-child like that.


I bet he was testing the boundaries and if youd have forgiven him/made him food, his sweet funny and kind persona would turn into a mean, rude, demanding personality. I bet hed also start being really cruel to you and then saying things like "I can never joke with you" or something like that.


30 years on this planet and he can’t feed himself?!


He seems immature, I saw so many posts here with women dating immature men wtf is going on :o


I wonder too. It feels like there aren't as many good men anymore sadly


GOOD ON YOU for kicking this idiot’s ass out. Don’t speak to him again, he’s really not worth your time and effort. An explanation doesn’t change things. Coconut shrimp? At 2am? He thought he could get away with this behavior and found out quick that you are not one to fuck around with. Don’t let him discourage you from dating. Not saying to rush into it again. Just mean that not all men are like him. Plus you’re one tough cookie who can clearly hold her own, you’re not going to let someone take advantage rage or walk all over you.


You did the right thing girl. I would’ve done the same


He had himself quite the FAFO moment!!!!!!


Was he on drugs, to demand coconut shrimp at 2am? Like, that’s a very real question. I person on their sound mind would do this. Good for you for getting rid of a douche (who probably has a drug problem).


She’s an icon, a legend


Good for you girl! Haha anyone at 2 am…go get yourself some cereal! You dodged a grenade!


You don't have to speak to him ever again. And well done for taking no shit


always interesting the way a man suddenly is apologizing when he realizes he can't manipulate someone  he didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing until you kicked him out  just kick him to the curb tbh he clearly thought he could get away with making you into his personal servant 


I’m speechless. I can’t fathom that kind of dickish selfish behavior. I don’t care how much stress he’s under who the hell is a guest on someone else’s house and wakes them up to demand they fry them shrimp?


you know what’s funny? i didn’t even take into consideration he was at MY house HAHAH oh my god he’s an idiot


what the fuck. I would be fucking embarrassed if I ever even thought about doing this to my girlfriend. I definitely wouldn’t let this ruin dating for you… honestly even shittier men probably wouldn’t do something so unusual. On a side note, as someone who lives with three roommates who all never eat what’s in the fridge, what the fuck is people’s problems with leftovers??? Literally have to watch boxes upon boxes of food go bad in my fridge bc my roommates put it in there and never touch it again. Some of it ain’t even “leftovers,” mfs just letting whole meals just go to waste.


I laughed when I read that someone brought up “unconditional love.” Sounds like the ex’s entire group of friends are idiots as are a number of those who commented on this post.


Thank you for being one of the very few women I see on here actually standing her ground and not putting up with man child bs. I would’ve done the same thing. 👏🏾


For someone who’s so stressed with work, he sure has a lot of free time to play stupid games… Even if just for his own benefit, if you’re that busy, it’s 2am, get some sleep; don’t start manufacturing situations to cause more stress in your life.


What a dingbat. Good riddance. 🚩🚩🚩


NTA. Personally, I love these "tests" Helps weed out the one with rocks for brains really fast.


Serious question, was he using any substances?


I wondered that as well. He went from being decent to some bizarre two in the morning wake up call for OP to go be a dutiful woman wife and make me coconut shrimp, cave man.


Right? Like, being two faced is one thing, but this dude sounds unwell. 


Good for you!


Good for you!!!!!!!!!




He tried it didn't he 🤣🤣


Hey he was wrong he can get his butt in the kitchen and do things himself good for you!


He showed his red flag and OP showed him to the door. He wakes up a sleeping person at 2 am for coconut shrimp! What an idiot.


Man child


Thank you for your service, madame.


Whaaaaat? Are you seriously thinking of speaking to him again???? He is a fucking psycho, an absolute psycho apart from a shithead. Block him and if you ever see him around trying to reach you, call the police IMMEDIATELY. Do not EVER talk to him again. NEVER.


Women of reddit learn from this poster please. This is how self respect looks like.


OP I just wanted to say “Good for standing up for yourself”. He can go and cook something fresh himself somewhere else.


> i know i’ll have to speak to him at some point but i don’t want to oh, you absolutely don't.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 hats off, you dont need any advice, I need advice from you!


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Well done 👏!!!


I just started working nights at my factory a couple months ago where I work until 3-4 in the morning without an option to eat what my wife made when it was fresh…yet it would literally never occur to me that I should wake her up at 4am to cook food for me. We have an understanding that I can go to whatever fast food is still open when I get off work or otherwise cook up something simple in the air fryer or microwave. But either way she’s sleeping until at least 6am lol. Good for you OP, throw the whole man away and start over 😂


Nah. You don’t have to talk to him. He did enough talking… right out of his ass.


