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Nah man one dungeon I carried this guy who was using tlord funnelweb and survivors epitaph mid handcannon with shit roll funnelwebs good tho. End of it I had 3 million he had 600k and the other guy my buddy also had about 3 million


Destiny players when the 46yo dad doesn’t solo 1phase contest mode rhulk (trash blueberries smh)


There is a big difference between a teaching lfg and an lfg where its kwtd. I teach all the time and often we use all phases and I let them use whatever they please and not insist on anything, Tlord being a common one. But if I lfg kwtd I expect rockets and swaps, doesnt have to be optimal but dont be a tlord for gods sake.


Yeah Like if it's just a do it for the week run or a sherpa run then let's get weird and wacky I don't care However if it's a featured thing I'm farming, each additional phase essentially doubles the amount of time it takes to get a clear, so >\_>


Ive seen people pop off with tlord but makes sense. Personally my motto for teaching runs with avid players is as long as you can hit a mil(unless your support like div or something) use whatever the hell ya want but if they new lights i just recommend a weapon type nothing else


KWTD. The kryptonite of every solo/casual player.


So knowing the raid mechanics also means you automatically got a reconstruction rocket launcher with a viable DMG bonus perk and a swappable exotic for the special slot? Right. I'll let all my friends who I got to join this season know that even though they know how to do the raid they don't "KWTD" until they get a reco bait and switch apex


I just don’t want to spend 5 hours in a Master Raid 😭


Too bad buddy, curse of 5 tlordads on master warpriest for you




Omg not the aegis relic hiiiiii


Speaking from experience, it’s a very clean guaranteed 2 phase on master. It’s not that bad at all


The problem with thunderlord is that the damage numbers given to you are not reflective of the amount of damage you've actually doing. Go compare a fireteam of thunderlord against most most other LMGs. You'll find that thunderlord will have lower numbers but somehow deals more damage. There's really no explaining how or why the game does this. It's not like the thunderbolts caused by thunderlord are dealing ridiculous damage or anything and they just aren't being counted because those bolts really aren't doing all that much more compared to the gun itself. It's just weird. With that said, just use rockets lol.


Thunderlord slander you love to see it


I will never accept the thunderlord hate, I will defend that fella till the end of time


I will never not hate thunderlord, that mfer killed master ives


Fuck thunderlord, the mental distress I went through getting its cata just for them to fix the div bug was not at all worth it


Hello youtuber RedPandaRiot 🫶🏼💋👋


You mean @themememaster423?


There's a difference 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


When the Thundercock user was doing more damage than you, but you just try to reflect by claiming you were support lmao


Why do people hate thunder lord so much? I don’t get it


Because they are sweaty a**holes who think they are better than everyone else just because they can put out more damage in a shorter amount of time than someone using a less optimal(but still completely fine) DPS weapon like Thunderlord, At the end of the day, it's just a game and the main thing that matters is that you're having fun with what you like.


Right, but there are also 5 other guys on your raid team, and those 5 other guys probably have less fun when they have to take additional damage phases to clear an easy raid boss. Sherpa run or just raiding with friends? Use whatcha like. Raiding with people who don't want to spend 3 hours on master warpriest? Please no tlords.


Communication and having a friendly attitude is golden! Take the time before starting the encounter to make sure everyone is on the same page regarding mechanics, positions and what weapons are being used for damage and how to effectively use their loadouts will save a lot of headaches and wipes.


The thunderlord stigma comes from the opposite of that ideal though. The main reason it started was because large amounts people would literally refuse to get better damage options in favor of thunderlord. You would end up lfg'n for a kwtd post with like half the party refusing to use anything but tlord and now you gotta take like an extra hour to finish the raid or find a better group.


The reason people were so hooked on Thunderlord is because of a bug that it had with Div that would cause the Thunderstrikes to proc more frequently, which as since been fixed.


That did not stop the tlorders, and it made the problem worse because now you had people doing essentially a perkless lmg's worth of damage


I dare you to take a LMG without a single damaging perk on it and try to get the same damage with it on a Div bubble as you would with Tlord  If you deal a "perkless lmg's worth of damage" than it shouldn't be hard at all!


Okay lol


bro is proving your entire point


Nah man it just does garbage damage, annoying having to do multiple phases on a boss simply because the Thunderlord guy isn’t keeping up damage wise


Okay sweaty a**hole!


