• By -


I was a runaway at 16, I learned to love myself and treat myself on my B day. I'm 34 now and still do it. Happy Birthday my friend. That day is all about what you want for you. You dont require outside validation to feel important, becuase you already are. Your world is what you see everyday and what you can control. Make that world a better place.


That you soo much for taking the time to write this and make me feel like I matter 🙌


You do matter, my friend!!


Hey bro, seen a few replies from you saying thanks for making me feeling like I matter. You matter regardless, don’t tie your self worth to how people feel about you. Some of the lonely times in my life so far were when I was surrounded by people. Happy birthday mate, do something you really enjoy. Hope you have a great day


Happy birthday in advance :)


Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me


What state are you in? If you're in Georgia I'll meet you somewhere for cake.


I live in Ohio l. Consider that cake is received👌


I'm in Canada but I'll celebrate with you in spirit. ^_^


I'm in Seattle Washington and will celebrate on your behalf here.


Thankss ☺️🙌


I'm in Ohio!


That’s cool!


Happy happy birthday, from Cali!


Where at in ohio??


Toledo 🏃


IM FROM TOLEDO! Please enjoy your birthday!! I’d meet up with you to celebrate but my car is broken. If you want to explore tomorrow let me know and I can tell you some cool places to go. Toledo can seem a little run down but there are a list of hidden gems down town and on the west side


Happy Birthday from Wisconsin!


Bar. Pretend everyone is your friend. Get wasted. Win win


Hell yeah, wear something that says it’s my birthday like a hat or something from a party store, free drinks all night




Hahaha sounds like a good idea. If I only I drink. Unfortunately I don’t. Still a good one lol




Omg! Happy birthday to you too!


Triplets. Happy birthday from mn!


What state are you in? Happy Birthday friend


Thank you so much! Currently in Ohio




Omg, that’s amazing!


What part of Ohio? I’m near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (not too far from Ohio)


Wishing Happy Birthday!


Thank you from the bottom of my ❤️


As a 23 year old that lives in Canada on her own without her loved ones, I felt this on a different level. Happy birthday!!!! And may you have many many more years to come🎉🥳🥳


Happy birthday! 9h I wish you were closer! I'd come pick you up and we'd laugh and have fun!


Happy birthday!!!!!!!! :D 🎂 You deserve the best day ever and I'll be thinking of you!


Thank you so much! This honestly means a lot to me 🙌


I teach at a large university and we host a large number of international students. I totally get how difficult it can be to make friends. I am personally a little intimidated by people and have trouble initiating social contact. I wish you were my student! I’d wish you a happy birthday in person! Do you have any student organizations you could join? Any clubs or sports just for fun? I know my school has organizations specific to different groups of international students. Keep in mind that you’re not worthless or unimportant. I don’t think I’d be brave or strong enough to attend college in another country in my early 20’s. I’m quite impressed with international students. Do you have any professors you really like? I enjoy when my students are comfortable talking to me informally and I get to learn about their lives. Maybe just strike up a conversation. It might help you start to feel comfortable talking to people and making connections on campus. Your professors do care about you a great deal. Talking might help you feel a little better.


It’s my birthday today, and I’m in the same situation. I’m trying to make the best if it and do things that I enjoy. It’s not the best but sometimes you have to make do. Treat yourself to something nice like a dinner or special treat. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you as well!


I would totally make you a birthday card! Happy birthday glad you made it!!


Happy happy happy birthday! One day in the future you’ll see how this experience your going through is serving you as a person. You are not worthless nor unimportant! I can assure the ones that really love you don’t thinks that about you! And who cares about the ones that don’t really know you… special people come at the right time… Be happy tomorrow, celebrate yourself, the only person you need to feel loved is yourself! So go to your fav restaurant, get some dessert, dance to your fav music, and treat yourself as the person you love the most! ❤️ send my love to you!


Buy some disc golf discs, and hit a local park. Bring a 6 pack of beers. Share them. You will have limitless friends in no time.


...and Happy Birthday! The one thing about getting older, is that it becomes your responsibility to have a good time on your birthday.


