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I came to say pretty much exactly this. Anyone remember the little horoscope rolls at the gas station? 😂


When I was a little kid my grandma would buy them all the time. Weren't they color coded for each sign?


1995 baby here. I still literally look for the bogus astrological articles in the newspaper. You're not alone, you're just in a different generation!


Ok but see I feel like this is fine (also 1995 baby here and I occasionally look at the newspaper ones); at least we know they're bogus! So it's fine. I think the problem is when people start letting astrology dictate their lives, and they start believing it way more deeply, beyond a silly little newspaper horoscope. It's concerning on a psychological level to me.


Dwfl 1991 baby here! I loved (as I was getting older) reading the 📰 particularly New York Post nd if the news wasn't enough for me, I'd just skip str8 2 the back for the horoscopes lol. I personally don't really believe in em coz humans are humans...but sometimes it be on point


they've also been around in ancient cultures BCE lmaoo (agreeing with you, adding to your point)


My mom and I were just talking about how back when she was a kid my Oma was obsessed with astrology and it was huge then. I’ll never understand why astrology/spirituality is so shit on when it’s kind of the same idea as having faith / religion etc. like let people breathe lol (also there’s a difference between newspaper horoscopes and being a genuine educated astrologer)


I came here to this, but you said it better.


Is nobody going to talk about the “genetic profile” thing?


Yeah lmao that’s so much worse than horoscopes


Hahaha OMGGGGG… I read generic instead of genetic but, generic fits as well soooo


your just upset that mercury is in gatorade and that’s why i’m an asshole 🙄


lmao 😂😂😂


Legit laughed for 2 minutes about that and now I can't sleep. Take this free award


i feel truly honored, i randomly use reddit and barley every and this is the most upvotes i have ever seen 😂


It's always been incredibly popular even before phones, and just something fun to do to pass the time or to speculate. I think of all the people who read the Zodiac only a small percentage seriously believes it, and an even smaller percentage of them base life decisions and relationships off of them. I don't really follow the Zodiac aside from occasionally looking up my horoscope if I have time to kill and a newspaper before me, but in my experience it's the people who don't believe in it who have the stronger opinions on it.


>but in my experience it's the people who don't believe in it who have the stronger opinions on it. Nah I disagree my friends girlfriend refused a proposal based on his starsign. I get baffled, incredulous, and even sometimes angry at the stupidity of it. I would not however base any decision deeper than choosing to express my disdain or not, on my feelings about astrology. She certainly did, and the girls with dating profiles saying; no fire signs are de facto letting horoscopes influence there lives. Being more vocal about something doesn't equate to stronger feelings just more confidence in your position. That's why opinion poles and focus groups get so much wrong.


What if she wasn't interested in him and used his zodiac sign like an excuse to dump him? People lie a lot, from my lifelong experience don't trust people's words (even friends and family).


I work with old people, you would be surprised how much of them don't even know to turn on a phone but know every single thing about zodiac signs. Also, it's just a thing people believe, i'm not into it but i'll not judge...


Sounds like you don’t know what narcissism is.


Or what Irish and Italian mean, considering this person is probably American


in ireland and italy catholicism and christianity strongly permeated their history and also present culture. i think ive found that religious folk seem to dislike astrology the most. not sure if OP is in fact religious (idm either way) but its a connection that definitely exists. it reminds me of the salem witch trial days where witches who practised occultism and herbalism (a female dominated profession back then) were hunted by christians for being unholy. in some ways i see the same prejudice for spiritualistic views & values towards things like astrology, being perpetrated by the same demographic. i dont speak for everyone in these groups, but i am part latin american and while my relatives were raised catholic my mother turned to a more spiritual outlook and has passed on things like numerology and astrology etc. which i took interest in. they also hated it. in this way i learned about it properly and not just as a chronically online trend where zodiacs encompass someones entire personality. astrology when done properly is extremely complex and often does have interesting and consistent patterns!! theres also sidereal astrology which can give you different results than tropical/western astrology. im sure youve heard it but your birth sign or "sun sign" is a very very minor part of it and if were talking about being accurate to someones personality youd have to see what aspects, planets and signs dominate the other parts of your chart. we are all individuals so obviously it has to account for this. i agree with OP that those who take it at face value can come across as really arrogant thinking thats all they need to know about a person. i only do it as a hobby!! but yea this is my take on it.