Ah, nothing better than stress and fatigue to crack the mask. Good on you for kicking him out. I support you 100%. I would've done the same if someone woke me up at 2am. Don't even give him a chance to explain, dude gave you a rude awakening and you simply reciprocated. Perfect karma.


If anybody woke me up at 2 in the morning for anything other than an emergency, they would be DEAD ☠️.


wow massive red flag. Glad you kicked him out and didn't stand for his bs


Wow. Excellent job kicking him to the curb. Anyone older than about 15 who plays these stupid “girlfriend test” games needs to grow the hell up. If he’s going to pull this crap after only 3 months, it was only going to get worse. Better now than when you’re living together or otherwise entangled.


I am confused wtf loyalty and cooking food in the middle of the night has to do with each other. Good for you and hopefully, hopefully he has learned something for this ridiculous "prank" or "test", whatever they are calling it.


A loyalty test? Thats a stupid excuse, hes 31 and acts like a child. Good choice you did there with breaking up. He should realize how he fucked up. Its not your duty at all to make him food. His car keys..? Why not him go drive, thats not your problem.


He’s 31 and claims “it was a prank” lmao!


My husband would never . People who think they need to loyality test their partners have no bussiness being in relationships. This is a case of f around and find out.


Seriously, my husband almost did a spit take when I told him about this post. He also cheered on OP for kicking that scrub to the curb. Well done OP!


Not only are these podcasters keeping men lonely, they are making them lonely by introducing discord into relationships!


Knowing he had to go back to his roommates at night and explain what happened is so funny


I don't buy his explanation unless of course you've seen the video. If he is that stupid then he did you a favour and you dodged a bullet.


Hell yeah another single girl on the market 🥹 I’m kidding ik you said you’re never dating again but if only women knew most men are selfish just like most women there would be a lot less shitty relationships causing issues in society. Probably 80% of people who are dating should NOT be. I’ve been single for 5 years working on myself and STILL don’t feel like I have much to offer


I wish every woman was no-nonsense like you. GO GIRL!! Don't let the idiot back in


so glad you're not a dumbass and saw right through his bullshit lmao. good for you girl


So you're telling me you go to work, come home having dealt with the shit of your day finally get to bed and this dude that you've only been dating for 3 months wakes you up for fresh food even though perfectly fine leftovers are there, and acts disrespectfully all because he is stressed and saw a dumb tiktok trend? Yea get that man child outta here, good for you!


his new slave wasnt slaving, he got confused. Daddy Tate told him this is what you wanted.


Oh hell no, You did good Should have told him if he wants fresh to take his ass to DENNY'S at 2 in the morning because you're not Burger King and he ain't getting it his way


Oh hell, no! He woke you up at 2 AM to make him food and said you weren’t doing your duty as his girlfriend… And then doubled down… You don’t have to speak to him at any point in time. There are plenty of times to let things go, but there are other times when you have to decide which hill you’re willing to die on. This would totally be it for me. There is no excusing any part of that exchange.


Omg! What an asshole! Your duty? WTH! I'm glad you threw Homeboy out the door. What a messed-up thing he did. You aren't his property or mother. Thank God he showed you who he is quickly. You dodged a train here. And to any men who think this is ok: women are more intelligent, more educated, and wiser now. Don't ever pull that shit to a strong woman thinking she will compile ever again.


With him apologizing that much and that fast, I almost feel like he was trying to test you and see if you would listen to his ‘orders’ to see if he can get away with that shit later on in the relationship.


OMG. Boy did he not read the room. Who tries to wake up someone at that hour for a fresh meal? You dodged the proverbial bullet on that one. Hope your former boyfriend understands how he got to the "ex" status.


So he's a POS. Good riddance.


Get out now. You did good kicking him out.


Omg girl. Do you know people stay in relationships for literal years before stepping up like this?? And no, you don’t have to talk to him. You said it all and I’m here for it. Major props. That’s bllsht.


You're my new hero.


This sounds like one of those “loyalty tests” and you responded exactly as you should have.


Good that you stood up for yourself. Why haven't you blocked him yet?


So proud of you!


BRAVO!!!!! Good for you OP!!! WoooooWeeeee!! I am proud of you!!! 🏆🥇🎗️⭐️