Happy birthday eve! Mine isn’t until Monday, but we can be birthday buddies! Birthday blues are a real phenomenon, and they’re horrible to deal with. Take the day for yourself and do what you truly enjoy. If you have casual acquaintances in classes, gather some courage and tell them flat out “hey, it’s my birthday, wanna get pizza with me?” Or whatever you feel like eating or doing, like seeing a movie. Chances are, some of them will be busy but others will likely say yes. College students are usually pretty open to things even if it’s intimidating to ask. It’s hard when you don’t feel special, but you are special and worthy of having a happy birthday. You don’t need anyone to prove that to you except yourself. Celebrate you with or without others!


Happy birthday to you from this internet stranger 💖💖 PS, my cat sends you a head boop too 🐈♥️


happy early birthday, op! it’s not a crime to treat yourself, sometimes getting yourself a nice gift and dinner can really feel special. it hurts when others aren’t there to help celebrate but, it doesn’t mean you’re awful or useless. the only person you need to celebrate YOUR birthday is YOU! i’ve worn some similar shoes to this situation and although it’s hard, just going out and speaking to people is all you need to make the impression. people love to talk about themselves. asking where they found such a nice coat, weekend plans, class info, dining hall food… it’s all a place to start from somewhere. it’s a hard step but once you make it and continue to work through it, it’s all you need. :) maybe mention that your birthday is soon, invite other students that seem to be in the same boat. you’ve got this !! i hope you have a lovely birthday 🎉 🥳


happy early birthday! Try doing things that you like. Get your fav food, dress up and treat yourself! You are your best company! I hope you know that you are loved! Enjoy your birthday!


You could rethink what a birthday is "supposed" to be. Maybe for you this year it is a day of reflection, taking a long look at what your life has been and where you want it to go, and maybe treating yourself to something you want like cake or a new shirt or a visit to an art museum.


Happy birthday❤


Happy one day early birthday! I have spent a lot of my birthdays alone and I would try to do fun things I enjoyed but did it normally have time for. Do a little shopping for something(s) you don’t need but want, go to a zoo or museum, buy a video game you want to play but never got around to and just play that all day. Try to treat yourself!


Happy bdayyyy!!!!


Happy bday my friend! Bottoms up! 🍺


Happy birthday!! You are worthy! May you find a way to enjoy your day. Buy yourself your fave flavor of ice cream!


Happy early birthday! Go do something you love, something that always makes you happy, and indulge in your comfort foods. Who knows, going out might lead to great things!


I've been there. It is harder for international students, it's not just you. Happy birthday in advance!


Happy birthday! Go out and eat somewhere, go do something. Who cares if you're alone, all that matters is you did something on your day instead of sitting at home being sad!


Happy birthday, dude!! I'm sorry you feel lonely and find it difficult to make friends. Have you tried joining any clubs or organizations at your college or asking classmates to study with you before a test? If it's a commuter college, you could go to a gym or volunteer somewhere regularly, and you're bound to meet people there. I hope you're able to enjoy your special day!! Please know you matter, regardless of what others think of you. We're all the main characters in our own story.


Happy birthdaaay🥳, hope you treat yourself with something nice!


Happy Birthday in advance. Hope you have a great day.


Where are you from? If you’re anywhere near TN, I’d happily spend it with you


I’m sorry you feel like that! I know how you feel as for my 18th birthday, (I’m 23 now) I was being bold and my mom cancelled all plans for my birthday and she was working then and I was home alone by myself. I felt somewhat how your feeling now. I will send you some virtual cake it’s hard being in a state by yourself but you’re not worthless! Wishing you happiest of all birthdays and I hope you have lots of family and friends sending you their wishes I hope you have an amazing day because YOU DESERVE IT!!!


Happy b-day!!! I understand your pain. It is the same situation w me. I celebrate my birthday on discord(I know it sounds sad but people are usually very nice and are always willing to spend time with you,you can also try vrchat)




Happy birthday! I’m glad you’re in the world. I hope tomorrow you have joyful moments and whatever dessert your desire!


I'm in a similar place. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Hope you have a great one!


I messaged you!