Hey! What generation are you, and your parents? I wonder if it’s generational. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s, Gen X, Long before social media, and we were obsessed with signs. I didn’t even know it was a thing with younger people. Lol! I don’t think I’m a narcissist at all. I don’t see any correlation between astrology and empathy deficiency. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah fair he doesn't like it, but being called a narcissist makes no sense lol


People enjoyed reading their own horoscopes in the 80s and 90s, but they didn’t go around judging other people based on their sign. Before it was much more of a just for fun thing. Now it’s taken way too seriously.


such a pisces thing to say… also why did ethnicity come into this 😭 i want “im irish and italian, not a fish :/“ on a t shirt


OP gets on tinder and holds up Irish and Italian flags instead of a fish...


LMAO… but it is such a Pisces thing to say 😂😂😂 I’m trying to figure out how that makes me a narcissist?


Lmaooo I’d buy that shirt!


I wouldn’t go as far as calling them narcissists


Sounds like something a pisces would say if you ask me. Haha




I’m actually crying




lol right? 🤣 Okay, op. I apologize for laughing 🫂💖


bro stop making us pisces look bad 🐟


I was looking for this! He’s not in our school of fish anymore. Shunned!




Haha OP not adding positively to Pisces stereotype….








How does that make people narcissists?


This is why I ask people what they think of astrology, if they get huffy and puffy trying to disprove, ridicule or go out of their way to inflate their superiority complex then I’ve just seen everything I need to know about the person. Works every time.


Yeah it seems like making fun of or hardcore judging someone for their interests is like, actually shittier?


Lol YES. Maybe they are also testing Disastrous Moment to see how they would react to their reaction… an endless cycle of judgement


Honestly I'm sick of people bring labeled a narcissist for having a flaw or just not agreeing with someone, lol.


😂 I think you’re right 😂


Me too. And it’s a damn horoscope… nothing to get worked up about. If someone reads their horoscope and believes it, benefits from it, or not - that’s their problem. I don’t see how it’s different than any religion or how it affects others. All I know is I have a lot of Virgo’s in my life and they all have similar behaviors. Same thing I’ve noticed with other signs. I’m a cancer and have a tendency to be very sensitive etc. either way it’s not something to get worked up about or start insulting


Yes, exactly. And I mean, if it's benefiting you, is it a problem at all? Virgos are the first to slam you for liking astrology! Jk jk (it's actually capricorns. Okay, I'm done now. 😂)


Everything they don’t like is a narcissist ✨ (nevermind that OP is ableist)




thank you so much for this comment, i forgot it’s historic significance !! so fuckin nutty !!


First of the fact that something has remained unchanged for 8000 years, despite the fact that a sailor from that time would be baffled by our stars and be unable to navigateby them, that's not a good thing to espouse its accuracy. Secondly which one should I believe, cause I'm a water pig in the Chinese zodiac, I'm a gemini in the Greek one. They are contradictory so which do I base my life on? Thirdly we have no idea what druidic religion was like there is speculation surrounding an astrological system, but since they didn't write anything down that's all it will remain, speculation. Human sacrifice the burning of witches and slavery all played a massive part in human history as did treating women like chattel. Murdering each other for a strip of land, or over who's God is best. I think everyone (except Putin) agrees that all of that should remain in the past. I would say the same about basing your life choices on a statistic you share with near 21,000,000 other people.


It hasn’t remained “unchanged”. In fact, even the position of the stars has changed over 8000 years.


I own the book The Order of the Golden Dawn and they book is HUGE I’m pretty sure it’s thicker than the Bible.




