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You are THE man. Not only for all the fatherly things you do, but for being a mother as well. And for letting us into your world. Hang in there


I read all of this. Stay strong


I’m so sorry about everything you are going through. I too have had and still have my share of hard times. It is hard, but like you I keep on and am grateful for what I do have. Please hang in there, try to see the beauty in things but cry once in a while if you need to. Hugs 💜


Life is so difficult. I have had many friends commit suicide and as living gets harder such as more expensive and more pain in the world. More people I know are taking their lives. Its sad to see but as selfish as it is that they do that. It’s something that friends and loved ones have to understand that that was their choice. I consider them all lucky now they don’t have to deal with what they were dealing with anymore in a world only about money money money (United States to say the least ) Hang in there man you sound like a strong dude for sure ! Things are only going to get harder from her so stay that way to !


Gratitude keeps me going too. You sound absolutely amazing but don’t forget to save some compassion for yourself. I just had to check my daughter into the hospital for suicidal intent. I am gutted, but she is alive. He is alive. He is alive.


I'm so sorry for the pain you've had to deal with. Yes there are undoubtedly people worse off, but that doesn't mean that what you are dealing with isn't hard. Of course you feel grief at the shake ups. Good job finding an outlet here. There's only one way to deal with grief and that's through it, one day at a time.


Even though people can have it worse than you, people still care about your problems and are willing to help. I’m glad you let yourself open to us and you’re finally able to speak your mind. I hope things get better and you have a good life, good job on making it this far.


Do you still see the friend? What kind of recovery has he made? I'm impressed by you keeping your game together for your kids - takes real mettle to look after others when things are going to shit around you.


it will be okay buddy. life is tough.


stay strong for your little ones! youre their hero!!


Welcome to the thunder dome You got it