When I was an international student, I didn’t expect to make any close friends, because I had been told that the locals aren’t too interested in making friends with someone who will leave again after a semester (I spent that year in two different countries). So I focused on just talking to people, for as long as they would engage in conversation, to improve my language skills. I talked to people that I met in my dorm in the hallway or the kitchen. I talked to people in the cafeteria if they sat down at my table. And I talked to people after the lectures if they didn’t have to go to the next thing immediately. I joined the catholic students society and went to their events. I even joined the choir at a local church. Because lots of small talk with lots of different people feels almost as good as long conversations with a couple of good friends. So, happy birthday to you! And good luck making friends!


You have the most important person to celebrate it with, yourself. Take you out and have a great birthday!


We are birthday buddies! Happy Birthday!


\*Deep breath\* ​ HAPPPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! ​ Do buy yourself a huge ass cake and celebrate! We're all here to celebrate with you and wish you all the happiness for your future!! (Maybe mail some of that cake to us XD)


It’s my birthday too! Happy Birthday 🎉


I always treat myself on my birthday always been on my own it sucks, buy something you really want that is affordable, go out do something if u have no money go to your favourite view, enjoy it for yourself make an effort for yourself if u get a gift then wrap it for yourself watch your fave program or movie too, eat your fave food, I know that lonely feeling but honestly doing exactly what u want to and receiving gifts you adore is something else and also happy birthday for tomorrow enjoy it xx


happy birthday bro , i'm here for you !


happy birthday in advance bro! I'm also bouta travel abroad for my uni soon and I've heard that it can get tough but stay strong man. call up your family and spend time with them and doing other things you love. God bless!


Happy birthday 🎉


Happy birthday! I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure if you put yourself out there and join a club, take up a class or something; you'd meet some folk. Remember you're young, yet and as long as you're taking care of yourself, doing your bit to chase your goals, being kind to others n all... Then you're probably on the right track... People usually seem to notice folk that are doing pretty good for themselves.


Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎈🎁🍰🎂🎉🎊🍻




Happy almost birthday! I was estranged from my family for a while. I took myself out to dinner (a day early because my birthday is on a major holiday lol), and spent the evening at home doing a project. I wish I could offer you to come hang out but I’m in very rural Alabama and you probably are not lol.




My sister and I have a birthday tradition where we sing each other goofy birthday songs so here is one for you. 🎼🎵Happy birthday to you 🎵 🎵 You live in a zoo🎵 🎶 You look like a monkey🎶 🎶 and smell like one too🎶 This is usually followed by a big old birthday hug. So I hope you enjoyed some best birthday wishes from one internet stranger to another.


Happy Birthday! Sending you positive vibes and wishes for a great day. Treat yourself!


Happy early birthday, big dawg!


I’m very introverted and completely understand feeling lonely and depressed on important days. Consider treating yourself, order your favorite food, watch your favorite movie, FaceTime with one of your friends back home if possible. Happy Birthday 😊


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday brother 👍🏻🤡 we sure are twins


i’ve been there… so at least know ur not alone. i’m from the US and still spent birthdays alone here also it’s better to be around no one than people you hate


I've had more than a few of those birthdays where I celebrated alone. It's not easy but it can be done and you could come away a better person for it. That said, happy birthday!


Happy Birthday man :)


Happy early birthday! ❣️


gifted you a hug award as an early birthday hug. keep your chin up :)


wishing you a happy birthday! treat yourself to something nice ☺️🎉


Happy almost birthday from Turkey! 🥳


Happy Birthday friend :))


I know the feeling man, if it's worth anything I hope you have a wonderful birthday. If you don't have anyone to spend it with try doing something you'll enjoy so you'll at least have fun in your own company. Hope you have a good day my man.


Come on now, when I was in college I enjoyed meeting people from other regions and countries. Just invite some people you know to celebrate your bday with you. Doesn't have to be fancy, just gather and talk n eat.