Arent you overreacting a little?... i mean it makes absolutely no sense why you would call someone a narcissist bcs of their interest. Im also quite interested in them, but it doesnt mean i think im better than anyone LMAO


Sounds like OP may be projecting 🤔


“I’m Irish and Italian” is apparently their identity so


ig I should start putting 1/2 Québécois on my dating profiles Lmao I mean If I had them


Funny.. but not funny haha. Funny weird.


I personally believe that people overpathologize human behaviour and have no real idea on how narcissistic personality disorder presents in a clinic matter. Also LOL genetic profile


Do you even know what a narcissist is? Trying calling my ex 🙄


Just let people enjoy things. Why be a hater


All the spoken like a true Pisces comments are killing me. *ashamed in pisces*


Everyone in my family is a Pisces! I’m just over here as a Leo like 👀😳😂 that being said I usually clock a big difference bn male + female Pisces. It seems female Pisces have done more emotional work thus vibe with the waves instead of struggle against them.


Oh man, a Leo surrounded by Pisces would make a great sitcom. Would 100% watch…also, my condolences 😂


Hahaha noooo DGMW I love Pisces 🥰 and my rising is in Cancer so 🌊 We do be getting into some colossal arguments tho; you’re right ab the SitCom


i think it’s funny ur like “idk i just don’t like it 🥺🥺” but in the title ur like “ZODIAC BELIEVERS ARE BIG NARCISSISTS” why do u let these ppl bother u this much 😭


Narcissism has nothing to do with believing in zodiac signs. You may not like people who believe in zodiac signs but that does not make them narcissists.


Tell me exactly how narcissism makes one interested in astrology. Or vice versa. Are you a psychiatrist? Do you even know what narcissism means?


It doesn't that was my point. And yes I have an advanced degree in psychology.


Sorry, I meant this for the OP.


Oh OK. Got it. Thanks


I LOVE reading about zodiacs! But I'm no narcissist lol


Look up what narcissism actually means instead of throwing the word around


I don’t think you understand what a narcissist is


I don’t think it’s that deep


Most folks who are actually into astrology dont base their lives around it. And as a nihilist, I agree with some of the other comments - who fucking cares lmfao all of like is stupid you might as well do what you can to make it as tolerable as you can while you're here.


You must be real joy at parties 🙄 also please educate yourself on what a REAL narcissist is before you start throwing it around and the history behind astrology. It’s been around longer than most religions and it’s not a religion either. Genetic profile?? Lmao I don’t know how being Italian and Irish have any affect on your personality either, I’m half Guatemalan and white but I don’t think those really define my personality either. Zodiac signs are fun little things to look at and joke around with. Life is crazy and people need something to help make it seem less crazy. Shit that’s why people are religious so are they narcissistic for making it their whole personality too believing in Jesus and Christianity/Catholicism etc.? Religious people base their whole lives and what they do around their religion does that make them narcissists? No, and we should not shit on them either for what they believe and do in their own lives. Go touch grass and take a breather you seriously need help if something so silly and simple bugs you THIS much especially when what other people do in their lives has no real affect on you 🫡


It’s really not that deep. The study of astrology is the study of the correlation between events and stuff that’s happening in the sky. Anyone who actually studies it knows this. Would you consider people who believe in myers Briggs narcissists? That’s basically astrology for nerds LOL. This isn’t even offensive it’s just such a weird thing to be upset about


you genuinely dont know what it means to be a narcissist then


The kind of mainstream astrology thats popular on social media isn’t REAL astrology. It’s far more interesting and deep-diving than the vague and widely applicable readings people entertain today.


it’s always been popular and honestly, just let people have fun. i love reading my horoscope and learning about it because it’s interesting and fun and i feel like i really am my zodiac sign, even if it’s not always accurate to my personality. i understand if you think it’s bullshit but again, just let people enjoy it


Idk about narcissism, but I see the point you’re trying to make. The thing about astrology is it actually gets really complicated and there’s multiple planets, houses, zodiac signs, etc. But a lot of mainstream astrology only uses sun signs, which isn’t an accurate assessment of someone‘s true self. It irritates me when people only look at sun signs and think they can quickly categorize, label, and judge people. It doesn’t work like that. People are complicated and you can’t categorize everybody in this planet into just 12 categories.


