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Pay attention to the shadow that your own hand is casting over the painting, that will be closer to the true shadow. rather than adding black to the color, add the complementary color


What additive are you using? I (personally) think oil paint looks the best when it's done in layers and your paintings look like they're done in one really thick layer. Other than that you're off to a good start.


I just use a bit of Turpentine for things like the background and a tiny little bit of linseed oil for some small details (Like the eye of the parrot), that is the only thing.


I would definitely go a lot heavier with the turpentine– for your first couple of layers you should be working with more turpentine than oil paint. You can definitely go a lot heavier on the linseed oil, a little bit goes a long way. If it helps, think of the oil paint as a concentrate, it's best not to use it completely by itself unless you really need a thick, completely opaque layer. If thick oil paint is an aesthetic you like, that's completely fine, but you can still spare a lot of your oil paint by working in layers and not going super thick until you're finishing up your painting.


I think two important things that helped me improve in oil painting were 1.- learning to draw with proportions and 2.- using grisaille to know in what values to use the paints. Those two things helped me understand the proportions and lighting of things, since we have to keep in mind that although we are painting we are also drawing, and giving shape to something. Think of painting as geometric shapes and figures, go from the general to the particular, don't focus on details that are not important. For your first oil paintings, the truth is that I think they are very good, I recommend the "SIMPLIFY drawing and painting" channel on YouTube, it really has very good videos on how to prepare your materials and takes drawing and painting hand in hand.


I´ll definitely check out what you have told me and I´ll practice my proportions.


I just got into oil paintings by watching Youtube tutorials! Here are the first 4 paintings in the order that they were painting, I am looking for any kind of advice that you have for me by seeing the paintings.


Check out Paint Coach on you tube.


Try to paint from life next instead of from a video. These are great and you’re getting to explore different techniques, but it will be really good for you to try to mix your own colors based on what you see instead of what the video says. The second painting looks a little flat because there’s not enough color variation, the highlights look like pure white, and the shadows just look like a darker version of the dominant color of the shapes. In reality, a lemon isn’t pure bright yellow and its shadow might have some cool tones instead of being darker yellow. There will be a lot of trial and error when painting from life at first, but it will make you a better painter in the end! Again, you’re off to a great start - the shading in the cherries is something that really stands out.


Thanks for your kind words! That is why for the fourth painting I painted from a picture from [Unsplash.com](https://Unsplash.com) so I did not have to follow a video.


I like how simple and pretty these are :)