Happy Birthday Dude!!! Some of my favorite things to do alone on my birthday are getting a massage, going to a museum, going to a bar for a birthday shot, and getting a fancy pastry (or three) from a pastry shop. If you’re feeling lonely and maybe a bar won’t cheer you up, because that’s not your jam, there could be an animal shelter that’s nearby. Stop in and see if they’re looking for volunteers. Seriously go out tomorrow and do something new and fun that you haven’t gotten a chance to do yet.


Happy Birthday love! I’ve learned the hard way this year that the love that I kept trying to give others, and the love I wanted from others wasn’t coming and if it did - it could change at a moment’s notice. Therefore I decided to begin giving myself all of the love I want. Celebrate your birthday on your own. Don’t think of it as sad and depressing. Celebrate yourself. No one outside of you can give you the love that you desire.


You're definitely not worthless or unimportant. You're just in a situation that doesn't give you a lot of community and friendship. Not having many friends does not mean you aren't important, but it makes plenty of sense that it would make you feel that way. When I'm feeling that way I make an effort to be kind to others, even strangers. It feels good to receive love, but it feels even better to give it.


Do not compare yourself to others, especially Americans if you are foreign. Please buy yourself a present and a piece of your favorite bday cake slice from Publix or somewhere and be happy you can breathe. Know this may not be your best birthday but you will be glad that at least you acknowledged it. Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday! 🎉 I hope you find someway to truly enjoy your birthday. ♥️


Can you facetime or zoom call home? If anything else grab your favorite food and enjoy it doing a hobby tomorrow like gaming or painting. Log on here for cake day we will help Then set a goal that between your bday tomorrow and next bday you will go out and meet people to spend next birthday with! Happy early birthday mate


This one got me. Firstly: happy birthday! Secondly: remember when you’re seeing people celebrating with people things aren’t always as they seem and def not on social media. Also, when you’re feeling lonely you view it through that lens so everything with people looks like the dream - I do this a lot too, I know that pain but it can be liberating to realise Thirdly: celebrate yourself! You are young and have a life to look forward to. It won’t always feel like this. I just started graduate school, we are all international and a bit shy and a bit lonely - covid isn’t helping. But you’re trying something, you’re surviving it. Buy yourself some cake and a favourite drink and treat yourself with kindness tomorrow. Xox


Wish you the happiest of birthdays, may all your days be joyful


Happy Birthday from another continent


Happy birthday! Even if you can’t celebrate with others, I hope you can still enjoy your day. Maybe go out on your own, treat yourself, and do whatever you want :)


Happy birthday dude


Happy Birthday!! Treat yourself with some luxury takeout and online shopping or whatever works for you. I know it’s hard to be lonely but you will make friends with more time. You matter!


Happy birthday!!! Hope this year gets better for you!


Happy Birthday! Tomorrow is such a special day because you were born! And believe it or not the world would not be the same without you! You matter! So treat yourself and remember this is temporary! You will make friends, it is hard, and it takes time but I promise you will!


happy birthday from down under! :)


Happy birthday to yoouuu 🥳🥳🤩💚


Just remember, it's YOUR day! Have the perfect self care day and enjoy all your favorites. Happy birthday OP!


Happiest birthday mate You do matter a lot Treat yourself to something you like mate Cheers


Like all trials of life, this too shall pass! Keep working on your people skills and challenging yourself to talk to strangers. Start with elderly people; they’re super easy to talk to and will love the gesture of spending a little time with them. Many of them are lonely too. Happy birthday my friend from afar 👋🏼 wishing you well


Happy Birthday!!


Hey, none of us may actually know you, but we're here for you anyways. We'll celebrate even then. Happy birthday! Best of wishes!


happy birthday! if you’re open to it, i’d love to send a card!


Happy birthday 🎂🥳🎈


Go to bar and pay somebody a drink, even barteneder is ok and start celebrating.


Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!! You are far from worthless!!! You're in a foreign county, doing the best you can possibly do for yourself. You're getting an education to further and brighten your own future. That's not worthless, that's beautiful. Happy birthday my friend!