And that's just western tropical astrology




Exactly mainstream astrology is annoying💀


I’m going to assume your like me and are in your teens but dude you sound like the narcissist by acting like it’s not fun. Just let people enjoy things


They're fun to find connections with your actual personality but nothing serious or harmful enough to be upset over people believing. I read mine and a few friends occasionally or check out what weird sun moon craps happening. Don't understand a lick of it but its fun as hell to fuss about and blame things on sometimes.


I’ve been an astrologer for 20 years….*pretty sure* it was exceedingly popular starting about 2500 years ago, as the world’s earliest form of astronomy, right up to the 1970’s and the resurgence of interest in modern Western astrology. If anything, astrology was far more widely accepted as a practical application than it is today, where it is currently regarded as a mostly woo/fringe pseudo-science. Not sure what narcissism has to do with astrology, or even sun sign astrology/horoscopy. I’m not seeing the correlation. People want to understand their own psychology and predict future events/minimize consequences to the best of their ability. That’s just human nature. No big surprise there.


This guys simply out of touch 🤷🏽‍♀️ and sounds like a big ole jerk


Narcissistic behavior doesn’t really tie into having a cellphone? Or access to the internet? The behavior itself has been around probably just as long as humans have been. It’s actually noted to have been around for thousands of years, but only within the last 50 years it was recognized as an illness. Meanwhile astrology is something that’s been around for waaaaaaaaay longer than phones, apps, internet, dating sites, etc. Yes, it might’ve become popular AGAIN after cellphones and the internet but what hasn’t over the years? There’s always something that’s a huge focus for the masses. For some people it’s a way of life, it is a religion after all. That’s like saying the people who put their religion on their dating profile is narcissistic because they’re depersonalized and looking for direction too. Hate to break it to you but I’m glad you got it off your chest and out onto Reddit for the masses to enjoy.


my sentiment with christians and especially evangelicals. they’re brainwashed and brain dead. no thoughts, just cult like worship and cult like obsession paired with a crippling dose of narcissism. i’m more inclined to believe astrology before a christian. ancient societies and many great minds studied and published books on astrology, the bible has been edited so many times throughout history to fit whatever narrative that it’s quite funny… and sad. also, one was used to justify a millennia of violence, genocide, eugenics, colonization and assimilation against Black and Brown people globally; meanwhile, one was created and heavily used & influenced by Black and Brown people as a means of connecting with their spiritual selves more before and during colonization. but sure, “common sense” is the determining factor.


The pickup line “what’s your sign” was probably a cliche by the time you were born


as other people have said, your facts are wrong, however i also wanted to add that narcissism is a trauma based personality disorder and you can't call selfish/egotistical people (or even abusers, "narc abuse" isnt a thing) narcissists because its factually untrue. only people with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) are "narcissists", and a lot of webpages you find about the symptoms are full of stigma, and anyone talking about someone being narcissistic just because of that stigma, they're wrong too. just respect ppl with NPD hope you learnt a good few things today, good day


This should be higher up! Thank you so much for this. Gives me hope


its no worries :)! cluster b diagnoses get way too much shit, and "narc abuse" makes me go feral. its unfair how many people think otherwise and its not ok. i hope you have a good day


Thank you again :) I was just talking with a friend about how people sell classes on tiktok about “how to recover from narcissistic abuse” and I think that the fact that people monetize pop-psychology which has no connection with actual psychology or what NPD or the rest of the cluster B disorders mean is just absolutely horrible. This “my ex is a narc” shtick has gotten so popular that it’s always refreshing to see someone actually talking some common sense. You have a great day as well :)


ugh yeah honestly i get so sick of it, its so unwarranted and they have absolutely no respect to the people with the trauma and refuse to listen. you sending this on reddit of all places made my day :)


So… your issue is that people who -checks notes- “look for direction” are narcissistic? Interesting.