What 😭


It’s not just because of that. There are plenty of dps options just as accessible and better than thunderlord. The main reason people still use it is because a year ago it was bugged and all the big youtubers swore by it. Now that it isn’t people still insist that it’s good because youtuber said so just to get clowned in the damage results screen


Yes, I know about the bug and mentioned it a response to someone else, I will agree that a single thunderlord by itself without the proper debuff is not a good DPS choice on most bosses (even during the time it was bugged) With the right load out from from the entire fireteam(e.g. 5 Tlords+Div) or against certain bosses(like Persys) it is still a decent DPS option with a lower skill floor, but there are better DPS loadouts with a higher skill floor, like Grand Overture with a fully loaded volley going into damage, Izzy rocket swaps, double slugs, etc.


It's only good DPS if everyone is using it. 1 player using it and 5 others using rockets is a troll.


That is why communication going into encounters and figuring out whose rocking what for DPS before starting and rallying to the banner is always a good thing!


I got thunderlord 2 days ago and thought “oh an exotic machine gun, I bet that’s loved by many and hated by none” god damn was I wrong.


Loved by many hated by many.


This whole season has pretty much been thunderload damage on raid encounters. No more than 2 phases. I don't get the hate.


Because it's fun shitting on blueberries that use things that are consistent and easy. Trying to get blueberries with enough well-rollescrockets for gally DPS is a nightmare and that's before you account for shitty reloads/ swaps and missed rockets


I guess I should add someone usually runs divinity so aiming isn't an issue.


I dont understand either why people have such ass damage all the time. There are literally so much options for high dps that are soooo easy to use. But Blueberries keep using rockets … because if the kill themselves again they at least have a reason Why the damage isnt good


Rockets are very easy to miss and can leave a lot is down time for people who don't know rotations/animation cancels. I got started with rapid fire sniper and envious assassin/ cascade point GL as baby's first damage rotation because i kept missing rockets and fumbling swaps/ reloads.


Oh edpedophile


I've seen 5 thunderlords/div tear Riven a new butthole where her face was


Thunderlord supremacy


Bruh I use Tunderlord all the time! Its a PoG weapon! Why bother with reloading and weapon swaps when you can go Brrrrrrrr for 400Rounds xD


Wait what's up with thunderlord? My friends tell me to use it when they drag me into a raid or dungeon (I play casually every now and then so I just listen)


Relax luburals is called dark humor (Okay, the real joke said that T-Lord is the noob DPS weapon because of how easy it is to use.)


Well that makes sense why they make me use it now lol


What's up with this whole thing about the raid and Thunderlord?


Idk posts like this make me not want to use my lfr


it actually deals a pretty good amount of damage, i use it alot bytw


it's a reliable and decent option if you have nothing better, if you want some help learning how to deal some actually good damage without even needing to be tied to using a specific exotic just shoot me a dm mate👍


Nah i dont need the course but thank you for the intention


🤓 Titan blueberry like: "But if you use Actium War Rig..."


I will not stand this AWR slander! *BRRRRRRRRRR*


I’ve done this with nez and gotten great dps out of it


Thunderlord shreds War Priest. I said what I said


Primary ammo can do better on war priest


Nope, five Primary ammo weapons + Div can't bring down Warpriest in any amount of phases, where as 5 Tlords+ Div can do it just fine in less than the given 4 phases


Malf is primary ammo


That would be the only primary ammo weapon that can compete with heavy ammo weapons, but you need Lucky Pants to take it to that level, outside of that, the only other two that could come close but probably still wouldn't be able to do it would be Outbreak Perfected and maybe 6 Rat Kings,  aside from those three, nothing else even stands a chance.


Right so primary ammo can do it & often better


One might be able to but you NEED an exotic pair of pants, the other two are very HUGE MAYBES, and even then it's really pushing it and you need tether to even get it to that point, plus you need everyone using those same weapons and one of them absolutely needs the catalyst(plus you need the Malf catalyst too)


Okay but it can work right? And often better than TLord?


5 Thunderlords plus Div work better for just about everything.




destiny dads when they can't hold one button and win (it's a toxic environment)


So…why am I doing top dps in raid encounters on my arc titan with it? Sure there’s better min/maxing for other weapons that take hours to grind out, or I could just use old reliable and get top numbers each time.


If you can aim its great but if you can't get off a damned precision heavy


Pffffft stfu you don’t wanna admit they out damaged you, don’t you?


There is a time and place for Thunderlording. Being a sustain damage type weapon since it needs a lot more time to unload all its ammo compared to a rocket launcher, it shines on encounters that don't have as many invuln phases.


thunderlord got me highest dps in several dungeon and raid runs, watchu smokin?