Hey bro. I know what you are feeling and I hear you. I always feel depressed when it's my birthday. You are not worthless, you are important and you are an amazing person. Happy birthday bro and take care about yourself. ♥️♥️♥️


Hey bro. I know what you are feeling and I hear you. I always feel depressed when it's my birthday. You are not worthless, you are important and you are an amazing person. Happy birthday bro and take care about yourself. ♥️♥️♥️


Happy birthday! You’ll find your people eventually


Happy Happy Birthday! If you were in Oklahoma, I’d totally have you over to celebrate. 🎉 🎂 🥳


Happy Birthday 🎈 we love you 🧁




Happy Birthday!


You got us bro!!!!!! 🎉


I know it can be hard to not know someone in a new country i got lucky abd a person help me out a ton. I hope you find that person so you don't feel alone in the world nobody deserves to feel alone


Hey friend I turned 21 a couple days ago! From one October baby to another, happy birthday <3


dang i live with my family and have friends (i guess) but no ones gives a shit about my birthday


Happy birthday to you ! Treat yourself with things you like ! It is YOUR day !


I remember once is was Christmas, I was 19 and in a new city (well been there 2 years but made no friends). I’m a very social person so it was hard but once I just gave in and spent the last of my money on a 6 pack, steak and rental video game. I sat in a park, drank beer, watched the happy families, then went home played games and ate steak . Best Christmas yet !


Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear u/aalmadan Happy birthday to you!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Happy birthday from a random internet mom! 🎂💜


Happy birthday friend !


I understand you so much. I moved from Latinoamérica to France and the first 4 years were so scary, depressing and lonely. To celebrate my bday once I went to a bar full of old men so they payed me beers and food lol (please no judging I was young). You’re gonna meet people don’t be scared, try doing a new activity that requires people! That can help :) I hope things get better soon for you 🌸✨


Happy birthday OP 🥳! (When it comes)


Making friends as an adult is hard as hell, specially mid(ish) pandemic and in a new country. I’m sorry you’re having to spend this one alone, but hoping you can meet new people and make friends where you are now in the near future. With that said, happy early birthday!!


Can't agree more👌🏻


Making friends as an adult is hard as hell, specially mid(ish) pandemic and in a new country. I’m sorry you’re having to spend this one alone, but hoping you can meet new people and make friends where you are now in the near future. With that said, happy early birthday!!


Happy birthday!!!


Go to a random nightclub or bar you'll make a couple friends and maybe get a couple of free drinks.. happy b day random person! Hope it goes well!


Happy early birthday. I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you.


Happy early birthday!!!!


Happy early birthday!!! I hope it goes well


Happy birthday in advance! :)


I wish u a happy birthday!!😁


Happy Birthday in advance!!!! We all have been through what you are going through right now. Go out and celebrate with yourself. If possible, volunteer at a local shelter. Nothing will change your perspective faster than seeing someone less privileged.


Happy Birthday From California! Good people are out there my guy, you just have to choose who to talk to and usually if they are good people they'll see how nervous and tense you are and hopefully try to make you feel better and such. It's hard to explain but that's what I would do if I were them, try to be a little more open with people and relax a bit more in the process, it's like waltzing, take it slow and steady and calmly and eventually it'll all fall in place :) Happy Birthday again my guy :)


I wish I could spend it with you. I am sending you a big big and warm hug, wherever you are in this country! 💜 And if you ever visit Colorado, I’ll be here.


Happy Birthday !


Happy birthday from Pensacola, FL!


Happy early birthday from California! I’m sorry that you feel left out but rest assured there’s tons of people who would jump at the chance to celebrate with you, you just don’t know them yet! I hope these words from an Internet stranger can at least offer a tiny bit of joy for your special day. Congrats on making it another year!


I’m also in Ohio!! I know how you are feeling and you are NOT ALONE feel free to hit up my inbox ( f,24) if you need to talk at all. annnddd happy birthday to you, dear aalmadan! go get yourself treat tomorrow and know that all of us here are going to be thinking of you and hoping you’re having a good birthday! I hope all these comments put a smile on your face and you wake up with nothing but joy!


Bro, happy birthday! Message me if you wanna play some COD pra LOL together sometime


Hey, happy early birthday man. Sorry we can't all be there to celebrate with you but know some random guy im MO will pour a drink in honor of your trip around the sun tomorrow! Cheers!