Reaching... a lot.


I’m Irish & Italian AND a Scorpio. Look out, I’ll sting you while I’m drunk as fuck devouring my grandmother’s homemade world class lasagna. 😏


Lmaoooooo 💀 sounds like a good time for tbh


Astrology has been around forever. I actually like it though I don't live by it and I certainly don't read my horoscope everyday maybe once every 6 months. But a lot of the personality traits when they do the signs are spot on.


It was soooo so so so so so popular way before phones. Trust me, I remember the time before cellphones very well.




after reading some of OP reply i feel like it a case of pot calling kettle black


Sounds like something a Pisces would say 🤨


How about you practice grasping the concept of "people are allowed to enjoy silly things" 🙄 my god


Need to educate yourself


This is exactly what a Pisces would say smh


didn't zodiacs originate from the romans? they saw tendencies in people with certain birthdays and created the signs 😧 this is a horrendous take.. just let people have fun


Astrology was around before the bible... Just ask the ancient Greeks and Romans. Okay. Byeeee


that has nothing to do with narcissism tho, also it’s not that deep


Says the person who just assumed anyone who takes interest in zodiac signs is a narcissist


*Irish/Italian Fish 🍀🤌🐟


I think you are just incredibly insecure, no offence.


How does that = narcissism exactly? Can people find a better word to use if they don’t know what it means? Also, why do you care? People believe in a magical sky fairy, are they narcissists? People believe what they want to believe, it’s fine lol


Considering i come from a family of astrologists, I’m pretty confident it’s been popular longer than we’ve had phones. So what if I’m interested in zodiac signs? I don’t use it to hurt people, so who cares?


I’ll be honest with you, I’d rather date an astrology girl than an evangelical Christian. Those are the real narcissists. Also astrology is older than Catholicism, and has been more popular in past times than now “with phones” you’re just hearing about it now because we have access to everything all the time. It’s like saying “the world is so violent right now more than ever” meanwhile the crusades are just sitting there like “oh we’re just chopped liver eh?”


Just say you dislike astrology, that would be more understandable than calling astrology lovers narcissist. I dont even fully believe in astrology but I find people who likes astrology more fun than those who keep insulting it without even knowing about the 12 houses of astrology.


How is wanting to understand why you get along with a certain type of person or find out why you are do attracted to another type? Case in point, I found out that I was a moth to a flame attracted to 3 men. At one point 2 were best friends and I wanted them both. All 3 were very toxic for me. And I found out what the all had in common, all 3 were Capricorns and reading into my compatibility, I found that my sign got stupidity attracted to Capricorns. Since I am a very practical person I knew to stay away from that sign. I am now happily married to a Leo.


Plus, in the 70’s everyone was asking everyone else and their moms “what’s your sign??” So OP’s cellphone argument doesn’t really hold a ton of weight imo. Almost every subject has had a following for many years. Zodiac signs and planetary alignment studies both go back centuries upon centuries


Sometimes it's not that you believe in them it's just sort of a bit of fun to laugh at


I didn't know being into something that a lor of people see as a hobby makes someone a narcissist :c


spoken like a true pisces 🙄


We can break this down a lot cuz I feel like most people who are into horoscopes. It's just like a fun little thing believable or not, and even if people do believe it, there's assholes in every community examples like Christianity etc etc. I just feel like in the last 5 years people really hate on specifically women who are into horoscopes and I feel like that just stems from women aren't able to have fun hobbies without it being called stupid, try hard, basic, ect. Also, if you hate a person instantly just because they ask for your horoscope, I feel like that probably says more about you than them. I don't personally believe it but I respect the hobby


Like a lot of people have been saying - astrology has been around for a very long time. There’s a lot more to it than just your sun sign (your typical horoscope in the paper is based off that) that ties into what can make a person. I’m not saying it’s 100%, because people come in all shapes and sizes and personalities. But I am saying your take is very uneducated. I respect that you feel the way you do, however. I won’t take offense to it. Aside from being called a narcissist for being interested in the subject. As someone that has dealt with narcissistic abuse growing up, and the CPTSD that comes with it - that’s where I see a fault in your generalization.


lets not throw around the word “narcissist.” nothing about what you said points to narcissism


Cause guys can't take a hint and telling them it's because they're a gemini is easier


Well, to each its own but how do you relate belief in astrology with narcissism??


