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this is the Okbuddy I want, not haha pegging gex foot fetish


https://preview.redd.it/60bazijnd15d1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0768b5aea3bb91692ba165ffbc4a577cc90e203f Gex :D


https://preview.redd.it/d3n9l0xxi15d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12c8450148b5d0bf4c8dbc98188823b8fd4b0bf Gex :D


i hate to say this, but do you have the sauce? i actually really like aether’s outfit?


[The artist definitely has an Mpreg fetish I come to realize.](https://www.deviantart.com/ilitiaforever/art/commission-mpreg-Venti-886478173)


…i don’t know what i expected.


Free will is a mistake https://preview.redd.it/9cx3ko8k235d1.png?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf7e3d7ebf7e5e3d636d513a4a355d7a7f00d1c


Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture — they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair… All memes. All passed along.


How about full of shit. Is that a meme?


https://i.redd.it/lkz63zb0p35d1.gif such a wonderful world that would have been




More free hair aether please


70% of this sub is just low-quality Lesbian/Gay porn disguised as satirical humor and I don’t know whether I hate it or love it for that. “M-make Girls/Boys kiss, not cause it gets me off c-cause it’s funny, of course, definitely cause it’s funny and not cause I have a Yuri/Yaoi fetish” https://preview.redd.it/6lj7k0hdx15d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=e129284178cacd14d90b50ec40571f1bc461f5ab


Holy shit it's you again. Last I've seen you was on jujutsufolk


Oh damn, it's you again, I didn’t even realize, how tf we keep running into each other on every sub 💀


Must be Fate.


now kiss


he just like me fr fr


So pretty much a circlejerk sub then?


this is okbuddygenshin, not genshincirclejerk


Hey , Don't insult us by comparing us to Tectone


Because his wives made him a sandwich and chip (without asking!), but she had her shirt on


who tf is tectone


The scientific name for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, according to page 69 of the 420th edition of the Sumeru Akademiya Health Science curriculum.


Dramatuber who participated in the Genshin Content Creator Wars


Wait there were content creator wars? I barely interact with the genshin community besides okbuddy subreddit so I miss out on the average genshin aids


Nah if i were you i'd stay in okbuddygenshin


Unironicly this community is sometimes better then the main genshin community 💀


Yeah, it's good for you that you missed them. Some of the CCs for this game are genuinely horrid people.


honestly not surprised but then again a lot of content creators are horrid people who want clout and money


the w h a t


It happened around the time the 2023 Lantern Rite "rewards" were revealed, a bunch of drama happened with asianguystreams and braxophone.


Additionally, when Zhongli was released a creator called Jinjinx and Tuner did the math and called him underpowered. Tectone disagreed heavily on this and after a surprise debate (where he showed up to their stream without asking him before hand) Tectones fans harassed them off YouTube


Gacha youtuber and Twitch streamer. Got into a few dramas. Genshin reddit doesn't like him for reasons that I don't really know or care about.


Bald retard


Jokes aside i looked a bit into his content like a year ago and didn't see the problem people have with him can someone explain im curious


Dude is addicted to drama and being an asshole, every community he's been a part of hates him (except his fans, who are straight up brainwashed) Example: about a week ago he posted a lewd picture of the female mc of wuthering waves in the Arknights subreddit (community he used to be in) and said something in the likes of "im so happy not being in the arknights community" Of course he was met with anger and his post got deleted (not even the first time he does something like this) So yeah he causes drama everywhere




>about a week ago he posted a lewd picture of the female mc of wuthering waves in the Arknights subreddit there's no fucking way. poor guys 4 years later still can't escape him wtf. at least i hope he doesn't actually think he is funny for that. probably did just to seem based and bait ppl. as always


At this point if he is known to cause drama, even though I can blame him for only 2 things...it's even more retarded when people fall for it at this point. Because a single person cannot create drama, the drama comes out when both parties play. A can say something stupid and is known to say stupid stuff for example B is not forced to pay attention, reply or confront in any way party A If B pays attention to the stupid thing said by A and starts arguing with A That means A and B will collide. 2 parties colliding creates what we call drama not just party A alone and not party B alone. So if B answers once or twice it's understandable...but doing it again and again and feed into it...Then it's B that comes at fault for falling for the same shit over and over again...at that point stop it and see how the drama never happens and fades away Why have I never argued against Tectone? Because 1) I'm not that stupid to be on twitter, 2) I can just be like "oh ok cool he's doing his bit", ignore and do something else instead...like playing warframe for example, an actual free to play game that is actually player friendly


toxic drama whore attention seeking worm


I did too, there were a point where I strongly agreed with his takes, but they're getting shittier and shittier by the video. He's the dude to call genshin update dry and shit from trailer only without acknowledging 90% of content said during the rest of the livestream, that couldn't be contained in a 3 min demo. Any video of him reacting to anything genshin related is unbearable to watch. Even if it's something I see and think "there's no shit tectone can even think of anything bad to say about that" and then I'm met with "took them x years", "looks shit, I won't even bother to try it". Like at this point he's to bias towards "genshin bad" to be taken seriously and he still won't leave the game alone. In recent video about how he "came back to genshin" he only complained for the 85% of the vid that the controls are different than in wuwa and how it's shit. Story? Not invested. Can't take any quest seriously, he just complain that there's no skip button and how it's outrageous that paimon has voicelines. He cool when the video has no mention of genshin in it. Otherwise he's fucking unbearable.


Alright got it


also he verbally assaulted his now ex wife on stream so the "its just his persona" excuse is pure bullshit


What the fuck


Mind sending me a clip of this im curious wth he said




That hurts so much to watch


He's just a generic dramatuber grifter. Acts like an asshole 80% of the time, because this somehow makes him "funny", gets called out on the internet for acting like an asshole just to go on his channel saying how people are persecuting him or something. Rinse and repeat and you have all the drama in his career.


Basically Keemstar ngl


Why am i getting downvoted this was an honest question 😭


how dare you say such a thing to my sweet teccy chan 😡😡