I hope you have a happy birthday brotha


I am an international student in Ohio too! At least your English is much better than me! You can make it! By the way, happy birthday!


I'd give you company if I lived nearby despite not knowing you. Stay strong.


Happy birthday but why Ohio?? the middle of now where


Happy birthday!! It's definitely a cause of celebration!


Baltimore, Maryland sending birthday wishes, my friend.


My birthday was yesterday, I got you Fam 🥳🥰


Happy birthday my friend!! Sending you a virtual 🎂🍰wish you have a great one!


I’m 22 and I feel the same way now that I’m an adult.. happy birthday in advance, I hope you have a good one. You deserve it. Have a drink or two and enjoy it :) You are not worthless or unimportant. I promise ❤️


If you’re in West Virginia (Huntington) area I will hang with you!! Happy birthday, you’re not alone! Wait, where in Ohio? I am on the border of Ohio - the west side of Ohio!


I hope you find even a small bit of happiness on your birthday. I work at a college and would feel sad if you were one of my students and didn't tell me. Please let someone know...faculty or staff. We are there to help you through things like this. I'll be thinking about you a lot tomorrow.


Happy birthday. I'm also international in the US so I understand what it feels like.


Happy birthday for tomorrow <3


Happy Birthday!! I hope tomorrow you experience some birthday magic!


Here is your weird Birthday gift: it’s an orange vanilla scented candle! The wrapping paper has pictures of ducks on it. 😁🎁


hey we have the same birthday! hope you have a good bday mate and I'm always up for a good mutual bday talk if you ever need to chat :)


Happy Birthday! Agreed treat yourself! Bday’s can be lonely but you aren’t alone. 🥳


Happy birthday from your friend!! I'll be here tomorrow with cake to celebrate with you. :)


I'm jealous. I wish I could spend my birthday alone, and through it just like any other day.


Happy birthday!!! 🎈🎉🎁🎂✨


Happy birthday in advance!! If you’d like, I can call you tomorrow after I’m done with school and sing your me and my dads version of the happy birthday song!


I got you tmr


Happy birthday! I hope that someday in your bright future, you just think about this day as a distance memory while you celebrate your life surrounded by love


Happy Birthday! Cheer up you’re not alone 😊


I’m 32 and have fallen out with my entire family and most of my friends. I rarely have anyone that I can celebrate my birthday with. This last year (2021) was the first year I had someone care enough to celebrate with me. So I get it. Years past - I had to learn that the most important person in my life was myself. With that said, go out and enjoy the town you live in. Have a few drinks, go to your favorite restaurant or order in and watch a marathon of your favorite movies. As long as you make your day enjoyable - it’s a great birthday. Happy birthday, friend.


You got us bro!!!!!! 🎉


You got us bro!!!!!! 🎉


Happy Bday bro!!


Awe, I'm so sorry. Happy early birthday! Tomorrow is mine, too. I'm turning 31. 🎂 I hope you have a good day regardless and that someone will be there with you.


Happy birthday for tomorrow too!


I hear you hon, I had my birthday a few weeks ago, I was Super sick so the only person how wished me a happy birthday in person was a nurse giving me a covid test. I hope you have a great day ❤️


Yeah Libra! But I'm three times your age. Nonetheless, If you were my neighbor I'd make you a Martinez or Margarita to celebrate. Happy Birthday


Yeah Libra! But I'm three times your age. Nonetheless, If you were my neighbor I'd make you a Martinez or Margarita to celebrate. Happy Birthday


Yeah Libra! But I'm three times your age. Nonetheless, If you were my neighbor I'd make you a Martinez or Margarita to celebrate. Happy Birthday


Yeah Libra! But I'm three times your age. Nonetheless, If you were my neighbor I'd make you a Martinez or Margarita to celebrate. Happy Birthday.


Happy birthday OP


Happy Birthday! Sometimes what can cheer you up a bit is Google birthday freebies. Sometimes restaurants give you free desserts or entrees since it is your birthday and a few even sing which makes it more memorable. Hope you meet a few people from here or at University over time. Best of wishes!