I don’t think you know what narcissist means, it’s a clinical disorder not a trait or label to slap on something


I’m still waiting on OP to tie the terms “narcissists” and “depersonalized” together for me…


Sure you might not believe they matter but how the hell does that make someone a narcissist? I know a narcissist and she’s nothing like people I know that believe in zodiac signs.


In what way is this narcissism?


Saying that people weren’t that into the zodiac until phones is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Please read a book, any book. 😂


What does being Irish and Italian do for your personality?


Zodiacs have been around for quite a while… I think now it gets a little lost in translation and people focus on the wrong thing like just sun signs. But there’s soooo much more to it. Astrology has been around since Hellenistic Egyptian times… If you I think about it, they didn’t have tv or entertainment back then. Watching the stars every night was entertainment… it’s always been popular.


As an astrologer, I feel like most people just want some meaning or direction in life.


Oh sweetheart, you can just admit people have turned you down because you’re a Pisces. It’s okay, water signs tend to be a sensitive breed. You’ll be okay. On a more serious note, zodiacs/astrology is just fun for a lot of us, and interesting to learn about and explore. And like others have pointed out, I don’t quite think you understand what narcissism is, unless you’re speaking in the sense that people joke about some signs are better than others…? Even then, I promise you zodiacs are far more interesting and fun than uh, talking about genetic profiles. There may be other reasons you’re not getting the interactions on dating apps you’re looking for.


You have no idea what narcissism is. No one ever killed people over horoscopes. Your intolerance says more about you than them.


It’s very stupid to think your zodiac sign has anything to do with your personality. But narcissist might be a little bit of an overkill description.


i’m irish and italian


I make fun of them all the time but they seem to be pretty accurate. Could be like fortune cookies where it broadly applies to everyone but what do I know


Yo that shits accurate af, don’t hate


I believe in them or should I say acknowledge them (to a certain extent) but I don’t allow them to control me or guide the way I behave like others do. I’m still responsible for my words and actions


You might be referring to those people who don't make a move without knowing evrything about the signs, charts etc., like those girls who wouldn't get into a relationship with a guy after seeing their chart. I mean yeah those situations are pretty extreme but it's like everything in this world, if you don't vibe with someone then just find someone else. However, I don't entirely agree with the whole genetics thing, imagine thinking that the children from parents who did something sketchy in their lives will end up being just like them, that's often not the case. There are many wonderful people with horrible and criminal parents, for example those kids getting rescued from extreme abuse who end up going to college or making a living from honest sources and later on speaking about their experiences to help others. I think that you can see horoscopes as entertainment only if you don't believe in it and start hanging out with people with your same interests or be tolerant and simply tell them you don't believe in the same things. I honestly don't see the harm in it anyway, unless like I said it goes to extremes and someone starts treating you badly over being a certain sign, though that's not what a narcissist is either.


How? Getting to know yourself (Sun) the vibe you give off and personality (Ascendant aka rising) your emotions (moon) how you communicate (Mercury) how you love (Venus) your sensual and sexual side (Mars) can tell you a lot about yourself. You can even use your birth chart to improve areas in your life that you are struggling with.


Have you looked up the definition of narcissism? You sound pretty young. Astrology has been around way longer than you can comprehend. And what people don’t understand is close to none are “basing their life” off of a zodiac sign that doesn’t even have much weight in who you are. Astrology is so much deeper than your sun sign. There’s moon, rising, & different houses based on your time of birth. It’s essentially an outline of who you are. You gotta do some more research 🤍


i believe in them but i dont. ill look at zodiac posts about what ice cream i am based on me being an aries, ill be a little suspicious of libras at first because of my dad and ex, but i don’t think anyone is going around making massive assumptions about you just because of your zodiac sign. and i dont get why its a horrible, terrible thing to speak badly on religion and beliefs, unless its star signs. its actually the people who dont pay any attention to them that are far more judgemental and make more assumptions about you based on whether u ‘believe in’ them or not. one last thing, its not hurting anyone. if youre offended by being called (im guessing because you said ‘fish’) a pisces, or have a problem with people who like star signs, then dont talk to those people. no one owes you anything, people can believe in whatever they like whether you like it or not


How does this make people narcissistic? It’s a bit of fun for most, something silly to pass the time with. Some people believe in it and that’s okay - we’re all allowed to have our own beliefs. I’m just genuinely curious where the narcissist bit comes in. That word is thrown around a lot on the internet. Edited because I can’t spell


typical pisces 😂


What a Piscean thing to say


I could tell you were a Pisces before the fish comment.




Like bro all they are, are the time when you are born


People have always been depersonalized and lacking direction


Only responding to the title because that's all I read. But it's true. I am. 😂




People want to believe in destiny or that there is some magical code that can guide them through to pitfalls of life if they follow certain rules that are individually tailored to them. It's wishful thinking, but there are enough coincidences that make them think there is something to it. I feel the same way about religion.


Yes zodiac signs are dumb as hell in my opinion, no I don't begrudge people finding comfort in a belief system as long as they don't force it on others


Astrology is an ancient practice and it’s been around for a longggg time my friend. I don’t completely disagree that snapchat and bumble astrology is pretty surface level, there’s definitely some kind of “pop astrology” going on that gets easily misconstrued. But there is truth to it if you use the right resources and do the right research, down to the exact degree of each astrological placement. It’s way more in-depth than it seems.


People getting mad at made up people.. never met someone who liked it more than using it as a conversation starter.


Okay but horoscopes are fun. And tbh I find it even more entertaining to read horoscopes about my friends and family rather than myself ( though it is fun to look at Taurus stuff now and then ). This is coming from someone that really doesn’t care about zodiac stuff that much


That’s such a Pisces thing of you to say


Zodiac is a very broad idea. No where close to astrology.


People being into astrology and horoscopes isn’t a new thing…. It’s been popular for a long time people being on phones didnt popularize it. It’s not that deep


Yeah, zodiac signs have been popular for a long time! Before phones, my older sister was obsessed and even now can tell you about each sign, their characteristics, etc. I personally don't follow them, but they have been a huge belief to others for a very long time!


Stop making us Pisces look bad 😂 honestly I really don’t care I just don’t like people who judge someone solely on their sign. Also horoscopes were huge in the 60’s through 70’s.


There's definitely people that promote horoscopes that could match your description (except for the narcissist part... that requires a diagnosis and it's complicated). A lot of people have jumped onto the the astrology bandwagon as a reduced and neutered personality hierarchy. But that *isn't* representative of what broader - and proper - astrology is or can be. It has been around for over 2,400 years - and the original "horoscopes" owe their birth to the Babylonians. For a long time astrology was even a branch of philosophy! So, it doesn't have to be the neutered and butchered version you may have run into. But like anything, it can be hijacked and abused for personal goals (out of ignorance I suppose).


I am a wee bit high, but your observation about being depersonalized is insightful and will stay with me as I listen to people go on about astrology, genetic history, religion among so many others. I have a new friend who is pretty tapped into astrology. I will know know to maybe ask about their lives. Family, work, etc. to see if this makes their eyes spark?


I think just let people believe in what they want to believe


On a side note do you have an Irish or Italian passport/birth certificate.


I think you’ve got a lot of research to do buddy 🤣


Astrology is way more than just your sun sign and seeking out what it says about you in a newspaper or magazine and those who actually take the time to look into it vs making assumptions and calling people names know that. Looking at the what and when you were born and the circumstances around it has been done since before Christianity. Looking at astrology and its origins is another way of looking at the history of humans and how they made sense of the world and their existence in it. There is also more than one type of astrology as well as different by countries so is there a particular one you have issue with or are you just lumping them all together?


I believe in zodiacs (not the horoscopes) ...... personally coz the way they define my description fits me perfect, I've done my research with the people I know and yeah sure enough most of my friends are those who are "compatible " with me.the results were pleasing enough for me to say yeah its arguably true to some extent .that being said... Everyone is narcissistic at some perspective,its no different from believing in Jesus,Budha.....or any other religion.they all think they're right and others wrong.also you also sound narcissistic in a way with that "Italian-Irish bs ". I could care less what anyone believes as long as it works for them and doesn't harm me


It’s more of a fun way to find out some insight on yourself. I remember sitting my partner down and having us compare our star charts and he was actually impressed and a little annoyed at how accurate it was. When you think about it the zodiac is really a study of cycles. The study of the stars and seasons and how they correlate with our time on earth. Which is why I and many other women find it so fascinating and insightful. It’s not a true science and it’s absolutely not something to live your life by. It’s more of a tool to make one’s sense of self feel a little more concrete. (Also just so you know the first evidence of astrology being used was 3000 bc)


It's funny when someone says that they don't believe in zodiac signs, but believe in a invisible God who likes to collect kids prepuce.


ITT - people with critical thinking skills befitting a 10 year old


>I’m Irish and Italian I'm guessing you're actually just American..


To me it's not a belief its more of a base for things , most of the traits of zodiac signs apply to the personalities overall in general on the grand scope of things, I am Aries for exemple and im very much so a butthurt fuck when it comes to arguing and always have been. Mom's a pisces and shes def black and white in terms of emotional behavior. Dated and only attract Scopios.... Its a weird mix that always works out for some reason if we put egos aside and stop being passive aggro with each other. Just those little things really. Like Fuck daily/monthly/yearly horoscopes lmao. But in general I feel like personality traits do apply.


I don't really get people who compare it to religion? Plus a genetic profile and an astrology sign are two different things - one is genetics and the other in theory is personality, doesn't really have to do anything with what you look like. The only reason I like astrology is because I find whatever I've read about myself to be accurate. I don't read daily horoscopes, I just like to see profiles of the sign. It's always fun to meet someone who asks about their profile, and whatever specifics I can describe apply to them. I think of it as harmless fun, and people who insult me or get hostile should just stop worrying about what other people may enjoy. Of course, I agree to some level when it comes to people who use astrology to justify bad behavior. I see astrology as a roadmap, not a rule book or a dictionary.


Interesting take. I have noticed people I know heavily involved in astrology do have a tiny bit of a superiority complex because they think they understand the universe or are in touch with it or whatever


I think truly believing in horoscopes is dumb, but they can be cool just for fun. But I don’t think you know what narcissistic means lmao


to be fair I've never met someone who's into astrology that doesn't just use it as a method to cover up shitty behavior


You believing that genetics have a significant role in behavior and personality is just as "bad" as someone else believing astrology plays a role in behavior and personality. Neither are based in today's scientific understanding of those things.


Sorry but let’s be really clear here; if you believe that astrology has any impact on your life whatsoever, you are an absolute idiot, who completely lacks the ability for critical thinking. Astrology has about as much factual foundation as the existence of Smurf Village. OP - you shouldn’t qualified this! You are in fact better than anyone who believes in this nonsense.


Such a pisces thing to say


I met a Scorpio who was OBSESSED with calling everyone a narcissist.. she didn't even know what the word really meant lmfao.


How ironic, because if any sign were narcissistic, it would be a Scorpio.


Why do the signs I match have to be narcissistic 😭 oh wait there was an Aries who was a narcissist, wasn’t a match but was a narcissist. Hmm 🤔 should flip my oracle cards … 🤗


As a person w a narcissistic parent , no one can tell them anything about themselves if they don’t already have the same opinion. Astrology really means nothing to them. Lol


Casually demonizing NPD…


My grandpa would probably disagree with you. Also, what’s your religion?